(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) All right, so that was the one of the only news clips right there that I could find of the event that was still on the online and it was on this in the super lowest quality ever. All these aerial shots, did you get them like on the second trip or you got them on the first trip? Yeah, I got them on the second trip. I went back there with Shane and got a bunch of drone shots and stuff like that. So yeah, I got on the second trip. That drone shot, you remember taking that drone shot Paul, where we pulled up in that field? Yeah, so all the drone shots were extremely stressful because when we arrived in the airport, they said like, no flying the drone. And they saw the drone, they're like, no, if you if you fly the drone, we will catch you and find you and then take compensate the drone. So Shane, can you explain how confident you were during this time? Yeah, not very confident at all. Because we would pull up in that particular opening scene or that drone shot. That was like film on like a Sunday. And there was like all the city was closed. So we thought it'd be safe. So we went to this field and they flew the drone. And as soon as we flew the drone, people came out of the buildings and they were like pointing at it. And people just came out of nowhere. So it was it was pretty intense. All the drone shots were intense actually. Yeah, yeah, they were not fun. But this opening scene with Pastor, I really want you to kind of explain what was going through your head at this point of the interview kind of before before we knew about I mean, we were thinking this is gonna be great, right before they showed up. And then what kind of went through your mind, Pastor? Yeah, I mean, when we first got to the country, we actually were trying to set up interviews with TV and radio and people weren't really getting back to us. And then they showed up at the service on Sunday night and set up this interview for Tuesday morning. And I was suffering from some really bad jet lag. So I had only slept very little for like several nights leading up to this interview. And then I remember I looked over at Paul on that Tuesday morning. I was like, hey, give me a cup of that coffee that you're drinking. And he's just like, what? You know, what in the world? That never happens because he's never seen me drink coffee before. So I drank a bunch of coffee before that interview. So part of this interview is the coffee talking. That's my excuse. Yeah. Yeah, that that was I was shocked when you said give me some of that. The guy on the right. What now? The guy who's that guy on the right? He doesn't say anything. You've got nine kids. Oh, the guy with the red shirt. Yeah. We we added him out of the film because he's just an idiot. Well, he's a literal homo. Yeah. And he's a man. Yeah. He's the leader of the homo organization in Botswana. He didn't make any good points. It's completely pointless to put him in. Well, he is. He's an idiot. He's a reprobate mind. His mind doesn't work right. I liked when they asked you in the interview, if you would shake his hands, you're like, I don't know where his hands been. So I won't touch it. Yeah. Or maybe I wouldn't touch it because I do know where it's been. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. They the guy on my left was like a Lutheran pastor. And I love the part in the film where he's like, Reggie, don't look at me like you look at other people, Reggie. I have a master's degree, I have a PhD. You know, he starts like bragging about all his degrees and stuff. And Reggie's like, that doesn't make you right. So. Yeah. So what what I thought was funny is as soon as as soon as the immigration showed up, I knew right then and there that you were going to get deported, but you still in the back of your mind thought that you weren't going to get deported or something. Yeah. I was like in denial. Yeah. You were in denial time. I thought everything was fine all the way to the bitter end. And in fact, if you see like in a little bit when they're taking them out, I mute the audio because the audio was it was just pastor saying like they're they're just taking me to go. I'm like, it's me just like everything's fine. There's nothing going on. Don't worry about it. Yeah. I'm just really optimistic. What can I say? Yeah. You actually sounded pretty ticked off when they took you to the immigration and told you that you're you're being deported. You sound ticked off. Well, because they told me that I wasn't. That's why I was being so optimistic. They told me I was not being deported. You're not under arrest. Everything's fine. So I just believed them. And then I was just betrayed, man. Well, you know, what's interesting, too, about this is the audio. So my bags never arrived. And so I only had one battery left for my audio, my recording equipment. And that was like literally like less than half when we started this interview. And so I had to keep stopping the camera over and over while we were I mean, the audio to preserve the battery. And so by the time we got to this part, literally, I just had like this little bar left. And I was so nervous because I was like, I have to get this audio. And so and but I swear this was of God because that little bar just held all the way until after pastor got deported and arrested even in that in that interrogation. Yeah. And the cool thing is that when they had me in that room questioning me, I was still wearing the audio. Yeah. They didn't even notice that I was wearing a lapel mic. Yeah. So you got even though you couldn't film it, you got just crystal clear, high quality audio from the lapel mic. And then and then they're like, we need to confiscate all your electronics. And I start just pulling off like wires. And they're like, Whoa, what is that? Yeah, they just expect me to have like a cell phone. And I had like this whole wired up thing under my shirt. Yeah, yeah, it was it all is of God that we even got that stuff because I'm telling you my battery never lasts that long. Usually once it gets down to that little last bit, it just it goes even faster. Yeah, I never even start a sermon unless I have full three bars. Yeah, because the bars go down so fast. Well, that was one of the battles with this film is pretty much after this interview, I had no more sound because my bags didn't arrive until later. So we were all the sound in this film was is taken from a little talking about immigration mic I had like strapped to the camera, but it wasn't like professional sound at all. So Jen really saved us on the sound mix. And is everyone hearing this fine? Make sure you Logan, we're gonna put the link to the survey guys. Make sure to vote on the survey. Take that survey. It's in the chat box. Let us know what's your favorite frame in the world. All right, I'm gonna go to the news. Yeah, I have no regrets about doing the interview. No, I really liked the way the interview turned out. And you know what was so cool? The president of the country was literally listening live. That's why I got deported because he was literally listening live. I mean, that's the degree. Yeah, that is cool. That's pretty cool to go to a country of 2 million people and the president of the country is tuned in listening to you preach. That's pretty cool. So when you I still didn't know if they were gonna let me come at this point. So I just jumped in the car hoping they would let me come. Yeah, they drove so incredibly fast. Like the movie doesn't even capture the speeds that we were going, but they were driving like over 100 miles an hour at times. It was wild. And even in the residential areas and stuff, they were just pedal to the metal, like going pretty fast, weaving in and out of traffic. It was like I felt like I was in a movie or something on a car chase. Yeah. And the film doesn't even do it justice because I'm telling you, they were driving so fast. They were enjoying it. Yeah, they were having fun with it. And I remember there was this one part where they pulled into a parking lot and the guy literally just like slid into his parking spot. I kid you not. The cops were just loving their vehicles. They're like, finally, we got something to do around here. Yeah. You didn't say it was banned, right? In South Africa? All right. Thank you to all the executive producers that made this film possible. I really appreciate their support. This was a very hard shot to get. For some reason, the rig, I had this rig strapped to the back and it just took Chris, poor Chris, took us a half a day to get that shot. He was a trooper, though. He didn't care. It was kind of like the beginning of this live stream. It was kind of like Paul just screwing up everything. There were so many people threatening to kill me in South Africa and stuff. It was probably just God's will that I didn't even get allowed in. There were so many people threatening me. Well, that was one of the scenes that actually got cut from the film is you getting ready to go and talking about all the people threatening you and stuff, which is a great scene. It just didn't fit. Yeah, instead of the scene where I'm shaving off my beard, it ended up being you shaving off your beard later in the film. Talk about that, though, because we filmed this whole scene where you're packing up, getting ready to go. When we started filming it, it was a completely different movie. It wasn't called Deported. It was just about us going to South Africa. I was going earlier than I said I was going, and I was in disguise so that I wouldn't get ambushed at the airport because all these people are going to be meeting me at the airport, all these people threatening me. So I wanted to just kind of slip in quietly and be able to get in and do the event. And it just didn't work, obviously, because I got banned and rerouted and everything. Well that that shot right there, that drone shot was done by a kid in our church, actually, because my drone is having problems. So that was done by Hesse's boy. So he did a great job with that. And yeah, this is another super low quality news footage that I got. So see all these lower thirds right there? I had to recreate all that. I redid all that to make it seem higher quality than it is because it was such a low quality I redid all the bottom lower thirds there. And what's up with this gimmick accusing me of promoting racial hatred? What a liar, dude. Well he got exposed to the whole world, no pun intended. Black people that came on our trip with us. Our church is like one of the most diverse IFB churches. Yeah Paul crashed his drone, you know, that's a very true story. In fact, Pastor Aniston was there when it all went tumbling down and into a heap. Which time? I've seen you crash your drone a bunch of times. Yeah so that right there was one of the purchase shots of the film that shot a Phoenix. There was five purchase shots in this film without going to Johannesburg. See what people have to understand when they watch a film like this is that like you all know how things are going to end up, but us at the time, we have no idea what's going to happen next. We don't know how things are going to end up. So it was a lot more intense in the moment when you have no idea what's going to happen. And you were literally on no sleep here either because you were talking about watching this, the interview of them. I didn't see it till maybe six months later. I was watching the interview at like one in the morning and then I spent the next several hours like on the phone with airlines trying to re-route our flights and stuff so yeah. I got really sleep deprived on that whole trip. I can't handle jet lag. Any time I go across the Atlantic it really messes me up. Well going to Africa is not a fun trip and I think Shane can attest to that, right Shane? No it's not a fun trip, it's a long trip. I think that the person most likely to be banned is you because our tickets were bought on the same transaction. So Tyler Baker is there in the driver's seat. I was trying to zoom in. He got cropped. I was trying to zoom in past him so you wouldn't see him. There he is right there a little part. So I'm like zooming in right here doing a digital zoom to kind of just get him out of the frame. But I couldn't get him out totally. You should have just photoshopped someone else's head on his body. Yeah I'm not that good. Deep fake. Well it's just a foreshadowing of the devil who's gonna you know the devil's gonna be involved in a lot of things in this film so it's like an early foreshadowing. Well I kind of like how this film just you know it's kind of like Beyond Jordan where you're going along for the ride. But this is kind of like the calm before the storm. Andrew Paul wrote in the chat I saw Paul in the lobby of the theater before the film so I knew he got out of Botswana. So this actually was shot months later so don't don't hate me on that. You actually staged this? You regraded it? I staged that. Me in the airport there I staged that you know three years later. We can tell because you look so much older and this stuff you staged. I actually yeah yeah a lot more gray. Did you usually just for men you know try to yeah well I yeah well all right there's I really like that shot. And I wish I would have had that better the I wish I would have filmed them better those them playing the instruments there but we couldn't use their audio. I had no fun. That was a fun little that was like there was such optimism before that little because we that little scene you have here there's just a small group of us that got to go and check out Germany on this. We hopped the subway yeah and went in the hat you know once got the wiener schnitzel the whole nine yards and we had a great little time. It was just like we were just so pumped and excited for this trip and just all came crashing down. Well at this point we knew that Pastor Anderson got in the country yeah so and we thought we're gonna get in no problem and get in and so we were just like living high right there and then this happened. So what's between what's between the scene of us going out in the town and this was I thought I lost my passport remember that do you remember that and then we're I was running around trying to find my passport yeah okay I do remember and I had to run back to the yeah it was horrible so we were on I think we were like gate 99 some crazy it's a massive 20 minute run huge airport and we're just running all over the place yeah so I run back and I I'm like almost missing my flight because I can't find my passport anywhere and it was like in my bag or something ridiculous with you the whole time the whole time and I finally get back and then we're like we're late to board the plane then once we go to board the plane they're like curry we gotta board the plane then once we go to board the plane they're like nope you can't get on so it didn't matter that scene there I was with you guys when that happened I was the only one out of the four of us that made it through yeah yeah you went through the yeah I went through and I was standing watching you guys you guys are all like go so I just turned around and like booked it down the down the ramp go before they change your mind yeah we are not going to make it on but I swipe all at the same time as you guys yeah South Africa it's crazy huh good looking plane but well I know so I have I guess we have when I sent out screeners it tells me who watched the screener and how much they watched of the screener and so Garrett did make it all the way through this screener so they watched the film so I didn't get a response how they liked it oh you actually you actually sent him a screener yeah cuz I was yeah I did you know oh wow he never responded Paul's such a gentleman well I wanted to see it I mean he wouldn't believe me about his wife before so maybe the film would help him believe me but this we we stayed in this hotel for like two hours Nara and I had to get up so early didn't he didn't he blow up at you you told me later like I didn't hear about it at the time but I guess he he blew up at you when you were interviewing nail or yeah what happened with that it was right before we interviewed nail he I was telling him like what you know what she did and he just started screaming at me and just telling me off and telling me how I better not you know talk to her about that on the interview and that's why the interview with her I was very hesitant because he was right outside the door and he was pretty touchy about it yeah cuz she was guilty yeah but you know what's funny is that if we would have made the movie back then we would have been kind of whitewashing some of that totally trying to add to trying to smooth that over but you know because of what happened afterward no I just ended up just you know just showing everything I made a better movie right yeah I remember when we came back and having this discussion with you saying like hey you know I don't know how I'm gonna cut around this right and remember well yeah because when we did when we had that phone call and we realized like when Shane's on the phone with us the first time we talked we realized that the government you know like that she's working with the government to try to find us yeah as soon as Shane hide hangs it up I go no sold us out yeah and I'm like and this before all you know the stuff of gear all went down and Paul's like hey do you know what you said here's the clip well you got to cut that out that's that can't go in there but you're like no let's go it in all right that right there of me talking that was months three years later three years later and I don't think a lot of people know this but nail doesn't have legs it's something I didn't even know until after this trip no no I knew that I knew that what am I talking about I interviewed Garrett like a million times it was just one of those things that you forgot yeah yeah but you know when you did that interview with nail the purpose of that interview was to gloss things over you were trying to do the interview to like to smooth it out and yeah try to make her look better but he was just so touchy about it that he really just chewed you out or whatever yeah and all these drone shots were done by a guy named Justin Drennan I think that's how you pronounce his name he's he came with Shane and I on the second trip and he did an amazing job total trooper I would definitely bring him on any future project remember all those drone shots every time we did the Riverwalk they wouldn't let us so I'd go soul winning get talked to the security guards yeah we'd have to get the security guard saved to get the drone shot yeah so that right there was that who shot was it that was Rob's shot right or mine that was yours wasn't yeah these are the these are basically the only people that we saw the whole time we were in Botswana that weren't black yeah we're the five protesters yeah none of them were black and we we never saw anyone else who wasn't black like the whole time we were there and obviously there are white people there but very we just didn't run into them yeah and in fact I didn't run into any white people on the whole trip you you ran into some because you were at this service I wasn't at they weren't none of them were from Botswana they were clearly like just foreign exchange college students just college libtards so is this the footage film by the dirty old man yeah it's like dirty old man cam yeah that's why I put the record in the that's sad that this scenes controversial because who wants some dirty old man in their church service yeah he's not there because he loved the service he was he was sitting behind a couple this white couple that came up from South Africa and they were listening to the service and something and he was sitting behind and they told me afterwards that he was whispering in their ear it's like hey I'm a homosexual and they're like shut up stop talking and the guy was just trying to provoke them like he was just there he was a troublemaker he's trolling and and you know what I wish we would have got the footage where the guy literally got on his knees and started like apologizing to me knees it was so weird because he was putting on this big show for the media he got down on his knees he's like oh I'm so sorry pastor answer will you please forgive me it was so weird what was that Rob's footage he did the same thing to me cuz when yeah there was two entrances to the building so I ran around to the front and made sure that that entrance was locked cuz that's how they originally came in and that's where he was and he looks at me he looks it over at the people that are filming those protesters and he gets on his knees and he's grabbing my foot and he's kissing my foot going I'm so sorry I'm just like you doing it to you too it to me too yeah and then he saw the news camera with Pastor Anderson you can actually came around yeah cuz my kids said that was the funniest part of the movie was when I'm on the phone with like customer service and I'm like he was down on his knees like begging forgiveness oh yes I'm still here yes hey that this is pastor Anderson cam right here this is one of the three shots I think in the film that are yours did you give me a camera credit I don't remember what I should have I better have funny funny this sermon pastor you posted my video on your channel and then there was people on there saying that this video wasn't real oh we met yeah talk about that wasn't Denlinger the one Denlinger said it was all on a green screen what is he gonna say when he sees this movie I mean the whole thing well Paul you've already admitted in multiple places that you filmed it three years later it was pickup shots yeah so yeah yeah it's cool yeah yeah yeah a lot of people we added yeah I love this scene because it really gives a cameo to a lot of our friends yeah it shows a lot of our friends here and that guy right there is a news reporter that remember that Arab news reporter Minneapolis my daughter is in the shot yeah I know in the snow we've got snow well you know when you don't have home movies at least you can pull out something like this and get a quick memory you don't have home movies I mean we don't have a lot we have a million photos though yeah that's good well your your movies are our home movies yeah when you cut to the crowd and show my family it's like a family memory right there this was I think one of my favorite sermons you ever preached that you preached there that that that Sunday night why thank you yeah if you guys haven't listened that I think it's online oh yeah it's it's all mine yeah you should check out that sermon and it was perfect because you talked about the crit the persecution and then I mean everything that you talk about happens it was like preparing people for the next couple days yeah it was yeah foreshadowing yeah that's funny that last scene there we're at the Riverwalk the guy that Rob and I are or maybe it's this scene here there's a guy that we're talking to when we he was a cab driver you can see on the left-hand side there he was getting saved and right there that guy right there on the left yeah the next trip the first person I see when we pulled up was it was right there at the same spot three years later yeah he remembered us yeah he's like that guy outside the tomb of Lazarus well we went back to second time he was there at the Lazarus tomb yeah yeah we got an interview with him I don't know if it made it I think it is all the way back to Lazarus he's a direct descendant of Lazarus actually I'm filming him right there on that on the video you can see me there with my phone yeah so there you go there they can't the street was your arm tired yeah must've been he'll shame this building could be anywhere there's no proof that alternating your arms left and right you had to rest he needed like Aaron and her to hold up his arms yeah that's my shot right there right Paul yeah look at that Mike that's steady I always love it when Paul needs pickup shots like years later and he's like hey do you still have this tie yeah then I have to go rebuy this stuff I had to find it and rebuy it I destroy all my stuff yeah my stuff doesn't I had every piece of clothes that I only had one yeah when we went back to Africa he sent me like a list of things to pack up for my first trip I had to go dig some of that stuff up I guess if you're wondering if this is all shot the at one time on the trip I guess this is being your whole life is being shattered right now yeah and then this the shirt that I'm wearing I still have this that is yeah that's the original but what's funny when we were there everybody was wearing this shirt like everybody had it yeah and I was just like where do I get one because I felt left out it was like the uniform for being in the country like literally you'd walk up to four guys and it's just four guys wearing this shirt literally and so I was just like where do I get one so then finally we found some stand at the mall and we bought them for myself I bought some for my kids we all got him and then I went jogging at night with I think it was like maybe Sam Osborne and Kayla back a no-show maybe and we went jogging at night and we jogged by this bar but like all of the partiers at the bar were all like outside the bar and I kid you not there were literally hundreds of them it was weird it was just like hundreds of people tailgating in a parking lot outside of a bar and as we ran by they just start like cheering bots 50 yeah they're just like cheering for the shirt sharing that the shirt white guy wearing a shirt running yeah they just came unglued we were there the actual year of the 50th anniversary I think we're pretty close to it but even three years later yeah people were still wearing well I think this is the longest scene of the whole movie this you preaching this and it's it was originally super long and then pastor had to say Paul come on it was too long so we yeah we needed Paul please brother this can't go on for what was your original idea for the movie length like were you planning on doing it like two hours or an hour and a half or just turned out that way no we were always planning on doing two hours we were just gonna it was just gonna be totally different film I thought we usually do like 90 minutes yeah we kind of shoot for 90 and end up doing two hours is usually what ends up yeah this is the longest film we've ever made there's Rob I don't think Jay wanted to be in this film Jay didn't want to be there time-lapse of the Milky Way it's funny cuz like when we before I went to Botswana actually because the whole flatter thing was going on and I took note of the constellations in Toronto right before I left and then two days later when I was in Botswana at nighttime I looked up and the stars were completely different I'm like well that debunks ladders yeah that's when you stop being a flat earther huh Moses which also betrayed them he was really nice that was one of my kids favorite lines in the movie too like why does Moses suck so that is a car rig shot so you gotta imagine guys so we we have this car rig strapped to the front of the car and it's not just like we don't that's not a GoPro we have our big camera attached to the car hanging off the front and we're driving down just trying we're trying to stay low-key and everyone just staring at us everywhere we go yeah it was sort of like the drones yeah it was worse than the drone cuz just everyone oh man there's a funny funny story speaking of driving when Paul and I were driving around just by ourselves for some reason and we couldn't figure out how to put the car in reverse it was so weird like because I guess you had to like shove down on the shifter in order to get reversed because I'm used to just because I started out driving a stick and it was like you know first second third fourth overdrive and then reverses down here but it was like you had to do you had to like push down and toward you to get in reverse and we didn't know how to do it we couldn't figure it out so we literally every time we had to back out of a parking spot we would literally jump out of the car and put the car in neutral and push the car back backward and then jump in and drive forward so then we go to pick up pastor Bogart at the airport on Monday night and we were like really embarrassed because we didn't want pastor Bogart to see us just like being so dumb like not knowing how to drive this car so we're just like why don't we just ask him to drive you know and then and then we'll watch and see what he does and then we'll know so so we pick him up at the airport and then we're like hey do you mind driving and he acted kind of weird but he's like I guess sure and then we watched him just push it down click it in reverse like he probably wondered why we made him drive did you go to Africa with us were you on that same trip with us their time I got a data plan like long-distance plan before I left but so did I but it didn't work yeah I didn't get service the whole time and I paid like this extra fee I paid like 400 so okay that food is all over the floor yeah that is on the directly on the kitchen floor and people were just like stepping over it and stuff this actually interview with her is really funny like the full interview with her mom oh yeah my favorite part of the full interview with the mom is when she's like I like brother Garrett too much because in other languages yeah in other languages they mix up like too much and very much some language is the same word yeah she's like I like Garrett too much you know well I'm glad we did those because I was like hesitant to do these interviews cuz I was like oh we'll do them later cuz we were already rushing around but you talked me into getting these interviews pastor I'm very glad you did yeah I remember I think I was like come on let's set it up right here this is gonna work needed it yeah that lady right there was looking forward to the wedding the most I think she was ready to party yeah oh yeah she was ready to get her dance on I think those cows that we're gonna get slaughtered probably were happy I mean I I was assimilating into the culture rapidly as you can see in this picture I just like a chameleon man so pastor what was that phrase you kept busting out like that yeah what does that mean I don't know I mean this is what happened okay I I literally before this trip I studied so much Afrikaans I learned literally thousands of words in Afrikaans and then I got banned from South Africa which is like the only place in the world that anybody speaks Afrikaans so that was kind of a bummer so then I was like okay well I'm gonna pick up a little bit of the Setswana language so when we went on this trip I had not learned any of the language whatsoever but I had a really good app on my phone and I was using the app and I would I was really good at faking it like basically I would I would think of what I wanted to say and I would kind of like hide the app look it up listen to it and then I would just kind of bust out with the right thing at the right time and people would just be kind of shocked like whoa how did you know that how do you know the language but it's really just the app yeah but you know what it's funny because people loved you right away as soon as you started breaking out with the language yeah well cuz I because I've learned a lot of foreign languages in the past I was able to pronounce it correctly I was able to kind of get the accenting and the tone and everything but I was just relying heavily on this app but I kind of hid the app so people wouldn't see it this was another stressful drone shot right here super stressful drone shot I think Shane can test that yeah yeah so so I was fine with getting these drone shots but the two but Shane was just like super paranoid he kind of rubbed off on me a little bit well yeah it's cuz he's already been threatened with torture the first time he was there and now he's just breaking the law in all fairness you know what happened was Paul told me I never heard his what happened to him like when he went to jail and that what it was like so he told me what it was like and what happened no water and slipping in the urine and all that water you know that's why I got like that cuz I was like oh man yeah he didn't tell you those stories and until you'd already agreed to go shots and everybody's coming out pointing at us I was like oh man we're gonna get so arrested yeah and they made it suit so clear in the airport like do not fly this drone like do not fly this drone or you will get arrested and so we were super nervous the whole time not only said they said that they could arrest us they said they would confiscate the drone give us a fine and they could arrest us and so we were just well and if they knew why you were flying the drone then they might just arrest you anyway just to mess with you well okay well we're filming government buildings the whole time like it's like please stations and government you had a copy of the anarchist cookbook in your suitcase okay let's get this straight I did not have any weapons I use stupid Sam the best line in the movie is the the axe the knife and the poison I mean who brings an axe with them that is just ridiculous but I guess he was planning on being there for so long he was gonna be there for like a year yeah so I guess he thought he couldn't buy one there he could have just bought an axe like in Africa probably a lot cheaper interrogating Pastor Anderson here they're telling what's going on if you like they obviously they know human psychology like you could tell by the way they're talking to him and the words they're using you know to kind of like subdue him and you know make him think that everything's cool and just you know be cooperative and there's some you know there's media outside you know don't sensationalize anything that's not sensational and you know he's like yeah whatever cool yeah I'm coming with you and stuff like that so you know they do that on purpose they know human nature they know how to like just get in your head so you see me me cooperative I want to say this before I forget but if you saw me I was moving back and forth right there I was just making sure that it was still recording because it was literally at this point it's flashing at me like batteries gonna die batteries gonna die and so I was just like just praying this would last and somehow it was it how long is it it's where you muted my opt-out yeah I've muted your optimism because you're just saying oh nothing's gonna happen they're just taking us down there nothing's gonna happen nothing's gonna happen they just want to talk to me and it killed the man I know but it killed the mood so I was like I just know you all sound you edited right yeah so so you know they took me away then they took me to another building and then they tell me yeah you're being deported you know this and that and then they just interrogated me for hours they wanted me to like rat on everybody and give me everybody's name stuff and I just told them I'm not gonna talk about anything about other people like I'll tell you anything you want to know about me so then they just asked me about myself for like an hour and a half like what does my dad do for a living what does my mom do for a living what are my grandparents do for a living they're just like questioning me so much and then they fingerprint me photograph me they do all this stuff then by the time we get to the airport there was only like one flight left leaving for the day and if I didn't make it on that flight I was gonna have to spend the night in jail and I didn't have enough money for the flight because they didn't take any kind of a card so I had in my ATM card wasn't working right or something so I had to like pull money out of like two different ATMs with two different cards and I remember I was just barely able to scrounge up like I maybe had like $20 to spare or something barely was able to scrounge up enough money to barely get on that flight and I barely made it but I was stressed out because I didn't want to have to spend the night in that jail that you spent the night in yeah right so what's that you might have got mopped yeah yeah seriously they would have just mopped me down so right here again cleanliness again those are car rig shot car mount shots and we had it like literally like four inches from the ground to make it seem like it's going super fast and all did you like did you blow through that red light on purpose yeah yeah he's simulating the way they throw it yeah yeah it's exactly how it went what they did he literally went through the red lights well and then what's funny when we got to the airport they said like we're not gonna put handcuffs on you or anything you just need to act like we're all just friends hanging out so the cops just told me to just act like they were my friend and we were just hanging out together so we were just like eating snacks and sodas and just like joking around and talking yes at the airport I had to beg for this shot right here this shot of the the immigration building I had to beg for because Shane just refused to get this why do you gotta keep bringing that up Paul let it go man I had time heals all wounds this is this shot right here is the only photo I had I actually had a video but it was such horrible quality I had to like take a photo I was like take it still the video and just play that I was lied to but that was the room you went into and it didn't exist the second time we went there we asked like they redid everything we couldn't even find that room really yeah and the people who picked me up so no redoing that this all happened this was all in the day if you can see me they were standing two guys were watching me there and so they thought I was just looking at my phone then I will leave but you can see the two guys right there the one guy in the middle he was a reporter and the two guys in the outside those two guys were watching me if you are making me leave then I will leave the same thing happened to me when I left the airport they told me not to make a scene and they just told me to just be friendly and everything and they hung out with me too until I left yeah and then we were hanging out and then I get on the plane so and people were recognizing me on the plane like they peep a couple guys like got out of their seat at different times and walked up to my row in the plane and they're like hey are you that pastor that you know was on the radio and stuff and then they're just like they were taking selfies with me and like they were acting like I was cool like they weren't acting like I was bad at all like they people there loved us it was just the government that threw us out yeah every person that we talked to anyone none of them had yeah I were to say about it was it was like our icebreaker so for the rest of the trip we would show them like our the something would but I had your picture on it and they're like oh yeah this is the pastor we're like yeah that's us we're a part of him well you know since the movie went on my YouTube a couple days ago you know I've been running the Facebook ads in Botswana and there were tons of comments already from people saying like oh I remember when this happened or like oh yeah they were tagging other people like hey do you remember this you really oh cool that's see that's what I wanted to happen and most of the comments were really positive a lot of people are like this guy's well in the truth well I remember if you listen the full interview of you at the radio station people were calling in after you talk it was all positive like oh yeah 80% of the calls were all positive when you say absolutely yeah it was it was there was some negative mixed in but it was it was majority positive yes and just in public talking to people it was totally yeah and I'm glad Reginald Richardson that's a guy's name right there he got this interview with the minister now have you sent him the full movie I did and he hasn't watched it yet what I sent it to him I sent him the YouTube link I said so the original video your little stat is just showing that he hasn't watched it or what yeah yeah and I asked him and he just says I sent a YouTube link and because I thought maybe he just couldn't get the bandwidth to watch the VHX he's in the movie I know any it makes him look great look at him looks great I know you respond to you yeah he responds me he's a really nice guy yeah he's totally cool what did he say no he hasn't watched it yet I don't understand it but while this whole thing was going on he was siding with you right pastor like he was kind of on okay oh yeah at a minimum he was for my freedom of speech and wanted me but he even seemed like he liked me genuinely and agreed with yeah well but you know at the minimum he believed that I had the right to be there and to say that stuff and you know well we went back to Africa the second time we got a sit down interview with him it's like an hour and a half and then he actually interviewed me for like an hour and a half except you know my shot of me is all completely out of focus he got he got her fired didn't he get fired or his show got canceled or something just for having me on the radio that was another thing we couldn't fit in the film FCC shut him down they can't do live broadcasting their version that interview yeah their version of the FCC like the Botswana FCC equivalent shut down that show and fire typically him and the lady specifically because of having me on the radio there was a news article about yes crazy yep I mean can you imagine that the guy just and and the guy does not agree with me on the air at all no never on the air did he say anything positive or agreeing he was just providing an interview he was just like doing both sides he's talking to the Lutheran guy he's talking to me and they punished him they punished the radio station they punished his assistant it's crazy I'm gonna pause this see how I can pause it why are you sorry I'm sorry I'm pausing it this guy right here this is mine now Oh crap push play push play well now I got a push play no push play sorry I don't why would I pause it what are you doing what I hear all night yeah so uh anyways that was the the head of the DIS and he was at the building where they arrested you and that was a picture of him so you'd have to go back and watch that still but that was actual picture of the head of the DIS who later got charged with corruption charges or got arrested for corruption and then while they're arresting him he's like threatening to overthrow the government that was weird remember that yeah well I'm sure he has some dirt on the government can't be worse than what they got on Gigaba yeah so oh yes I listen to the interview that's why I hate you and will help government round you all up yeah and you can tell right here he knows the church is not happening from this interview the way he answers the questions like he says it's your church that's my like you can tell like it's not connected it's not like he's not saying it's his church or take over he's already like distancing yeah you can by the way he answers this you can tell basically Garrett in this movie is kind of just like a non-playable character yeah like even here it's like what do we do and then we go to Moses he doesn't like Garrett doesn't get a this kind of just he's kind of just most of the movie he's just kind of like carried by the events yeah he's just carried along by events this is Rob this is a funny scene now Rob did you ever end up being the best man no he did yeah when the wedding eventually happened or no I think you were you still did it at the church you were the best man right yeah that was when Rob you were like in a string of weddings weren't you okay so you're preaching I don't remember you're like in everyone can't even remember being someone's best well when somebody turns out to be bad he just deletes that file from his brain he does a North Korea style purge this is when Moses was trying to talk us into not doing the preaching at the school yeah it's like come on yeah this is Garrett's most decisive moment yeah yeah usually he's just like oh I wasn't there yeah but I but it's because I looked at him and gave him this look like we you don't hear it in the film but I gave him this look like we have to do this like that's why we shipped all these Bibles here I mean I don't even know you must have spent like six seven thousand dollars just shipping those Bibles there okay and it was all for that big and a lot of people got saved at the school cuz didn't they yeah how many people did they get saved in the soul-winning at the school yeah I don't know why yeah cuz they did a lot of one-on-one yeah afterwards I think there's about 600 students or something yeah but then they went around and just did personal soul winning yeah for the next hour or two or and got a lot of salvation sir see all did you hear that chorus of all those girls are just like yeah they all want to cancel this day oh yeah did you hear that of them want to do it even nail seemed like she didn't want to do it either yeah it was so weird when I got to Botswana okay the first thing because you know I got picked up at the airport and I was pretty much shown around everywhere by nail so I was with nail and her family for the first few days before any of you guys got there I was the only person in the country and nail was just telling me she's like I've given the gospel to my friends but I don't know if they're really saved I've given the gospel my family I don't know if any of them are really saved like I just want you to witness to all these people just every single person gospel so I'm like okay so then she just like took me around to like everyone that she knew and like virtually none of them were saved one person that I talked to was already saved but all the rest of them were not saved so I ended up just like getting a lot of them saved one at a time that was like what I did for the first few days when I was there in addition to just like getting the chairs ready for the church building and just getting the building set up and just logistics setting up the internet so that we could that shot right there that you just started sorry to interrupt but that shot of the wide shot we had to climb a mountain and we only had we were running out of time to get on top of this mountain and so I literally ran up a mountain almost died would you agree to that Shane I would agree that you left us all behind and just took off yeah just to get that shot and then I like barely made it I was so exhausted again guys I will survive if you would have heard the sound on this before Jen did it it was pretty rough like this scene especially she saved this number one wimpy's burger actually banned me because that was where one of our events to meet up in South Africa and they banned me so when I was in Botswana I posted all these pictures online of me just like posing with the entire wimpy staff and big smiles you know wimpy loves Pastor Anderson and stuff because they're their company like made some statement about how bad I was and that they wouldn't allow us and stuff it wasn't it wasn't good no none of the food was good no it's not known for its food well okay chicken we've got their whole restaurants they're like there's a theater upstairs we got every single person say there's Logan shock we go to your big scene man and everywhere we go no his his his big scene is getting married first that was his signature line from this film but that was crazy how like all the staff and stuff would make appointments with you guys like they wanted you to come and evangelize their whole staff and they would literally make appointments to come back and can you just preach this to all of us and they just did it as like a devotion where they would just they got everybody together to hear the gospel most obnoxious person I've ever met in my life I don't think he wanted to be in this film either a lot of people did not want to be in this film I just remember Teresa ended up somehow had the same layover as him so she kind of ended up hanging around with him at the airport for a few hours and then like being on the same plane with him and she was just like ready to kill him after like 10 hours or something she was but she was like she was like too she was too polite to say it so she's just like Seth I just I can only take you in small doses Seth hey wait till wait we got a we got a question in chat did we ever get the appointment at Friday at 1 p.m. I went back and they weren't there oh my airport when you like later in the movie when I'm going to the airport we did stop there but it was it was a little early and I called the I called the lady that was there and she didn't answer so but I had to go yeah but they got other appointments that they did but to answer your sorry good that was like that wimpy scene was like day two or something like that so we kept going back every day to the wimpy so we just kept witnessing to people while we were there so they had a whole week of us I was gonna answer Rob's question Seth book out is a flat earther so he got real offended and now he's just like a trashcan guy so he he used to go down to steadfast Fort Worth right yeah flat earth claims another they don't even see the pan down oh no I do show the pan down that is a lot of Bibles right there that was a really cool experience oh yeah well we did the same thing in Guyana like tenfold yeah Guyana we were doing that like three four times a day but but this is kind of where we learned it they when you after you preach that sermon and we were handing stuff out to the students at the school like the teachers were like smacking them and like you better read this you better you better oh and Guyana oh yeah yeah I literally I stood by the door in Guyana and the teacher was literally like slapping the DVDs into their hands like you better watch this yeah you better straighten up you need to listen this you need to fear God like it was crazy I love that tree in this shot the tree that tree is just the most beautiful tree and they just like swarmed me and they just grabbed them and I just like threw him and ran it's like such a I was wondering Paul is this interview from the original trip or was this done on the second trip second that's why I thought well you can tell because it's good sound yeah when I watch the movie I'm just like playing this game I'm just trying to figure out what's first trip but you know everything that we re-shot it's stuff that happened you know well it's in the spirit yeah yeah you're recreating exactly what happened yeah it's funny this mall here when we came back the second time we tried to get stuff we just witnessed all the soul of the security guards and then they would let us film yeah that was three years later Paul that's the solution all you got to do is just when you want to get into places get the people in charge saved and then they'll let you in yeah well we got trouble Paul got in trouble with with the rig in butts want all the security guys remember that Paul yeah well no oh so yeah so we were driving we had the car rig on and remember this is a pretty intense remains yeah I love that we had the car rig attached security guards like tracked us down and they were gonna arrest us remember that Shane and they wouldn't let us leave and they they drove us back and the only way we got out of his changes started witnessing to all of them like started get them all saved and then after you got them all saved then they just let us go but they were gonna arrest us well they were they were gonna shake it down I think that's what was take it down arrest you one of the yeah yeah Paul's freaking out like have you tried giving him the gospel he's like I don't know what I'm like just walked over there and just why not right yeah they were all friends after that so I think this is the drone shot of the police station I think was the most stressful shot right of the whole movie wouldn't you say yeah you sent me away for that didn't you no no you were there on that one I had to send Shane away for some of them because he just so much handle it couldn't handle I was just like you gotta go go soul wedding I'll get that drone shot real quick yeah they would just all of a sudden hey look there's a bunch of people here logical soul winning here and I'm like yeah take drone shots because he was stressing out a drone pilot like literally as soon as it goes on it's like get it out get it out it's like shame we haven't even got the shot he's like get it out get it out now we have to get up in five seconds to get a shot like literally all the drone shots are like every second every frame you see is the only good shot and then we rushed it down he just keeps hearing in his head the guy saying you're in Africa bro and the explicit warning of not to fly the drone shot we're flying yeah that one on like a Wednesday afternoon you know yeah that's what made me nervous too is just the way the amount of times they said just better not catch you flying Anderson's flaw I love the Lord I have like four of these newspapers my favorite one is the one where it says deported pastor gloats out being deported with so much fun I only had one of those that was a good one I bought so many I bought like six copies of each of them and somehow by the time I got back I lost a few I think people took over me I don't know why I still have all of them I have an envelope at the church building with all that stuff but you cut it all out and stuff right yeah I ruined it all I'm not as good of a collector as you are well you know this is Paul's quite a collector here is uh here is uh um kumo the man we're sending him in he watched the movie he did watch the movie well he was getting some love in the comments what did he say and what did he say he is do you like he said it was good and then that he just asked me how I was doing so okay few words yeah very he's a man of few words that's for sure people were praising him in the comments though saying that he was the real hero he was they said he was like the opposite that's a shot the most stressful shot in the movie right there was it worth it it was worth it because that's the building and that's where it all went took down we could film some random building and say it was it keeping it real keep trying to keep it real he never got stressed either did he never got stressed he always had a cool head yep I was a stress case and the first trip I was a stress case and the second trip you were the stress case let's be real let's call it's pretty steady level of stress going on all the time it's just varying degrees goes into the police station they're like was did he just put his cell phone yeah that's just a cell phone yeah and he didn't film the whole thing so he actually said something that didn't happen but what he said was true it just we didn't get on camera that's kind of the theme of this whole movie because he you know you film a lot but you can't get everything right so I mean well one I had no batteries there's always cool stuff that happens that you don't catch on yeah yeah sure and then there's other cool stuff that happens that you catch on film but it doesn't fit the flow of the film yeah so it ends up getting deleted that was Garrett right there that was Garrett I'm pretty sure still 80% second stressful shot of the film I can hear I can hear Shane screaming right here take the drone down take it down someone's coming get the drone down you know you know it was the most stressful was nails parents house oh yeah that was that didn't stress me at all I had to yeah we're in the middle of nowhere there's no stress yeah but they said don't come to their house call the police they would call right it was it was basically like when you're a kid and you'd hit the ball over the fence you'd have to go knock on the neighbor's door he didn't want to have to knock on the door hey you know can we get our drone out of your yard yeah actually actually that shot didn't turn out we had to go back because that's where Paul's like you got to stop oh oh yeah yeah that you're right we did we did the test we watched the shot I was like this is the worst shot ever it's because you scream I said Shane you just got to relax we got to go back and do it again we had to drive an extra two just to go redo that shot yeah Paul's like if you don't calm down we're gonna be here a lot longer so just calm down do you know where they're at yeah and the drone pilot was just so cool like he he was just he didn't care right he's like hey it's your money boss yeah he didn't yeah yeah he's got no trauma set he would just get in the zone because when he got that thing up there he just you know just became a pilot right he just yeah oh yeah he was a good he was a true professional he nailed it every time he's so much better at flying I am what except for when he was out of focus on that on that interview oh yeah yeah my hour-long interview that's completely out of focus this is the first indication that Moses is trying to help them round people up right three years later yeah so this begins a major plot point in the film about finding the car and that ends up dominating the next 45 minutes of the movie it's just like where's the car the car the one that was rented yeah that's that's my favorite Shane line the the car which was rented the rented one that car where the car with wheels I have to say the sunglasses in this movie were impeccable yeah a lot of Orion's a lot of product placement of Orion sunglasses they're the best sunglasses in the world you want best sunglasses on earth no joke you want some took a contact Shane you'll get there's Logan's mug I'm already talking about the movie coming out this was also not in not in Africa yeah this was in California Arizona yeah Paul's like I need you to grow that beard again I'm like I don't grow a beard Paul it took him like three weeks about the beer he's like you got to grow it out I'm like I look ridiculous what we talking about that's what we're waiting on to make the movie right we're hoping to come out with the movie in 2020 but it all depends on the beer and Paul was Paul was actually telling people that if they donated to framing the world it would somehow speed up his beard yeah this is the infamous scene that I got a lot of flack for recording this is the best part yeah the car that was we are looking for the rental car it didn't matter what she said he's just like the car we're looking for the car the car that was rented hey we need to make a need to make like a question we need to make like a Yoda meme of Shane like the car that was rented looking for we are with an Orion t-shirt yeah Yoda we're gonna ride t-shirt I can't wait to see it because I'm sure it's coming now well the reason I'm so close to this phone is because the recorder was on top of the camera so you're trying to get the sound I'm trying to get the sound I'm not worried about the we just want to know where the car is that's the theme for the next 40 minutes that was an alternate title of the film for a while we gotta go yeah we all knew at that point that she was setting us up nail sold us out and then right there he just went up in the he was he was actually in the immigration building going floor by floor trying to find Garrett there's a cool time you know oh man that stuff was so good yeah no matter what was going on if you got some cool time it just it did make everything better then at the end of the movie like there's the scene about Paul just eating this horrible slop and just being with all these crack addicts laying on the floor next to all these urine and feces and everything and then nails explanation is just like oh I was just worried about my brother's this is one of the reasons I was so nervous like I showed up I came in and this guy like I don't know hour after I got in was like I like your pants I want your pants that's not what you want to hear this guy okay and this guy was no shirt all right just shorts and he was just ripped and I was just like oh I'm gonna die in here that was in Africa though a lot of people don't realize that Paul grew up in Africa yeah some people forget that fact this this is one of my favorite shots of the whole film I love that overhead shot I think the one around about yeah that's why I use it twice and yeah it's interesting because the first time it shows up it looks different than the second time but it's the same shot but it's the same shot but it's it's because like the spirit of the film has changed so much yeah because the first time really beautiful and then the second time it looks kind of ominous yeah did you notice that too Paul yeah but I didn't notice it until after you pointed out to me and then after you point out I was like yeah you're right it's weird cuz cuz you just you feel so different at this point in the film yeah then earlier cuz it earlier it's a really optimistic part of the film and then this is like kind of an uncertain part this is dude where's my car and it's like 45 minute phone call as well it's like a phone call about the car but it's still interesting no it's great I don't know how it turned out interesting it's just us filming phones it's just so much zoomed in on a phone this is like after the tribulation we're zooming in on the phone what's that Shane I said it's great that you filmed it because you wouldn't have it in the movie right yeah well I mean we wouldn't remember this you know a lot of things we forgot and I reviewed it in the footage and like oh yeah that happened I remember this phone call I remember while I was talking to Shane and then I asked who are you with or whatever and he didn't answer I'm like okay they probably think I'm in on it or I'm trying to like sniff them out or something I could just tell well they all thought you're I was like no you seem cool I had those immigration guys near me I didn't want to say too much but you know yeah we could tell you're being careful what you're saying yeah so I'm I'm out of focus there because I don't want to show his phone number well no it's just you're focused on that one finger there's one thing in focus yeah right there I'm trying to not show his phone number he's trying to give like a code to them like so is anything funny going on yeah yeah cuz it already cost us like probably like $14,000 to reroute the people's flights that we had to reroute which was a bunch of people but if everybody would have gotten deported man it would have cost the church like 30 40 grand let alone all the then all the soul winning would have seized yeah the people that say you should have gone home and people will because it would have cost like 30 some thousand dollars and you know it people would have had to go through the whole ordeal with you know getting interrogated and ruining the trip and even if we would have left earlier like a lot of people this is my favorite part from Paul yeah my favorite part is like okay pastor that sounds like a great plan except here's the only problem I have no money no clothes well no passport no ID and I'm just like well you just need to stay with somebody who has those things and then you'll be okay that's the best part of the movie is just like I have no clothes no passport we need to make a trailer just that one part they've been tainted that was that dread that was that dreadful mountain that we climbed just to get these shots that was the worst climb of my life no the worst time of my life is when I wouldn't pass you that one time but this is not the first or the last time that question is gonna be asked I wonder I wonder if somebody's ever counted like how many times someone has that yeah that drone shot that they just shot that was pretty cool because we did that from across the street you remember that Paul yeah the one that's showing now that that drone shot before was from there so we flew it from across the street I like how it's called the mass okay yeah subliminal message that was pretty cool yeah this audio is horrible that's why we had to put subtitles you can do this film as a workout every time the cars mention you do ten burpees this was a this was a fun okay a fun film though actually the other the other burpee game you can play is where are you yeah where are you it's so funny how we're like we're like we're just taking pleasure in Paul's misery here you can always laugh about it later yeah yeah exactly right well Garrett I you know I never got a straight answer out of Garrett because he did not leave the cop keys where he said he was gonna leave the keys and I didn't he do that so weird I don't know Massa lives yeah yeah never got a straight answer out of him we need to use that frame as like a some kind of a Massa logo if someone's in contact with the masculine what I remember that hotel had a big breakfast buffet you have that yeah that was like the best meal you could get in Botswana the massive breakfast buffet it was outside of that member of the safe house member that restaurant yeah I always love that part like everything is just going to hell in a handbasket hey man I was thinking about going on a safari in the middle of all this was some guy that we don't even know they want to pay a huge amount of money and go like 20 hours north somewhere and stay with the lion six hours six hours no no it was like farther than that but still even six hours with some guy we don't know Pam like three four hundred dollars each and go to sleep in a tent somewhere and everybody's like trying to sign up to go and I'm a little nervous because it's the first scene right yeah oh yeah and he's really gonna be low key and then the alarm goes off it's like we had to break into the car cuz Garrett didn't leave the key so we had to reach we had to get our hands cuz the windows rolled down a little bit so we had to get her hand in unlock the door to get in the car that's why when we opened it the alarm went off and luckily the the car had those seats who were in the back because all our stuff was in the trunk so we had to go to the back seat and put the seats down and then get her so that trunk that is my car yeah that's my wife's car this is the this is the alarm scene this is like the alarm scene in beyond Jordan yeah throwback yeah yeah yeah okay guys don't forget to go in the chat I'm gonna put it right now don't forget a vote take the survey on what's your favorite frame in the world film make sure you take this survey I just put in the chat Paul what's your favorite frame in the world film between this and fluoride and Babylon I don't know man every every time I watch I'm like oh that's my favorite and then I watch the other one yeah they're all awesome I I probably like marching design the most but they're all good the one I like the least is after for sure and that's the one that was the the biggest success why didn't you like that one just he's just learned so much since then probably like it's not that I just didn't have any money it's not that I learned stuff I just didn't have any money to make it good it was a hit those it's all about the content man it's gotten well over 15 million views on YouTube probably 17 million or something by now so the Spanish upload alone makes up like 12 million views and then I think English had about 5 million yeah isn't that funny that the Spanish version of after the relation gotten more views than the English yeah man sold like 10 of those dubbing that into Spanish remember when we were at the studio doing that I was hard yeah got millions of views and sold 10 DVDs yeah nobody bought it but they literally like driving up to the church for the last time and you're gonna gut the church like it was pretty emotional honestly because you know we we had all these plans and you know we've been planning for months yeah every day two services yeah so a lot went into this building I mean I can't even imagine how much man-hours went into setting up this building getting the chairs getting everything oh yeah you know it is when you're calling people in Africa they don't call you back don't never call them from the US and set all this up but you send them a million emails and they never get back to you it took in months to set this up yeah we rented it we paid the rent we went through all this paperwork and then BAM and that was just like two services but you know it lives on in the film it's worth it man I have no regrets I really liked Ryan it's too bad he won't talk to us exactly right there out of all those sermons and you know what's funny is I did not hear the sermon on the day you preached it it wasn't till you know a year later because you were so you're so focused on filming yeah I'm paying attention no I didn't hear at all yeah it would have it really would have helped me when I was in that jail cell at least Ryan does well in the film this guy looks like some like drug cartel like it looks like this is a pretty cool yeah this is a great line of film yeah it is this is a shot Tom it's an optical illusion yeah cuz Paul's not getting up that early no I know that early yeah I've traveled with him when we were in Jordan sleep when we're on Palestine yeah for real he was getting up at Oh dark 30 every single morning and he filmed every single sunrise this this drone shot here we had to the managers came out and they didn't want they were like what do you guys do it and we offered to give them and we sent them all the footage we sent them all okay sorry yeah we went in there and we wanted to take like drone footage of it so we went and offered them free drone footage if they'd let us film the hotel and they said yes they could put it on their website or Facebook page yeah it makes them look great that was the perfect way to do it so if you have a business you want to film and just say hey I'll give you this footage and they loved it yeah so when we went back on this it seemed like we were all right when we saw the military we were we at first we're like oh man they're here but then they turned off and we're like no they're not here for us we're like but they were they were this was the original trailer for the film that came out like this trailer came out like three years ago people thought it was gonna be a horror movie based on this trailer you know this is one of the times I totally spaced and I got so nervous this was probably the most nervous time I got besides the jail obviously but this I got so nervous I wasn't filming properly like I was so I was like having a panic attack because I thought for sure we're gonna get busted because there was a half-track outside of our outside of our the house there with a bunch of military guys talking to all the neighbors and and searching our driver I thought for sure we were busted and we're gonna have to they didn't they didn't see you go in the house they didn't because they already searched and interrogated kumo when you guys get back in the car they don't stop kumo again cuz they'd already they'd already cleared him so it was just like perfect timing you guys were so close to getting nailed at this point though yeah yeah like people are saying he wasn't cool like I don't know what they're talking about that guy was like wait military got everything that happened never got worked up well that was cool and so Ryan actually got this shot like if it wasn't for Ryan this shot would not exist and then you wouldn't believe any of my story yeah Ryan when he went with me at the airport and he when we got to the airport he just says I'm not going with you and he says I'm out of here and I shook his hand and I turned to grab my bag and he was gone he like disappeared in the day like I never seen him again hey and then and then the whole time Ryan's getting the shot that was so important you're telling him like get out of the window I know I know I really he's not listening like I could have I could have in this I still kick myself to this day I could have got the shot with them outside getting out of the half-track right in front of the house going all that I could have got that shot yeah but what if they saw you I know that wasn't that exactly that was going through my head if they see me then they know I might have seen you if you would have done that yeah it's probably good the way it worked but yeah but I that shot would have been awesome but you get the point it still comes through he's trying to tell kumo just get out of here leave us alone yeah kumo's like no no they already cleared me no yeah well he knew cuz he could see it that they left they weren't around so he's trying to tell you trying to tell us like we get in here yeah but we didn't know how cool he was at that point either like a few words he wouldn't like it wasn't like he would explain it right yeah you're fine yeah this is pretty intense scene here yeah yeah at this point I thought I mean I was still panicking at this point I think you can tell by my tone but we need to get out of here this was on the day this is what this is real indeed I can't believe we got the army's right there really yeah God was with us I mean every element of this film it seemed like he was with us and even though you know at the time you don't think you know you think everything's just falling apart but really everything happened exactly how I should have so why does he suck Moses you need to get down I was still panicking here I was just I didn't get to like turn off on the next street he kept driving just kept on tailing that military vehicle hey we're gonna hide right under their noses most people did that the second trip to remember we had that you had the rig on on the car yeah I'm like turned like the police were like looking at us and pointing at us he was like just getting closer and closer to them you're like turn yeah yeah yeah kumos just kind of sometimes just make decisions yeah he was cool and we got him saved on the trip yeah and and you got his girlfriend saved right yep actually we got to go to his house remember we went to his house on the second trip yeah I think one of the things that doesn't really come across in the film is how many people are there because yeah I don't see a few of the people but there's a whole bunch of people that were on this trip that you're not seeing yeah yeah even like people that were on the trip they watch the film and they didn't know any of this because because they were just doing something different yeah yeah cuz weren't there like 20 some people there no one saw any of this well I guess some people they weren't filming themselves they didn't film their ordeal they were just having like a regular time they were just going out soul-witting like a regular day yeah yeah well but not all of them had no stress cuz like just there on the phone he was saying we went down to breakfast the military was there we just we just got out of there because it was you stood out like a sore thumb cuz you're white yeah it was so easy yes how do you hide in Botswana when you're like white with black and and you're white and they're looking for a bunch of white people it's like yeah it's a little hard to hide you go to the only hotel there yeah there aren't that many hotels even choose from two or three hotels it's like really they're at the white man's hotel this was actually Ryan's room yeah Ryan paid this is where this is where Ryan's confessing to some yeah in the military yeah Ryan did not want to be in this film at the time they all did they do your point I know and they all did interviews I flew Ryan I flew Ryan I remember Phoenix to do an interview I remember that like we shot so many interviews for this film but I just they didn't even make it into the film none of them made in the film because I just figured I I wanted to make it seem like you were just it was you're in it you know it's better yeah I really agreed with that like I did not want you to be constantly cutting to interviews you know that like reality TV style yeah where they're constantly cutting to interviews I don't like that I like it better when it's just on location yeah it feels like you're in the action it's Logan it's the part where basically you not know the bear about the waitresses yeah yeah it was epic yeah so they're waiting yeah well they're all just looking at us and we're all sitting we're sitting outside we've been dealing with all this and they bring up the paper and they're like are you him and we just try to make a joke like oh what do you think we're all every all be white guys the same you know that's not him come on are you close and then they leave but we just look at each other like we got to get out of here right now right now yeah this is you right and we're like no no no no no they held up the newspaper and showed it to him and he's just like I know not the man so now Paul's like I gotta shave my face look and here's the camera you gotta feel me they're like they're like art thou not a Galilean that thy skin color betrayeth thee I tell you I know I'm not so that shot of you you see of me shaving there that was the only shot of me shaving that was in focus well you only need one Paul yeah I know I was just very I hate it when Paul hands me the camera and tells me to film some because he always tells me I was out of right then he just yells at you the whole time like you're doing it wrong but here's here's how I fixed it though on beyond Jordan I literally got like 20 or 30 of my camera shots in the film yeah cuz you guys cuz I use the iPad so I got a lot of my shot film by using the iPad because they're on the iPad there's it's all autofocus I'm not saying I did a great job filming I'm just that's why I could never like look at this is the roughest shot ever I could never be a filmmaker if it weren't for iPhone and iPad and GoPro because like I cannot I don't have the eye for the focus like I cannot get things in focus and that's why I could never be a cameraman is it just you just have to have a certain eye for it fall or what I mean yeah and look some luck too I mean cuz it's high shoe on manual I get a lot of stuff but it's a rough scene to get it in focus yeah I've never according to Paul I've never gotten anything in focus that's why I don't gamble because I don't have the luck Paul's like you suck yeah you have to that's why you got to do the iPhone next time guys that's the only way Paul will use your footage you got to do the iPhone but you know I I say it I love though it doesn't sound like it he just hands you the camera and he's just like can you please get this in focus no direction just like get it right well shouldn't you get just know what I want we've known each other long enough this was the we hung out here every night this was the most beautiful scene it was epic and it was a it was like a beautiful like 15 minute walk from our place too so yeah walk down the road at night every night we had it was great food that's the only place we got you're watching the animals come up and lick this do the salt lick right next to where you're eating yeah yeah it wasn't good the second time no it was horrible the second time so yeah tell him about the food the second I really made you rethink the first time yeah they had nothing well it's no no the reason because that there was a famine wasn't there like yeah there was a famine that swept through and every there was yeah after this trip happened there was a major drought and famine that came through both South Africa and Botswana yeah and they were even like even the government leaders were like calling for people to pray and stuff because it was such a bad drought and everything God really blessed them after they kicked us all out and I'm glad that he read that email to a lot of things just worked out this is one of my favorite shots of the film yeah it is a beautiful yeah we were not supposed to be we were told no drones in this park as well that's a beautiful shot so we had to do that very this was a sunrise shot that I got I had to get this shot through I stayed up I woke up three mornings in a row to get this shot and I did it wrong two of the mornings that was on the third morning so that ate up all my sleep for three days just to get that one shot no yeah and that one thing you're not saying is that shot takes like hours takes like four or five hours to do it yeah I'm like yeah okay another phone call imagine that for what this is a very telling phone call it was hard to get a shot of that place where we were at just because there's so many trees it's just hiding everything yeah well we have popcorn up here did you want more popcorn pastor no I'm good I ate the whole bag I don't want to go overboard all things in moderation okay bye I love how the last thing out of her mouth is just like huh what and this is where you see kind of all of our group well part of it yeah but there's still a bunch of people on the trip that weren't at that I think we're only all together in that one reuniting shot this is Logan level-headed Logan that was a phenomenal job yeah I didn't see that meal that looks good hey Shane how nervous were you carrying all that like annoying that you had the film and all that actually this this scene here where I'm leaving that what led me to up to that was they went to go so many in some town and then Ryan and said turn around because the military's coming so the first card went with Paul and I think Logan and stuff with kumo and they were coming back to get a second car and they turned around after Ryan called him in the military like three military trucks went by yeah that never made it in the film either they were like they're like oh the military was coming to get us I just thought you know what I'm taking off I'm gonna I'm like Paul we need to get the movie out of here so let me take it out so at that point I didn't think I was gonna have any problems when I went to the airport I thought it was gonna be pretty similar to Pastor Anderson and and you Rob that they wouldn't they wouldn't say anything but they when they found my laptop they told me that we're gonna go through it so I got I got really nervous so I remember we were talking like me and you were on the phone back and forth while you were there and I was in South Africa and you were like yeah I think I'm gonna leave I'm gonna head over there and stuff like that yeah I wasn't I wasn't so nervous leaving well like I said when they pulled out my laptop and they started interrogating me and all that stuff and threatening me I thought for sure I was gonna be in trouble with that with the movies thank God I had a Mac yeah you smuggled the movie out man yeah one can thank you for seeing this film because I didn't have the film when I left no one had no one had all of it it was kind of like yeah and I I've lost I lost like I don't know how this happened but somehow I lost like the last three shots of the film like of me going to the airport I don't know what happened to that film I still don't know what happened to that footage I still kick myself to the state because it would have been great in the movie yeah is that why you had it you had it done up like a cartoon at the end no no I did that just because we didn't have any footage of that I'm talking before that oh yeah I kibosh that scene Paul wanted to go back in the jail and actually undercover film the jail cells and I said absolutely no way on the second trip yeah I can see under no circumstances am I going back I told them very firmly if they did it was gonna hunt them down well yeah so that was part of the reason why we actually got footage of the the jail Sam Osborne went back and got footage of the actual jail I was in but the problem is is I only had like parts of the footage I didn't have enough to tell the whole story with the footage so what we did is we took the footage and based drawings off the footage and then filled in gaps just so it was all consistent I don't know if that makes sense what I just said but yeah so basically at least the drawings were based on reality yeah as you had images of the real thing and then that's what the drawings were based on yeah so basically what I made it better yeah so basically what I did is I drew like a basic drawing and then John Ball who is good at drawing redrew it like a storyboards and then we took those storyboards and sent them to the storyboard artists and then took pictures of me and all those poses so I'd like lay on the ground and then would take a picture from the spot we need it and then the storyboard artists took all that information put it together he did a great job yeah it came out cool well I remember telling you about that and then you it just it didn't seem I didn't know any other way to do it this was a pretty epic dinner that was when we did our yeah that was that our Safari it was super it was a pretty awesome yeah it was pretty awesome day that was coming back I mean I brought this cheap camera I was trying to film the cheetah and Paul just like yelling at me because I have a bad camera like it's not like how dare I just say the funniest thing was when we were in Jordan with Pastor Jimenez he pulled out one of those like 1990s digital cameras remember back in the 90s those digital cameras were just like the hottest thing he literally pulls one out in like 2018 and we were just like what in the world and then the other the other funny thing pastor Jimenez had on that trip was like he had like a Bible instead of a Bible app it was like a little computer Bible it's like something that's just totally been replaced by phones you remember that Paul yeah yeah oh yeah it was just like it'll like forget it was a hand when I was like yeah I must have got that when he was like just out of high school yeah it was literally from like the early 90s totally replaced by a smartphone app that was funny yep this is all legit that was me three three minutes just take such good care of his stuff that like it just lasts for decades decades later he's still using it so oh is this the knife axe and poison yeah oh the book on how to escape from prison like what yeah I did not have that book I don't know they were just trying to pin anything they could on us oh this is like torture for you like of what's to come yeah well I knew it I knew how to escape from prison I got to the airport this I knew everything that was gonna happen and it all happened just like praying saying father if it'd be possible let this cup pass yeah I believe I'm filming this right now yeah you're filming it yeah and you do great job right yeah good focus right I probably been yelled at by like 30 times by Paul by now so I kind of got to figure it out the funny thing was that like Paul had a book about fluoride poisoning the tap water and so they were trying to say that he was a terrorist that was coming to poison their water supply with fluoride so wasn't that what they were trying to say exactly yeah and I kept telling them like no it's about fluoride you know you toothpaste fluoride in the toothpaste it was the only time you've ever advocated for fluoride in your life so whose backyard in Arizona is this we're just ruining the film for everybody all right so hey yeah but you get you get an Academy Award for this performance of these last couple minutes cuz you look really stressed out like I mean look at that he's a great actor he's just being he's not even acting he's just being himself yeah but this is him like years later after everything's fine people are like how did he have the equipment to do this moving shot overhead yeah all the shots those are all secondary yeah but it's what happened like obviously yeah everything that happened is what happened we were just kind of recreating it we have actually this scene we have the you have the original it's just this one looks better it's horrible yeah this one's just more focused and looking good but it's literally like word for word we look at that acting look at the skill hey Shane we have some people in the chat asking about this shirt and your sweater if these are if they're available anywhere yeah they have to contact me through my email there you go hit up Shane yeah do you want to give that out or no yeah yeah should I put it in the chat or I put it in the chat it was saying out loud though for people who now okay yeah so go to SS J a n s said at yahoo.ca so we have the t-shirt and the hoodie too so yeah and then just contact me and then I can go through whatever pricing or whatever so Paul they're asking who's the girl that sees you on a Skype call starts crying that's your sister right yeah that's my sister yep yeah she was really nervous my wife was in Jenson rack my wife was saying that that she doesn't get a lot of movie time in here of just how much work they were trying they were doing to get you they were calling yeah they were calling the embassy and this is in the middle of the night so they stayed up all night they had to take care of the kids all day and then stay up all night calling the embassy because it's different time zones trying to get us out but I think that was one of the reasons why it's because my wife called the embassy so much I think that's why it because I was gonna be in there for 14 days I signed papers like I I was gonna be in there and then I they just out of nowhere they just let me out yeah cuz they just kept pushing that like you can't hold an American for no reason like yeah I don't know I don't know that's the reason or no definitely it was you know because they put in so much time calling and harassing them yeah I definitely put on a couple pounds on that oh I put out a lot of weight Ramon just called him out that's so true all right guys make sure to support us on patreon if you can it's funny so many people had the first showing of the theater they all got up and left at the scene I know did they really Lola got up and left I thought it was over they yeah yeah well yeah they just got up and left and I was at the back door because there was a problem with the film glitching a little bit so I had to like sit down sit down it's not over and then I think pastor Fritz actually got him all rounded up to sit down and it was funny it's like they can't even wait five seconds after the film's done it makes you wonder if they even liked it yeah as soon as I see the ball don't be bitter Paul well it's good that you put some good time here cuz everybody had enough time to go and sit down you know good few seconds there well it was really tough for me to figure out the end of this film I really I had like the whole film done and it took like two weeks just to figure out how to end this thing and I think it turned out great the ending is perfect yeah I think it ultimately turned out great there's a lot of bashing my head against the wall to make it work yeah Paul you really captured like the the flavor of you know what happened there and how you ended it and everything in this film was unbelievable yeah yeah thanks appreciate that yeah I really like the film you know at first I thought it was boring I was like no one's gonna like this same because I've seen it so many times but it seems like most people liked it and we're still doing the survey here guys make sure to take this survey I want to see what will show you the results at the end of this stream no it definitely seems like so far it's been a big hit yeah and it's been getting a lot of views I mean it's it's only been up for less than two days and it's getting a lot of views yeah are you able to check the demographic and see how many anybody's watching in South Africa yeah I can check I haven't checked yet it'll be a few days before those stats yeah I would wait wait a month but remember I'm running ads in Botswana so thousands and thousands of people in Botswana have already seen it for sure because I do have the stats on on the how the ad is performing and stuff so hopefully within the next seven days it should be in every single newsfeed of everybody in Botswana that has a Facebook account like are there any comments that people post oh yeah like there's been a bunch of good comments people like oh I remember this guy or oh yeah this preacher this guy's telling the truth and stuff yeah there were a lot of good comments oh someone wrote in the comments my favorite now is the book of revelation series yeah people people love that you know you're preaching to like four people well I constantly when I'm out preaching places and I ask people so how'd you hear about us a lot of them say the first thing they watched was the revelation series that's a big one comes up a lot well it's the series in like a week you guys yeah well let's not talk about that because it's a kind of a touchy subject yeah we had a hard drive failure and had to read yeah I already had to preach like 22 sermons in this incredibly short amount of time seven days right many as well no we did it in two two weeks okay crammed a bunch into one week and a bunch in another week but we only did the second week because the hard drive failure wasn't it no we okay we weren't gonna get but yeah we were trying to jam like 22 sermons into like two weeks and then he has a hard drive failure and I have to repreach some of them and I was just like I feel like you guys are really getting to know me on this stream and then ever since you ever since that happened every time we make a movie I'm always just like so Paul you're backing this up right back up right Paul well yeah and now I always back Paul can you show with your camera although I can't you can't turn the camera no I don't want to see the entire bookshelf just like all these hard drives backed up everything yeah I got a lot everything backed up now I'm real picky about that but even though I back up everything remember Babylon USA had two hard drive failures on that I had to recover it it costs so much money yeah cuz the primary and the backup died yeah the primary hard drives are just terrible yeah they only even if everything works right their lifespan is like three to five years which is ridiculous yeah it's like the worst technology the yeah well they're better now cuz they're not they don't have the yeah yeah cuz they don't fail as much as they used to you know but man needs to fail so they're really telling interview and I think it sums up cuz she never gave us a straight answer when we were interviewing her she always beat around the bush and kind of dodged a question but this state like how Moses is like just give me one day I'll get him I'll deliver them to you I know and you 24 and she's saying and that's when I called so she was part of that yeah she's putting herself part of that yeah he's telling the government give me a day and I'll deliver them all to you and then she's like all right I'll help them yeah I'll help you yeah so I really appreciate those associate producers and the executive producers that made this film possible remember you kept calling them the wrong name Jacob ah yeah Jacob ah no I I'd never heard it pronounced I thought that an eye comes after a G you know I mean I just well so this news footage if you look I redid all this news footage if you look at the I redid all the graphics at the bottom there I did it exactly how they did I just redid it just made it look better I made it cleaner so you'd think that a professional news agency could have lower thirds that look as good as what you're doing maybe they should hire you so this guy had presidential aspirations yeah now he's just toast serves him right some more associate producers they're a dramatic arrest of one of the worst once powerful men in Botswana former intelligence chief is a cossie that's the guy was coming to him yeah well and members of the public at the Cerriti Kama International Airport the charges he faces tax evasion I'm sure he has some dirt on those people I'm going to topple the government I'm telling you so when the missions trip that you saw in this film you have the numbers here pastor did you close the second trip to in the over a thousand or whatever no I wasn't even counting the second trip even more than oh yeah I think 160 on the second I was mainly counting I was counting the initial trip and then Sam and the other people that were so winning for the next like nine months that was a really cool experience right there Shane wasn't when you got to preach to those school kids yeah that was just by a fluke to actually I sent the one of the teachers there the one on the right there I sent her the link to the movie because she was on my whatsapp yeah though that school right there they loved us for doing that they were real appreciative there's my wife in the background kids I told her go stand back there a lot more left to do so we're hoping that someone will see this film and pick up where we left off well you were in the film pretty much the whole time it's just your voice and I was in the second half so these uh you recreated all these two because they were just written articles yeah they're written articles then I paid someone to redo this so if you're wondering I can't find this one was real I just redid the graphics the lures right there need to velkom yeah that was real a lot of those countries that that are in that Schengen thing there a lot of facing a hard-hit coat coronavirus well what was funny is that you know the Schengen area banned me and then Trump banned the entire Schengen area yeah so that was my graphic there the whole world and Schengen area and that's footage I got at the massive conference yeah that's my legal power for the first time I have signed the exclusion order under my executive power and then this was a recreated news clip Australia has joined more than 30 so people are asking what what happened with the rental car like what was the ultimate I had to pay a ton of money did you actually return it or they just go and pick it up no they gave it so they so basically when they let me go they gave me all my bags equipment and my rental car and they drove by banning my preaching they're actually just making it more popular you sum this up perfectly that was a great ending I yeah whoever gave you that advice was great no one gave it to him he just did it I was like I we need an ending I was like but I don't know what it is and so I'm well did we do this twice pastor I don't know well I kind of just really wanted it to end on the word deported yeah so I was trying to do it in such a way where that would be the last word said in the film so that that's it right so that's the film all right well hey can we check out yep you gave me my camera credit I see it did I yep okay who got my do okay so 25 and it's a tie oh we got switches camera hold on hold on six six okay so this is the results of the survey here guys so um right now we have marching design on and deported is tied at 25 each Wow and then we have new world order Bible versions then Babylon USA no then after then Babylon you say what Babylon USA is way better well I agree with the marching design getting a lot of boats 25 come on people we need to a tiebreaker killing us yeah it's still time all right anyways you gave credits to mug and bean yeah yeah you gotta put everybody in the credits on the second trip and tell him their coffee was horrible every day oh hey he would go make me a good coffee and the guy would make him a special coffee to be like he'd go back and say that coffee wasn't good sounds like Paul you guys are making me sound like I'm horrible person as long as this is why I've I've got a lot of trips with Paul and this is what I've learned as long as you keep him filled with coffee he is fine just having a great time you'd like no issues but you he starts get a little saucy you're like okay let's let's get you a coffee where's the nearest Starbucks see that's the mistake I make I'm always trying to like skip meals and skip coffee and it brings out the worst and everyone I'm always saying to people like do we really have to stop for lunch just push through let's go and they're just looking at me like yeah I can testify to that all right guys well I mean that's pretty much it I I really enjoyed doing this we should definitely do this for the films I hope you guys enjoy it sorry about the technical issues in the beginning but hey if you're rewatching this you won't even know that the technical issues because I'm gonna chop out all that embarrassing beginning but anything left you want to say pastor yeah just keep sharing the film everybody at home be sure if you haven't already you know be sure to hit like add to favorites leave a comment share it on all your social media accounts yeah make sure you go over there and click thumbs up click share here I'm gonna it's Botswana movie.com guys Botswana movie.com I'm gonna post the link in the chat box there make sure you go there and support us Shane anything else you want to say man no just this was fun I enjoyed this the first time I've been able to do something like this so well we got to do this on what other film were you part of Shane I don't think that was it yeah that was it yeah we could do Beyond Jordan we could do Beyond Jordan yeah we should do that one next because you you're in that yeah yeah but no this this was cool I enjoyed doing this and got to find out some stuff that I didn't even know so that's cool yeah all right well um Rob anything any final thoughts yeah I love the movie man it turned out perfect and I had a blast doing this had a ton of fun and I just wanted to say to everyone out there just support Paul and framing the world so that he can continue making movies like this and we can learn from you know all the Bible doctrine and all these adventures and stuff and you know even go out and participate in some of these events that we do so I think it's just great awesome man well I appreciate that any final thoughts no just kind of following up with Rob said yeah like everyone loves these films and everyone loves the work that Paul does and he puts all these videos out for free on YouTube so if you want to keep these movies going you want to still have you want to have these live streams you want to keep doing this stuff then you know go on the store buy something off the store get some soap get some toothbrushes you know support them on patreon and we can keep this this good work going you know I'm a little I'm a little hurt though that people did not say that beyond Jordan was one of their favorite films I love that film what in the world is wrong with people I get really you know I get really touchy when they people say oh yeah it wasn't my favorite I you how dare you no no no this is the best this is the best oh that was good I really liked after the tribulation don't say that to me don't ever say that to me right here suck what okay no I'm just joking anyways guys make sure to go out and order deported support us over there you get a DVD and blu-ray and don't forget pastor Menace's wife's new book is out and I'm excited I haven't looked through it yet but I just got it yeah illustrated by pastor Menace so I put the link in the chat there and so make sure to get this but I hope you guys like this live stream we want to keep doing these live streams so show us your support and we want to do do this as much as possible and I just got to get this guy in here that's a tall order alright guys thank you so much for watching I hope you have a good night God bless everybody take care