(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) And that's the end of the video, thank you for watching and I'll see you in the next one. Thanks for watching, and I'll see you in the next one. This is the first century of Christians who had an attitude of fear of persecution. Who had an attitude of entitlement, like we deserve peace and tranquility. No other generation of Christians ever felt that way. None ever acted like that. We are the most lazy and pathetic group of Christians there's ever been. We somehow think that going through hard times as Christians, you know, means we're experiencing the wrath of God. You know, how pathetic that is, how typically American that is. We see it today, I've been watching these guys, you know, somebody makes a YouTube video about them. And they're being persecuted for the cause of Christ. I mean, you're really going to hate it when they start cutting people's heads off. What is at stake is more than one small country. It is a big idea, a new world order, where diverse nations are drawn together in common cause to achieve the universal aspirations of mankind. Peace and security, freedom, and the rule of law. Such is a world worthy of our struggle and worthy of our children's future. 13-1 it says, And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy. And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion, and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority. So he's seeing the beast, and the beast is the antichrist. So he's seeing this, and this is spoken also about in the book of Daniel. This kind of parallels exactly, it says the same exact wording. But what he's seeing is, he's seeing the beast, and whenever it talks about the beast, it's either talking about the antichrist or the false prophet. And look, and it says the dragon gave him his power. So who's giving the antichrist his power? The devil, right? So that's the dragon. The dragon is giving the antichrist his power. And he's receiving his power. And it says he gave him his seat, and great authority. So what's that authority? That's authority over all the nations, right? There's a lot of stuff that has to happen in the sense that he overtakes other kings. He wars, and he's given power to overcome other kings. And this is all before the great tribulation. We're going through the tribulation, but it's before the great tribulation. So the devil is giving him his power and his seat. So I want you to know where his authority is coming from. It's from the prince of this world is giving him that power. Look in verse 3. And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death, and his deadly wound was healed. And the world wondered after the beast. So what happens is the antichrist gets wounded. And it says, I saw one of his heads, so it was talking about one of the nations. I saw seven heads and ten horns. So one of those heads becomes the antichrist. One of the leaders of that nation becomes the antichrist. And the antichrist, it says, I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death. So, you know, he gets a deadly wound. And he dies. And the world believes that he's dead. Because you see later on in that verse that they wonder when he comes alive. The world probably mourns because he's already a great leader. And then at that point it says his deadly wound is healed. And all the world wondered after the beast. So all the world knows who the antichrist is at this point. And they wonder that his deadly wound was healed. So he comes back to life. And they're all wondering, like, who is this person? Who could possibly do that? But we see that the reason he has that power is because it was given to him from the devil. And the devil has that power because it's given unto him from God. And God's allowing this to happen for his prophecy to be fulfilled. And then it says in verse 4, And they worship the dragon which gave power unto the beast. Saying, who is like unto the beast? Who is able to make war with him? They understand, people are going to realize that the devil is doing this. Because the devil is giving the antichrist his power. And then it says they worship the dragon which gave power unto the beast. So they're worshiping the devil who's giving power to the antichrist. So not only does the antichrist get worshiped in the end times, but also the devil. So I believe that the devil will enter into the antichrist. And he will do his work through him. And then look in verse 5, it says, There was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies. And power was given unto him to continue forty and two months. And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God to blaspheme his name and his tabernacle. And them that dwell in heaven. And it was given unto him to make war with the saints and to overcome them. And power was given him over all kindreds and tongues and nations. The antichrist is essentially saying that God is not God. That he is God. He's blaspheming the name of God. He's saying God is not God. Jesus is not God. I believe he's going to denounce Jesus. I believe he's going to denounce God. But he's going to act like a Christ. And in verse 7 it says, It was given unto him to make war with the saints and to overcome them. And power was given to him over all kindreds and tongues and nations. So he's not just overcoming the saints. He's overcoming the saints in the sense that he's going to overcome us to battle against us, to kill us. But he's also overcoming, power is given him over all kindreds and nations. So he's ruling over all the nations at this time. We need to stand against the things that are leading up to the mark of the beast. We're going back to this whole one world government thing. We're seeing the nations of the world trying to unite. You see, you've got the pre-tribbers. They're so convinced that we're not going to be here. They're almost cheering on the things that are going to cause about this type of thing. I remember when Hillary and Trump were running. I remember listening to one guy say he actually wanted Hillary to win because he felt like that would speed up things that would lead to the end times. But he did that with the mentality of thinking, but we're going to get raptured out of here before anything gets too bad. And I'm thinking, you know what, even if you were right on that, why would we encourage this type of thing to come? This is wicked. The uniting of the religions of the world is wicked. The uniting of the governments of the world is wicked. One guy telling the whole world what to do is wicked. Why would we encourage that in any way, shape, or form? We're not going to unite with people who say that Jesus is not the Christ. That is anti-Christ. And yet the Christians today are so supportive, they constantly lift up and they praise the Jews who are the ones who say that there is another Messiah coming or another Christ. Christ and Messiah means the same thing. The exact same word, just two different languages. It's the exact same thing, and they will lift these people up. They'll praise them. They will call them our brothers. They will say that we serve the same God as the Jews, even though they deny the Son. That is blasphemy right there. I have heard preachers that I grew up listening to, that I respect a lot, say that we, us and the Jews, serve the same God. We ought to be standing against these things. We ought to be trying to make a difference. The devil, he would leave us alone if we would all just agree on one thing, that Jesus is not the Messiah. Who is a liar? But he that denies that Jesus is the Christ. And think about it. We've got Baptist preachers today. You know what I never called Jesus? I never called him my Messiah. He ain't your Messiah. Can you imagine, a Baptist preacher is able to get up in church and tell people he's not your Messiah. You know how wicked that is? And you know what, the devil's fine with that. But you know what, who is the liar but he that denies that Jesus is the Christ? Well, you know, I believe he's the Messiah, but the Jews' Messiah. No, you better believe he's everybody's Messiah. Jesus came for the whole world. And I say all that to say that, you know what, Christians better wake up and they better stop cheering the things on that are leading up to it. Let's not get all excited when we see the nations of the world coming together, when we see a one world currency coming together, when we see the religions of the world uniting. You know what, let's stand against those things. Look what it says in Deuteronomy chapter 32 verse 8. It says, When the Most High divided the nations, their inheritance, when he separated the sons of Adam, he set the bounds of the people according to the number of the children of Israel. Okay, now when did this happen? When did God separate the sons of Adam? Well, I believe that's specifically talking about after the Tower of Babel. It says in Genesis chapter 11 verse 6, and the Lord said, Behold, the people is one and they have all one language and this they begin to do and now nothing will be restrained from them which they have imagined to do. Now, wait a minute, why does God have a problem? Everybody, the whole world was united at the Tower of Babel. They were all of one language. They were all of one speech. They all had one goal in mind. Hey, let's build a city. Let's all come together. Let's build a tower. Let's make a name for ourselves so we could reach unto heaven. But you know what? God came down and what did he do? He killed the unity there. He confounded their language and then they went and they separated from each other and I personally believe that God separated all the groups into 12 parts. I believe that's what he's talking about in Deuteronomy chapter 32. Now, why would he do that? Why would he separate them in 12 parts like that? Isn't it better if we're all united? I mean, couldn't we make a bigger impact if we're all united? Well, the problem with that is when it comes to us all being one, we tend to go bad, don't we? Think about it. When the world united then, was what they were trying to do good? Absolutely not. In fact, what they were trying to do was completely pointless and impossible and a waste. We need to have some divisions there because if one goes bad, we don't want everything going bad. I know we've got 50 states geographically speaking in our country today, but yet we don't really have 50 different governments and it would be better if we did. If one state goes bad, we've got someplace we can escape to, but unfortunately our federal government is going bad and it's making our whole country go bad. And we're building an inclusive society in which everybody's got a fair shot. That's how we're going to solve these problems, but we're going to keep on pushing hard to shape an international order that works for people. Out of these troubled times, our fifth objective, a new world order can emerge, a new era, freer from the threat of terror, stronger in the pursuit of justice, and more secure in the quest for peace. It allows us to refocus our intelligence and military assets and resources to other parts of the world where they are needed, where we face new challenges. This is the world you are graduating into. This is what I want to talk about today with you for a few minutes. I believe we, and particularly you, your class, has an incredible window of opportunity to lead in shaping a new world order for the 21st century in a way consistent with American interests and the common interest. Before money was used, people simply bartered. Person one gave person two some eggs and received, let's say, wood in return. But for this transaction to happen, person one has to want wood and person two has to want eggs. If person one doesn't want wood and wants a knife instead, then person two has to first find person three who is willing to give him a knife for his wood and then give the knife to person one so that he can receive person one's eggs. This is just way too complicated. Therefore, a common denominator was required, something desirable that everyone accepts to act as a medium of exchange. That's what money basically is, a widely accepted medium of exchange. People simply trade using money and don't have to resort to bartering. Some communities use cocoa seeds as money. Other communities use seashells, others cattle, and so on. Nowadays, each country simply has its own currency. Let's assume seashells are used as money. This means that instead of bartering, person two pays person one, let's say, two seashells for his eggs. And when person one decides he needs a knife from person three, he pays them in seashells as well because that's what everyone in the community uses. Let's just go into what our current monetary system is. So our current monetary system, I'll just read you a quick quote from a website called Investopedia. Fiat currency is a currency that a government has declared to be a legal tender, but it is not backed by a physical commodity. So where does the word fiat come from? Well, back in the day, if you took a dollar and walked into a bank a long time ago, you used to be able to get a certain amount of gold for that dollar because a dollar was worth a certain amount of gold. Of course, if you tried that today in the United States, you'd get laughed out of the bank. And the reason is because a dollar is what, like most currencies, is what's called a fiat currency or fiat money. So what does that word fiat actually mean? Well, it comes from the Latin, let it be done. So if you're familiar with the phrase royal fiat, royal fiat is when the king or the queen, someone in power, decides that they want to do something. They do something by royal fiat. So the king might say, I want everyone's gold in the entire realm. Let it be done. Because he's the king, everybody does it. That's kind of what happened in the United States whenever the government decided to take the gold standard away from the dollar. So it actually decoupled the value of a dollar from the value of gold. And then the government said, this is worth a dollar's worth of goods and services backed by the United States government. So it's not really worth the paper that's written on. It's only worth what somebody else is prepared to give you in return for that dollar. That's really all it is. So because it's not backed by gold and silver, this is great news for the government because the government can now go out and crank out as many of these as it needs to fund a war or to bail out a bank or whatever. It's great news. It's actually pretty good news for us as individuals because it means that now that our currency isn't tied to the value of a commodity like gold or silver, it means it's not going to be quite so volatile as it has been in the past. The bad news, of course, is that if the government prints lots and lots of those dollars, vast amounts of money goes into the system, it means you've got more dollars chasing fewer goods and services, and that can lead to inflation, where the value of your dollar is worth a lot less. And of course, that can also lead to hyperinflation, where the value of your dollar just falls off a cliff because there's just so many dollars chasing so few goods and services. And when that happens, it could leave us very badly. Our debt is exploding in this country. For the first time in American history, Americans as a whole own more than a trillion dollars just to credit card companies. That's 8,600 bucks for every household in this country, more than three grand for every single man, woman, and child in America, including babies. And that's just credit cards. Millions of Americans also have student loans, home loans, car loans, plenty of other debt. Are we reaching a tipping point for debt? This is a terrifying subject, particularly the credit card debt, because it's something that everyone can relate to. You sort of understand how it works if you're a consumer. These levels seem very high to me. Are they? Oh, they're very high. And what's even more concerning is the pace at which we're accumulating it. And in fact, the last three months of 2017, consumers racked up credit card debt at a faster pace than in the past 30 years. So faster than even in the Great Recession. It seems like this is one of those stories that is never covered, but it ought to be. So here you have some of the biggest companies in the world getting kids on credit cards in college, charging rates that banks would never charge. I'm not sure it's legal for banks to charge. I mean, I had my step full of this. So the BP Visa card, what's the interest rate? 28.2 per 28 percent interest. Isn't someone supposed to be? Well, it's shocking, actually. It's usury. It's illegal in other countries. Why is that happening here and no one's saying anything? Because people don't seem to have much of a choice these days. And if you look at what hourly earnings have been, decade after decade after decade, they've been growing at a slower and slower pace. People are barely making ends meet. And if you look at the past six out of the past seven months, hourly earnings have actually been either flat or they've fallen. So people aren't really making much money. But then you look at spending, spending's still growing pretty fast. Income isn't growing really fast. What are you going to do? Well, you're going to take these credit cards and you get desperate. Well, I think part of what we're seeing is that a lot of the financial services have really been struggling to make money anywhere because we've had these interest rates in the past. Because we've had these interest rates pushed down so, so, so low. And that doesn't give those banks much room to work to make money because they take money from you into their checking account and then they go lend it out like a mortgage or something. Well, those rates have been so low that it's been tough for them to make money. So they've gotten desperate and they've gone out further and further into these kind of edgy activities just to try and make money. Preying on the weak to bump their margins up. Finally, what happens, you said interest rates, low interest rates, this is one of the many unintended consequences of Fed policy. What happens when they go up as they're going to? Yeah, well, your credit card payments are going to go up a lot higher as well. They're going to be going faster and faster. And you look at what all this debt that's outstanding and your payments every month, even if you don't add anything more onto your credit card, your payments are going to get more and more expensive and at the same time it's not like that income's growing really fast. So people find themselves just further and further in the hole. And if we do get a recession, which is going to happen, right? I mean, we don't go endlessly. This is a normal cycle. You have booms and you have busts. That's a normal thing to happen. When it does happen, how are people going to get through? Are we the people responsible for the chaos that is enveloping America? That is the subject of this evening's Talking Points memo. The folks are indeed responsible for the government they get. Germans could have thrown Hitler out. They did not. Russians fought hard for Stalin. The Chinese surrendered to Mao. The Cubans allowed Fidel Castro to take away their liberty. The folks are responsible. Now Americans are faced with a citizen challenge, not at the levels of totalitarianism, but a very serious economic situation. Yesterday, the Government Accountability Office, the non-partisan investigative arm of Congress, released its annual audit of the U.S. government. The report covers the fiscal years 2011 and 12. The conclusion of the report is this. Quote, absent policy changes, the federal government continues to face an unsustainable fiscal path. Let me repeat that. Absent policy changes, the federal government continues to face an unsustainable fiscal path. If the feds do not stop the wild spending and do not reform Medicare and Social Security, the U.S. dollar will collapse. Most currencies were based on physical commodities such as gold or silver, but fiat money is based solely on the faith and credit of the economy. So if the U.S. economy were to fail, U.S. dollars wouldn't mean nothing. Throughout history, just so you know, every currency that is not backed by gold or silver has always failed. What it's called, it's gone to zero. So the Federal Reserve was really who was pushing the taking off the gold standard. The reason is the Federal Reserve has control over the money. So the Federal Reserve has the control over the money. They can print as much money as they want. Why would they want it to be backed by gold? Because then they would have to have equal amounts of gold to how much money they have. If they take it off the gold standard, they can print as much money as they want, use as much money as they want, and milk it for all it's worth. I'll just give you a few stats. In 1913, if you had $100 currently, it would be worth $2,450. So if you had $100 back in 1913, the actual worth of it in gold, what you could afford now with that, it would be like you had $2,500. And then in 1971, when we get off the gold standard, if you have $100, it's worth $610. Now $100 is worth $100. So if you look at that ratio, $100 to what it was only 100 years ago, it's 25 times the amount. So that's what has happened since we've came off the gold standard. It's because our money is becoming more and more worthless due to inflation. There's something called the petrodollar. Who's heard of the petrodollar? So what happened was that petroleum, which is oil, is obviously the most useful commodity. We need it for everything, especially militarily. So the reason that we need that militarily is because you need it to run your tanks, you need it to run your ships, you need it to run everything, your aircrafts, everything. So what the petrodollar actually is, is that America told the Saudi Arabian nations that actually had all this oil and that were able to give all this oil, that if they traded with American currency, we would protect them militarily. What is a petrodollar? Would people really wage a war for it? Every country on the planet is also a financial trader, boarding currencies, bonds, and other financial instruments as a way to retain stability during uncertain economic shifts. Today, the US dollar has often been called the world's reserve currency. But what is it based on? In some circles, analysts believe the true value of the dollar is based on its popularity as the means of exchange for international oil sales, leading traders, investors, and policy wonks to refer to it as the petrodollar. So what is this exactly, and why should it matter to you? Here's where it gets crazy. The petrodollar may have much more of an impact on global stability or instability than it initially appears. According to author James Rickards, the US dollar has been the world's dominant reserve currency since the Bretton Woods Agreement in 1944, which set forth global rules for monetary policy. As analysts at J.P. Morgan write, became the world's official reserve currency. As of 2014, over 60% of all global reserves are in US dollar-denominated securities. But the dollar isn't based on gold anymore. Rickards argues that the dollar has been propped up by the petrodollar, the use of currency as the primary means of trading fossil fuels. According to the story, in the 1970s, Henry Kissinger approached Saudi Arabia with an intriguing offer. The US would guarantee the continued security and rule of the House of Saud if they agreed to price all oil in US dollars. If you can only buy oil with the American dollar, doesn't that make it the most valuable dollar? Thus making us the most powerful country. Because our currency is the most powerful currency, and we can print unlimited amounts. If the American dollar fails, all other dollars fail. And then they have to usher in a one-world currency. I believe that cryptocurrency will be the new ushering in of the one-world currencies. So people always assume that, you know, when they talk about the mark of the beast, they're assuming it's going to have to do with credit cards, right? Who's heard that? Well, that actually doesn't work because credit cards are based on our currency. So if the banks fail and our currency fails, the credit cards are useless. So what happened is there needs to be a transitionary currency, which I believe is cryptocurrency. And let me explain to you what cryptocurrency is. Gold has always been valuable because it's desirable and limited in quantity. There's only so much gold in existence, and sure, you can take more out of the ground. But the more time passes, the harder and more expensive it is to find and mine gold. The same way, the value of cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin lies in the fact that they're desirable and limited in quantity. Bitcoins are desirable because they facilitate transactions without middlemen, such as banks or PayPal. And there are lots of people willing to accept them. Other cryptocurrencies such as Litecoin are less widely used for transactions, therefore less desirable. Cryptocurrencies are limited in quantity because there's usually a cap on how many can be mined. For Bitcoin, it's 21 million. It varies from cryptocurrency to cryptocurrency. Cryptography is used to secure transactions and create new coins, which are given as rewards to people who solve complex math problems. Simply put, people invest processing power and electricity to receive coins, and just like with gold, mining gets harder and harder as time passes. As a short recap, two things make cryptocurrencies valuable, desirability and their limited quantity. Bitcoin is currently the leader, the gold of the cryptocurrency world, whereas other currencies are runners up, like silver or copper. First of all, the integration of national economies into a global economy. That's here. That's done. And we are working on that as we speak. We have conversations with various representatives of China. I believe that that will all work out very well for everybody. China, Japan, the United States and everybody in the region. As far as the currency devaluations, I've been complaining about that for a long time. And I believe that we will all eventually and probably very much sooner than a lot of people understand or think, we will be all at a level playing field. Chapter 14 and verse nine. So it says in the third angel, follow them, saying with a loud voice, if any man worship the beast and his image and receive his mark in his forehead or in his hand, the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation. And he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the lamb. And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up forever and ever. And they have no rest day nor night who worship the beast in his image and whosoever receive at the mark of his name. Here is the patience of the saints. Here are they that keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus. And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, write, blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth. Yea, sayeth the spirit that they may rest from their labors and their works do follow them. So notice right here, it mentions very clearly that those who receive the mark, they will experience the wrath of God. Y'all see that? Now, why do I bring that up? Because if you tell most Baptists today that we're going to be here for the mark of the beast, you know what they're going to tell you? We've not been appointed under wrath to obtain salvation. Well, I agree with that. Yeah, we're not going to be here for the wrath of God. There are many scriptures that say we have not been appointed under wrath. But notice in Revelation Chapter 14, it's saying those who receive the mark are going to experience the wrath of God. What does that mean? It means it hasn't come yet. The wrath of God has not come. People try to tell you that the tribulation is the wrath of God, that the Antichrist making war with the saints is the wrath of God. That is foolish. That is not God attacking us. That's the Antichrist attacking us. And the truth is, this is not God beating up on his bride. It's the Antichrist doing it. Well, God would never let that happen. Well, why did he let it happen in the early church? Why did Jesus let his disciples, almost all of them, get martyred? Why did God let the early church go through persecution? Why did he let them get burned at the stake? Why did he let all those things happen? Why did he let them get fed to lions? Was Jesus beating up his bride back then? No, that was the devil doing those things. And you know what? The Bible says, you know, blessed are the dead, which die in the Lord from henceforth. Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labors and their works can follow them. They're going to receive a blessing because of that. They're going to receive a reward that's great in heaven for that. And we might look at that and say, well, that's too great a sacrifice. But I believe if we knew what was to come, we would envy those people. But we've got a bunch of faithless, so-called Christians out there today saying God would never let us go through anything. That is the most ridiculous thing in the world. They're basically, they have this attitude. Well, we're probably the most sorry generation of Christians that there's ever been that we are the ones that don't deserve to go through any persecution. That is stupidity. And then they'll get up and we have clear scripture, seeing the order of events. We see tribulation. We see abomination of desolation. We see the Antichrist making war with the saints, great tribulation. Then we see the rapture. But they want to say, nope, we're not here for none of it because we've not been appointed under wrath. And that's all they've got. But right here, it shows in Revelation 14, the wrath of God hasn't come yet. The wrath of God is going to be poured on those who take the mark of the beast. We've got to be out here before God's wrath comes. And I agree we do. There's nothing that says that we've got to be out here before the mark of the beast because God's wrath has not come yet. It comes later. I have never heard a preacher address that. And they're not going to. They're not even going to try to explain why God's wrath has not come. Yet, in Revelation chapter 14, look at verse 14 says, And I looked and behold, a white cloud and upon a cloud, one sat like under the sun of man, having on his head a golden crown and in his hand, a sharp sickle. Now, that sounds violent right there. OK, but understand this is symbolic here. OK, and you use a sickle when you're going to harvest something, right? You're going to you're going to go you're going to harvest that weed or whatever. And it says, And another angel came out of the temple, crying with a loud voice to him that sat in a cloud thrust in a sickle and reap. For the time has come for thee to reap and the harvest of the earth is ripe. And he that sat in the cloud thrust in a sickle on the earth and the earth was reaped. And another angel came out of the temple, which is in heaven. He also having a sharp sickle. So first we have the first day to come. He reaps. All right. And when you reach something, you know, you're gathering up, you're gathering up the fruit. I believe that is symbolic of the rapture right there. Well, now we have another angel with another sickle. He's about to do something else. Verse 18. Another angel came out from the altar which had power over fire and cried with a loud cry to him. They had the sharp sickle saying thrust in thy sharp sickle and gather the clusters of the vine of the earth for her grapes are fully ripe. And the angel thrust in his sickle into the earth and gather the vine of the earth and cast it into the great winepress of the wrath of God right there. What we see in that vision, we see one angel doing a reaping, which is a picture of God gathering up his people. That is the rapture. We see another angel coming and basically gathering everybody up for Armageddon to pour out the wrath of God upon them. So here's the wrath of God coming in Revelation 15. Why? And basically what we see happening here, it goes through those seven vials of the wrath of God. And it's going through all these different plagues that God pours out that ultimately leads up to the main event that was foretold in the Old Testament, which is Armageddon. And many people get confused because when you see the day of the Lord in the Old Testament, it's very clear there's some references to Armageddon, which is the main event of God's judgment. So the first angels gather the saints into heaven. The second angel, it gathers the world for the wrath of God. Sixteen verse one says, And I heard a great voice out of the temple saying to the seven angels, Go your ways and pour out the vials of the wrath of God upon the earth. And the first angel went and poured out his vial upon the earth. And there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast and upon them which worshiped his image. So that very first plague that comes, that first judgment that comes on people after the rapture specifically comes on all those who took the mark. And they're going to have a noisome and grievous sore. But let me show you here, I think the most crystal clear, I mean, just spelled out black and white verse that proves that we are here for the mark of the beast. Revelation Chapter 20 in verse four says, And I saw thrones and they sat upon them and judgment was given unto them. And I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus and for the word of God, and which had not worshiped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads or in their hands. And they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years. Who are these people that live and reign with Christ a thousand years? It's those who did not receive the mark. It's those who were beheaded as a result of that. Well, that doesn't say anything about the timing. Let's keep reading. But the rest of the dead live not again until the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection. You all see that right there? This is the first resurrection we're talking about. These ones who are being resurrected, who are going to reign with Christ a thousand years. These are the ones who did not receive the mark. Well, if the people who do not or who did not receive the remark who were beheaded, if they take part in the first resurrection, then wouldn't that have to mean the resurrection doesn't come until after the mark of the beast? Right there, that proves it. And if people or any Baptist that says that we are not here for the mark of the beast, that this is something that's going to be happening to choose or this is something for the tribulation saints, they have to say this is not the first resurrection. There is no two ways about it. Verse six, blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and shall reign with him a thousand years. So this resurrection is clearly before the millennium. So then the Bible says their resurrection is the first resurrection. Well, that means that has to be the same one that we see in First Thessalonians four, where the dead in Christ rise unless this is the second resurrection and our Bible is wrong. Right there, Revelation 20 all by itself proves that we are here for the mark of the beast. Verse 13, it says, and he doeth great wonders so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men and deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles, which he had power to do in the sight of the beast, saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast which had the wound by the sword and did live. Notice all these wonders he's doing. In Matthew chapter 24, if you read that, you'll see the abomination of desolation. You'll see him talking about all the lying wonders that are going to be done during that time. In Second Thessalonians two, talking about the return of Jesus Christ and the rapture, it says even him who's coming is after the working of Satan with all signs and lying wonders. I'm not quoting that verbatim. But basically the same order of events that we see in Matthew 24 is what we see in Second Thessalonians chapter two. And we're seeing the same order of events here in Revelation chapter 13. He's trying to get us to worship the Antichrist. And one thing we know about the Antichrist, we know when the abomination of desolation comes at the midpoint of Daniel's 70th week, he is going to basically go into the temple and declare himself to be God. When ye shall see the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing where it ought not, let him that readeth understand, then let them that be in Judea flee to the mountain. The Antichrist is the only one who has ever seen the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophet. The Antichrist is the only one who has ever seen the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophet. The Antichrist is the only one who has ever seen the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophet. The Antichrist is the only one who has ever seen the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophet. The Antichrist is the only one who has ever seen the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophet. The Antichrist is the only one who has ever seen the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophet. The Antichrist is the only one who has ever seen the abomination spoken of by Daniel the prophet. The Antichrist is the only one who has ever seen the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophet. I feel that cryptocurrency is the only way that the Antichrist can accomplish what he's looking to accomplish, which is not let anybody buy or sell. If you have physical commodities, you can buy and trade with those. But if everything is digital and you can trace every single transaction you're ever making because it's all put on a public ledger, that is how he can stop you from buying or selling anything. And that would get rid of all physical commodity. You wouldn't need physical commodity if everything is online. And then if you put all that in a chip in your hand or in your forehead, there it is. He can tell what every single person is doing with any single dollar that they have. Right now, if you have cash and you go out to the CVS, nobody knows that you made that transaction. They know somebody bought something, but they don't know it was your name. They don't know it was who you were. Everything you do with cryptocurrency, they know who did it. They know what your IP address is. They know who owns that IP address. And they know what you will, they can start mapping what you'll do in the future because they know where your habits are. They've been waiting for something like this. Money you cannot trace. You can't trace it because it's a physical commodity. If you have a bunch of gold, you can't tell who's trading gold. But if everything is online, they can trace everything online. So this is the new way that they can finally trace everything that you're doing. First, you have to worship the beast in order to receive the mark. Some people just teach that Christians are just going to be able to receive the mark. That's not true. In order to receive the mark, you need to worship the beast. And it's got to be a true, pure worship. There's not going to be Christians that are saved that are able to purely worship the beast in the way that he's expecting it. So no Christian that's saved is just going to be able to be held down and then get the mark of the beast. That's not how it works. In order to get the mark of the beast, you have to worship the beast. And we just saw that there. And it says in verse 15, he had power to give life unto the image of the beast that the image should both speak and cause that as many would not worship the beast, the image of the beast should be killed. So he's making this inanimate object speak because he has power to do so. So it's going to be a miracle. It's going to be a wonder. But if you saw a statue just start speaking, wouldn't that be a weird, a wonder or a miracle? That would be scary to see. And it says he has power to do that. He has power to make it speak. And then look in 16. And he calls this all, both small and great, poor and free, free and bond to receive a mark in their right hand or in their foreheads and that no man might buy or sell save he had the mark or the name of the beast or the number of his name. So unless you have this mark, you can't buy or sell anything. But how is that possible if you have money that people can't tell that if you're buying or selling? So the reason that I believe that cryptocurrency will play a role into this is because that every single thing that people do can be tracked on cryptocurrency. You can tell it's all written on a public ledger. So if they usher in a one world currency where they can track whether you're buying or selling anything, they could find out and stop you from buying or selling anything even if you don't have the mark of the beast. So if there was a physical commodity that people needed, let's say it was, you know, if everything was based on gold, you could still buy or sell because you would have physical gold. They couldn't tell if you had physical gold. You could still buy or sell on the side. But what this is saying is that, you know, he's going to cause anybody that does not worship the beast to receive this mark. And if you don't have the mark, you can't buy or sell. And that's only possible if they can tell everything that you're buying and selling or if they can tell if they have control over the currency itself. Don't take the mark of the beast. And unfortunately, there is a false teaching out there that is that we won't be here when the mark of the beast is implemented. And we ought to be against anything that is leading up to that. You say, well, it's in the Bible. It's going to happen. I know it's going to happen. I know wickedness is going to happen. But, you know, I'm going to do everything I can to stop it. I'm going to do everything I can to lead people away from that. We're being conditioned every day. To take the mark for one vaccines. Why are we not freaked out? Why are people not freaked out by our government telling all our children, you know, you got to take this shot. You got to take that shot. And, you know, if people do, they just line up, they roll up their sleeves, you know, they take their kids there, stick them with whatever. It is possible that in the next few years, all citizens of America will eventually be tagged with microchips. These chips will be implanted to help identify individuals immediately. The technology will also be used to answer one question, namely am I who I say I am. RFID chips are small electronic devices that consist of a small chip and an antenna. The chip is able to store data, while the antenna allows the sending and receiving of information. When such an object is implanted into your body, and particularly your brain, it is unlikely to come with an easily accessible off switch. Other electronics could be attached to the chip, without your knowledge. These could include GPS emitters, or perhaps even myrotoxin emitters. Being implanted with brain chips is unlikely to endow you with all the knowledge of the universe, or martial arts prowess in a split second. However, instead, it will serve as the ultimate form of surveillance and subjugation, considering what the US government has done thus far. With regards to NSA spying, we do not believe that this technology is only about convenience. It will be marketed as such, at least until everyone has one. This company says it's about to become the first in the US to offer microchip implants to its employees. You heard that right, microchip implants under the skin. It's like how you can buy something nowadays using your phone. What if you could use a microchip inside your hand instead? Todd, you're going to show us how this could potentially work. Yes, basically what this is considered is a break room market in an office complex. We'll come up, scan the item, we'll hit pay with credit card, and it's asking to swipe my proximity payment now. I'll hold my hand up, just like the cell phone, and it will pay for my product. The chip functions as an NFC powered multipurpose key slash credit card identification tool that the company sees as the future. This company sells micro market technology running over 2,000 kiosks in break rooms in other locations worldwide. The chips that at least 50 company employees had received on August 1st will allow them to make purchases at their company's own break room market, so it sure seems to be an alpha test of a potential product offering as much as it is an unusual perk. Employees will also be able to use the chip, implanted between the thumb and index finger, to open doors, use copy machines, log into computers, share business cards and store health information. Although this company's chip program is voluntary and directly related to its product offerings, this could lead on other companies to do the same thing until eventually we're all forced to get these chips implanted into our bodies. We're just asking for dictatorship when we do that. We're begging for dictatorship when we do that. We got politicians, the way they get elected is they promise us stuff. We will take care of you. Do you not think they're not going to do that with the mark of the beast? You know they're going to collapse our monetary system the way it is today. And hey, listen, with this new system you'll be protected. Nobody can steal from you. Most people believe it's going to be some kind of implantable microchip. I have no doubt that that's probably what it will be. I can't imagine it being anything else. But either way, whatever it is, they're going to use it, they're going to get us to take it by promising protection. And we're so used to looking to the government for protection and for provision, most people today are going to line up for it and take it. We have already been conditioned. Let those things motivate us to be witnessing even more, to be taking an even stronger stance. Let's let that be an opportunity or a reminder for us to toughen ourselves up because some difficult days are coming. Hi, I'm Pastor Tommy McMurtry from the Liberty Baptist Church in Rock Falls, Illinois. I'd just like to take a few minutes and show you from the Bible how you can know for sure you're going to heaven when you die. This is the most important thing that anyone can know. And the Bible tells us how we can know for sure that we have eternal life. Many people today, they're wondering or they just hope they're going to heaven. I want you today to know for sure that you're on your way to heaven, too. Many people, when I tell them I know I'm going to heaven, they act like you must really think you're good to say that you know 100 percent for sure that you're going to heaven. But the truth is, there's only one way that we could be sure that we're saved, and that is if our salvation is not based on our works. If our salvation is based on something that's already been done. And the truth is, that's exactly what the Bible teaches. The Bible makes it very clear that salvation is not about our works, but by the work of Jesus Christ. The Bible says believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved. What does that mean? Does that mean I just have to believe Jesus existed? I just have to believe some of the stories in the Bible? I have to believe in the death, burial, and resurrection? What does that mean for me to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ? Well, in order to understand that, the first thing we need to do is see why we need to be saved. The Bible tells us in Romans 3.23, it says, For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. All of us have transgressed God's holy law, and therefore we are sinners. And the Bible says in Romans 6.23, For the wages of sin is death. We have earned death because we are sinners. And when the Bible talks about death, it's not just referring to us when we go to the grave, but there's a second death that the Bible talks about. We see that in Revelation 21, verse 8. It says, But the fearful and unbelieving and abominable and murderers and whoremongers and sorcerers and idolaters and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone, which is the second death. So you see some really bad sins mentioned in there. But notice it includes things like liars in there. And you know what? All of us have told a lie at some point. Why? Because we've all sinned. And we all come short of the glory of God. But thankfully, the Bible says, But God committed his love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Why did he do that? Jesus Christ died on the cross as payment for our sins. That way, Romans 6 23, it wouldn't have to end with, For the wages of sin is death. But, you could add on there, But the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. So we see that we've earned death, but we also see that there is a free gift of eternal life. A gift, it doesn't cost the receiver anything. If you have to pay for the gift, or if you have to work for the gift in any way, it's not a gift. And the Bible says that salvation, it is a truly free gift. It is a gift of God, not of works, lest any man should boast. And it just happens to be a gift that God offers freely to the whole world. So it's not being offered to you because there's something good about you. Truth is, we're sinful. But yet, God still loves us. He sent his son Jesus to die on the cross for us. Jesus paid the penalty of our sins, and he has freely offered us eternal life. So we will never have to experience that second death. And so we see very clearly in the Bible, where we're sinners, there's a penalty for our sin, but we see that Jesus Christ paid that penalty for our sins when he died on the cross. He died, he was buried, and he rose again from the dead three days later. And the Bible says in Romans 10-13, For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. So what does that mean? Why am I calling on him for salvation? Because I recognize that I'm a sinner. I recognize that I deserve hell that was made for the devil and his angels. I deserve that, but I don't want that. I'm worthy of it, but I don't want it. I want the free gift. And Jesus said, all I have to do to receive that gift is accept it simply by faith. And the truth is, if we don't accept it by faith, we don't get it. Many people today are trying to buy it with their good works and with their religion, but salvation has already been purchased through the blood of Jesus Christ, and he wants to give it to us freely, but he'll only give it to those who believe. He'll only give it to those who will put their faith in the work of Jesus Christ and in his death, burial, and resurrection. There are many people today who believe Jesus died on the cross. They even believe he was buried and rose again from the dead. But you know what? They have never put their faith and trust for their salvation only in the work of Jesus Christ. They believe those stories, but they also think, I've got to do some good thing too. And that's not how it works. Salvation comes by faith in the work of Jesus Christ, and that's it. Plus nothing, minus nothing. And thank God for that. That's easy. And the Bible tells us that if we will just believe that, we'll call. He will give us that salvation, and the exciting thing about our salvation is that it's eternal. He said, I give it to them, eternal life. You cannot lose your salvation. Once you have received the gift of eternal life, you can never lose it. Jesus said, I give unto them eternal life, and they shall never perish. A person who has received the gift of eternal life, they cannot lose it. You say, well, what if they go and they do some really bad thing? Well, here's the thing. You didn't do any good things to receive it, and there's no bad things you can do to lose it. Your salvation, it's not based on what you do. It's based on what Christ already did. And Jesus said that those who receive eternal life, they will never perish. Jesus said, my sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. I give unto them eternal life. Well, Jesus also mentioned a group of people that are going to stand before him one day. They're going to say, Lord, have we not prophesied thy name? Thy name cast out devils, and in thy name done many wonderful works. They're bringing up their works, and you know what Jesus says to them? Depart from me. I never knew you. So the truth is, a person who receives the gift of eternal life, they got it simply by faith in Jesus Christ. A person who's trying to get to heaven by good works, the Bible says Jesus never knew them. You know why? Because even on our best day, our works still don't measure up to what God is. And therefore, we are completely dependent on the Savior, and that Savior was Jesus Christ. He paid for our sins, and all we have to do is ask him, and he'll give us that salvation, and we can never lose it. The Bible says, if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thy heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. So if you want to receive the gift of eternal life, you can do it simply by praying right now and asking Jesus for that gift. And you can say a prayer just like this to say, Dear Lord Jesus, I know I'm a sinner, and I deserve to pay the penalty for my own sin, but I don't want to go to hell when I die. I want to be with you in heaven. I believe you died on the cross, and I believe you rose again from the dead. Please forgive me of my sins. Come into my heart. I accept your gift of salvation. I believe in you and trust in you alone to take me to heaven when I die. Thank you, God, for your love and your free gift. In Jesus' name, amen. Now those aren't magic words, but if you said that and you meant that in your heart, according to the word of God, you are saved. You have received the gift of eternal life, and you will never perish. And now you can say, I know 100% I'm going to heaven. Because my salvation is not based on what I do. It's based on what Jesus did. And that's the only way we can know that we're saved is if salvation is through the finished work of Jesus Christ. Thank you so much for listening. I hope this was a help to you.