(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) You You The fastest vaccine developed to date has been for months and that took four years Now the coronavirus vaccine will take over as a medical textbook legend The race for a vaccine has been the biological equivalent of the moonshot. This is extraordinary This is the fastest vaccine and history fastest vaccine development in US history. It will be one of the fastest scientific achievements in modern history It's been a mad scramble to immunize the world against a virus that has paralyzed us all from research to distribution it's a process that usually takes a five to ten years or even longer but with all eyes and Hopes pinned on a silver bullet to hopefully end the pandemic scientists have already pushed out as several vaccines The Food and Drug Administration has just approved the first COVID-19 vaccine for use in the u.s The FDA giving emergency use authorization of the Moderna vaccine late Friday The FDA gives the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine the green light for emergency use Vaccines are our best chance of putting this pandemic behind us and Returning to normal and so I want to urge everyone to take the vaccine when it is your turn It is really a pretty painless and it will save your life The data speaks for itself We are saving lives Get a shot. I got one Michelle got one people, you know got one and now You can get one too. You wanna hang out with us get your vaccine go get vaccinated now now And we have to get in those communities and we have to knock on those doors and we have to convince people and Put them in a car and drive them and get that vaccine in their arm Let's just get as many people vaccinated as we possibly can as quickly as we can We're interested in thinking about ways to incentivize people to get the vaccine you're saying I could get this delicious, right? My man But there's also a burger element to this free glazed donut Cardinals tickets target practice a free beer brand new tesla 30 more Full scholarships to your choice of whatever institution you want it to be 1 million dollars 5 million dollars Mmm Vaccinations. Mmm I'm getting a very good feeling What I'm getting a very good feeling about vaccination right this moment We know that vaccines are the best way to end this pandemic That is why we are announcing today That we will require vaccinations in the federal public service China has launched a so-called vaccine passport for travelers The european union has made it easier to travel across borders in the region Australians are a step closer to an overseas troop today Italy is the latest country in europe to announce a vaccine certificate system Israelis must now scan in to get in los angeles set to become home to one of the country's strictest vaccine mandates Today, I announce the key to nyc pass Citizens can now display digital certificates via the social media platform Wechat travelers can now show a so-called green pass to prove they've been vaccinated against covid The government issued green pass shows personal details and proves they've had two doses of a covid-19 Vaccine the federal government rolling out technology that proves your covid-19 vaccine status around the world today New brunswick and ontario introduced proof of vaccination passports joining four other provinces Three more plan to follow next month and newfoundland says it's coming soon. This is world leading technology So bravo, australia In france anyone entering a venue with more than 50 people inside will need to present this health pass green pass common pass the key to nyc pass Vax passes covid passport the vaccine passport community certificates international travel health certificate But yes, there's going to be a vaccinated economy and you get to participate in that if you are vaccinated Don't get the vaccine You can't go to the supermarket don't have a vaccine. You should can't go to the ballgame don't have a vaccine Can't go to work You don't have a vaccine Can't come here. No shirt. No shoes No service a green check mark means you're clear to travel We've got to shake people at this point and say come on now We tried voluntary, you know, we could not have been more kind and compassionate as a country free testing everywhere you turn incentives friendly warm embrace The voluntary phase is over. It's time for mandates because it's the only way to protect our people So So So Nothing we were told over a year ago and this all started ever Came true. It was all lies. It was all disinformation a script from the beginning just 15 days to flatten the curve The hospitals are full after that everything will be okay And then oh just a few months of wearing the mask and then it'll knock down that curve and it's all going to end And oh just another year well actually two years. Well, maybe forever We're told this is the end of the world as we know it We've got to go to big pharma and big tech to get our digital passports to have a job to have a car To go outside our house even one half foot. It's a perfect System because it's a crisis to which there's never a solution and the people that have set themselves up to the corporate media By buying the press office gates others have done Sit up there and and rope us along Incrementally always saying just a few more months a few more years a few more decades. This is a scientific dictatorship This is the greatest hoax and the greatest power grab in human history They tell us to trust the science But real science does not ask for your trust They teach us to denounce any hesitancy to take the shots as anti-science And that any refusal to be vaccinated is part of an anti-vaxxer agenda But actual science welcomes skepticism and encourages debate because it has nothing to hide We are told that vaccines are a scientific miracle proven to be safe and effective If only these claims were true For the first time in human history we have a global campaign to inject everyone multiple times with Concoctions that were rushed to market without any long-term studies The covid shots are gene therapies containing synthetic RNA and DNA And functionalized nanotechnologies like graphene What could go wrong? What could go wrong This third episode of the covid land series looks at the issues surrounding the covid injections And how a wall-to-wall system of coercion and intimidation Is now being used to pressure people into letting go of their most basic human right to make their own medical decisions All in exchange for a digital passport system to participate in society How did we reach this point where most people are excited to roll up their sleeves for an injection that is causing harm to millions The big pharma companies can't even produce safe baby powder products Yet we inject their chemicals and genetically engineered materials How do people have such blind trust for pharmaceutical firms Pharmaceutical firms when they have a history of bribing doctors racketeering manipulating research fraudulent marketing and rigging trials How can we be so foolish to believe that big pharma will deliver quality vaccines When the industry knows they can't be sued for vaccine damages So The unquestioning belief that covid shots are safe and effective defies all empirical evidence Why isn't there an open conversation when our health and livelihood are on the line So You're not even allowed to question vaccines today Doctors are taught in a medical school that vaccines are safe and effective. That is the dogma they're taught There is no scientific basis for that claim vaccines are not safe. That's clearly evidenced by the fact that since 1986 4.4 billion dollars have been paid out by the vaccine trust to families of damaged people from vaccines So they're clearly not safe if damages have been paid because they were unsafe listen to these figures the top four companies that make vaccines are Merck Sanofi Glaxo and Pfizer Those four companies have been fined over 35 billion dollars over the last couple of decades for falsifying data lying to regulators And harming people with their prescription drugs that were taken to market and ended up killing someone or permanently injuring them 35 billion dollars Those are the same companies that are manufacturing Many of the vaccines today and as our good friend robert f kennedy jr Says are we supposed to believe that somehow they found jesus when it comes to vaccines? They they lie and cheat and steal and all these other areas with the pharmaceutical drugs But when they cut when it comes to the vaccines, they're manufacturing They're completely safe and they're telling us the truth. That just doesn't make sense. It's another case of cognitive dissonance So Tonight keeping drug companies on is a story that's simply stunning about Multi-million dollar profits and illegal activity at this country's biggest drug company Pfizer The drug maker will pay a 2.3 billion dollar civil penalty in connection with illegal prescription drug promotions Pfizer has agreed to pay 2.3 billion dollars the largest health care fraud settlement in the history of the department of justice Bribing doctors across this country with hawaiian vacations tickets to madonna and why They wanted those doctors to sell your family their drugs and many did The justice department alleges johnson and johnson boosted sales by paying millions of dollars in kickbacks to pharmacists and doctors Who pushed the drug risperdal to patients who did not need it? Johnson and johnson paid 2.2 billion eli lily paid 1.4 billion Pfizer and its subsidiary paid 2.3 billion and glaxo smithkline paid out a record three billion dollars More legal trouble for johnson and johnson a philadelphia jury has ordered it to pay eight billion dollars in punitive damages But as bob ore reports the massive settlement may not lead to much change Most of the top 10 without naming an individual company most of the top 10 pharmaceutical companies Paid a total 13 billion dollars in fines for criminal activity which involved hiding data on harms illegal marketing of drugs for example Um, and and there's nothing that's been done the bmj pointed out this before nothing's been done to rectify the situation No one's going to jail. No one's going to prison You look at this thing and I mean if pfizer is too big to fail and even the biggest fine in history is just a few Months profit and what's going to stop it from illegally promoting other drugs? Critics say anderson nothing The big pharma companies have proven time and again that they are not worthy of our trust They haven't changed just because of covid Yet governments are now working around the clock to force us to be their perpetual customers And the worst part all the people going along and being lab rats for these heartless mega corporations It is truly incredible If only people had the entire story that the covid shots are not conventional vaccines They are gene therapies suppressing the innate immune system and inhibiting dna damage repair a witch's brew That inserts engineered mrna into your cells Using new technologies like nanolipids hydrogels and graphene oxide What exactly are these injections doing? So Well, the first thing that we need to do when we talk about the covid shot is understand that this is the first time That we've ever had mrna vaccines put out to people on a mass scale Mrna is messenger RNA. It's a message that's being sent from your dna to your cells Telling yourselves what to do to maintain health In this case create a protein, you know do something to defend a foreign invader But in this case that message that messenger RNA is not coming from your dna It's coming from a laboratory at moderna or Pfizer. It's basically a computer program a code a message That's being sent to your cells and telling your cells to become a virus manufacturing plant What this is designed to do is Deliver this messenger RNA molecule, which is the code for a protein into our cells And it has a special envelope that merges with our cells and delivers the contents inside And then once inside it will use the machinery of our cells And make that foreign protein So our cells will essentially become factories to make a foreign protein That's what this vaccine does it makes your own cells the enemy it makes your cells start creating Very specifically the spike protein. We've all heard about of sars-cov-2 And then what happens is hopefully there's a secondary response where immune system says. Oh my god, there's a virus in here It didn't see it come from the outside all of a sudden our own cells are creating it So our immune system attacks and kills our own cells that are now manufacturing the virus inside of our bodies That is brand new and look i'm i'm a fan of science that may be the future of health and immunity But you don't take a technology that is turning your body into a virus manufacturing plant And then just say hey we've looked at it for a few weeks We think it's good to go and then have hundreds of millions of people start turning themselves into virus manufacturing plants Any technology that does something brand new inside of our bodies needs to be watched for years if not decades So the truth is that we don't know exactly what this technology is going to induce our bodies to make And that is a very scary proposition, but it definitely will change our cells So that they will produce this protein But it stands to reason that that mrna Can easily become part of our dna in the nucleus as well And this is because we have an enzyme expressed in our cells called reverse transcriptase Now during the hiv era it was thought that this enzyme was only expressed in viruses But since that time and actually during that time it was really known and david baltimore discovered this That reverse transcriptase the enzyme is expressed in all of our cells and it's a way that we repair our dna And so it's quite likely that this mrna gene can be reversed transcribed into dna which can then Become part of our nuclear dna and then when our cells divide they could be passed on to the next generation of cells The covid shots were rushed to market in record time, which is incredibly reckless considering the potential for harm from this new technology How should the safety trials have worked? So You want to have a double-blind randomized placebo testing without what that means you give 20,000 people the vaccine when it comes to phase two phase three trials And you give 20,000 people a placebo and then you really look at health outcomes for a long period of time not four weeks A lot of these injuries the autoimmune injuries. You're not going to see in four weeks the cancers You're not going to see in four weeks And many of the neurological injuries you won't see for four weeks if the experience with other vaccines is instructive You look at the other vaccines that are currently in the schedule And there's about 400 Injuries illnesses chronic illnesses that are listed on the manufacturer's inserts. So those are illnesses That the manufacturers and fda believe were probably caused by the vaccine And a lot of those we would have never seen if you simply curtailed The clinical, you know pre-licensing clinical studies After four weeks, so it's kind of insane to use new technology and then say well you can after four weeks You can then start giving this to millions or tens of millions or hundreds of millions of people A vaccine needs to go through due process to get to the point where it can be deemed safe and the gold standard for that would be a double-blind randomized placebo controlled trial and by placebo controlled I mean that If a randomized population half are randomized to get the active vaccine and half Are randomized to get a completely inert Placebo that is not reactive in humans at all And only by doing that study and examining the outcome over a long period Will you determine the safety of the vaccine compared with the placebo? What we see with vaccines is this has never been done So the placebo that they have used that the fda has allowed them to use Has often been another vaccine A vaccine with a known adverse reaction profile that's causing death and damage in its own right that it's the Aluminum as an adjuvant in the vaccine a known neurotoxin a known immunotoxin a known poison in human beings That is in the supposedly inert placebo totally inappropriate. This is not good science. It is not science at all It is an effort to cover up the true adverse reaction rate to these vaccines so that they can get through the low barrier Of constraints put there by the fda and onto the market. That is the only concern It really shouldn't surprise us that pharmaceutical companies cut corners and rig trials especially for the covid jab These companies stand to benefit from you being routinely unhealthy Think about it The government coercing intimidating and mandating us to take the covid jab Is the holy grail of business models for these vicious big pharma drug dealers? Your health is not their concern So You cannot rush science You cannot rush a product About which you know, nothing of the short medium or long-term consequences There is a bandwagon That is driven by huge dollars to get The first vaccine to get the second vaccine to get the tenth vaccine to market In order to profit and believe me having dealt with the pharmaceutical companies. They don't care What happens five ten years down the line? There's a lot of money to be taken out of the coffer right now and a lot of money to be made if they can be one of those chosen few vaccines And so I have huge misgivings about this Entire approach to vaccination Again, there's a law that I have to abide by as a physician. It's called informed consent And I have to be able to give you the risk versus the benefits of a medication a therapy an injection, etc And if we don't have that data Which we clearly don't and we won't for at least two years of doing these injections How can I possibly as a physician give you informed consent? And how can you possibly as a consumer understand your risk short-term and long-term versus your benefits of getting these injections? We won't know it causes cancer for three to five years if it causes autoimmune disease like diabetes or lupus or multiple sclerosis We won't know those things take three to five years to develop Even if your body just started creating it because of the vaccine right now And then the biggest issue that we've looked at with our non-profit is something that nobody in media is talking about This vaccine has a severe Diabolical side effect that we witnessed in every single animal trial they did of a coronavirus vaccine for the last 20 years It's called antibody dependent enhancement and when we saw that trump was going to warp speed this vaccine We started investigating Well, it's never been in a human being we've never had this mr And a technology as a vaccine injected into any human before so all we have is how did the animal trials go? there were animal models ferrets and ferrets are actually quite a good Mirror of human immunity in many ways to viruses so they use ferrets in the laboratory and so they gave experimental vaccines For the sars virus a coronavirus to these ferrets Once again no adverse reactions And they produced a good immune response It looked like a success until those animals were challenged With the sars the natural sars virus And every single time what we saw was horrific Instead of the vaccine in the antibodies protecting the animal from the virus It actually grabbed the virus and helped the virus proliferate through the cells Causing what's called a cytokine storm a total immune system? Meltdown they described it as a th2 pathology in the lungs meaning massive upper respiratory Fatigue and conditions and often organ failure and death in one cat study every single cat died After coming in contact with the virus after having had the vaccine So One of the things that we're not hearing a lot about is the unique potential safety problem of coronavirus vaccines with certain types of respiratory virus vaccines you get immunized and then when you get actually exposed to the virus you get this kind of paradoxical immune enhancement phenomenon when We started developing Coronavirus vaccines and our colleagues we noticed in laboratory animals that they started to show some of the same Immune pathology that resembled what had happened 50 years earlier. So we said oh my god, this is going to be Problematic we have a history of this response. There was an rsv vaccine program back in the 1960s That they gave to children thinking it was safe Everyone was doing fine kids were running around playing in the playground until they came in contact with rsv And then what was normally a fairly mild illness became deadly As reported by reuters children in washington dc received an rsv vaccine in the late 1960s in which the virus was inactivated with formalin 80 percent of the kids given the shot were hospitalized with severe respiratory disease and two died A Year and a half ago, there was a dengue vaccine in the philippines We gave dengvaxia to thousands of people believing it was safe. Everybody was doing fine Until dengue came to town and then all of a sudden what would normally be dysentery and some discomfort and diarrhea for a few days Over 600 people died because the vaccine acted as a catalyst when coming in contact with the illness So The dengue vaccine in children who'd never been exposed to dengue before Actually made them worse when they were then exposed to the natural virus much worse and some You know causing something called dengue hemorrhagic shock syndrome children died Vaccinated children who were less than nine years of age who had never been exposed to dengue before were more likely to die If they'd been vaccinated than if they hadn't been oh, wow Yeah, that's that's a problem and that's that's called that was because of antibody dependent enhancement because what happens is those binding antibodies They don't neutralize the virus. They just bind to it and now we have on ourselves Something called an fc receptor which then then can allow that antibody will bind the antibody and bring the virus into the cell It's actually a more efficient way for the virus to enter the cell than otherwise So what you're doing by creating all these binding antibodies is potentially causing This antibody dependent enhancement which could worsen the problem if you then were exposed to wild type or natural virus Antibody dependent enhancement And pathogenic priming are two problematic outcomes that are likely to follow mass uptake of the covid shots Anthony fauci is well aware of this Does the vaccine make you worse and there are diseases in which you vaccinate someone They get infected with what you're trying to protect them with and you actually enhance the infection You can get a good feel for that in animal models So that's going to be interspersed at the same time that we're testing we're going to try and make sure we don't have enhancement So the worst possible thing you could do is vaccinate somebody to prevent infection and actually make them worse Look I sense the cost of this of dr. Fauci and his writing to be cautious because Vaccines have to be tested because there's precedent for vaccines to actually make diseases worse And you really don't want to make it you want to brush and treat a million people and find out you're making 900 000 worse, it's a good idea. So yeah, so that's why I think why dr Fauci is being a little bit cautious. I don't speak but so we need to prove that This would not be the first time If it happened that a vaccine that looked good in initial safety Actually made people worse There was the history of the respiratory syncytial virus vaccine in children Which paradoxically made the children worse One of the hiv vaccines that we tested several years ago Actually made individuals more likely to get infected so you can't just go out there and give it Unless you feel that in the field When someone is getting infected and exposed Being vaccinated doesn't make them worse This is what we've witnessed in every animal trial Prior to warp speeding this product in the human beings and at the end of many of those animal trials It would say caution in moving forward with human trials That's how afraid scientists were of this technology and how bad it was working in the trials When we look at the billions of dollars that sank into this trial and we saw the warp speed We don't see any adjustment There's not a huge adjustment from the product that was killing animals to what's being given to human beings But what we do see is an excuse by the fda when they gave it emergency use authorization They say about this antibody dependent enhancement or immune enhancement issue The trial was not designed to look for that problem Therefore, we don't know if the vaccine could cause immune enhancement immediately or maybe by its waning strength in the future More studies will have to be done on that More studies will have to be done on a product that killed animals in the animal trials to know if this is going to kill people And now we're hearing that the surveillance systems won't be in place to really see what's happening to health of people Until after joe biden has injected 100 million people in the united states of america Can you imagine if we discover at that moment? That everybody that's been injected is now vulnerable to immune enhancement Where next year's coronavirus, which should just be a common cold will come and instead of dying At about a 0.4 death rate, which is what the current coronavirus has 0.4 less than half a percent What if the people that have been injected start dying five percent ten percent of them twenty percent? What if it's as high as ninety percent? This is possible It's theoretically possible and to rush a vaccine until you've figured out that you've overcome this Theoretic possibility to me is is verging on madness They claimed the payload of these shots would stay near the injection site in the deltoid muscle We know from animal biodistribution studies and victims of covid vaccine injury that the spike protein is present throughout the entire body In other words both the synthetic mrna and the nanoparticulates distribute all over the body Even passing through the various blood barriers to end up in organ systems These cells in turn become toxic and produce the spike protein Which releases into the bloodstream Where they can be taken up by endothelial cells that line our blood vessel walls And potentially bind to platelets causing blood clots Nanoparticulates have also been shown to reverse the charge of red blood cells another clotting factor Blood clots can then potentially circulate and lodge into different areas such as the heart brain and lungs Causing heart attacks strokes and pulmonary embolisms A weakening of your blood vessel walls can lead to rupture causing vascular damage Internal bleeding and other circulatory problems which can initially manifest as migraines fatigue and blurred vision Just think of how many people you know that are complaining of chronic fatigue headaches and muscle aches since getting the shots The injuries that follow these mrna injections are not a medical mystery and they are not rare What are the side effects of the covid vaccine firstly let's divide them into those side effects that are predictable And those that are unpredictable and the way that safety studies are often set up is they look at the side effects of the covid vaccine That are unpredictable and the way that safety studies are often set up is they look for only those Adverse reactions that are predictable based upon the known behavior of vaccines in the past And that is a mistake It's a mistake. Let me give you an example of such a mistake and that is When the flu mist vaccine was given to children in europe it produced narcolepsy There was no way of predicting narcolepsy as an adverse reaction From product inserts or from a previous history or analysis of vaccine injury databases It was a novel adverse reaction and so you've got to look For the unexpected you've got to look for the unknown. You've got to be comprehensive, but there's a disincentive for pharmaceutical industries to do that because you don't want to find something that may lead to the marketability of your vaccine being compromised So The predictable adverse reactions known adverse reactions to vaccines anaphylaxis a rapid dramatic Allergic response which compromises the airways and can be Rapidly fatal in previously healthy people Everybody now knows what anaphylaxis Is and looks like and the use of epi pens for example to treat it That's been occurring at an alarming rate with The covid vaccine with the Pfizer vaccine 10 times the rate that it was seen with the flu vaccine already There are so many issues and so many dangerous things and the nanotechnology The nanolipid particle that they're using to deliver this kind of injection inside of you It has an ingredient called polyethylene glycol Very important to know because up to 70 of people in the united states have some sort of allergy to it It could be maybe something small like fatigue or a rash or could be very grand Like an anaphylactic shock And the medical response to this is well, there's not a problem because we know how to deal with that But I have never seen a study that looked at the long-term health consequences of having an anaphylactic shock And what if you've had three anaphylactic shocks are these people supposed to show up again and get another vaccine no The guidances don't vaccinate but there's other pegylated products in the market. So if the vaccine makes them more susceptible to peg related product Anaphylaxis the vaccine may prime them for future anaphylaxis that's not related to the vaccine. These are real risks That means when you get this shot We don't have any answers on what will happen to you if they tell you that it's safe and effective They're lying because we don't have the data yet. They're assuming that They need to tell you that you are part of a stage four research experiment. You are the lab rat. You are the guinea pig One of the big potential risks of this vaccine is sterility Because if the viral protein actually encodes protein parts that match Key proteins that are responsible for sexual maturation responsible for the formation of sperm and egg or responsible for the regular cycling that women go through in their menstrual period We could potentially see increase at the population level of infertility And so in the name of the greater good of vaccinating parents may be unwittingly sterilizing their children So In the waterloo area 86 stillbirths have occurred from january to july and normally it's roughly one stillbirth every two months But here's the kicker Mothers of stillbirth babies were fully vaccinated and you have clearly said on numerous occasions that the vaccines are safe So minister, what do you say to the doctors who told expecting women? It was okay to get fully vaccinated and what should they tell the mothers who deliver a stillborn baby It is something to behold Hundreds of millions of people demand to be injected with genetically engineered materials That will interface with their immune systems and natural cellular processes The vaccine contents are known to accumulate in the ovaries Which can lead to permanent damage of these organs? producing menstrual cycle problems and ultimately fertility issues We also have the real possibility that the vaccines accelerate cancers Another serious issue that the medical establishment is not monitoring for and big pharma is poised to benefit from Long-term issues like infertility and the quickening of cancers are not medical misinformation Doctors that work with patients are observing the realities In this virus post-vaccine what we're seeing is a drop in your killer t-cells your cd8 cells And what does cd8 cells do they keep all other viruses in check? What am I seeing in the laboratory? I'm seeing an uptick of herpes family viruses. I'm seeing herpes. I'm seeing shingles I'm seeing mono I'm seeing a huge uptick in human papillomavirus In the cervical biopsies in the cervical pap smears in women we're literally weakening the immune system of these individuals now most concerning of all Is there's a pattern of these types of immune cells in the body that keep cancer in check? Well since january 1 in the laboratory i've seen a 20 times increase Of endometrial cancers over what I see on an annual basis a 20 times increase i'm not exaggerating at all Because I I look at my numbers year over year. Oh my gosh. I've never seen this many Endometrial cancers before i'm seeing invasive melanomas in younger patients. Normally we catch those early and they're thin melanomas. I'm seeing thick melanomas Skyrocketing in the last month or two I'm already seeing the early signals and we are modifying the immune system to a weakened state If the ruling class cared about your health they would monitor for adverse events beyond a short 15-minute period following the injection Most reactions outside of 15 minutes are deemed to have no connection to the vaccine which is absurd The media have convinced most people to look forward to adverse events as a good sign that the vaccine is doing well And that you have a robust immune system. As a result, many are suffering in silence People are conditioned to keep their bad experiences to themselves because they know their stories will be dismissed or contribute to so-called vaccine hesitancy And social media giants like Facebook will lock your account if you post stories of vaccine damage, even if you share your personal experience The reality is being swept under the rug They're not telling you the dangers and the risks that are associated with this vaccine They're not telling you that it might actually cause cancer that it might actually cause premature death in future generations that it might actually cause sterility that you might actually die upon second exposure whenever COVID-22 or 23 or 21 comes out They're not telling you any of these things so you don't have informed consent So if you get to the point where you do have informed consent you've read the literature that shows how dangerous this might be and you decide to take the vaccine Then that's your choice. We're all for freedom of choice but I affirm that you have informed consent We're all for freedom of choice but I firmly believe almost everyone that's decided to take this vaccine does not know the risks So inform yourself of the risks and then you can make an educated decision about whether to or not to take this vaccine So if you understand that it's totally experimental some of the ingredients inside of these shots have never been injected in human beings before There are no long-term studies. We don't know what's going to happen inside your body somewhere four to six weeks after your second injection or four to six months or even two years We have no idea whether it's going to cause infertility whether it's going to cause cancer how bad your autoimmune disease is going to be because in my opinion everyone is going to eventually have adverse effects to these injections and if you just want to be the experiment and you want to take one for the team and you somehow think this is good for the betterment of humanity God bless you. We can't reach you with the facts so you're going to have to suffer the consequences of that decision The cure shouldn't be worse than the disease We have a mountain of evidence at our fingertips that the shots are destroying loved ones all around us Are you willing to see it? There's a federal database tracking potential side effects that's getting a lot of attention online KXAN's Avery Travis has a closer look at how it works Theirs is the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System After you get your shot it's how you can let the CDC and FDA know what side effects you're dealing with The CDC hosts a Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System that all doctors are required by federal law to report vaccine adverse events even if the doctor doesn't think it was causally associated The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System or VAERS is the national vaccine safety monitoring system run by the CDC and the FDA. We depend on people like you to send us reports of adverse events or health problems occurring after vaccination There are more allergic reactions to the COVID vaccines than first expected Headaches, nausea, hallucinations and yes even death Blood clots in and around his brain Flash pulmonary edema caused by anaphylaxis Abnormal clotting or pulmonary emboli I have developed Bell's palsy Every bone and muscle in my body was shaking for over 90 minutes Actually started hallucinating I began to swell and my skin turned red This red rash quickly spreading covering Terrell's entire body Doctors at Allegheny General Hospital ran every test you can imagine but still don't know why a perfectly healthy 33 year old mother is basically paralyzed from the chest down just hours after getting the Pfizer vaccine These are among the rare side effects that Floridians are reporting after taking the COVID-19 vaccine So in the VAERS database we've seen people die immediately within minutes after getting the injection and in the UK they actually put resuscitation units where they're giving these injections because they had so many people have anaphylactic shock they had to be resuscitated back to life We're seeing the elderly population within a day to three days dying found dead in their bed The cardiovascular events, blindness, we're seeing a lot of problems neurologic problems with blindness and eye issues We're seeing a lot of paralysis We're seeing a lot of serious side effects A lot of issues with pregnancy, stillbirths, miscarriages So these are very concerning side effects and deaths that we're seeing right now There's a lot more damage being done to our citizens as a result of COVID-19 vaccinations than in any other vaccination program in history I'm sorry I'm feeling really dizzy I'm sorry Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god A train driver just dropped to the floor We're in Houston now and he literally just fell to the floor and I can guarantee you he had the vaccine Star college basketball player collapsing on the court We want to warn you the video may be difficult to watch Florida Gators star Chiante Johnson collapsing during the game Chiante's But you've got to be careful Kevin something happened to one of the referees. He collapsed, he collapsed. Oh dear, that's not good. Peace be upon you, peace be upon you. Oh dear, peace be upon you, peace be upon you. You are so beautiful. So beautiful. That's not good. Yeah. ****. That's why I'm not taking that ****. Oh my god, man. He just said I had a vaccine sensitivity. No, I got the vaccine. People that won't make money, some of them, by playing with the emotions of these people are creating a whole conspiracy theory and they are trying to benefit and profit from this fear of the people. And this is who are the criminals. Those that don't get the vaccine, they are people that are free. The people that are circulating all this misinformation, they are criminals. It's okay, babe. It's okay. It's me, it's Isaac. Now you got this guy in room four who got his second dose of vaccine on Tuesday, has been short of breath, okay. Now his BNP is elevated, D-dime are elevated, ALT, all his liver enzymes are elevated. His PT, PT-INR is elevated. He's got bromine myocarditis. Yes! Oh, this is ****. And then let's see, bromine myocarditis due to the vaccine. Right. But now they're not going to blame the vaccine. Well, and you know what, but he has an obligation to report that, doesn't he? It happened, right? What is it? 60 days after, if you see anything? They have got to. But how many people are reporting? They are not reporting. Right! Because they want to show it under the map. And how many have you seen that have gotten vaccinated here? The side effects? A lot. A lot? Have you seen it too? Yes. And how many people are writing a divorce report? Nobody, because it takes over a half an hour to write to Dan. Why? The CDC website, it says that you're required to report adverse events following vaccinations. Is there a policy at the hospital for reporting these complications? There has never been any directive sent out on reporting. With this vaccine, we are in stage three clinical trials. Normally, stage three clinical trials is where you gather your data. What the responsibility on everyone is, is to gather that data and report it. And if we're not gathering that data and reporting it, then how are we going to say that this is safe and approved for use? How come after 18 months we haven't had any research? Isn't that fishy to you? It does. It is fishy. It's super fishy. Not that it hasn't been done. It hasn't been published. It hasn't probably been done because the government doesn't want to show that the darn vaccine is full of s***. Are you afraid they're going to retaliate against you? Yeah. I'm a federal employee. What other federal employees do you see coming out? But you put your faith in God. Amen. Since January, I've experienced personally six deaths and I've lost count of the injuries. And we're not talking about typical adverse events like fevers, chills, sore muscles. I'm talking about things like urinating clots of blood, paresthesias, gastroparesis, altered mental status, respiratory arrest, cardiac arrest, new onset seizures, new onset diabetes. I have patients who can't walk anymore, patients who keep complaining that their feet and their hands are burning. They forget where they are. I've just never seen anything like this in all my years practicing medicine. On January the 4th was very pressured by my employer to get the vaccine. On January the 5th, I just had mild flu-like symptoms. By the end of the day, my legs hurt so bad, my body hurt so bad I couldn't stand it. The next day I woke up, my tongue was spazzing, and it just went on from there. The next day I was in full body convulsions. I didn't know what else to do other than to just come on live and show everybody what my body is going through at all awakening hours of my day. I took the vaccine on January 19th. I've had six ER visits. There was one day where I had 16 back-to-back convulsions, just like the one that you just saw in the video, and then it's been a long road from there. When the convulsions started, I knew it had to be from the vaccine. I got out of the bed, and I couldn't feel either of my legs, followed by full body convulsions about two hours later. My husband took me to the ER, and from there I was transported over to the hospital. And as soon as I got into my room, a physician came in, a hospitalist, and he said, Mr. Sell, I heard you were coming. I know what's going on. I know this is the vaccine, and we are going to do research until we figure it out. I never saw that doctor again. This has taken such a toll on me mentally. I miss my job. I miss my co-workers. I miss driving. I miss leaving my house. I'm just not having a very good day mentally. I'm waiting to hear back from this doctor in Missouri that is supposed to help me. I don't know. I mean, it seems like the story of my life. I'm just waiting on the doctor to call me. This is so unfair. Thank you for all of your continued support. And I pray one day that the storm passes. I'm scared. I'm sad. I'm mad. I've been trying not to cry. I'm frustrated that this is where I'm at. I would rather have COVID right now. Two days after vaccination, I got in my airplane to do a job that would take only a few hours. Immediately after taking off, I knew something was not right with me. I was starting to develop tunnel vision and my headache was getting worse. Approximately two hours into my flying, I pulled my airplane up to turn around and felt an extreme burst of pressure in my ears. Instantly, I was nearly blacked out, dizzy, disoriented, nauseous and shaking uncontrollably. By the grace of God, I was able to land my plane without incident, although I do not remember doing this. My initial diagnosis of vertigo and a severe panic attack, although I've never had a history of either of these, was later replaced with left and right paralymphatic fistulas, eustachian tube dysfunction and elevated intracranial pressure due to brain swelling. My condition continued to decline, and my doctors told me only an adverse reaction to the vaccine or a major head trauma could have caused this much spontaneous damage. Hello, my name is Stevie Thrasher. I received the Pfizer vaccine on April 27th. On May 3rd, my life changed forever. I left work bleeding severely and having menstrual cramps that I had never felt before, lost complete use of my legs. I have been to the ER ten times, four different hospitals. Ever since I got the vaccine, my life has changed forever. I cannot drive. I can barely take a shower without tremors starting, and I made a decision that has changed my life forever, and I would go back at any moment and change that decision if I could. I started with chest pain and paralysis on my left side. I was rushed over via ambulance to Baylor, Dallas. My seizures started about two and a half hours after I got the vaccine. I have had about eight seizures in the last two days, never had a seizure before. They did find a three millimeter brain aneurysm. Due to this vaccine, I don't even know if I'll gain full movement in my leg back. I have a walker now. My foot drags when I walk. There are plenty of examples of people that are having very serious medical conditions that result from the vaccination. Now, we're normally told that the causality is not known, but that is due to the vaccine risk denialist agenda. There's never any question about causality of disease when a virus is involved. The level of evidence that's required to assess causality if the disease or the bad health that results from a viral infection is basically zero. Whereas the level of evidence that's required to assess causality if the illness happens after vaccination is monumental. And so we know that the same exact symptoms are happening in healthy people across the population after they vaccinate. And that in and of itself is a vote in the column for causality. We also know that the deaths and the adverse events that are reported in the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System, they don't happen equally on every day following the vaccination. They all are clustered near day one or day two. And so for something that's not controversial like anaphylaxis, sure, it should happen on day one or day two. Because we know it's caused by the vaccine. It's not debated. So every other health outcome where the reports are clustered around day one or day two, that's another vote in the column for causality. So the very serious illnesses of people developing autoimmunity against their nervous system, autoimmunity against a reproductive system, changes in women's cycles. These need to be taken very seriously if we're going to have any evidence based science around vaccines at all. My family and friends are not going to take this vaccine. They're scared. My neighbor sitting right here with me has been my caretaker. These people are scared as what I have been through. I was a healthy 45 year old woman with no underlying conditions whatsoever. And here I am today. I've lost my job. I can't drive. I'm a prisoner in my own home because I am afraid to go out in the public. I'm struggling, guys. Y'all just don't know. And it's real. I have a group of over 300 people just like me that has found me, that has reached out to me. This is real. And it's happening every day. Despite almost a year of evidence showing the world that the COVID vaccines are dangerous, the masses did nothing when the establishment came for their children. Sadly, most parents gave their kids over to the grand experiment without proper safety trials. We're never going to learn about how safe the vaccine is unless you start giving it. That's just the way it goes. That's how we found out about rare complications of other vaccines like the rotavirus vaccine. And I do think that we are going to, I do think we should vote to approve it. Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine has won approval for use in children 12 to 15 years old. 12 to 15 year olds all across the United States are now able to get a COVID-19 vaccine. The FDA is saying that it's OK to give the Pfizer vaccine to 12 to 15 year olds after the drugmaker reported that the shot is 100 percent effective against the coronavirus for that age group and with no safety concerns. It is the same Pfizer vaccine, but it's a third the dose. This will allow for a good number of American children to start getting vaccinated before the school year begins in the fall. The fact that we're now going down to age 12 with Pfizer through the EUA, this is literally a historic moment where families and pediatricians and child advocates are celebrating. Vaccinating kids is an important step for us to really tamping down this pandemic. We are never going to get back to a state of normalcy. We're not going to ensure a bright future for kids until the vaccine can can can protect them as well. So we know we're good to go from 12 to 15. So now we're going to go 12 to nine, nine to six, six to two years and six months to two years. By the time we get to the end of this year and the beginning of 2022, the first quarter of 2022, we predict that we'll be able to vaccinate children of any age. An FDA advisory panel has voted to recommend Pfizer's covid vaccine for kids ages five to 11. It is a major long awaited regulatory hurdle that the vaccine has now cleared. It's news many, many parents all across this country have, of course, been waiting for. As long as not everybody is vaccinated, nobody will be safe. Kids have missed out on so much. They've been pulled out of sports. They missed out on extracurricular activities. Maybe they stopped having sleepovers and going to indoor birthday parties. They can now resume many of these things once they're vaccinated. Do you expect at some point we will be able to inoculate even children as young as two? I do expect to do that. Of course, the status needs to be completed. I'm optimistic because I have seen these results between five and eleven. In Chicago, the public school system is giving everyone next Friday off so they can get students vaccinated. And in New York, creepy weirdos like Bill de Blasio are trying to bribe our kids with cold, hard cash. Good news. Kids are eligible for the one hundred dollar vaccine incentive. So we really want kids to take advantage. Families take advantage of that. Everyone can use a little more money around the holidays. It buys a whole lot of candy. That's right. Meanwhile, Pfizer, the company that produces the vaccine, is telling kids that getting the shot makes you a superhero. Even the rigged numbers of covid cases and deaths from around the world make it irrefutably clear that children were not at risk. Yet the propaganda convinced most parents that vaccinating their children was the next answer to get things back to normal. If the shots injure adults, what do you think they do to kids? This morning, the CDC is reviewing several dozen reports that teenagers and young adults may have developed a heart condition after getting vaccinated against covid-19. The FDA is putting a new warning on the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines after CDC researchers found a likely connection between the shots and rare types of heart inflammation in young people. The CDC finding 16 to 24 year olds who received the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine have experienced higher than normal cases of myocarditis and inflammation of the heart muscle. These are complications that were not totally unexpected, but are very, very rare and manageable. It's a rare thing that happens, and unfortunately, sometimes it doesn't have a good outcome. It was very rare and it happened so unexpectedly. 12 year old Jason Kidd collapsed during warm ups at basketball practice at Chartiers Valley Middle School. He died a short time later. A 16 year old student from West Catholic Preparatory High School collapsed while warming up for a scrimmage in Chester County. A South Carolina high school football player has died after collapsing at football practice. 17 year old Ryan Jacobs and loved ones say his heart stopped during practice. He was the Princeton high school soccer player who unexpectedly collapsed on the field. His family thought he had a seizure. I have a kid down at Princeton Viking Stadium. Do you know the address? The coroner says he died of sudden cardiac arrest. A teenager at Park City High School has died one week after collapsing on the field during football practice. Sophomore Jed Hoffman fell to the ground last Tuesday while experiencing seizure-like activity. The Kennedy High community mourning tonight after one of their high school football players died. 17 year old Everest Romney got his vaccine shot. A few days later Everest couldn't even move his neck because of the swelling without literally putting his hands on his cheeks or on his head to move his neck. And then the migraine started, his mother finally got him a CT scan, then she got another one ordered on his head. And that is when doctors found out he had two blood clots inside his brain, another on the outside of his brain. The hardest thing was I let him get that shot. And he was healthy and well before. She was a healthy teenage girl. She got her first Johnson & Johnson shot around the start of April. She was rushed to St. Rose Sienna campus after seizures and blood clots in her brain. This was a previously completely healthy 18 year old female with no medical conditions whatsoever whose life has been probably irreversibly altered. Put yourself in her place. Put yourself in the place of her mother and her father. It's just not a number. A few days later, Everest returned to St. Rose Sienna campus. She was a healthy teenage girl with no medical conditions whatsoever whose life has been probably irreversibly altered. She was a healthy teenage girl with no medical conditions whatsoever whose life has been probably irreversibly altered. I was the father of a 16 year old son. I raised my boy, said he was a baby. He meant the world to me. Now I go home to an empty house. Next week is his birthday. You know what I better celebrate his birthday at. While everybody, once we leave here, they're going to forget about what we're doing, what they talk about, what we said here. They're going to be enjoying time with their family and kids. Thanksgiving I'm going to spend at the cemetery. Christmas at that cemetery. They need to quit pushing this on their children. I lost mine. I need to protect yours. They're trying to target the five to 12 year olds. We're going to have more deaths in our hands than they planned. And they say it's worth the risk. It wasn't worth the risk to me. My son was a world. He meant the world to me. They could never give me back to me. That's all I wanted, my son back. So don't make the mistake. I did. I did it because I thought it was the correct thing to do. It wasn't. The unfortunate truth is that we're going to have to have many children die before people wake up here. That's what's going to happen. And that's what's got the founders of the unity project just livid right now is that we're rushing forward pellnell willy nilly on damaging and killing children. And now they're going to launch clinical trials in basically very young children, two to three. And there will be childhood death. There will be childhood damage. And it seems that we're going to have to have that for people to wake up. Does Rosita have a boo-boo? Oh no, Amy, this is for my COVID vaccine. My mommy and my papi took me to get it this morning. Rosita, that's great. Getting the COVID vaccine is a great way to stay healthy. See, my mommy and my papi said that it will help keep me, my friends, my neighbors, my abuela all healthy. Your parents are absolutely right. You know, COVID vaccines are now available for children five years and older. And the more people who get them, the better we're going to be able to help stop the spread of COVID. The COVID mRNA vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna are not vaccines. They don't legally meet the definition of a vaccine. And that is that they boost immunity and prevent transmission. And I believe everything about these so-called, you know, these shots are intended to kill. The tests we've seen around the country from doctors are showing that almost 45,000 people that got these vaccinations were dead in 72 hours. The shots were supposed to reduce mortality rates, according to the empty promises of the politicians and media. However, an analysis of all-cause mortality before and after the rollout of the COVID shots reveals that all age ranges, in fact, have higher death rates with the COVID inoculations. That's right. Let that sink in. The COVID shots are killing people. But a Virginia woman says she believes her mother died as a result of the vaccine. He died. They found her dead in her room. She died Wednesday from a reaction to the COVID vaccine. Her death is likely a result of the vaccine. A Kansas woman died shortly after getting the shot. 58-year-old mother died less than an hour after receiving the Pfizer vaccine. And in Orange County, an X-ray technician has died after getting his second dose of the Pfizer vaccine. And out of this, an investigation underway after someone died just hours after getting the COVID-19 vaccine. Orange County coroner's office is investigating the death of a woman who passed away several days after getting her second Moderna vaccine. The Detroit media icon was found dead at her home last Tuesday by her husband just one day after taking the COVID-19 vaccine. In less than probably 12 hours, she was intubated and on life support. And then she passed 30 hours after we took her to the emergency room. He was wheeled out in an ambulance. One hour later, he was in ICU on a ventilator. And three hours later, he passed away. A 15-year-old woman died of a COVID-19 vaccine. One hour later, he was in ICU on a ventilator. And three hours later, he passed away. A 55-year-old man passed away at Tamworth Hospital after developing blood clots eight days after receiving the jab. We have details tonight on a new AstraZeneca vaccine tragedy with confirmation a Belmont woman died from a rare blood complication. On Thursday, we learned of an organ woman in her 50s who developed a serious blood clot in combination with very low platelets and died. She died April 19th from an acute subarachnoid hemorrhage, essentially a brain bleed. New South Wales Health has now confirmed reports a woman from the Central Coast believed to be 48 years old has died after developing blood clots. Her name is Jessica Berg-Wilson and she died on September 7th. Her obituary says it was from COVID-19 vaccine-induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia. In other words, blood clots. Tim Zook was admitted into the ER of the same hospital he was working at. Within a couple hours, he just couldn't breathe on his own. He had stomach problems, he was complaining that he wasn't feeling good. He was so bad, he voluntarily told them, put me on a ventilator, I want to live. Those were his last words. When they tried to get help, her daughter says they were sent home. She told them everything that was wrong. Like, I did have the AstraZeneca shot and the woman told her there's nothing they can do. She needs to go home and take Tylenol. Jordan says the next morning her mom couldn't get out of bed. Stonehouse went to the Strathcona Hospital where a CT scan found a blood clot. The family says she was rushed to the University of Alberta Hospital and had a stroke on the way. At that time they said the brain bleed was so severe that there was nothing that they could do for her. Two days after her second dose, Griselda's family says they found her dead in her room. I'm very, very worried about public safety because now it's just like if my mom passed away, how many other people are going to pass away? The Facebook picture that captured Augusta Turiaco's delight at getting a Covid vaccine. The 55-year-old Italian posting, fato, done on March the 11th. Despite developing a headache and feeling unwell afterwards, she returned to her work as a music teacher. Posting again to reassure friends saying everything will be alright. Sadly, it was not to be. Her condition worsened. She fell into a coma and died 19 days after having the AstraZeneca injection. Is there been another vaccine that had the high incidence of serious hospitalisations and deaths that this vaccine is now showing? Not to this extent, absolutely not. Not even close. Any other vaccine would have been pulled from the market? Absolutely, it would have been pulled probably within the first few. Just as we've seen in the past. And have you seen any other vaccine that was put out for the public that skipped the animal test? Never before, especially for children. And as what I've read, they actually started the animal test and because the animals were dying, they stopped the test. Folks, I think that's important to understand there that what we're talking about is the American people are now the guinea pigs. This is the test program that's going on. They didn't do the human testing and they stopped the animal test because the animals were dying. And then they turned it out for the public. And we are now looking at businesses that want to mandate that this experimental vaccine be given to people as a condition of their employment. And yet we have this death count that continues to rise and be totally ignored. So you might be wondering how someone in such great shape could suffer a cardiac arrest. The reason for his collapse is unknown. The reason why Manny collapsed in the first place still isn't known. Did she have any signs before this race? Absolutely not. She felt like she was in the best shape of her life. That's incredible. It's just one of those tragedies. I want to be straight with you. There will be no return to the old normal for the foreseeable future. I repeat, there will be no return to the old normal for the foreseeable future. So people assume we are just going back to the good old world which we had. And everything will be normal again in how we are used to normal in the old fashion. This is, let's say, fiction. It will not happen. The cut which we have now is much too strong in order not to leave traces. A vaccine on its own will not end the pandemic. According to the official narrative, mass vaccination is essential to keep you safe from COVID and return society back to normal. What a sick joke. It's been an open secret since Klaus Schwab released his book, COVID-19 The Great Reset, in June of 2020, that there was never any plan to go back to normal. And yet, people are willing to accept a false hope and risk it all with these experimental shots. What's happening now is pharmaceutical rape. Rape with an unwanted medical procedure on behalf of companies, the media, and the state. The entire program is designed to degrade your humanity and sleepwalk you into their globalist revolution, where they intend to control every aspect of your life using behavior science, a social credit score, and a digital ID. I think the evidence is overwhelming that this whole pandemic has nothing to do with the virus. It has everything to do about control, and the vaccine is the mechanism to do that. If you listen to our world leaders, they keep telling all of us around the world that nothing will get even near normal until you take this experimental injection. Normalcy only returns when we've largely vaccinated the entire global population. In Israel, the Prime Minister Netanyahu, he actually signed a secret agreement with Pfizer, it's not secret now, they've admitted it, where he sold all the people over into the research experiment. So Pfizer gets all of the adults and the teenagers, all of their medical information for the last 40 years, or a socialized system, and then onward for the next two years, they get all of their information. Israeli media reported that Jerusalem has agreed to provide important data to the vaccine manufacturers, as the Jewish state inches closer towards inoculating its entire population. Now known as the Real World Epidemiological Evidence Collaboration Agreement. And according to what we know from this deal, Israel will provide Pfizer with epidemiological data to allow the pharma company to more swiftly evaluate the efficacy of the vaccine. Israel has become the world's lab right now, because they're using only our vaccine at this stage, and they have vaccinated a very big part of their population, so we can study both economic and health indexes. And now the Prime Minister, to ensure that the people are part of the research experiment, he's trying to force them by taking away their right to work, taking away their right to go to school, to go to concerts, to do normal shopping. They're also being tagged either a green badge or a yellow badge. A green badge means you've been vaccinated, a yellow badge you have not. No country is vaccinating its people faster than Israel. This is the green passport, and this is going to be the path of many countries, many countries. The green passport is our way of encouraging more and more people to get vaccinated. This is what the first step will look like, of the return to the kind of a normal life. A global health pass was a planned objective from the very start of the COVID campaign. For example, Bill Gates revealed this just two weeks into the first lockdown, back in March of 2020. Eventually, what we'll have to have is certificates of who's a recovered person, who's a vaccinated person, because you don't want people moving around the world where you'll have some countries that won't have it under control, sadly. You don't want to completely block off the ability for those people to go there and come back and move around. So eventually there will be sort of this digital immunity proof that will help facilitate the global reopening up. A global reopening? Control freaks like Bill Gates knew all along that they would use this crisis to install a medical dictatorship. When asked in a TechCrunch interview which businesses should be allowed to stay open, Gates responded by saying that eventually we will have digital certificates to show who has been tested and vaccinated. The media, government and multinational corporations pretend your right to voluntary and informed consent does not exist. What we are witnessing is the most extensive, most sophisticated campaign of coercion in history. They're pushing us towards a mandatory vaccine. And when they get to where they're going to legally, by law, by government force, put the gun to your head and say you will take this shot, or we will not allow you to travel, we will not allow you to earn a living, we will not allow you to interact with anyone else in society, you will take this shot or else. That is where I think we're going. While they can't force people to be vaccinated, they can penalize those who don't. You do have a right to make decisions about yourself. You don't have a right to cause harm to others. If the shots were a real solution and the pandemic was the health crisis that they claimed, the universal coercion would not be necessary, would it? Because customers do not need to be forced to buy a good product, especially if it's life-saving. Want to go to a game at the Garden Stray? Show me your passport. Want to go to a Broadway show? Show me your passport. Want to go to a concert? Show me your passport. So how about if you want to go to this college? Show me your vaccine passport. They're called vaccine passports and it could determine who can travel, stay at a hotel or even visit a bar. I think that passports could be an important part of our recovery. Certificates of vaccination are naturally to be expected when it comes to this pandemic. They should require that you show proof of vaccination. If I'm going into the theater and I'm going to a restaurant or I'm going to a museum, I want to make sure everybody who's in there is vaccinated. That's just me. I don't see what the big deal is that people can't prove. They can have a bracelet, put it on your driver's license, something. I think we really need to make it clear that there are privileges associated with being an American. That if you wish to have these privileges, you need to get vaccinated. Travel and having the right to travel in our state, it's not a constitutional right as far as I know to board a plane. And so if you want to stay unvaccinated, that's your choice. But if you want to travel, you better go get that vaccine. If you don't want to get vaccinated, that's your choice. But don't think you can get on a plane or a train besides vaccinated people and put them at risk. If somebody wants to travel internationally, they're going to have to have a passport. And if they don't want to get vaccinated, they're not going to be allowed to travel. The first nation in the world to introduce these was China. It did that earlier this year. People there use a QR code on their phones to prove they've been vaccinated and show their coronavirus test results and history. EU leaders have agreed to develop a COVID-19 vaccine passport. With this digital certificate, we aim to help member states reinstate the freedom of movement in a safe, responsible and trusted manner. Today, we are announcing that the Government of Canada intends to require vaccination across the federal public service. If you want your life to continue close to normal, get your jab. For vaccinated people, the check-in app will basically be your freedom pass. For people who make the choice to not get vaccinated, no vax means no freedom pass. The City of Chicago will offer what's called vax passes. They will allow vaccinated people to attend certain concerts and events. You want to be part of the fun? Get vaccinated. The Justice Department has made it clear that it is legal to require COVID-19 vaccines. New York City will now be requiring all healthcare workers at city hospitals to be vaccinated. Get vaccinated or get tested once every week. Not sure if I'm nitpicking here, but why not just get vaccinated or don't come to work? Because if you get tested every week, you risk exposing people if you test positive. Look, we want to keep moving this in phases as much as possible, getting more and more people acclimated to vaccination. There's been so much misinformation. Everyone from police to teachers to firefighters must comply or they will face penalties. Downloading the city or state's vaccination-proof apps will get you in as well as your physical vaccination card. The vaccine passport is a terrible idea. The effects of vaccine passports are to create an instant two-tiered class system. We have to have a vaccine passport to be able to have a job, we have to have a vaccine passport to be able to go to work, go to school, and therefore people will vaccinate as a result of this severe coercion. Now, Governor Inslee has decreed that restaurants and other facilities can have a vaccinated section and an unvaccinated section. And this brings back the blacks-only and whites-only drinking fountains, that blacks can't sit at the counter. Once we go down the slippery road of passports, there's no going back because the government will use this information to enforce other behaviors. You cannot empower the government to know where you are at all times through an electronic passport. You cannot empower the government to give you the right to make a living or to procure nourishment and food for your family on the basis of a medical procedure. That's unthinkable and it just shouldn't happen. This is going to be like, well it's almost like, you probably don't see it like this, the two different classes of people, if you're vaccinated or if you're unvaccinated you have all these rights. If you are vaccinated... That is what it is, so yep, yep. We're going to move from a situation where to protect the health system we've got everybody locked down, we're going to move to a situation where to protect the health system we're going to lock out people who are not vaccinated and can be. If you're making the choice not to get vaccinated, then you're making the wrong choice, you're making the wrong choice. And for safety's sake and back to that point about how much work our nurses have to do as this becomes absolutely a pandemic of the unvaccinated and we open everything up, it's not going to be safe for people who are not vaccinated to be roaming around the place spreading the virus. That's what they'll be doing, so there's every reason, every reason to get vaccinated. You choose, get vaccinated or I'll have you jailed. But if you refuse, I will have you arrested. Austria has become the first Western democracy to announce that they'll be making the Covid vaccine compulsory. Yes, you heard that right, all of their adult population who don't have a medical exemption must have the vaccine. It's thought that those who refuse will face fines which could turn into prison sentences even paid. The conclusion that has now been reached is that we will initiate country-wide compulsory vaccination. Austria is the first country to go this extreme, other countries like the US and Italy have implemented vaccine mandates for certain cohorts of the population, but Austria marks the first time a government has issued a mandate for all its citizens. As of tomorrow, every citizen, every person living in Austria must be aware that they can be checked by the police at any time. During the press conference, the chancellor announced, quote, For a long time, perhaps too long, I and others assumed it would be possible to persuade people in Austria to voluntarily get vaccinated, that we could persuade them for their own protection and for the protection of those around them, their loved ones, friends and co-workers, but we must confront reality, he said. Yikes. Basically he's saying they gave the people an illusion of choice, but when they didn't do what they were supposed to do voluntarily, they're now going to be forced into it. This quote kind of reminds me of the saying, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Being injected with something against your will is one of the most degrading things that can happen to a human. How many shots are you willing to take against your better judgment? You can't comply your way out of this. If you are allowed liberty as a benefit of a desired behavior, then that's not liberty. That's how a prison system operates. If the vaccines offer any protection, then why the concern over the unvaccinated, especially when they are such a small minority now? And with the unvaccinated locked out of society, unable to go to hospitals and many places, who exactly is overwhelming the healthcare system, as they say? The fact is, people were told that a return to normal would come after a good percentage of the country's population was fully vaccinated. But even countries with 90% vaccination rates learned that that was a lie. The ruling class pushed the idea of new variants and blamed them on the unvaccinated, using this angle to perpetuate the hysteria and cover up their trail of vaccine injuries. When it became clear that the vaccines weren't a solution, they positioned booster shots as the answer. And the definition of fully vaccinated evolved to suit their ever-changing narrative. With hundreds of additional COVID shots in late-stage trials, where does such a system lead? Well, again, the CDC has a record of everyone who's gotten a vaccine, the number of your dose, the source of your dose. So this is an important breakthrough, and many people don't realize we're probably going to have booster shots for this vaccine for the rest of our lives. So a single card is not going to do the trick. Right now, it's a two-shot vaccine. As you said, you want to start looking at a potential third shot. This is a two-dose vaccine for the initial initiation of the schedule. It's supposed to be an annual single-dose revaccination following that. Pfizer's CEO now saying fully vaccinated people will likely need a booster shot within 12 months and may also need follow-up shots every year. This is a reasonable requirement based on the judgement of health experts in a global pandemic. These requirements won't be a run-off for the initial doses. They will apply to booster shots in the future as well. But it's not just about hitting these targets, about staying there for the long haul, because COVID is not going away. Just get vaccinated. Book it today. Get it done. Move on. Get the jab. Keep your job. Vaccine passport sounds like a fine thing if you don't understand what those platforms can do. I'm CEO of a tech company. I understand what this platform does. It's not about the vaccine. It's not about the virus. It's about your data. And once this rolls out, you don't have a choice about being part of the system. What people have to understand is that any other functionality can be loaded onto that platform with no problem at all. And what that means is it can be merged with your PayPal account, with your digital currency. Microsoft is already talking about merging it with payment plans. Your networks can be sucked up. It geo-locates you everywhere you go. Your credit history can be included. All of your medical history can be included. This has already happened in Israel. And six months later, we're hearing from activists that it's a two-tier society and that basically activists are ostracized and surveilled continually. It's the end of civil society. And they're trying to roll it out around the world. And it is absolutely so much more than a vaccine pass. I cannot stress enough that it has the power to turn off your life or to turn on your life to let you engage in society or be marginalized. My employer has just mandated that I must get a vaccine for COVID-19. If I want to keep working at my job as a professor, I have to take this vaccine. And I'm here to tell you it's ethically wrong to coerce someone to take a vaccine. If it happens to you, you don't have to do it. If you don't want a COVID vaccine, don't take one. End of discussion. It's your own business. But that is not the approach of the University of Western Ontario, which has suddenly required that I be vaccinated immediately or not report for work. So with the school year beginning in a few days, I am facing imminent dismissal after 20 years on the job. Because I will not submit to having an experimental vaccine injected into my body. As each thing is taken away, we face what is known as the shifting baseline syndrome. This syndrome changes our idea of a new and acceptable normal. Soon, we will not remember what it was like to have the freedoms we once did. Our children and our grandchildren will experience less freedom. And they won't have the privilege or the pleasure to enjoy the same choices our parents had or that we have. Whether you believe in vaccination or not, I'm standing up for your freedom of choice. You may support the vaccine mandates because they fall in line with your current beliefs. But if we let this happen now, there will be a day when what you're told to do will not fall in line with your beliefs. If we do not stand together and fight back in one voice, soon we could be told where to live, what job we will do, what religion to believe, and how many children we can have. Do you really want someone telling your children or your grandchildren what, when, and how they will live every minute of their lives? It's time we take a stance. It's time we fight for our freedom of choice while we still can. If we submit to mandatory medical interventions and so-called health passes, we will learn the hard way that the elites don't care about your health and have no intention of a return to normal. Their control grid will be in full force, they will continue moving the goal posts, and it will become a nightmare scenario of total enslavement for everyone. We cannot tolerate any form of mandatory vaccinations, either directly or indirectly. We have to push back against this using any peaceable means necessary. From the State Capitol to the Bay Area, students skipped class today to rally against Governor Newsom's vaccine mandate. Small but vocal groups of California parents are pushing back against a statewide mandate requiring all students be vaccinated as soon as they're eligible and the FDA gives full approval. No more shots! No more shots! At first they used fear, then they used guilt, then they used bribery, and now they're using force. That's how you manipulate people. Thousands of people take to the streets to protest Quebec's vaccine passport. Thousands took to the streets of Rome on Saturday to protest the Italian government's decision to require all workplaces to use the so-called Green Pass vaccination certificate. Green pass! No green pass! Bourbon anti-vaxxers are in a really small minority. They are one and a half per cent, a few per cent, maybe in Australia. I'm going to ignore them frankly. Hundreds of protesters have gathered in Brisbane, Cairns and the Gold Coast to oppose the introduction of vaccine mandates. Spreading lies, misinformation and lies about the vaccine, all to further their own ends. And in the end, these lies are really, really dangerous. The only way to minimise illness in this pandemic is through the vaccine. If you are anti-mandate, you are absolutely anti-vaxxed. I don't care what your personal vaccination status is. If you support, champion, give a green light, give comfort to, support anybody who argues against the vaccine, you are an anti-vaxxer. Absolutely. Your personal vaccination status is utterly irrelevant. There are also people who are vehemently opposed to vaccination, who do not believe in science, who are often misogynist and racist too. It's a small group, but it's growing. Shrouded in clouds of tear gas, the City of Light dissolved into a battleground as police and protesters clashed over proposed Covid-19 restrictions. The new measures would require everyone in France to have a special virus pass to go to restaurants and other venues. It would also make vaccinations compulsory. Police fired water cannons and tear gas, all of it for freedom. Whenever a government claims to have the people's interests at heart, you need to think again. In the entire history of mankind, there has never been a political elite sincerely concerned about the wellbeing of regular people. What makes any of us think that it is different now? Whenever a political elite pushes an agenda this hard and resorts to extortion and manipulation to get their way, you can almost always be sure your benefit is definitely not what they had at heart. As far as I'm concerned, I will not be vaccinated with anything that has not been properly vetted and tested and has shown no sound scientific evidence that the benefits outweigh the disease itself and possible long-term side effects, which, to this day, we don't know anything about. I will not be reduced to a mere guinea pig by getting vaccinated with an experimental drug, and I will most assuredly not get vaccinated because my government tells me to and promises, in return, I will be granted freedom. Let's be clear about one thing. No one grants me freedom, for I am a free person. A forced vaccine is assault with a deadly weapon, by definition, because vaccines kill. The vaccine court has ruled that vaccines have killed. So if you try to come force that vaccine on me and my family, by definition, that is assault with a deadly weapon. I've consulted attorneys over this. That is assault with a deadly weapon. You come to my house and assault me with a deadly weapon, then I have the right to shoot you, to stop you from assaulting my family. Look, forced vaccination, by definition, is not only assault with a deadly weapon. It violates the Nuremberg Code. If there is medical experimentation, two things have to be present for that to be legal. Number one, it's got to be voluntary. The patient has to accept this. It can't be forced. And number two, there has to be informed consent. In other words, the patient has to know this might be a side effect of what we're about to do to you. But a forced vaccine, by definition, violates the Nuremberg Code. You can't do that. It violates, and that's accepted by almost every country in the world, the Nuremberg Tribunal via the Nuremberg Code. Those laws apply everywhere. So by definition, forced vaccines violate that. And if they try to do that here, like I said, it's going to be a lot of resistance, armed resistance to that. But we have to bring lawsuits, and there have to be investigations. I mean, this violates the Americans with Disabilities Act. It violates HIPAA. It violates the First Amendment. It violates the Fourth Amendment. And we have to call up an army of lawyers and fund them to, you know, bring every lawsuit, but also just refuse to comply. You know, I graduated medical school when I was 23. My father was a doctor. We had a practice in our home. So I've been a doctor all of my life. So I have a special place in my heart for doctors who are struggling with how to move forward in a time when, on the one hand, they feel that their corporate employer is silencing them. On the other hand, they're the one with the patient in front of them. You must always do what you know is right. If you do anything else, you're going to have a hard time living with yourself. You're going to go down a very negative path. I did not welcome being fired by the hospitals. It was scary, but there really was no choice. At the end of the day, there was a patient in front of me who needed my help, and there was an employer who was saying I couldn't help that patient. There really was no choice if I was going to live a peaceful life on my own. I implore physicians to always do what's right. When they do what's right, their life will unfold in a happy, productive way. Anyone dying right now from a COVID-19 vaccine cannot sue Pfizer, cannot sue AstraZeneca, cannot sue Moderna. You can't sue. And therefore, the industry has no need to make a safer product. Instead, you have to try and go to some court system run by your own government. Why? Because your government is the one that is now liable. So think about this. If vaccines do maim in injured children, the way millions of parents have said, if these people really are dying from the coronavirus vaccine, as we're reading in headlines, even though doctors say there's no connection between that death and the vaccine, even a woman that just died 20 minutes after the vaccine while they were watching her in the waiting room, they said, well, that's not connected to the vaccine. If it is connected, who's responsible? The United States government. And do you know how much money that would cost? For autism alone, if autism proves to ever, you know, if anyone proves that it is caused by the vaccines, and our government has been forcing every kid going to school to get that vaccine, and therefore our government has caused autism, when all of the working courts tried to take that connection away, they were paying out about three to five million dollars for every case of autism, because that's how much it costs a parent to handle that issue. Imagine if the million people that will have autism about 10 or 15 years from now in the United States of America could sue for three to five million dollars apiece. That would bankrupt the United States of America. So if you don't think there's an incentive to lie to you, or to not investigate the safety of these things, then you should look at the liability. And if you don't think every government in the world or bad actors may someday want control over your body and control over populations so that they can do what they want, then you really haven't read your history. I want to say something very specific about vaccinations. I'm not against people vaccinating themselves. This is a free country. I'm against the government, any government, forcibly injecting my body or the bodies of my children with anything that we do not have control over. If we can be injected with products we do not control, we are no longer free citizens. We aren't even slaves. We have just become farm animals. That's it. If you can't control what's being injected into your body, you are nothing more than a product of the US government and they own you. And I think that our founding fathers would be rolling over in their graves if they imagined we were even having discussions at a thought like that. So please, please, please don't just go get this shot because you think it's just another flu shot. Or, oh, if I get the shot, I won't be inconvenienced. I won't have to wear a mask. I can get on an airplane. Think about the long-term consequences of your body, your health, and if you're a young person about the possibility of infertility, which is really real, the possibility of developing cancer from this shot, which is really real, the possibility of severe and progressive autoimmune conditions, neurological conditions, the spike protein can go across the blood-brain barrier and can knock out two different proteins, one of which, if the protein is corrupted, can lead to ALS. The other one, if it's the second one, if it's corrupted, can lead to frontal temporal lobe degeneration. The frontal lobe is the part of your brain that lives right behind your forehead. And it's the area where you have communication and you can communicate with spirit. These things are intended to destroy the human race. Please know the information. Please share it with your friends and family. And please stand strong. Just say no. Get your mind right. Free your mind. You're in control of your mind. Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right. So once you get back in control of this thing and realize that fear, which is false evidence appearing real, is completely ruining your life, is completely ruining your immune system. Once you start getting some facts and some faith and start applying that to your life, that's the key. And the last thing I'll say is this. Knowledge is power. Knowing what to do is a powerful thing. What to do, what to listen to, where to do your research, all that kind of stuff. You know, we're all about common sense, common sense health. That's our whole approach. But wisdom is taking that knowledge and applying it to your life. So don't let this just be another day you saw another interview or got some great information. Let this be the day that you start taking massive action steps to create the future and the reality that you want for yourselves and for your family. Because remember, if you don't stand for something, you're going to fall for anything. The FDA and other health agencies know about the potential for vaccine injuries and death, as evidenced by a leaked FDA presentation. The correlation of vaccine damage is not complex, since the majority of injuries and death come within three days of receiving the shots. Yet, the goal is nothing short of complete compliance, no matter the cost. People with a global digital ID tied to their vaccine status will be owned, not just as slaves, but as farm animals. It literally comes down to this. You either stand up for what's right, or you get subjugated. If you got scammed the first time, learn from it, and don't get scammed again. Before the globalists launched their COVID campaign, we enjoyed a world of limitless possibilities. You could take up any career path, travel almost anywhere with ease, see your family whenever you wanted, and make plans for your future. But now, the globalists are in an all-out assault to persuade you into shackling yourself to their feudalist great reset, where they intend to tightly control all aspects of your life. They plan to mandate multiple shots each year, while expanding the scope of the health pass to govern your travel, career options, access to banks, hospitals, and schools, and even your ability to go online. Many Western countries are to be held in perpetual lockdown. We are in a race to wake people up, to save future generations from this nightmare system before it is too late. The fact is, there is a rapidly growing amount of people witnessing vaccine injury and death, and this is giving rise to the numbers strongly opposed to vaccines and mandates. So hold the line. You are not alone in this fight. There are hundreds of millions of us that will not bend the knee to this tyranny. The lying news media will spin the long-term vaccine injuries as new variants and new diseases as a desperate decoy, blaming their trail of destruction on the small minority of unvaxxed people that didn't comply. And don't be surprised to see people deceived into accepting that blood clots and cardiac arrest in young children are normal. History repeats because prosperity brings about decadence, and this gives room for bad people to take over positions of power. That doesn't mean we have a duty to comply with tyrants. It is our duty to resist oppression, no matter what form it takes. This is the fight of our time. Everyone is on the battlefield. Can we learn the lessons of history and rise to this challenge? Restoring common sense starts with each of us doing our part and refusing to comply with illegal vaccine mandates. Say no to lockdowns, face coverings, and other unscientific rules that blatantly violate our God-given liberties. The window of opportunity for an actual return to normal is closing fast. Losing is not an option. Know that we can win. Join us in the next episode of the Covid Land Series as we explore the sophisticated methods of modern propaganda, which deceive the masses. Join us in the next episode of the Covid Land Series. Join us in the next episode of the Covid Land Series. Join us in the next episode of the Covid Land Series. Join us in the next episode of the Covid Land Series. Join us in the next episode of the Covid Land Series. Join us in the next episode of the Covid Land Series. Join us in the next episode of the Covid Land Series. Join us in the next episode of the Covid Land Series. Join us in the next episode of the Covid Land Series. Join us in the next episode of the Covid Land Series. Join us in the next episode of the Covid Land Series. Join us in the next episode of the Covid Land Series. Join us in the next episode of the Covid Land Series. Join us in the next episode of the Covid Land Series. Join us in the next episode of the Covid Land Series. Join us in the next episode of the Covid Land Series. Join us in the next episode of the Covid Land Series. Join us in the next episode of the Covid Land Series. Join us in the next episode of the Covid Land Series. Join us in the next episode of the Covid Land Series. Join us in the next episode of the Covid Land Series. Join us in the next episode of the Covid Land Series. Join us in the next episode of the Covid Land Series. Join us in the next episode of the Covid Land Series. Join us in the next episode of the Covid Land Series. Join us in the next episode of the Covid Land Series. Join us in the next episode of the Covid Land Series. Listen to the promises from the government, promises from other people that they're going to provide some wonderful thing for us and it's not going to cost us a thing. We've heard that so much and they've failed to deliver so many times. We don't even get excited when we hear the word free anymore. But the truth is there is something that is truly free. Something with absolutely no strings attached whatsoever, and that is the gift of salvation. salvation. The Bible tells us in Ephesians 2 and verse 8, for by grace are ye saved through faith and that not of yourselves. It is a gift of God, not of works, lest any man should boast. I don't think the Bible can be any more clear about the gift of salvation than Ephesians 2, 8, and 9. It tells us it's a gift. It tells us it's not of works. It says that we can't boast about it. There's nothing to brag about. Anyone who is on their way to heaven has nothing to brag about because they didn't deserve it. It was a free gift, but in case that's not clear enough for you that it's free, how about Romans chapter 5 and verse 15 says, but not as the offense, so also is the free gift. For through the offense of one, many be dead, much more the grace of God and the gift by grace, which is by one man Jesus Christ hath abounded unto many. And not as it was one that sinned, so is the gift. For the judgment was by one to condemnation, but the free gift is of many offenses unto justification. For if by one man's offense death reign by one, much more they which receive abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one Jesus Christ. Therefore, as by the offense of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation, even so by the righteousness of one, the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life. Over and over again, he keeps saying gift, free gift, talking about grace of God. One of the reasons many people are going to miss heaven is because they do not have faith. They do not believe God when he tells them, I have provided salvation for you. I have provided cleansing from your sin. I have done that for you and I am offering it to you for free. And I can understand why people doubt because so many times in this world when somebody says something free, it's not really free. But salvation is free and if you study the Bible, you'll see that it had to be free. There was absolutely no other way to provide salvation to us except it be fully paid for by Jesus Christ. And that's why God gave his son. God did this. God gave us this gift out of love and we can't replace, we can't add to what Jesus has already done. It can't be done. We can only believe on him and it is truly a free gift. And the Bible tells us in 1 John 5 13 says, these things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the son of God that you may know that you have eternal life and that you may believe on the name of the son of God. And this is the confidence that we have in him that if we ask anything according to his will, he heareth us. Now I love that verse because it tells us anything that we ask for that's according to his will. Some people ask for a lot of things that is not according to God's will. I can ask for a million dollars, but that might not be God's will. But here's one thing that I know for sure is God's will because the Bible tells me and that is that I be saved. Bible says it is not his will. God is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. So the Bible tells us that if we will ask for that gift, that he will give it and we can know that we have it and we can know that we have it forever because of the fact that it's eternal, that it doesn't come with a price tag. I don't have to maintain my goodness in order to keep it. And the difference between those who are saved and those who are lost is some believed and some did not. Some did not trust God and decided I'm going to provide my own way. Some did trust God and they just asked for it. Just like Romans 10 13 says, for whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. And folks, there's a lot of people out there promising us the world these days that never seem to come through on anything, offering things that are free that you and I know aren't really free, but the Bible guarantees us that if we will trust in Christ, he will come through for us. If you will ask him to save you and give you eternal life as a free gift, he will give it to you. You come bringing your own gifts with it, you come bringing your own payment, it's going to be rejected only the spotless lamb of God, Jesus Christ. That is the only thing that God will accept and that's already been offered for us. And anything that you bring is an attempt to replace that and is a rejection of the blood of Christ. And so if you've never done that, I hope you'll do that today. Call on the Lord and ask him to just save you from your sins and to give you that gift of eternal life. I promise based on the word of God, he will give it to you. Thank you so much for watching this. I hope this was a help and a blessing. God bless you.