(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Did you know that birth control pills actually cause early silent abortions? Most people think that birth control pills simply prevent a woman from getting pregnant, which is sometimes the case. However, birth control pills also act as an abort efficient snuffing out a young life that has already begun. Not only that, but the Bible actually condemns other birth control methods as well. In our moderate society, birth controls is something that most people take for granted and have never even questioned. But we as Christians are commanded by the Bible to prove all things. And in the course of this film, you will learn the shocking truth about birth control. Currently in the United States, the pill is used by over 11 million women, many of whom are unaware of its mechanisms of action, even though they are printed on the packaging. Our message today is that the pill kills babies with its abortifacient effects. Birth control pills cause silent abortions. If you are taking birth control pills, you are inadvertently literally killing your children. And remember, this is the most commonly used birth control method. So before we get into the subject from the Bible of whether birth control is right or wrong, let me just start out by saying that the most commonly used, the most popular method of birth control, the one that four out of five women have used, is a pill that will literally cause your unborn children to die. Let me start out by proving to you from the Bible that life begins at conception. Look down at your Bible at Isaiah chapter 7, verse 14. Therefore, the Lord himself shall give you a sign. Behold, a virgin shall conceive and bear a son and shall call his name, Emmanuel. Now flip over if you would to Matthew chapter one, because in Matthew chapter one, this exact scripture is quoted in the New Testament. In the Old Testament, it said, a virgin shall conceive and bear a son. Well, in Matthew chapter one, verse 23, the Bible reads, behold, a virgin shall be with child and shall bring forth the son and they shall call his name, Emmanuel, which being interpreted is God with us. So isn't it interesting that in the Old Testament, it says conceive and in the New Testament says, shall be with child. You know what that tells me? That conception produces a child, not a blastocyst or an embryo or a fetus, but God considers that a child. When we talk about life beginning at conception, the devil loves to change the meaning of words. Now conception has historically always meant fertilization. When the seed from the man and the egg from the woman come together and that egg is fertilized, that has been known as conception. But now they're starting to change the definition. And even in some dictionaries, they'll put a definition that says, well, it's fertilization or implantation. Dr. Vanessa Cullins, vice president for medical affairs at Planned Parenthood Federation of America, was asked if hormonal birth control pills cause abortion. Her response was no. Abortion ends a pregnancy. Contraception pills work before pregnancy begins. Pregnancy begins with the implantation of the developing fertilized egg in a woman's uterus. Yet in the next paragraph, she admits implantation doesn't occur until five to seven days at the fertilization. Let's see what the Bible defines as conception. Let's make the Bible our final authority. The Bible says in Hebrews 11 verse 11, through faith also Sarah herself received strength to conceive seed and was the limit of a child when she was past age because she judged them faithful who had promised. So let me ask you this. Could conceive seed refer to implantation? Let me explain to you the terms here. The seed from the man travels into the woman's body and finds the egg and the egg is fertilized up toward the top of the fallopian tubes. That fertilized egg, that developing child that's multiplying and growing and so forth, begins to travel down that tube until it gets to the uterus. And when it arrives at the uterus, it implants itself into the wall of the uterus and then eventually that's where the placenta is going to be attached and then there's going to be a cord and the baby and so on and so forth. But that developing life comes down that tube and implants in the wall of the uterus. Now, when the Bible says that she's received strength to conceive seed, notice that conception is tied in with the seed, isn't it? Is the seed involved with implantation? No, because the seed is long gone. The seed from the man fertilizes that egg and then all the seed is gone, okay? And then a week goes by and then it implants. How could you call implantation conceiving seed? You can't. There's no seed there anymore. The seed has been gone for over a week. So we see that the world's definition that's a new definition that they're twisting and changing things to mean and that Planned Parenthood has pushed is not in tune with the Bible. It's just a lie of the devil to try to get you to say, oh yeah, life begins at conception. That's 7 to 14 days after fertilization. So here's how these birth control pills work. The combination pill works according to two mechanisms. There's a primary mechanism and then there's a backup mechanism, okay? The primary mechanism is to stop a woman from ovulating. She does not release an egg, therefore no pregnancy can occur. Now if a woman just doesn't release an egg and no pregnancy occurs, is any human life being snuffed out? Is anyone being killed? No, it's just no egg is produced and so there's not a pregnancy. But there's the backup mechanism. The pill thins the uterine lining and depletes it of essential nutrients such as glycodil and A to the degree that it cannot nourish a newly conceived baby. IVF data has repeatedly shown that the minimal endometrial thickness which is required to maintain an early pregnancy ranges from 5 to 13 millimeters. The average endometrial thickness of a pill user is only 1.4 millimeters. This is simply too thin to nourish a baby. Consequently, the baby dies and this is an abortion. You say, well how often is this happening? Well it depends on what type of pill is being taken. The most common pill, the popular pill, is the combination pill, which is estrogen and progestin combination. Breakthrough ovulation, which is when an egg is released even though you're taking the birth control pill, occurs 5 to 60 percent of the time. Simple logic tells us that if an egg can be released and fertilized 5 to 60 percent of the time and implantation is being prevented close to 100 percent of the time, a silent abortion is taking place 5 to 60 percent of months a woman is taking the pill because the seven-day-old child is unable to implant and dies. The morning after pill functions after the same principle to destroy the lining of the uterus but in a shorter period of time due to higher concentrations of the same hormones. Women deserve to be told the truth about the abortifacient mechanisms of the pill. To de-emphasize this information is unconscionable. Same thing with the Depo-Provera patch, the Depo-Provera shots. Any hormonal birth control method is an abortifacient that is causing you to have a silent abortion some percentage of the time and we as Christians should just reject it outright as being manslaughter or murder to take these type of pills knowing what they're doing to your body and knowing what they're doing to your children. The term birth control pills is accurate since they do not prevent conception but birth. Perhaps the reason God has not entered the abortion holocaust in America is that God's own people are unknowingly murdering their own offspring. If thou forbear to deliver them that are drawn to death and those that are ready to be slain if thou sayest behold we know it not does not he that ponder with the heart consider it and he that keepeth thy soul does not he know it and shall not he render to every man according to his works. And not only that I'm doing you a great favor by warning you about these things because honestly birth control pills are very harmful to your health in the first place. You know the pill kills and I'm going to tell you during this talk how that happens. So there are four major mechanisms how the pill can kill. They cause your blood to clot, they cause cancer, they make it easier to get potentially lethal infections and they make it more likely you will die a violent death. So what about this blood clotting? Well if the blood clots in a artery of your heart it's a heart attack or an MI. If it clots in your brain that's called a stroke. If it causes clots in the veins in your legs that's called a DVT or deep venous thrombosis. And if those clots in your legs break off and go to your lung that's called a pulmonary embolism. In 2005 the international agency on research of cancer which is part of the world health organization a UN body put out monograph 91 that stated estrogen progestin combination drugs in hormone replacement therapy and birth control pills were group one carcinogens for breast cervical and liver cancer. And yet that didn't make it on the six o'clock news. 2006 Chris Callenborn published a meta-analysis on the pill in the Mayo Clinic proceedings journal. In 2009 Dahl and other authors put out this paper that showed that you had a 320 percent increased risk of triple negative breast cancer. Triple negative breast cancer is the hardest breast cancer to treat because it's not sensitive to hormonal treatment. It's not sensitive to that monoclonal antibody drug Herceptin. And there are a lot of deaths from it in premenopausal women especially. So if you took the pill 18 and under and that's very common I have patients that come in they're 22 and they've already been on the pill for 10 years because they got put on it when they were 12 and they had painful periods. So since 1975 by the governmental SEER data that you can also look up on the web the incidence of in situ breast cancers non-invasive breast cancers has gone up 400 percent in premenopausal women. So you also increase the risk of cervical cancer and you also increase the risk of liver cancer. If you look at the history of birth control in this country first of all historically it's been considered ungodly and immoral to use birth control by Christian people throughout history. In fact it was illegal in the United States until the 20th century. and even criminal fundamental Christianity embraces less than 70 years later. Preachers used to be against birth control. You know one of the most famous baptist preachers of all times name is John R. Rice and whether you love John R. Rice or you're not a fan of John R. Rice isn't really the point. He was a mainstream very popular independent baptist preacher. John R. Rice said this in 1946. Here's what else he said. Yet people today will act like oh you know what are you preaching you're you know you're an independent baptist and you're preaching against birth control you're wild you're crazy you're fanatic but this is what everyone used to believe. In the words of our 26th president Theodore Roosevelt birth control is sinful. Could a baptist preacher today say in his pulpit what the president of the United States said in a public speech only 100 years ago? The woman who is responsible for bringing birth control into the mainstream and making it legal in the United States was a woman named Margaret Sanger. Now this Margaret Sanger was a eugenicist. So where did this campaign for birth control as a means of better health and empowering the family for the black community originate? We have to understand something called eugenics which was basically people's thoughts that the unfit should not reproduce and the fit should. So from this background of eugenics someone named Margaret Sanger and if you're not familiar with her she's the founder of Planned Parenthood some Margaret Sanger was a proponent of eugenics and she believed that the racially unfit should not reproduce and during her time in the early 1900s who would be the racially unfit? Well they'd be African Americans. She believed that white people were superior to other races and she like the Nazis you know believed that certain races were inferior to others and that we need to encourage those people not to reproduce so that we can just have the good people reproduce and the the fittest and the strongest people reproduce. So in comes Margaret Sanger with her slick talk but in reality Margaret Sanger thought of these people as human waste which really should they should not be reproducing anymore because they're just like weeds and so she came in with her talk of family planning and better health to try to basically trick the community into buying her program which is really sterilization birth control and abortion. She started an organization called the birth control federation of America and you know what the birth control federation of America later changed its name to Planned Parenthood which I call Planned Barrenhood. Okay Planned Parenthood that wicked organization that conservatives rail against for being pro abortion and pro death was actually originally known as the birth control federation of America so you can see the type of evil people that are behind this agenda she's the one who pushed this through and got it legal in the United States she's the one that promoted it and made it mainstream this wicked evil person named Margaret Sanger who is an evolutionist and who was not a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ by any stretch of the imagination. This is Margaret Slee president of America's Planned Parenthood federation maintains that European women should stop having babies for the next 10 years. Don't you think such a theory such a radical theory is anti-social? On the contrary it seems to me that it is more practical and humane but for my view I believe there should be no more babies. Do you believe in sin? When I say believe I don't mean to believe in committing sin do you believe there is such a thing as a as sin? Well I think the greatest sin in the world is bringing children into the world that have been diseased from their parents that have no chance in the world to be a human being practically delinquents prisoners all sorts of things just marked when they're born that to me is the greatest sin that people can can commit. Anyway the bottom line is that biblically speaking God wants us to have children and he wants us to be fruitful and multiply let's look at some scriptures on this and God blessed them and God said unto them be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth and you say well Pastor Anderson God's just telling them to be fruitful and multiply because there's only two of them obviously when there are only two people you're gonna have to be fruitful and multiply but what you have to understand is that he used the word replenish for a reason now if he were just talking to Adam and Eve only the word replenish would make absolutely no sense because replenish means to refill well guess what it had never been filled before so how can he tell them refill or replenish the reason he tells them to replenish is because the fact that it is not a command just to Adam and Eve but rather command to all of mankind to continually replenish the earth children are going to be born and people are going to die and it's our job to be fruitful to multiply and to replenish the earth on an ongoing basis and the word replenish proves that he was not speaking to just Adam only in that scripture but even so we have tons of other scripture look at Genesis chapter 9 what God said to Noah and God blessed Noah and his sons and said unto them be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth and you be fruitful and multiply bring forth abundantly in the earth and multiply therein see Pastor Anderson there's only eight of them of course they need to replenish I'm going to show you that this is a theme that comes up over and over again this wasn't just Adam this wasn't just Noah over and over again God's people are told to be fruitful and multiply it says in chapter 17 verse 20 and as for Ishmael I've heard thee behold I blessed him and will make him fruitful and will multiply him exceedingly 12 princes shall he begat and I will make him a great nation and by the way notice that being fruitful and multiplying is always associated with blessing being blessed when you're fruitful when you multiply that's a blessing in the bible Genesis 28 verse 3 and God almighty bless thee and make thee fruitful and multiply thee that thou mayest be a multitude of people and God said unto him I am God almighty be fruitful and multiply a nation and a company of nations shall be of thee and kings shall come out of thy loins and said unto me behold I will make thee fruitful and multiply thee and I will make of thee a multitude of people and will give this land to thy seed after thee for an everlasting possession for I will have respect unto you and make you fruitful and multiply you and establish my covenant with you this is when the children of Israel are already numbering in the millions there are millions and millions of children of Israel and they're out of Egypt and they're going into the promised land and God says if you obey my voice and if you keep my commandments I will make you fruitful and I will multiply you God wants his people to be fruitful and to multiply and it's a blessing when they do now in Exodus chapter 1 we have a story about the children of Israel they've gone down into Egypt and when they went down into Egypt the bible tells us in verse 5 and all the souls that came out of the loins of Jacob were 70 souls for Joseph was in Egypt already so the children of Israel they go down into Egypt are 70 souls 70 people and they're going down to Egypt which is one of the most powerful nations in the world a great big giant powerful nation they are 70 people let's fast forward a few hundred years and look what the bible says in verse 7 and the children of Israel were fruitful and increased abundantly and multiplied and waxed succeeding mighty and the land was filled with them let me ask this are God's people multiplying and look what the bible says in verse 8 now there arose up a new king over Egypt which knew not Joseph and he said unto his people behold the people of the children of Israel are more and mightier than we so are the Egyptians multiplying at the same rate as the Israelites no the Egyptians are obviously not multiplying and by the way if you go to Planned Parenthood's website they'll tell you birth control was invented in ancient Egypt that's what Planned Parenthood says on their website the oldest known birth control we found was found in ancient Egypt and the bible here shows us a contrast of God's people being fruitful multiplying and increasing abundantly while the population of the worldly Egyptians is not keeping pace at all to the point where 70 people outpace them and they say the people of the children of Israel are more and mightier than we now look Pharaoh here this evil king that wants to kill children later in the chapter represents the devil and so what we see in this story is that number one God's people multiplied greatly number two we see the devil didn't like it the devil is upset about it so what's the devil going to do about it to stop it let's read it it says in verse 10 come on let us deal wisely with them let's stay multiply and it come to pass that when there fall without any war they join also into our enemies and fight against us and so get them up out of the land they said look we need to do something about this we need to stop these people from multiplying therefore they did settle with them taskmasters to afflict them with their burdens and they built for Pharaoh treasure cities python and ramses but the more they afflicted them the more they multiplied and grew and they were grieved because of the children of Israel and the Egyptians made the children of Israel to serve with rigor and it made their lives bitter with hard bondage and motor and in brick and in all manner of service in the field all their service were when they made them serve was with rigor and what do we see here in all these verses over and over again they're making them do what work and serve with rigor and have burdens and have to do all this hard work and be in bondage but even in spite of all that they keep multiplying and growing don't they so look what the next step is it says in verse number 15 and the king of egypt spoke to the hebrew midwives in which the name of the one was shifra and the name of the other pua and he said when ye do the office of a midwife to the hebrew women and see them upon the stools if it be a son then ye shall kill him but if it be a daughter then she shall live but the midwives feared god and did not as the king of egypt commanded them but saved the men children alive so what do we see here in this number one god's people are multiplying greatly number two the devil doesn't like it number three he afflicts them with burdens hard work servitude and makes their lives rigorous and difficult and then number four he instructs the hebrews to murder their children but you know what the devil has done to try to stop god's people from multiplying as he says you know what let's put them to work and notably he wants to put the women to work put the women to work that'll stop them from multiplying because what was the devil's answer in exodus 1 he said put them to work and then kill the ones that are conceived and that's exactly what the devil's agenda is today he says number one send the women to work and then they won't be able to reproduce because they're not going to be able to miss work they're not going to be able to take care of the kids so they're going to be so busy with their job they're going to be forced to use birth control and then not only that but the ones that they would conceive we will slay them through what birth control pills that do cause silent early abortions and also through abortion itself surgical abortion itself now the united states department of labor has these statistics for 2013 that women participating in the labor force in 2013 that are of a working age is 57.2 percent and men working is 69.7 percent it's not even that different i mean think about it it's only about what a 12 percent difference between the men working versus the women where it didn't used to be that way folks it used to be that men went out to work and the women stayed home that was the norm that was the accepted uh societal norm that men would go to work and provide and that the women would stay home marry bear children and guide the house i think i read that in the bible first timothy chapter 5 verse 14 i will therefore that the younger women marry bear children guide the house give none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully for some are already turned aside after satan i will god's will i will therefore that women marry bear children guide the house give none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully for some are already turned aside after satan that's what the bible says but this story that we see playing out in exodus chapter one is the devil's modus operandi in 2014 as well same thing put the women to work and then slay the unborn that's the plan you say okay pastor anderson you've at least convinced me that the birth control pills are wrong because they are taking a life i mean how can you be against the morning after pill and not against normal birth control pills when the morning after pill is just a high dosed birth control pill that's all it is the morning after pill contains the same hormones at a higher dose that will just quickly change the lining of the uterus to make it a hostile environment for the child that's why it works but you say well pastor anderson okay i'm convinced that uh you know birth control pills are the wrong way to go they're abort efficient but what about other birth control methods i mean come on are you telling me that birth control is wrong and that there's no acceptable birth control method in a word yes but let's just go through the methods quickly and i don't want to you know i'm not going to get into any detail or be graphic or anything but there are a few different types of methods go to genesis chapter 38 if you would genesis chapter 38 because genesis 38 is the only mention of birth control in the entire bible it says in verse 8 and judah said unto onan go in unto thy brother's wife and maria and raise up seed to thy brother and onan knew that the seed should not be his and it came to pass when he went in unto his brother's wife that he spilled it on the ground lest that he should give seed to his brother and the thing which he did displeased the lord wherefore he slew him also god got angry and killed him not a very good advertisement for birth control right here in genesis 38 it's not looking good and and especially when you realize this is the only mention of birth you say oh pastor i understand you poor ignorant fool don't you realize that the reason why god was mad at onan was the reason why he spilled it on the ground why what was wrong with his reason you say well it's because he did it for a selfish reason yeah but everybody who uses birth control is doing it for a selfish reason name for me a birth control motivation that's not selfish why do today's christians seek to limit the size of their families by means of birth control not one reason can be given as to why a christian will want to bypass the blessing of children that is not motivated by either selfishness or a lack of faith in god the bible clearly teaches that it is the lord that opens the womb of a woman and causes her to conceive a child who are we to tamper with the will of god for the lord at fast closed up all the wounds of the house of abimelech because of sarah abraham's wife and when the lord saw that leah was hated he opened her womb but rachel was barren and god remembered rachel and god hearkened to her and opened her womb but until hannah he gave a worthy portion for he loved hannah but the lord had shut up her womb and her adversary also provoked her sword for to make her fret because the lord had shut up her womb shall i bring to the birth and i cause to bring forth saith the lord shall i cause to bring forth and shut the womb saith thy god you say okay well what other methods are there there's got to be an acceptable method out there of birth control well these are the basic classifications of birth control methods first of all you have hormonal birth control and that's going to include your your iud's that release hormones these myrena ring thing and the patch and the shot and the mini pill and the combination all hormonal birth control methods will put those in the same category and those should be immediately ruled out of being manslaughter or if you do it intentionally on purpose it would be murder if you do it by accident it's manslaughter okay those are ruled out well then another method that people would use is the onan method we'll call it you know spilling it on the ground you know the bible isn't really saying anything positive about that method then another method that people would use is is a barrier method is what they'll call it and to me a barrier method is pretty much the same thing as onan's method you know i'll put it in the same category personally okay and then another method that's pretty popular amongst catholics and this is what the catholics teach that you should be doing is called natural family planning or nfp now natural family planning you know you're not really using birth control per se because you're not using barriers you're not using the pills or anything like that i'm just going to say it right now i'm against natural family planning i don't believe in it my children are approximately two years apart and we do not use any birth control we use none zero zilch okay the only birth control method we use is getting on our knees and praying for god to give us more children that's our only birth control that we use okay but we never use any so how and i'll explain to you a little later how our children are two years apart and we do not use natural family planning nfp this is also sometimes known as the rhythm method we do not use it and i'm repeating this because people often mistakenly think oh pastor anderson you know believes in natural family planning or pastor anderson is you know believes in the rhythm no i don't i've never taught that never believed that we don't use it none of our children are spaced through natural family planning natural family planning is where you chart out a woman's cycle and they they chart out her monthly cycle and sometimes they'll use computer software smartphone app different charts maybe even take your temperature and and chart all this data and enter it into a computer and this software will tell you when you are the most fertile each month so there's about five to seven days a month that are blacked out as okay this is the time when she's most likely to get pregnant so if you abstain during these five to seven months she's probably not going to get pregnant that's called natural family planning or the rhythm method now a lot of catholics will use this and this is what the catholic church promotes and they'll say this they'll say well you know god could still make you get pregnant if he wanted to so it's not really birth control you know it's just kind of like well you know it could still be but but here's here's why i'm against natural family planning because of the fact that first of all there's another big blackout period each month if you know what i mean so now we have two major blackouts each month number one okay but number two the fact is that during the blackout period is actually the best time for a husband and his wife to hit the sack because that's actually when a woman is going to enjoy it the most you know i'm not trying i'm keeping this g-rated but it's just a scientific fact that women actually desire intimacy the most during that period why because when their body is ovulating and when they are releasing that egg and able to become pregnant they naturally desire that union with their husband so it's isn't it kind of foolish to black out the best part of the month for intimacy between husband and wife and say well okay the best time for doing it the best week we're not going to do it that week that's not very good for your marriage okay especially because now you have these two big blackout periods each month so half the month is x'd off the calendar okay but not only that look what the bible says in first corinthians chapter 7 defraud ye not one the other except it be with consent for a time that you may use natural family planning is that what it says it says accept to be with consent for a time that you may give yourselves to fasting and prayer and come together again that satan tempt you not for your incontinence what is the purpose of god saying hey do not abstain from a physical relationship with your spouse do not defraud one the other he said because you don't want satan to tempt you for your incontinence and the blackout period of natural family planning is the time when the husband and wife would be the most open to temptation so and and god's not even making any allowance for it here he's not teaching us that hey abstain every month in order not to have children no children are a blessing they're supposed to be fruitful and multiplying we're supposed to be having lots of children according to the bible psalm 127 says this love children are in heritage of the lord and the fruit of the womb is his reward as arrows are in the hand of a mighty man so are children of the youth happy is the man that hath this quiver full of them they shall not be ashamed but they shall speak with the enemies in the gate god says children are a blessing we should want to have our quiver full of them wait so it's a joy and a blessing and a good thing to have children so when you teach this and you say hey be fruitful multiply increase abundantly exceedingly have children don't use birth control you don't need to be onan you don't need to murder your own children you don't need to sit there and abstain from a physical relationship from your spouse during the best parts of the month no the bible is telling us to have children people will say this well if you do that you're just going to get pregnant every nine months and that's not healthy that's what they'll say won't they if you heard this opposition now personally i don't think that that's healthy for women to have children every nine or ten months and frankly that's why god didn't design it that way and that's why even though my wife and i use no birth control we do not have children every nine or ten months you say pastor anderson how do you do it how are you not having children every 11 12 months pastor anderson what's the deal what's your secret josea chapter 1 verse 8 says this now when she had weaned loruhamah she conceived and bear a son when did this woman conceive when she weaned why because breastfeeding will stop you from getting pregnant simply breastfeeding your baby regularly and exclusively can help you prevent another pregnancy for six months how does it work well if you breastfeed exclusively that means no formula or other baby foods the hormones in your body will naturally change to prevent ovulation the release of an egg no egg no pregnancy this all happens naturally without a prescription or any medication breastfeeding is safe simple and convenient there are no negative side effects there's nothing to buy there are a lot of great health and nutrition benefits for your baby and for you breastfeeding is incredibly effective as birth control so effective that for every 100 women who breastfeed continuously for the first six months after birth only one or two of them will get pregnant it is 99 effective if you do it properly if you breastfeed on demand your child that will prevent you from getting pregnant again until it is naturally safe to do so look god designed it in his wisdom think about how smart god is god designs it where a woman gives birth to a child and then breastfeeding that child keeps her from getting pregnant again until her body has a chance to recover and then by the time the child is older and grown and and you know able to eat a lot of solids and breastfeeding less and less then the woman's fertility will come back and then she'll be able to have the next child and this is not a birth control method because we were you know we were going to breastfeed the kid anyway it's just called doing it normal it's called just having your kid and feeding it the way god planned so this isn't natural family planning that's why i want to make sure there's no confusion here this is not a birth control method this is not using birth control and yet having children that are spaced normally and naturally and healthy but this is why it doesn't work for most people because if you put your kid on a four-hour feeding schedule not going to work you must feed the child on demand meaning when it's hungry feed it and with a newborn that's pretty much every hour so when my wife has a little baby she's feeding the baby constantly she's nursing it constantly okay that's one of the rules okay number two the baby has to sleep in bed with you because if you don't have the baby in bed with you then you can't feed it on demand throughout the night every hour now a lot of people will say oh baby in bed with you that's a bassinet next to the bed no see and this is why it doesn't always work for people because they don't follow the protocol that's going to work they try to do a four-hour feeding schedule they're supplementing with bottles they're they're having the baby in a bassinet or a crib or something like that no the baby has to be in bed with you society wants you using birth control i think exodus 1 shows us why because the devil doesn't like it when god's people multiply and while the mormons are multiplying and while the muslims are multiplying god's people are having 2.5 children and it's a shame we as god's people need to multiply abundantly and churches would be filled with a new generation that's growing up and learning the word precept upon precept line upon line and they're going to grow up and be by the army for the lord but instead people are refusing to have kids because they're serving the idols of this world and chasing after materialism or they're buying into the ideology of the satan worshiper margaret sanger because they're being brainwashed by tv and school and everything else and i'm here to tell you today that god's way is the best way the natural way the christian way and if you would get on god's program by faith and just step out in faith and say i'm going to do it god's way you know what you'll find that god will provide and that god will give you a lot of joy and happiness in your life and god's going to bless you because the path to god's blessing is through the door of obedience the people of god have been heavily influenced by the ungodly world system and the key doctrines of the bible presented here have all but fallen by the wayside we have gone from condemning all methods of birth control to condoning and even promoting birth control pills which are the most heinous form of birth control would to god this generation would stand up and fight for this key doctrine of god's word and cleanse our churches from the blood of our sons and daughters so so so so so you know the bible is really clear on salvation it's not based on how good you are a lot of people think they're pretty good you know and yeah they're gonna get to heaven because they're pretty good but the bible says for all have sinned and come short of the glory of god the bible says that is written there is none righteous no not one i'm not righteous you're not righteous and if it were our goodness that would get us into heaven none of us would be going because the bible even says in revelation 21 8 it says but the fearful and unbelieving and the abominable and murderers and sorcerers and whoremongers and idolaters and listen to this and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone which is the second death i've lied before everybody's lied before so we've all sinned and we've done stuff worse than lying let's face it we all deserve hell but the bible says but god commanded his love toward us in that while we were yet sinners christ died for us and so jesus christ because he loves us came to this earth the bible says he was god manifest in the flesh god basically took on human form he lived a sinless life he did not commit any sin and of course they beat him and spit on him and nailed him to the cross the bible says that when he was on that cross he himself bear our sins in his own body on the tree so every sin you've ever done every sin i've ever done it was as if jesus had done it he was being punished for our sins and then of course they took his body when he died they took his body and buried it in the tomb and his soul went down to hell for three days and three nights acts 231 three days later he rose again from the dead he showed under the disciples the holes in his hands and the bible is really clear that jesus did die for everybody it says that he died not for our sins only but also for the sins of the whole world but there's something that we must do to be saved the bible says it has that question in act 16 what must i do to be saved and they said believe on the lord jesus christ and thou shalt be saved in thy house and that's it he didn't say join a church and you'll be saved get baptized and you'll be saved live a good life and you'll be saved repent of all your sins and you'll be saved no he said believe and even the most famous verse in the whole bible that's written on the bottom i mean the reference is written on the bottom of the cup at in and outburger i mean it's so famous everybody's heard of it john 3 16 for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life and everlasting means everlasting means forever and jesus said i give unto them eternal life and they shall never perish neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand the bible says in john 6 47 verily verily i say unto you he that believeth on me hath everlasting life so if you believe on jesus christ the bible says you have everlasting life you're going to live forever you can't lose your salvation it's eternal it's everlasting once you're saved once you believe on him you're saved forever and no matter what you can never lose your salvation even if i were to go out and commit some awful sin god will punish me for it on this earth if i went out and killed somebody today you know god's going to make sure i get punished i'm going to prison or far worse or the death penalty whatever this earth punishes me and god's going to make sure i get punished even more but i'm not going to hell there's nothing i could do to go to hell because i'm saved and if i went to hell god lied because he promised that whoever believeth in him has everlasting life and he said whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die that's why there are a lot of examples of people in the bible who did some really bad stuff yet they made it to heaven how because they were so good no it's because they believed on the lord jesus christ their sins are forgiven other people who may have lived a better life in the world's eyes or maybe even really they lived a better life they don't believe in christ they're going to have to go to hell to be punished for their sins and let me just close on this one thought one thing that i wanted to be sure and bring up today is that there was a question that was asked to jesus by one of his disciples and that question was this are there few that be saved that's a good question right i mean are most people saved or is it few that are saved now who here thinks that most people are going to heaven most people in this world are going to heaven yeah guess what the answer was he said in matthew 7 for example he said enter ye in at the straight gate he said because wide is the gate and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction and many there be which go in there at because straight is the gate and narrow is the way which leadeth unto life and few there be that find it and then he went on to say this he said not everyone that saith unto me lord lord shall enter the kingdom of heaven but he that doeth the will of my father which is in heaven many will say to me in that day lord lord have we not prophesied in thy name and in thy name have cast out devils and in thy name done many wonderful works and then while i profess unto them i never knew you depart from me that work iniquity and so you see there are people out there first of all the majority of this world doesn't even claim to believe in jesus thankfully the majority of this classroom claims to believe in jesus okay but the majority of the world does not claim to believe in jesus but god warned that even amongst those who claim to believe in jesus even amongst those that call him lord many will be saying to him what if all are we did all these wonderful works why aren't we saved he's gonna say depart from me i never you that's why that's because salvation is not by works and if you're trusting your own works to save you if you think you're going to heaven because you've been baptized or if you think you well i think you have to live a good life i think you have to keep the commandments to be saved i think you have to go to church i think you gotta you know turn from your sense you know if you're trusting in your works jesus is going to say to you one day depart from me i never knew you you have to have all your faith in what he did you have to put your faith in what jesus did on the cross when he died for you he's buried and rose again that's your ticket into heaven if you're trusting all the things oh i'm going to heaven because i'm such a good christian and i do all these wonderful things he's going to say depart me and notice what he said depart from me i never knew you not i used to know you because once he knows you remember i mentioned this earlier it's everlasting it's eternal once he knows you you're saved forever but he's going to say depart from me i never knew you because if you go to hell it's because he never knew you because once he knows you he knows you it's just like my children will always be my children you know when you're born again when you're his child you'll always be his child you may be the black sheep of the family you know you may be somebody who gets disciplined by god heavily on this earth you can screw up your life down here but you can't screw that up you know you're saved it's a done deal and so that's the main thing that i wanted to present to you about the end times and we do have just a few minutes for questions about either salvation or about the end times you