(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) You In the late 19th century a movement known as the Hebrew roots was born This movement teaches a wide variety of doctrines that differ from biblical Christianity It is a complete shame a complete shame my friends that the entire Christian world Calls the Messiah by a completely bogus and made-up false name And I want you to get this they know it Many leaders in this movement believe and teach that a person's salvation is attained by the observance of the Sabbath the dietary laws and the keeping of the Torah What do you need to do to be saved what did you show us a Keep Torah, oh, I know people want to go and tell me what Paul said and how they want to bend and twist Paul No, no, what did you shoe us say? Yeshua said keep the commandments and you shall live keep the commandments and you'll be delivered keep the commandments will inherit everlasting life Despite the fact that the writings of the New Testament were originally written in Greek Many within the Hebrew roots deny this fact and claim that the New Testament was written in Hebrew Some of them will even say that no one can understand the Bible unless they understand the Hebrew language Within the Torah observant community there are many different factions and beliefs regarding the name of Jesus Bible translations and what is dictated as scripture? Some within the Hebrew roots movement believe that the teachings of the Apostle Paul contradict the rest of the Bible Some of them even say that he is a heretic and that none of his epistles should be given any authority Even though the Apostle Peter Testified that the words of Paul are scripture the members within the Hebrew roots often discount the authority of Paul's writings Oh I know people want to go and tell me what Paul said and how they want to bend and twist Paul No, no, what did you shoe us say? Many different beliefs are held on certain extracurricular books that are not included in the biblical canon Some regard the book of Thomas the book of Enoch and the book of Maccabees as part of the holy scriptures Within the Hebrew roots is a very popular sect known as the sacred names movement The members of the sacred names movement believe that one must renounce the name of Jesus Keep the law and call upon the name Yahuwah to attain everlasting salvation This Group has a very large disdain for Christians and is known to embrace the elements of Judaism as their foundation rather than Christianity Did you know that the name Jesus is less than 400 years old Where did this name come from and what was the original name of our Messiah? Jesus is false. It's a false name. They know it. Okay, it was created It's it's just it's no more than a few hundred years old In this film we will be taking a deeper look into the Hebrew roots movement In order to have a clear understanding of their beliefs we will go face-to-face with their leaders Teachers and some of their members to see clearly what they believe Ultimately we will see if the beliefs of the Hebrew roots movement are based on the holy scriptures Or if they're based on something outside of the Bible itself You My name is Matt Powell I was in the Hebrew roots movement for almost two years and a lot of the doctrines that they taught people what they hid on The surface and they wouldn't just come out and actually tell me what they believe My name is David dong era and I grew up in the Hebrews movement and thank God today I know the truth and looking hindsight. I think that a lot of the things that I experienced and learned I think I can be a blessing to those that are still there That was a picture of the perfect lamb Jesus Christ and his blood being shed for us And when they would take the blood and put it over the door post and the angel of death passed over them That was a picture that if you're covered by the blood of Jesus Christ, the death is gonna pass over you Because the second death has no power on you. That was a picture of Jesus Here is their salvation at any other for there is none other name under heaven given among them We're by we must be saved and that name is Jesus right? Jesus is the name above all names The name that God has exalted above every name the Bible tells us is Jesus Look at what it says there in verse number 10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow of things in heaven and things in earth and things under the earth that Every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father So what name does the Bible tell us that we ought to use and that has been exalted above every name? And it's the name of Jesus Christ You Man the title of my sermon this morning is the Old Testament Sabbath the Old Testament Sabbath now we do not observe the seventh day Sabbath in the New Testament We don't observe any day of the week today as the Sabbath day Where we don't do any work or have a solemn assembly on that day We have Church on Sunday Which is the first day of the week and I'm gonna preach to you about why that is in this sermon now There are people out there who want to get us to observe the Sabbath and what this is is the gateway drug Into a whole slew of things observing the Torah Hebrew roots and eating kosher food and going down this whole long list until eventually you reach the Destination at the end of that dark path and the destination is Judaism I Know a guy who's going to school to be an Orthodox rabbi right now I don't see how he couldn't have been at salvation when he talked about his childhood and getting into it I don't think there was any doubt in his mind at one time So he somehow forsook the Messiah he walked away whether his faith. I mean you can argue. Maybe his faith was weak Typically the first thing that they come at you with is the Sabbath day and the reason that they hit you with that first is Because of the fact that they have a strong argument for it by saying well, it's in the Ten Commandments There's a inconsistency among professing Christians. They will protest at courtrooms About taking on the Ten Commandments, but they only believe in keeping nine I'm gonna keep all nine, but that one don't want to The number one reason that the Hebrew roots movement believes that the Sabbath is for today is because it's part of the Ten Commandments From a doctrinal standpoint because it is a commandment and it's also it's one of the Ten Commandments That's a big deal because the Ten Commandments was put in the ark. It's a commandment. It's the fourth commandment Most people would agree that the Old Testament is done away But what people fail to understand oftentimes is that the Ten Commandments actually were the Old Testament now I'll explain that a little bit further in a moment. But if you would go to Deuteronomy chapter 4 Deuteronomy chapter 4 we're gonna look up all three mentions of this term the Ten Commandments It's mentioned three times in the Old Testament. The first was in Exodus 34. The next one's in Deuteronomy 4 13 The Bible reads and he declared unto you his covenant Which he commanded you to perform Even Ten Commandments, so he said even there is a restatement. He declared the Covenant Even Ten Commandments and so it's clear that the Bible is saying here that the words of the Covenant were the Ten Commandments Second Corinthians chapter 3 verse 6 watch this who also hath made us able ministers of the New Testament Not of the letter but of the Spirit for the letter killeth, but the Spirit giveth life But if the ministration of death watch this Written and engraven in stones Was glorious. Let me ask you something What was it that was written engraven in stones the whole book of Genesis the whole book of Exodus? Nope, was the whole book of Leviticus graven in stone. What was engraven in that stone? the Ten Commandments and he says that the ministration of death was written and engraven in Stones and it says it was glorious We're in verse 7 so that the children of Israel could not steadfastly behold the face of Moses for the glory of his countenance Watch this which glory was to be done away So the Bible says that that which was engraven in stones Being the Ten Commandments was to be done away. Oh, they're written in stone. It's permanent Well, I guess you forgot the part where Moses took the stone tablets and he broke them He literally took those permanent Ten Commandments and he threw them on the ground and shattered them. You know what that pictures it pictures that the best man Who was the best guy in Exodus? The best guy broke the Ten Commandments That's why the old covenant is known as what the ministration of death But you say well that's Sabbath day I mean, it's part of the Ten Commandments Okay Look if the law is changed in the New Testament which the Bible says the priesthood being changed there is made of necessity A change also of the law then guess what something about the Ten Commandments is gonna change, too We do not keep the literal Sabbath day where we work six days and then take a day of rest. We don't do it That's Old Testament Old Covenant and that is not commanded in the New Testament The Bible says in Hebrews 8 8 it says for finding fault with them He saith behold the days come saith the Lord when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel And with the house of Judah and so a new covenant means that the stones that were written upon in the Old Testament That were the old covenant were no longer going to be the covenant that God would use God would use a new covenant not in the letter but in the spirit One of the things I saw in Christianity was was a little bit of a selfish route And the reason I say that is because everything was based on Salvation and that just kind of didn't really set well with me I felt like there was there was something more to achieve One of the things I found and I think most people that you'll talk to in Hebrew roots It kind of starts with the Sabbath and that's why I'm telling you the Sabbath keeping is the gateway drug to keeping the whole law to getting circumcised and Eating kosher food and going down that road and then eventually what they're trying to do is a bait-and-switch To get you from messianic Judaism into just Judaism synagogue of Satan Judaism One of the things that the Hebrew roots movement tried to teach me was this idea that the Talmud was somehow the Word of God And so obviously there are layers in the Hebrew roots movement people in the movement that would say that the Talmud is wicked and praise God for that, but there are a group of people specifically the sacred names movement that teaches that Jesus is a pagan name You know, that's that's serious that's satanic And in fact, one of my friends from the Hebrew roots movement told me he says Matt He says unless you deny the name of Jesus unless you renounce his name You cannot be saved and that's when I realized that there was something severely wrong with the movement that I was a part of We speak English and because we speak English, we're gonna call him Jesus We're gonna call him what the Bible says Jesus Christ the name that every knee shall bow There is a law that we keep the Sabbath And so when I don't have a desire to keep the law Then I would consider myself doomed right because I would have permanent separation from the Father People don't want to think of grace like it's earned but it actually is This Hebrew roots movement. It's not just a it's not that they just like the Old Testament And they just want to do things like the Old Testament. They believe by doing this They are saved and they will mask what they do and they'll say it's just by faith It's not of works. They'll mask it with that. So we are saved from our past through faith I believe beyond Christ and then from our present to the day that we die and go home to be with the Lord It's a faith plus work system. It's a faith plus work system You Know David one of the things that I would say the Hebrew roots movement messes up right at the beginning is their Foundation and that is salvation, you know the Bible clearly teaches that salvation is by faith alone in Christ alone and that we can't lose our salvation is salvation by faith or works Again, I don't have a concrete answer to that Man, that's an awesome question that I wish I wish that I could give you a solid answer and I should be able to give You a solid answer But if you want to have eternal life keep the commandments Wow, that's such a big part of it A lot of times people will say well, they just believe Old Testament salvation, but I'm here to tell you brother They don't believe in salvation in the New Testament. They don't believe in salvation the Old Testament. It's always been the same salvation You know It's always been through grace and by faith alone and Psalm 89 is a perfect place that shows us in the Old Testament That God would never break his covenant with his children now We may break the Covenant and the Bible goes on to say in Psalm 89 verse 30 If his children forsake my law and walk not of my judgments if they break my statutes and keep not my commandments Then will I visit their transgression with the rod and their iniquity with stripes? Nevertheless my lovingkindness will I not utterly take from him nor suffer my faithfulness to fail So God's saying look I will not suffer my faithfulness to fail I have made this promise and I'm gonna perform it until the day of Jesus Christ My covenant will I not break nor alter the thing that has gone out of my lips So God is clearly saying that he will not break the Covenant nor alter the thing that has gone out of his lips Our present to the day that we die it's a faith plus work system We had to believe on Christ and keep the commandments that have not changed We can atone for our past but from our present to the day we go home to be the Lord it's faith plus works That's basically what salvation is None of us know what it truly means to be saved I just have to completely die to the person who I was in order for Christ to live through me Or I have no hope and now as I continue to keep the Sabbath Then I feel confident that in the end He will save me. But if I don't how could I trust in a prayer that I said that I didn't even mean And I don't think that the Hebrew roots movement should cause us to want to prove salvation through the Old Testament either This is obviously a very strong point that it's even in the Old Testament But I think the New Testament should be enough to prove that salvation was always the same It was an everlasting salvation. We can go to many Old Testament passages. We can go to Isaiah 40 41 We can go to Psalm 89 and so on and so forth show examples of people men of God that fell out And then I still went to heaven King Saul is primary example of a man that in the Old Testament where he believed on Jesus the Bible says that God gave him a new heart and obviously, we know King Saul he's he was a a Byword, right? He was a proverb because it's such a such a failure. He was of all the things he did and at the end we know that the Prophet Samuel and first Samuel chapter 28 Says that tomorrow shalt thou and thy sons be with me and obviously we know Samuel's in heaven and so prophet Samuel looks at Saul and says you're gonna be with me and We know that Saul proceeds the ultimate sin in people's minds to kill himself So that would take all doubt that this guy might have repented at the last moment The last thing he did was commit suicide. The last thing he did was kill himself. And so According to prophet Samuel he's with him right now And so we could go on and on about these things but at the end of the day the New Testament should be our final authority about salvation through Jesus And so if you could lose your salvation then this passage in the Bible wouldn't make any sense whatsoever And so, you know, obviously Saul Fell on his own sword and committed suicide probably one of the worst sins ever But the Bible says that he's with the Lord right now He's in heaven and anybody that's put their faith and trust in Christ. Jesus is eternally saved a Lot of the strong principles a lot of the strong teachings of salvation of the gospel in the Bible are in book of Psalms the book of Genesis the book of Exodus and so on and so Truthfully the Bible does not teach a once saved always saved theology It's not like a light switch one day you're lost one day you're one day you're saved people look at it like that And it's not true at all You Being saved is a process that is not completed until the end At any time in your life, you could fall and lose out on everlasting life. I Think it's this thing that we all learned in Christianity. At least those who came through Christianity is this idea of being saved One of the main leaders of the Hebrew roots movement is a man by the name of Steve Burkson and He did this 17 part series called are you saved and in his series? He went on to say several times to his audience just within the first few minutes That there's no assurance of salvation and that no one is saved Now anybody that's read the Bible knows that the Bible clearly says that we have been saved We are saved and The Bible says nowhere that we are being saved, you know, but these guys say well, we're being saved Well show me that in the Bible They can't the reason is is because it's not there In fact, the opposite is true The Bible says in 1st Corinthians 1 18 for the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness But in the us which are saved are saved. It is the power of God. So we are saved It doesn't say that we are not saved or that nobody's saved the Bible clearly says that we are saved in our King James Bible We read many times as we are saved I want to read to you 2nd Corinthians chapter 2 verse 15 It says for we are unto God a sweet Savior of Christ in them that are saved and in them that perish For by grace are you saved Romans 8 says for you're saved by hope you are saved You are saved by hope yeah, and so there's no question about it and Jesus said my sheep hear my voice He says and I know them and they follow me He says and I give unto them eternal life and they shall never perish So when we're saved Jesus says we have eternal life and we shall never perish, you know The woman that touched the hem of Christ's garment in the New Testament She said hey if I can just but touch his garment the hem of his garment. I'll be healed. I'll be whole and He looked at her when she touched the hem of his garment and he said daughter be of good cheer Thy faith hath made be whole, you know, so with Steve Burkson, how could anybody say well be of good cheer No one is saved be of good cheer. You've been made partially whole You The Bible tells us that salvation is only by grace through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ Well, then therefore we are saved the moment we have that faith the moment We believe and call upon the name of the Lord. Well, then we are saved at that moment The Bible makes it very clear John chapter number 3 verse number 36 It says he that believeth on the Sun Hath everlasting life and he that believeth not the Sun shall not see life But the wrath of God abideth on him and so it says that we have it you hath Everlasting life meaning you have it right now Jesus himself said John 5 24 Verily verily I say unto you he that heareth my word and believeth on him that sent me Hath everlasting life and shall not come into condemnation But is passed from death unto life And so at that moment that we believe we are already passed from death unto life Do I believe I have eternal life or it's something that I get later I can't give a yes or no answer to that I Believe if I was to drop dead right now. Yes, I will be in the kingdom But Yeshua will let me in People like Michael Rood or people like Steve Burkson, they they haven't understood what a promise means They haven't understood what a promise means let alone a promise of God Bible says he can't lie and so that's the assurance right there if God promised it which the Bible says in hope of eternal life Which God they cannot lie promise before the world began God has promised to us eternal life the Bible says and this life isn't his son So if God has promised us eternal life, how sure can you be of that promise? How certain are you of that? Are you going to think that God's a liar? He doesn't lie the Bible says So to lose your salvation it involves all those things you reject the Lord Jesus Christ you don't you don't endure unto the end you receive no chasting for your sin and Lastly you're not keeping the commandments still applicable and we've only keep these commandments through the Lord Jesus Christ in perfection We don't do that. Why should he why should he accept us? Well, if they can't even get salvation right if the Hebrew roots movement cannot understand the gospel of Christ the very foundation of our faith Why would we trust them for anything else? Yeah, why would we trust them to tell us the name of the Savior? Why do we trust them to? Say what we should wear in church or how we should look in church or what we should do in church They're not even saved the Spirit of Christ doesn't dwell in them Another one of the strange doctrines of the Hebrew roots movement is this idea that circumcision has some part in salvation But the Bible is very clear that salvation is by faith alone without the deeds of the law Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ Even we have believed in Jesus Christ that we might be justified by the faith of Christ and not by the works of the law For by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified It takes a circumcised heart Along with the flesh. No one will enter the kingdom unless they are circumcised of heart and of flesh no one will enter the kingdom unless they are circumcised of heart and of flesh and Certain men which came down from Judea taught the brethren and said Except you be circumcised after the manner of Moses. You cannot be saved and These certain men which came down teaching that Paul calls them in the book of Galatians False brethren crept in unawares these people who came down notice They're just certain men which came down from Judea that taught this garbage He calls them false brethren in Galatians chapter 2 when he refers back to this So basically the Apostle Paul Would call Zach Bower a false brother crept in unawares He's a wolf in sheep's clothing if he's teaching this garbage that you have to be circumcised to be saved Even the casual reader of the New Testament knows that you don't have to be circumcised to be saved In whom also ye are circumcised with the circumcision made without hands In putting off the body of the sins of the flesh by the circumcision of Christ So The Bible tells us here in the New Testament that we are circumcised with the circumcision made without hands And so if we were to be circumcised with hands physically, then this verse wouldn't make any sense Why do I believe once they'd always saved as a nonsensical doctrine? Well, there's a number of reasons for one thing We should be moving on to other more important issues. I don't think it's easy to walk away from your salvation Matt. I Think it's you know, it's got to be a very conscious conscious Willful decision one of the things that I noticed during an interview with one of the men in the Hebrew roots movement was this idea that God would actually abort his children and this guy even said look God will do a Spiritual abortion on somebody that doesn't remain in the Covenant Nobody's completely born again in terms of us being finalized until the day that we die in Christ we are conceived spiritually in Christ and we are developing as we grow in the Lord as we grow and we mature in learning God's commandments and learning how to follow Christ and crucify the Flesh with a lust thereof and God is for knowledge if he see this person is not gonna cut it At that point whenever God chooses to he says I'm done You are now aborted We saw from God's Word that those of us who are saved are in the Covenant whether we like it or not Because God said he will not break the Covenant It's God who holds us in his hand and says I will not let my children go He says I will never leave thee nor forsake thee. It's God that said those words So it's man's wisdom that says that God will abort his children It's the wisdom of God and the power of the cross that says once we're saved. We're always saved God has every right to abort Anybody who is conceived in Christ if they do not endure Think of the the King Saul in the Old Testament he started off fine, but then he started to mess up Brother David when I was first introduced to the Hebrew roots movement One of the things that they had told me several times was that they believe in salvation by faith alone and that you can't work Your way to heaven, but I remember one evening. I was sitting with some of my friends and one of them He was an older man. He was probably about 60 years old and he looked at me and he looked at everybody He says you know what? He says I know that we have said that Keeping the Torah the commandments is not a part of salvation He's like, I know we say that but who are we kidding You don't hear any of them telling you that the gospel is salvation by faith alone and that it's not of works And that it's just believing on Jesus Christ that saves you and that you can't lose your salvation They teach that if you don't do the deeds if you don't do the works if you don't keep the commandments that you're gonna lose your salvation So The text do say believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved But what does it really mean to believe to really believe means to obey to really believe means to obey One of the major doctrines that the Hebrew roots movement teaches is the idea that faith and works are actually the same thing They say well if you have faith, that means that you have works because faith and works are the same thing But the Bible says in Romans 4 5 but to him that worketh not bought believeth So we see a distinction between belief and works So you could say like faith is actually doing the work exactly It's always funny how these work salvation teachers. They always want to try to change the definition of faith to somehow include works Well that makes Ephesians 2 8 & 9 meaningless if he sits there and says for by grace Are you saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of God not of works But sin he managed to boast you're saved by faith Not of works, so how can faith and works be the same thing or how can faith include works when it says in Romans 4 5? But to him that worketh not But believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly his faith is counted for righteousness It's him that worketh not but believeth He saved and they say well, you know, if you have faith it'll include works Okay, let's back up him that worketh not But believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly his faith is counted for righteousness The pad answer would be Ephesians 2 8 that were saved by grace through faith the question of then becomes what is faith and That's where there's a bit of a divide between the Hebrew roots and Christianity I think is what establishes faith So this doctrine of the Hebrew roots movement where they say works and faith they're the same thing works and faith Your works are because of your faith or whatever cute way they want to package it It's just completely foreign to Scripture believe foreign to the New Testament and in Romans 11 6 it says and if by grace Then it is no more of works. Otherwise grace is no more grace But if it be of works, then it is no more grace Otherwise work is no more work And so he puts it two separate opposite things its grace then it's not work if it's work It's not grace. Do I think it's possible to be saved and do not do any works? Not forever no, I think you eventually have to make a decision here and start being obedient or not So no, I don't believe that There was a man in the Hebrew roots movement who told me hey if you go out to reach people with the Torah They'd never say with the gospel. They'd never say with Jesus They say hey once you get seasoned enough in the Torah to go out and reach people with the Torah Which has found no that idea is found nowhere in the Bible. He says once you become good enough to do this He says make sure you use Jesus's name to reel them in first because if you say the name, Yeshua That will that will cause them to doubt you that will they'll think that's weird use the name of Jesus just to get them in And once we have them in we can slowly start telling them that his real name was changed and that his real name is Yeshua And so that's the sign of a cult is when somebody can't be straightforward and honest and say well, I believe in Yeshua They slowly introduce it by using Jesus's name So instead of using Yeshua, let's say with somebody out in the street. You might use Jesus's name first Always. Yeah always I will use the name Jesus unless I'm with a Hebrew roots fellowship Then of course, I'll say Yeshua But if I just use the name Yeshua or Yahweh or Yehovah or however, they pronounce it this week. It's important But not as important as a drawing folks in so does that make sense I mean, it's more like I would rather try to gain someone's interest and desire to meet Jesus Than to push them away by using a name. They're not familiar with and if the name of Jesus really is Yeshua Don't we believe that the Savior name has power? Why is it that we have to go to a door to? Preach the Torah and we can't tell them the name of the Savior. We have to use in our opinions Some counterfeit name in order to draw them in and then tell them the real name Shows that there's no power in what they're preaching. It shows that it's not the true name of the Savior And so I like to start there and then say oh and by the way Did you know his Hebrew name was Yeshua and why that's important because Yeshua means God saves for those of you that are in the Hebrew roots movement, one of the best ways to know you're in a cult is when certain information or or certain beliefs are being withheld from you until you've gotten deeper into the religion or deeper into the cult and the Hebrew roots movement is one of the best examples of Withholding certain beliefs and withholding certain information until the perfect time when they can really deceive you. I know you and I had already talked about this and I don't have any judgment towards you because this is all I knew my whole life growing up But I think that Jesus means hail Zeus. I refer to him as white Jesus now There's no greater strategy for Satan than to attack the foundation of our faith, the name of Christ And so if Satan knows that there's one name that we can call on to be saved It's obvious that he would do everything in his power to attack that one name Did you know that the name Jesus is less than 400 years old? Where did this name come from and what was the original name of Jesus? When you say that the name of Jesus is the wrong name That's an attack on the Greek New Testament because that's where we get the name Jesus We derive it from a Zeus in the Greek New Testament And if you're gonna say that the Greek New Testament is wrong Then all of Christianity just went out the window because Christianity is built on the foundation of our faith Then all of Christianity just went out the window because Christianity is built on the foundation of the New Testament So if you say well the New Testament wasn't written in Greek or the Greek New Testament that we have is wrong We have no foundation For 30 years of my life, for 30 years of my life I used to love quote unquote white Jesus It's not really his name. We both know it's not his name I don't think it's a proper translation and when you go back to the Greek being I-e-s-o-u-s I-e-s-s was in reference to Helios or Osiris being Zeus I don't think that we have a perfect translation left It's just the way it is I think that we have parts The Greek New Testament is the foundation of Christianity And if you don't believe that the Greek New Testament is authentic then you are left with nothing All these scriptures in one way or another are kind of marred But I'm thankful that we have something that we can dig through If Satan can get us to doubt the Bible, the foundation of our faith, the word of God Then he could get us to believe anything And even right at the beginning when Satan deceived Eve in the garden Satan looked at her and he says, Yea, hath God said? Can you really take him at his word? And so that's what the people of the Hebrew Roots movement often have to go towards They say, hey, we don't have a preserved word of God and so therefore it's all speculation And yea, hath God said? In my 40 years, 40 years of studying the scriptures Now I've come to the conclusion that they're not perfect I think that Mattathiahu was written in Hebrew There's a lot of those letters or scrolls, Megillahs were written in Hebrew Matthew was originally written in Hebrew One of the main focuses of the Hebrew Roots movement is this idea that there's something special about the Hebrew language And they even go so far as to say that the New Testament was originally written in Hebrew The reality is there is no evidence to prove such an idea 22 of the New Testament books were written specifically to Greek people in Greek places And so therefore we can conclude that they were writing in Greek and not Hebrew Because those people that they were writing to were Greek speaking people Every single book in the New Testament mentions the name of Jesus If you look at the titles of the books, it isn't hard to figure out that they're primarily written to a Greek speaking audience You've got the book of Romans, you've got 1 and 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians Where are these places? Well, obviously we know Rome is in Italy and had a heavy Greek influence A great Greek speaking population there as well as Latin of course Then you have Corinth, a city in Greece You've got Thessalonica All of these different places are in the Greek speaking world Then you go to the book of Revelation And who is it sent to? The 7 churches in Asia or Asia Minor, modern day Turkey Greek speaking places They're written to Greek speaking people You've got the book of Luke written to Theophilus You've got the book of Acts written to Theophilus You've got Romans chapter 16 Where the Apostle Paul goes down through a list of his friends And friend after friend after friend has a Greek name Sosthenes, Silvanus, Timotheus, and there's Yeshua It just makes no sense at all How we can call all these Greek people by their name that actually lived in this area And then there's just this one man that's called by his Hebrew name And so it makes no sense if Jesus living amongst all these Greek speaking people In the Roman Empire is to be called as Yeshua You go to the book of 2 John, 3 John You'll see John bringing up Greek speaking people as his fellow laborers As his fellow church members And so it's crystal clear in the New Testament That it's being addressed to a Greek speaking audience That's why we know that the New Testament was written in Greek Aside from the fact that there are almost 6,000 manuscripts of it written in Greek Zero manuscripts of it written in Hebrew So if the New Testament was written in Greek And consistently the name of the Savior is Esus In German that's Jesus In Spanish that's Jesus In Greek it's Jesus In English it's Jesus It's not Yeshua This book, the Greek New Testament, never says Yeshua one time It never contains the tetragrammaton one time It says Jesus And it calls God the Lord So it's clear that you'd have to do a lot of mental gymnastics To believe that the New Testament was originally written in Hebrew Brother Matt we have to understand how crucial this doctrine is Because the Bible says neither is there salvation in any other For there is none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved So it's crucial to understand the name If we have two names at risk right here If we have the name of the Savior being put to test By these demonic Hebrew roots movement teachers If the name of the Savior being put to the test Whereby we are saved It's a very dangerous doctrine So to say that the name of Jesus has only been around for 400 years Isn't just an attack on the translations of the Bible It's also an attack on the very foundation of the Bible The actual Greek manuscripts And that is the end game of this Hebrew roots movement It's actually to get people into Judaism It's to get people to reject Christianity And go to Judaism It's the gateway drug of Judaism They want to get you to have doubt in the New Testament Doubt the Greek New Testament Doubt the name of Jesus Doubt its authenticity They want to get you all excited about the Hebrew Because what they really want you reading is a Hebrew Old Testament And that's all they want you to accept They want you to reject the Lord Jesus Christ That's what it comes down to And the people that are behind this are Jews They're crypto Jews That are trying to get people away from Christianity And into Judaism In 2017, Jews for Judaism An organization that focuses on Jewish outreach Published an article about how the Hebrew roots movement Is creating a plethora of new converts to Judaism They have put their stamp of approval On the Hebrew roots movement And often advise Christians to become a part Of the Torah observant community The vast majority of people who are converting to Judaism Or become Beninah Come from the evangelical movement That is messianic Okay, we have to go to Jerusalem to learn more about Jews And use Jewish lingo And la la la, Yeshua HaMashiach And all this stuff And the similar organizations Are responsible In large measure For the massive amount of conversion To Judaism Jewish rabbis have used the Hebrew roots As an indoor To get the masses to convert And to deny Jesus as the Messiah But the evangelicals are like learning Hebrew Learning things about Judaism And they're very curious and they're adopting things They're adopting things that are not even biblical That are rabbinic traditions They adopted it flying all over the place And this sparked a tremendous interest Among these evangelicals in Judaism And the masses and masses of conversions Are from them Even though the members of the Torah observant community Insist that the feasts of old Apply in the New Testament The Bible clearly says That the meats, drinks Diverse washings And the carnal ordinances Were imposed on them Until the time of reformation This means that when Christ came The shadow of the Passover Was fulfilled While most in the Hebrew roots movement Realized that Jesus was the final sacrifice Some of their members Will still offer a lamb On the Passover To complete their observance Of the feast Of course The New Testament speaks against this And says that Jesus Christ Was offered once for all The Bible clearly states That the dietary laws Feasts and the Sabbath Were fulfilled by Christ And are no longer to be observed As part of the new covenant Even the Apostle Paul stated That we are not to be judged In meat or in drink Or in respect of unholy day Or of the new moon Or of the Sabbath days These things were a shadow of Christ And with the priesthood being changed There is made of necessity A change also of the law Why does the Holy Bible have to be 66 books now? When obviously there was a book of Jasher And obviously there was a book of Enoch The book of Enoch is a ridiculous book It hasn't been taken seriously Throughout history Because of the nonsense found therein Such as giants that are 450 feet tall It talks about giants being 300 cubits tall When the Bible refers to giants It gives their proportions As being around 9 or 10 feet tall When you have examples like Goliath Or Og the king of Bashan There is a big difference Between a guy being 9 or 10 feet tall And being 450 feet tall I mean that is just ridiculous You have the sons of God And the daughters of men Supposedly producing a child That is going to grow to be 450 feet tall That is straight out of the weekly world news That is just crazy That is going to be a C-section for sure If you are reading the book of Enoch Think to yourself Why are you reading it? Have you even read the entire Bible? Why are you seeking out extra biblical literature? It feels good to shake things that I used to believe in And now I know that they are not true Especially the names were just a major part of that Just a major part of that We are built upon the foundations Of the apostles and the prophets Jesus Christ himself being the chief cornerstone So again going back to the foundation Jesus is the chief cornerstone He is the foundation of our faith and practice In all matters of our life Nowhere in the Bible does it say Jesus is our Sabbath And they say well Well no Jesus is our Sabbath And I have asked people on Facebook Show me book chapter and verse where it says that They won't show it to me because it is not there The Hebrew roots movement will say well If Jesus kept the Sabbath Then I have got to keep the Sabbath too But this passage will blow their minds Look at John chapter 5 verse 15 This is a time when Jesus Christ Healed somebody on the Sabbath day The man departed That is when Jesus Christ healed And told the Jews that it was Jesus Which made him whole And therefore did the Jews persecute Jesus And sought to slay him Because he had done these things on the Sabbath day So Jesus did actually heal this guy on the Sabbath day Did Jesus work on the Sabbath? But Jesus answered them My Father worketh hitherto and I work My Father worketh hitherto and I work I work Now why did he say that? Because of the fact That the Sabbath pictures the fact That Christ Does all the work for salvation And we just rest in the finished work of Christ He does the work And we rest in his finished work That is why when Jesus Christ died on the cross He was dead for three days and three nights Guess what those three days were? The first day he was dead Was the 14th day of the month Abib The Passover Guess what happens on the Passover? You're not supposed to do any work The second day that Jesus was dead Was the 15th day of the month Abib Guess what that is? The Feast of Unleavened Bread And guess what? You're not supposed to do any work on that day either The third day that Jesus was dead Was the Saturday or the regular Sabbath day The seventh day And guess what you're not supposed to do on the Sabbath? The second day that Jesus was dead You don't do any work The second day that Jesus is dead Don't do any work Third day that Jesus is dead Don't do any work Why? Because Jesus' death and burial and resurrection He did all the work You just sit back and rest As Christ saves you Christ does it all We don't work our way to heaven We trust in and rest on The finished work of Jesus Christ Now look, if I would have been around in Jesus' day And I started working on the Sabbath That would be a sin, wouldn't it? Because back in the Old Covenant They were told, do not work on the Sabbath So if you were in the Old Covenant And you worked on the Sabbath Wouldn't that be a sin? But why was it not a sin for Jesus to work on the Sabbath? Because Jesus Is the Lord of the Sabbath And guess what? He doesn't need to picture Like, oh, well I'm supposed to rest In someone else's work He didn't rest for You think he was resting in peace for those three days and three nights? No, he was paying for our sins He was dead for three days and three nights And he rose again With the keys of hell and of death And he wasn't relaxing down there, friend He was doing the work That gets us to heaven Jesus did the work to get us to heaven We rest in the work That's what the Sabbath represents Resting in the finished work of Christ And while the children of Israel Were in the wilderness They found a man that gathered sticks Upon the Sabbath day And they that found him gathering sticks Brought him unto Moses and Aaron And unto all the congregation And the Lord said unto Moses The man shall be surely put to death All the congregation shall stone him With stones without the camp Now, some people might think That seems a little bit harsh The man was just picking up sticks On the Sabbath day when he should have been resting But did that really warrant the death penalty? Well, you have to understand What God was trying to teach By instituting the Sabbath To begin with Think about this He told the children of Israel You must rest on the Sabbath day The man who picked up sticks The man who worked on the Sabbath day He earned a physical death for himself Just assure As if you work for salvation When you should be resting On the finished work Of Jesus Christ and what he accomplished For you at Calvary Then you'll earn a Spiritual death The Bible refers to it as the second death Hell And this is why the Bible tells us In Hebrews chapter number 4 Starting in verse 9 There remaineth therefore a rest To the people of God For he that is entered into his rest He also hath ceased from his own works As God did from his So the reason why the Sabbath day Was instituted In the first place Is to teach a spiritual truth The point is that if we work Our way to heaven When we're supposed to be resting in the finished work of Christ We're not going to be saved The Bible says the wages of sin is death He was put to death because he was working When he was supposed to be resting And so that's a picture of salvation When we put our trust in Christ We cease from our own works And we rest in the finished work At Calvary This is why the Bible tells us In Colossians chapter number 2 Let no man therefore judge you In meat or in drink Or in respect of an holy day Or of the new moon Or of the Sabbath days And then it says in verse 17 Which are a shadow of things to come But the body is of Christ The Sabbath day Of the old covenant Was a shadow of things to come It was a shadow of the fact That now in the New Testament We rest for salvation On the finished work of Jesus Christ The Sabbath day has been done away with Because Jesus already Accomplished what he came To this earth to do At Calvary He already died on the cross Our work has been done Our role now What God expects from us In response Is to rest on that work And the Bible says in Hebrews chapter 4 That if you rest If you enter into that rest That you've ceased from your own works Jesus is the sacred name Jesus is the name above all names There's power in that name You know, when you go to a school You know, they outlaw the name of Jesus You know, you can take that name in vain But when it comes to Using that name seriously People get offended. The Bible says that Jesus is a rock of offense One of the main things that really upset me I think was the attack against Christians I would see Again, I would see Again, on social media, on Facebook I would see just these horrendous Sort of You know, like memes That are posted on Facebook And most of them were very Very anti-Christian I could wear a T-shirt into school That says, in college, that says Yeshua right on it Nobody would give a care. In fact, they would probably say Hey, this guy's cool. He's a religious Zealot of some sort But the moment that you claim the name of Christ The Bible says that you'll suffer persecution And brother Dave, I remember I remember Being in a room of people Back when I was in the Hebrew Roots movement One by one, this group Of people, my friends, started to Deny Jesus Christ They started out by denying his name And then they went to denying him Even existing And I had begged my Friends, I said, look, you guys don't want To go down this route. You don't need to deny Christ. You need Christ. He's the Savior. He's the only source of salvation But in that room One by one, people just started To deny Christ And finally, it got to me And it was my turn And I just remember looking around and thinking To myself, I can't do this You know, I'm saved The Bible says you're bought with a price And I just said, I can't I can't do it And before I left That day You know, and obviously they asked me to leave Because Jesus is offensive to them And he still is The main leader of their group looked at me And said, Matt, you'll never amount to Anything preaching in the name of Jesus And he said never to come back You wouldn't amount to anything By preaching the name of Jesus Yet the name of Jesus still is In the world two thousand years after Right? You never amount Up to anything Yet the name of Jesus is what Divided our two eras, right? Before Christ, after Christ As soon as I saw The name Jesus being sort of Slandered, if you like That's when I really Took a step back and I thought, no, I don't like This. I don't like it There's something about that name that is very Precious to me And that's the end game Of the Hebrew Roots movement, is to get people To deny the name of Jesus Deny Jesus Deny that he was the Messiah And go so far as to say that he didn't even exist So it's just a Bob sled down And people in the Hebrew Roots movement Need to understand that a lot of it Seems very friendly on the surface A lot of people in the Hebrew Roots movement A lot of the teachers, they put on a kippah Or a yarmulke And they put on tzitzit And they try to make themselves look really nice And really harmless to people But a lot of times The most harmless looking people can be the most dangerous The Bible says The natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God And so whenever they keep the Passover It's like the veil is still over their head They can't understand that God Gave the Passover to show them, hey Jesus said I am the bread of life He that cometh to me shall never hunger And he that believeth on me Shall never thirst I think it's important for people That are new to the Hebrew Roots movement That they understand that they don't have This attitude of, hey brother I don't know what you're talking about This is completely foreign to what I know They're not like that They haven't made me do anything like that It's very important that they understand it's coming soon That these cults These secret religions That they slowly feed you With little by little, little by little If you're asking questions To your leaders Your church leaders or whoever And they seem to be skeptical about Answering you You have a Textbook case of a cult in your hand I would rather try to gain someone's Interest And desire to meet Jesus Than to push them away By using a name they're not familiar with It's important But not as important As drawing folks in For circumcision Barely profiteth Well see it profiteth Well what's it profit Look at what it says If thou do what If thou keep the law Let me ask you a question Who here has kept the whole law So does it profit you No it doesn't profit you Unless you have kept the whole law Guess what therefore every human being On the face of the planet For the circumcision Barely profiteth if thou keep the law But if thou be a breaker Of the law Thy circumcision is made what? Uncircumcision So if you are trusting in your circumcision To save you You're trusting in that But then you break the law Your circumcision is made uncircumcision You know what the Bible is saying? You're not saved You're going to go to hell And that's what the Hebrew roots movement teaches Is that you have to be circumcised In order to be saved Look at what it goes on to say in this chapter For he is not a Jew which is one outwardly Neither is that circumcision Which is outward in the flesh But he is a Jew which is one inwardly And circumcision Is that of the heart in the spirit And not in the letter whose praise Is not of men but of whom? But of God Do you realize that if salvation were by Circumcision you are literally Not only trusting in yourself But you're trusting in some man To do it right And you're trusting in that man to save you If Satan can get us to doubt The Bible then he knows That he has the victory That name is Jesus in English It's Jesus in Spanish It's Jesus in German It's the same name of the same person The Bible never says Yeshua in it One time So are these people using the Bible As their authority? Say well they're just going back to the original No original Greek doesn't say Yeshua either So where are these people getting this? These doctrines are not the doctrines of the Bible These are the doctrines of men My friend do not Be deceived by just Anything that you read on the internet Or any video that you see on YouTube That tries to tell you that The Lord is not his name His name is the Lord His name is the Lord God And our Savior is known as the Lord Jesus Christ In English Jesus In Spanish Jesus In Portuguese Jesus Jesus is the name By which we stand Jesus Christ is our Savior They'll say that we have Not been saved And basically what are they teaching? They're teaching that salvation Is a process Now that would make sense if salvation were by works It says He that believeth on the Son What's that word? Half everlasting life Now is that saying that you're going to get it At some point in the future? No when it says half It means that you have it Right now It's not some process We're not waiting to the end of our life To receive everlasting life If you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ At that point you have it You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You