(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) You You So Jocko we finally got bin Laden after all those years, but American soldiers are still to this day in Afghanistan I'll let you have the last word Well, this is going to be a long war and this war is going to continue this is an ideology filled with evil and hate and if we don't protect ourselves from them and Actively go out and prosecute these targets around the world. They will be at our doorstep again. I Agree. All right, Jocko. Happy Veterans Day and thank you so much for your service It was an honor to serve. Thank you You But I'm telling you something you need to be careful not to get brainwashed into this pro-war Attitude that Christians have had for decades and we as Christians need to stop being pro war and the tools of the military-industrial complex And now for our feature presentation Oh What's happening to you my name's your mentor if you didn't already know I'm hyped it is a way of time to be reacting To a music video three o'clock in the afternoon my time But honey West actually released the music video to watch us in the bud featuring Travis Scott No less the time that he said he was going to I mean sort of he sort of said it was gonna come on Friday Regardless, I'm just gonna get straight into it You Oh Tanya West who's claiming to be a born-again Christian. We sure hope that is true We are all and I said, I think it's for real we are I don't think this is just some PR deal. Nobody's perfect They're kind news sources say that he threatened to walk and bent it only to his team the New York Post got hold of his audio in which West compared himself to Stanley Kubrick and Apostle Paul as in st. Paul 50% Are you ready for Kanye 2024 the rapper saying he's ready to run when I run for president 2024 We're gonna definitely know what y'all laughing Kanye also saying he could change his name to Christian genius billionaire You We start this half-hour with word that Kanye West is waking up in a Los Angeles hospital where he's now under observation Reportedly for exhaustion and stress this on the heels of a bizarre and abrupt end to a concert over the weekend Pacing back and forth on a floating stage over a concert crowd in Sacramento ranting about politics Oh, yeah Railing against the radio Even seeming to take issue with his longtime friends Jay-z and Beyonce Fans already upset after Kanye showed up over an hour late began to boo after only performing three songs Kanye dropping his mic and walking off stage The next day West canceled the rest of his nationwide tour It's a shame that it didn't happen on Monday neighbors described seeing an ambulance whisk him away Paramedics only saying they were responding to an undisclosed medical aid request Several media outlets reporting overnight that West is suffering from stress and exhaustion Now some would sworn off being Kanye fans after his latest rant or just hoping he's okay I Don't want to bring she the president before you see after number 97 I have a You that you're his doctor, sir. Is that correct? Yes, correct There's I'm just calling for my cell phone request if we can have some police backup because I don't think the paramedics, you know I yeah, I think he's definitely gonna need to be hospitalized. So if you can just keep an eye on him, you know Just try to Let him get any any weapons or anything like that if anything change if it does become physically combative between now and when the police And or paramedics get their calls back immediately and then we'll do thank you so much Kanye West is reportedly in the hospital this morning for treatment of exhaustion The hip-hop star reportedly was taken to UCLA Medical Center after a series of erotic public outbursts West is said to be under a psychiatric hole today, which prevents him from leaving the hospital Vladimir duty of our streaming network CBSN is here with the latest trouble for the celebrity rapper glad good morning Good morning on Monday Kanye West pulled the plug on his tour all 21 remaining shows likely walking away from millions of dollars in ticket sales Then the reports of being hospitalized in Los Angeles leaving fans wondering what's going on with Kanye West This morning new details are emerging about Kanye West's alleged mental state as he was rushed to the hospital Heard on this fire department dispatch call obtained by TMZ The 9-1-1 call came in around 1 20 p.m On Monday after West was reportedly acting erratically paramedics in the Los Angeles Fire Department rushed to the Hollywood home of his personal trainer where according to TMZ officials spoke with West for 90 minutes before following protocol for a psychiatric patient Restraining him and taking him to UCLA Medical Center for an evaluation now fans Wonder if the emergency caused his abrupt decision to cancel the remaining 21 appearances of his st Pablo tour just 48 hours earlier The entertainer arrived at his Sacramento concert over an hour late and sang only two songs before this happened Oh Oh Just call me Talk to me like the baby Beyonce. I was hurt. I went down seven years Oh This is the future This is the way of thinking to make America great. It's a new world It's a new world Barack It's a new world Jz, you still can't believe it, you know, right because you was lying to my Google You was lying to my Mark Zuckerberg right now Get ready to write show passive-aggressive LeBron James racist comments I was uncharacteristic of him But that aside, you know to cancel a month and a half's worth of tours When a lot of money is on the line something is pretty wrong here You A Psychiatric emergency one report claims that is the audio from the fire department dispatch about Kanye Access has yet to authenticate that recording but we've confirmed police responded to a 911 call yesterday at 120 in the afternoon Reports allege that Kanye was acting erratically at his trainer Harley Pasternak's home We're on scene here at Laurel a report claims when paramedics arrived Kanye was calmer But still resisted going to the hospital and was restrained by handcuffs to a gurney while being Transported to UCLA Medical Center and the doctor said he was suffering from Dehydration that caused some kind of a temporary psychosis You If somebody is showing that and they're dehydrated you hydrate them like five days ago So, how does he get how is the doctor saying he's dehydrated yesterday if this has been going on for five days you hydrate him They're making it sound like the psychosis is a result of this Dehydration and exhaustion in which case you have a drink take a nap and get back to work according to new reports The rapper is on suicide watch after being rushed to UCLA Hospital yesterday afternoon a source revealed He was crazy and delusional adding that he is having Hallucinations and is paranoid the father of two who hadn't slept in days was screaming that people were trying to kill him I Am NOT blaming mental health, but I'm explaining mental health by saying that I definitely was ramped up I definitely was a bit manic I First stage is called hypomania And what that means is it means mild mice exuberance during hypomania was excessive to the point that I was Bouncing off the walls making people uncomfortable another thing that increased in my energy Was my agitation Kanye West appearing agitated facing back and forth on a floating stage over a concert crowd in Sacramento ranting about politics and what that felt like was This energy was building in my body and it had nowhere to go So it made me more likely to snap at people. Hey, good morning. Okay Okay, I met at Jim Campbell. I was Going insane. I Was violent with my friend. I was violent with people in public. I wanted to beat up a child That's I wanted to beat up a child Kanye's personal doctor is the one who called 911 yesterday and said that Kanye Had attempted to assault somebody apparently at the gym that he goes to and that he was not Violent at the moment, but that when cops arrived he would get violent with them Often requires hospitalization Because a person cannot take care of themselves Yeah, I think he's definitely gonna need to be hospitalized So I wouldn't just do the police by itself and let him get any any weapons or anything like that Highly high risk of harming themselves and at a high risk of suicide the next Stage My mania was Possibly the best experience in my life and Why? so many people Crave their mania. I had the most profound spiritual experience of my life Everything Everything in life God the universe life Everything made sense and I felt so omnipotent. So all-powerful so all-powerful During mania people might experience the presence of God or the presence of a divine reality Sometimes they feel strongly connected or even at one with nature with humanity as a whole with the universe or with the divine Others might feel they have an important mission in the world or think they are an influential religious person I truly did believe when I was 16 in this state that I Was a prophet before I was I had my manic episode I would say that I was very close to an atheist if not agnostic now During my manic episode I made a complete 180. I thought I was Jesus Hurry up with my damn massage hurry up my damn Minaj get the Porsche at the damn garage I am God even though I'm a man of God my whole life in the hand of God Y'all better quit playing with God. This is why so many people are one of the reasons Why so many people won't take medication these pills that they want me to take three of a day I take one a week maybe two a week They want both the create the level of creativity that I shared that I experienced as well as the spiritual Aspect the next part of mania was very scary I became psychotic The doctor called 911 and said that Kanye was suffering a temporary psychosis And I had Hallucinations and delusions Hallucinations are when you visually or you sensor only experience things that aren't actually happening and Delusions are when you have beliefs that you truly believe to be true that aren't when you're in this state You're hyper paranoid About everything everyone now is an actor Everything is a conspiracy. You see everything you feel the government is putting chips in your head You feel you're being recorded you feel all of these things feel everyone wants to kill you you pretty much don't trust anyone so I was Very violent. I've asked you numerous times to stop because you feel free of safety right because I want you to stop Oh So I took a hammer To a door that was unlocked but I believed it was locked and I hacked away at the door I Had delusions that I had been raped I was completely out of control and When if anyone has people in their family that deal with that they understand that it can go like Tourette's level when people go manic when if really it's like a stronger expression of what you really feel or calling from the universe or a Medium connection to the spirits a medium connection to the spirits even the ability to channel, you know You Know yeah, there are people who could have Physical brain damage, of course where there's actually something physically wrong with them But most of the people today who are diagnosed with psychiatric illness or most the children today that are diagnosed with all these mythical Disorders ADD ADHD ODD whatever they will tell you flat-out. There's nothing physically wrong that we can see I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder I was connected with a Neuropsychologist that works with the athletes in the NBA and the NFL and he looked at my brain and people on three parts He said that I actually wasn't Bipolar, there's no test that they can't check your blood and say up. You just tested positive for ADD Or they can't do a brain scan and say huh? It's just as I thought He has ADHD because there is no Physical component to it true truth about chemical balance is that it's an actual lie Nobody has yet measured Demonstrated or created a test to show that somebody has a chemical imbalance in their brain The truth is we cannot tell who is mentally ill and who is not By looking at pictures of their brains or analyzing their blood cancer is certainly a disease It can be shown with blood tests to exist in the body as abnormal cell growth diabetes is definitely disease lab tests can show the low levels of insulin a hormone in the blood and Heart disease is of course a disease X-rays and computer images can show damage to heart muscle or block passages So what's there to show that mental disorders are diseases? There's no blood test X-rays or any medical test to show these are diseases. Is there something where they give you a blood test? No, no the diagnosis is based upon just looking at what you do and Also, just what you tell them that you experience. These are real medical issues folks the whole Psychiatric health industry is a complete fraud There is no rational science behind what they think is the cause of these symptoms How many people have I cured well there are no real cures right now in psychiatry Idea of any you asked me about the issue about how many people I've cured I don't know that any of us are ever completely cured of anything. I Have not been able to cure many patients. I have cured none of my patients psychiatry and all of all of this time Doesn't have one case report of one disease validated not one What they do is They meet at the American Psychiatric Association they meet in the DSM committee diagnostics statistical manual committee and they vote on making new behavioral and Emotional disorders and they vote and then they start immediately calling them diseases And they tell people they tell the public these are diseases total fraud What's the difference between the DSM and a scientific book of disease? Every disorder in the DSM is invented Every disease listed in a pathology textbook is discovered Real disease is found in a cadaver at autopsy Mental illness is not Mental illness refers to something that a person does a Real disease refers to something that a person has see people who just mutilate themselves destroy themselves Cut themselves hurt themselves and even to the point of killing themselves a lot of this is demonic now today This would all be classified as mental illness but let me tell you something that is because the world that we live in and the Practitioners in the medical and psychiatric community do not believe in God or the spiritual realm They think all this spiritual stuff. It doesn't even exist. But let me tell you something It does exist and if the Bible is the Word of God, which we know it is Then you have to believe that How can you just say all demons don't exist? So a lot of what's classified today as mental illness is actually people who are possessed with devil It's the 911 call made the night Kanye West suffered a mental breakdown According to reports the doctor told 911 he needed help for a male with mental illness to protect Kanye's identity the doctor identified him as Jim Jones and then schizophrenia Multiple personality disorder, you know what that's like this look at the first night It says he asked him this when he asked Jesus asked the guy who's demon-possessed. He asked him What is thy name and he answered saying my name is Legion for we are many So there's your multiple personality disorder right there. There's your schizophrenia Because the guy has multiple demons living inside of him. That's the different personalities that are coming out Kanye West has made in his new mission to spread the gospel Launching events across the US called Sunday services the chart-topping hip-hop artists with 21 Grammys to his name now making headlines for a growing Movement known as Kanye's Sunday service now this past event in Baton Rouge brought nearly 1,000 attendees to Christianity it was one part Hip-hop concert maybe one part just Kanye being Kanye doing a lot of fun Crazy stuff maybe two parts a gospel choir and a really good one as we just saw and maybe three parts Billy Graham crusade style revival Really has been saved by Christ and a born-again, you know for him It started off as something that was really healing for him. It was really small and really personal Dedicates his whole life Why did you start Sunday service Sitting in the hospital at UCLA after having a mental breakdown and there's a Documentations of me drawing a church and saying writing a starter church in the middle of Calabasas Lowest points You know God was there with me and sending me visions sending me visions you Kanye West is so inspirational Kanye West gone crazy Kanye West is speaking at Joel Osteen's church this weekend. Joel Osteen a Lot of people been asking me what I think about the Kanye West situation Many of you know That I had a similar dramatic change and the media covered it about 15 years ago Almost 15 years ago dude in February. It's gonna be 15 years. So anyway, I wrote down a few things about what I thought This is real what's happened to him? It's obvious. It's obvious. It's real now Romans 5 says that God's love is poured out into our hearts by the Holy Spirit and that's Like the first experience that happens the awakening the lights turn on, you know that you know that you know that it's real and so Spontaneous combustion like the you short-circuit you got this love Pour it into you. You got the power of God poured into you and you're just like He's all that matters, I don't care what anybody thinks anymore and so you kind of freak out You say some things you're dealing with your your pride your fame your riches your ego I would be shocked if if he doesn't last in this faith thing faith thing because It's so similar to what I went through. It's like he didn't care what nobody thinks right now He's just like God God God God everything I've given my life. I know it's freaking a lot of He will find his way and I didn't know he's saying some crazy things still because he's Kanye He's he's an artist a lot of artists are crazy and he has Mentioned that he has suffered with mental illness and everything. So we got to give him grace for that man. Give him grace man He walk in this he's he's trying to do this, you know I just hope that that that egoic mind and that pride that comes from fame and that egoic mind That's the first like to resist the change that has taken place that Christ change that's taken place But it's also the main thing that means You The question is how do we know that Kanye is not genuine I believe he's 100% genuine Okay, he's 100% genuine in what he wants to accomplish They say in any other industry, you know, you're supposed to do better than the past You know like computer should get smaller and faster. But whenever you say I want to be Elvis they say what's wrong with you But I want to be Elvis Elvis always planned to do this huge music Extravaganza with all gospel music and that was in the works But Now with the evangelical zeal of a southern preacher Elvis tries to enlighten and teach the multitude around him It was odd because a lot of times the multitude would be all of these gorgeous models or Starlets that have come up to the house to perhaps sleep with Elvis or advanced their career and instead of a quick Drink and let's hop off to bed. He's reading the Bible to them All these girls gathered around his coffee table And that was started off sitting talking the more we got into it the more animated Sun rises and the Sun goes down and hasten to the place and we've had a king he's raised that king and telling them stories about with Moses the staff of the Blood river everything the locust but when it happened, it was alright with them. They had Elvis The devil brought me to The Lowest place in my life the lowest year of my life and I said this year I Wasn't gonna go one Sunday without starting the church In the leaves of man's garden he quoted constantly from the Bible He would sit and underline. We would just read for hours and hours upon hours In later years Elvis will try his hand at faith healing He will wander around a Memphis mortuary after dark and ponder the mysteries of the afterlife Pay attention be chances the devil dances and eventually answers Now let's back up and let's start in the past with Kanye West and let's follow his history and come to his present-day so-called conversion Well back in 2006, he was pictured on the front of Rolling Stone magazine wearing the crown of thorns As a messianic figure and it said the passion of Kanye West fast-forward to the year 2013 he comes out with an album called Jesus which is blasphemously made to sound like Jesus like he's another Jesus or something Jesus Let me explain something to you about Kanye West Kanye West is a blasphemer Who did a tour called the Yeezus tour where he himself claimed to be God? Blasphemy By the way, oh, you know, he that's just for his music tour Oh, I'm sorry is the Antichrist in the music tour too because he's the one who's doing the same thing This is from track number three on his 2013 album Yeezus. The track is called. I am a god Capital G God, I'm a god hurry up with my damn message Hurry up with my damn ménage get the Porsche out the damn garage I'm a god, even though I'm a man of God my whole life in the hand of God So y'all better quit playing with God He's basically say you mess with me. You're messing with God because I am a god capital G. I just talked to Jesus He said what's up, Yeezus? I said beep. I'm Chillin trying to stack these millions. I know he the most high but I'm a close high Did you hear what he said? Well, I know he's the most high but I'm the close high like basically what he's trying to say Well, there's God and then I'm like right there with God as God He's Jesus and I'm Yeezus and I'm a god too. Now go if you would to Isaiah chapter 14 verse 12 How art thou fallen from heaven Oh Lucifer son of the morning How art thou cut down to the ground which this week in the nation's for thou hast said in thine heart I will ascend into heaven. I will exalt my throne above the stars of God I will also sit upon the mount of the congregation in the sides of the north I will ascend above the heights of the clouds. I will be like the most high isn't that what he's saying? Well, I know you're the most high but I'm the close high. I'm thinking that your last name is the God, right? So anybody that's a God can recognize a God Jesus correct, I mean Yeezus can recognize Jesus I mean, you know y'all y'all know what it is. So he did an interview Where he explained his lyrics and he's questioned about this song I am a god and these lyrics where he's setting himself up as God and as another Jesus an Antichrist as it were here's what he said to explain it when someone comes up and says something like I am a god Everybody says who does he think he is? I just told you who I thought I was a god. I Just told you that's who I think I am Well that clears that up So here are the lyrics from his song new god flow shake that body Party that body come and have a good time with God This is great stuff, right? I believe there's a god above me I'm just the god of everything else. I Put holes in everything else new god flow f everything else did Moses not part the water with the cane Did strippers not make an arc when I made it rain. So God made it rain on Noah's ark and Kanye West made it rain with money for strippers. So he's God Because he rained money on strippers. This is blasphemous Filth and garbage, you know, they feel like yo, you know He's got a god complex because he said they wrote the Bible again. He would be in it. Yeah, I would be in it I feel like I'm one of the more important people, you know in pop culture right now One of the only people with an opinion the Bible had, you know, 20 30 40 50 characters in it You don't think I would be one of the characters of today's modern Bible and people have their own forms of Bibles now You know It's a new day and age People have their own thinking people have their own things that they're into people have their own religion Hip-hop is a religion to a certain extent and a rap is out of preachers and the music is the scriptures, you know It's just like church because you go to a concert you you you you raise your hands in the air you get dressed up You sing songs and you definitely pay some money. It's just like church Here is the lyric of His song no church in the wild. This is Kanye West and jay-z No church in the wild Jesus was a carpenter Yeezy laid beats Hova flow the Holy Ghost get the hell up at your seats preach now, what does he mean when he says? Hova flow the Holy Ghost, you know what this time about jay-z Another wicked rap artist, you know what he calls himself jay Hova He calls himself jay Hova again making himself to be God folks These people are crazy evil blasphemous demonic people Claiming to be God claiming to be Jesus calling themselves Jehovah calling himself Jesus the Antichrist shall claim to be God as well So he's following in Jesus footsteps. No, he's falling in the Antichrist footsteps There are sins that are common to man claiming to be God is not one of them fornication is common to man Adultery unfortunate is common to man Claiming to be God not common to man that requires a reprobate to do that This issue that I'm preaching on of Kanye West and His so-called conversion to Christianity. Let me tell you something This shows the spiritual state That our country is in and the spiritual state that churches are in that they are hailing this as a good thing And oh, isn't it? So wonderful. What a blessing, you know, I'm I'm a religious person. I'm a pastor and I'm afraid that if Jesus came today and saw me and my family in my church then we'd be the ones he'd be hard shot and the people in the hip culture and the people Who the church today labels those are evil sinners. Those are the ones he'd be hanging out and we'd be judging Jesus Know what I'd like to say is I'd like to say go Kanye Really a Christian, you know, should it just shut up for a minute? Okay, these people have lost the plot My friend, okay You've got these fake Calvinist Trendy hipster reform types That are all excited about this and these guys have the wrong Bible. They've got lordship salvation, which is the wrong salvation These people that are getting excited about this are showing that they have no spiritual discernment I'm gonna give you the facts tonight and You be the judge my friend because we need someone to call this out for the fraud and the sham that it is this so-called conversion of Kanye West Let's get into lyrics from his new album that just came out a few days ago So he just came out with his first gospel album. It's called Jesus is King Okay, and so, you know for now he's doing only gospel music So let's get some of the wonderful lyrics from his new album Jesus King cuz he's totally different now I mean now he's a new creature in Christ, you know, you can't bring up those old lyrics Okay, first of all, let me just read you some stupid lyrics first of all Okay, and folks the reason I read this is because this is what makes a mockery of the things of God By reason of these bozos the way of truth shall be evil spoken of Here's some lyrics from his new album closed on Sunday. You're my chick-fil-a Closed on Sunday you my chick-fil-a. You're my number one with the lemonade raise our sons train them in the faith With the lemonade raise our sons train them in the faith Now I got my family on your hands I got my weapons in the spirit's land I just about don't even stand a chance Just about don't even stand a chance Chick-fil-a? Really He's singing praise to chick-fil-a and let me he's just oh what's he trying to do Just suck up to all the little Fox News Baptist neo-con Republican Trump supporting idiots and take their money That's what this is about Chick-fil-a, give me a break. There's a whole song on the album. That's just dedicated to taking God's name in vain Okay. So here's the title of song on God now. Look if you're my age You know this expression probably because when I was a kid everybody was saying this expression and even back then as a child I was horrified by it. I would cringe every time I heard it, but people would say on God on God Is a popular one? Okay Oh Okay, we have switched cameras And this is kind of in our way sorry, but what did you think what do you think did you like it honestly I really liked it. Did you like it? Yeah, I mean I need to listen to it more first of all It's God's name in vain to use that expression You're taking God's name in vain and you're violating Christ's clear command to swear not at all James chapter 5 above all things my brethren swear not. Well, I looked up on Urban Dictionary There are nine entries on Urban Dictionary and all nine of them every single one of them said on God Means I swear to God or on God means when somebody says something and somebody doesn't believe it Then they say on God to say I swear by God But listen to the horrible lyrics from this song where he reveals what's actually in his heart because I the abundance of the heart the mouth speaking How you get so much favor on your side Accept him as your Lord and Savior I replied Thou shalt love thy neighbor not divide. I'm a ride. That's on God the devil had my soul I can't lie life gonna have some lows and some highs Before the Grammys ever gave a nod. I wore my heart on my sleeve I couldn't hide in o3. They told me not to drive I bleached my hair for every time I could have died, but I survived that's on God I've been telling y'all since oh five the greatest artist resting or alive That's on la read that's on Clive. That's no jive. That's on God Listen to what he says there. He says that he says I am the greatest artist Resting or alive that is on God all of that Arrogance and confidence and cockiness that y'all see me use Before God is now using for him Now I told you about my arrogance and cockiness already now The greatest artist that God has ever existed created is now working for him you So what God did God is something that he uses to elevate self God is a word that he invokes to say that he is the greatest person on the planet That's on his new Christian album that idiot fool Christians are gonna put in their meal Yeah, good countries you shut that crap off and listen to some real hymns Was this garbage wicked? Jesus give us strength Jesus Jesus make us well Jesus. Help us live Jesus. Give us wealth Is that what the Bible says Jesus give us wealth? You know the prayer that God taught in the Bible is give me not Riches this is the new Kanye West and you know what he is Balaam the son of Bose or he is Cain West he is Balaam he is of the devil. He is just as wicked and godless and it's all about the money And here's my favorite title of a song on his new Christian album use this gospel Folks people say what's in their heart? Use this gospel That's what he's doing friends. He's using the gospel for his own glorification in his own financial gain And here are the lyrics from that song use this gospel for protection. It's a hard road to heaven Use this gospel for protection, it's a hard road to heaven I thought it was easy to get to heaven I mean I thought Jesus did the harp I thought was a hard road when Jesus picked up the cross and carried it all the way from Jerusalem to Golgotha. I thought that was the hard road. I Didn't know that getting saved was so hard Is there a desire ultimately to convert To convert to convert people through this process. It's not a desire. It's my only mission and calling is to spread the gospel You ASU Sun devil stadium in Tempe is packed with people and it's not even game day. Good evening and thank you for joining us I am Mitch Carr. Rachel Cole has the night off It is all for a religious movement called awaken 2020 and one of the big draws tonight is none other than Kanye West A marathon of worship you are five verses away from being restored Building up to the star of the show. I want to talk to God I ain't afraid no more Kanye West 12-hour awakened 2020 event in Tempe blaring gospel music Causing traffic and preaching to thousands. I really enjoyed it. I like the spiritual experience. I got goosebumps I really heard the word Kanye joined by his Sunday service choir performed Jesus walks before Kanye gave his own message they always say the devil trying to play a trick on somebody but And like we played a trick on the devil In the last lab from there a mass exit of fans who showed up just for Kanye and following up the guitarist for corn He didn't appreciate everybody leaving. I know you hear me get back here one visitor even remarking how humble Kanye West performed I thought it was really interesting. I thought number one I thought that He didn't seem to center it around himself Hey, hey, hey Father I swear Set my hands for you Life like this is what your life like Try to live your life right People really know you push your buttons like tight right This is like a movie but it's really very lifeline Every single night right Every single fight right I was looking at the mirror and I don't even like life I was screaming at my daddy, took me in his grip I was screaming at the mirror, he just like mine Looking for a friend like he see you with your life like You know you know I'm right I was sitting on the street by the person on the bed Super down before night light Dreaming of my dad and he told me it ain't going start But nobody ever tell you what you're being like right Only ever see me, only if they see me I can tell them every man a movie for B&T Searching for a D&T Now you wanna see it break Now you wanna see it quick Let you see it through your face Carry with your back like You told me that I'm right like Try to find dad and he told me it ain't going start But this really trying, really trying to follow you But this really trying, that's the really gonna go away I don't have a cool neck Beating up my best stuff Pack up all the text though Every man is next though I don't have a way, I don't have to adjust Rest of it with God, I don't really wanna mess up Let this one last, everything in my life I remember my daddy, he said that they were twice like Man I woke up this morning and I said my friends I tried to get my dad But they just started screaming at me I started screaming in the back He said, it ain't Christmas I said Ooh Ooh Tenors, one, two, three You know, what's your name, my friend? Nothing Nothing, what's your name? Alex Alex? Okay, so like I said, I'm not gonna embarrass you guys I'm not gonna say anything crazy You know, so I saw you guys there You guys were enjoying it So you guys are Kanye fans? Yes, sir How long have you been a Kanye fan? A couple of years, probably like four, five years Four, five years? That's a long time So you've been listening to what's been going on with Kanye Starting last year in January Where, you know, he was pretty much born again Then he started coming back Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah He said a wretch like me set me free He saved a living He said a wretch like me set me free He cleared my mind He brought back my clarity That's where I found the truth in his word. There's serenity He cleared my thoughts Made the vision stronger Made the vision stronger Jumped into the mental hospital and back working for the devil They didn't think I was gonna get out they had already grabbed they had already grabbed the shovels They said there's something wrong with his head So his career is dead I tweeted that I wasn't dead He ain't got no bread But jesus saves How long did you get away No matter how long you've been in the dark The light is right there ready to save To give you the confidence Where they don't want us to be brave So you tell them that they're dead There will no longer be this thing Hey They think they're gonna be exhausted me they see what it cost to be but god is the boss of me You give me my energy He gave me my freedom I found my peace The devil's in the feet of four Jesus I see So You know, I never thought about the idea of the effect that alcohol could have had on my life I was drinking on the red carpet And then running on stage a few minutes later And everyone around said no, you know, he ain't really no alcoholic And you get to the point when you're drinking great goose and orange juice for breakfast thinking nah, I ain't really no alcoholic And it was one sentence that I told myself That I want to give y'all a day that may be helpful if you're struggling with some kind of weakness There was some Vodka in the refrigerator at my office and sometimes I would just go out here and take a drink in the middle of the day And I was walking towards that kitchenette area And I stopped myself I said devil you're not gonna beat me today So And it's something that we take on day by day Every day that I don't pick up that drink I beat the devil So Now I know what I said is not scripture But it was like a tattoo I could get that I could look at in a simple way For me to not let the devil beat me so i'm gonna tell you what I said again devil you're not going to beat me today Me Devil you're not going to beat me today I want to thank you on behalf of sunday service for having us Thank you So Okay, so very simply put you're a honey fan right you've been listening to him the whole year Yeah, so, you know what's been going on the whole year. Yeah, so he was born again last year january timeframe He started his um, but what is it called? The sunday service right every every single sunday he's from different places So have you been keeping up on what he believes as far as being born again all of that? For the most part. Okay, cool. So when it comes to you personally if you died right now Are you 100% sure you're going to heaven? for me Um, I mean I grew up in church like I was born in church So you're pretty sure but you don't you're not a hundred you wouldn't say you're a hundred percent sure, right? I know the way i'm living right now Uh, I wouldn't say no. No problem. Are you guys born again christians would you consider yourself to be born again christians? You're like no. No, how about how about another question? If you guys were to die tonight, are you a hundred percent sure that you'd be in heaven? I think I think by the way, I live my life. I'm just like doing everything that I think is right. Yeah Right. Yeah, i'm not 100% because I don't know if I can believe it Yeah, so, you know But yeah, how about for me? It's the same the same with him And like I feel like as long as i'm with a person there Yeah, and I follow my morals and my moral compass like my heart everything I feel like You know, this is just being bad that happens to me as long as I did what I thought was right So Somebody explained this to me if kanye is just supposedly just sold out Dedicated wanted to preach the gospel in every second. Why do none of his songs talk about the gospel? Or teach anything. They're just a bunch of our gods an awesome god chanting type fluff garbage nothing about actual doctrine or the bible Or talking about look the death burial resurrection of christ justification by faith. This is how we're saved This is what we have to do to be saved. When has he even gotten up and said hey, here's how I got saved Here's what I did in order to be saved or here's what salvation means to me Here's what it means when I say that i'm saved just any giving bible verses or explaining what he believes No, nothing. You can't I searched all day. There's nothing I still think he's saved Based on what there's nothing that comes out of his mouth that even kind of indicates that he could possibly have actually gotten saved Everything is trash Everything look out of the abundance of the mouth arts if he had jesus in his heart And he's so dedicated and every day and every song then wouldn't something godly come out of his mouth at some point Where he'd actually explain hey, here's what I mean he gathers millions of people together Right, he's got millions of people all gathered and live streaming. He's got you you can see him on stage with just Thousands and tens of thousands of people gathered together millions of people live streaming and watching on youtube And what does he say does he get up and say hey listen? Jesus died on the cross for our sins. He rose again three days later the bible says for god So loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish Should not perish but have everlasting life say anything even like that how long did that take me 30 seconds? He gets up for 12 minutes. It's just like Nobody beats god Oh our father dear jesus I just thank you for my mommy that met my daddy And my mom that met my dad and put me in a house where my mom met my dad and gave birth to me Because i'm god basically what he's saying I mean the most the biggest thing he's thankful for is that his dad impregnated his mom Because that's how he could get here That's his test go to his testimony and he's thanking god that he was born Because he's god's gift to the world He's a sick person And you know what if you think that kanye west is saved you are a complete idiot If you think that kanye west is serving god or praising god or glorifying god or doing great things for god You are a complete idiot You have no discernment Titus chapter 1 also first timothy chapter 4 speaks of those who are false prophets as speaking lies in hypocrisy having their conscience seared with a hot iron So their conscience has been seared with a hot iron. What does that mean? Well think about this What what if you have your fingerprints on your fingers and you just seared them or just melted the tips of your fingers? And it's just it's just gone There's no indication. So when the bible talks about having the conscience seared with a hot iron, you know It's the conscience is no longer functioning The conscience has been numbed or destroyed or rendered useless their past feeling Look what titus chapter 1 verse 14 says not giving heed to jewish fables and commandments of men that turn from the truth Under the pure all things are pure but under them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure But even their mind and conscience is defiled The mind and conscience is defiled they profess that they know god but in works They deny him being abominable and disobedient and under every good work reprobate so many of the false prophets and false teachers and religious charlatans are psychopaths So My name is bishop ron gibson, i'm bishop clarence thea mcclendon The bible says That I wish above all things that you would prosper and be in health even as your sole prophet I believe that p diddy j z they're not the only ones who should be driving ferraris and living in large houses The bible says that those who sow among us should reap from us that's implying that the creatures to be taken care of They're what the worldly psychologists call the corporate psychopath if you saw that documentary The corporate psychopath the one who's not out there just being a serial killer But he is still just totally unscrupulous willing to hurt anyone for his own gain. He'll lie. He'll send people to hell He doesn't care. It's he'll teach lies for money All that matters is his own fame his own success his own financial gain So What I love about being christian is I've always been an innovator But it always seemed like all the innovators Were working for I don't know anran. I heard the term or something like these Ideas that there is no god all this and it's just working for the valuation of a company as opposed to working for the rebirth Or is that a rebirth? I might not find the right word but working for A renewal of the planet and a humility in humanity to understand That we will not destroy the earth. We could destroy the resources We can destroy ourselves and we destroy ourselves and then the earth goes on sure. So Regardless of what's happening at wall street and what's happening at the bar at the you know, with trade and what's happening? And what's happening A pangea type mentality a un Coming together a un coming together one thing no matter what side you're on. You're considered to be a bad guy a good guy everybody wants A similar thing and that's for the world to be better for their Children so someone's fighting in a war. They want the world to be better folks their Children And what we're not realizing being all god's creation is We have so much more in common Than we think I think there's something planning in us this idea of You know human nature even something I was saying. Uh, uh, I saw on silicon valley But this guy was like I don't want the world to be fixed if I if i'm not the one fixing it Something But you're right we put us, you know, we do we always put ourselves right right in the in the center of trying to solve things But I often think that as society we lack direction in the unity Needed to do it as one right? We don't always have to be the one that does it You know this interview alone. Yeah might do it I could be in there and you know uh Have these ideas of oh civil engineering and using aqueducts and sustainable gardening and farming But There's people out there. They're going to see this and they're like they're going to come to the table and say, you know i've done I've studied this for 10 years. I've studied this for 10 years. I've studied this for 10 years and it's something where Everybody all the fortune 500 companies all the founders have to come to the table The next thing that we're going to see happen prophetically is what's called the tribulation in sweden the microchips are already here Yeah Oh weird. Yeah, it's like a grain of rice grain of rice Embedded in his hand is a microchip that serves as his keys his id and his wallet Microchip implants use the same technology that's in contactless credit cards, which have made cash pretty much obsolete in sweden No cash At this tech fair a chipping event for those on the cutting edge Merging their hands with this new technology in the future. Do you think everyone is going to be chipped? I think it'll be voluntary, but I am certainly convinced that Millions of people will find it very very valuable to have a smart device under their skin And so you just scan your hand under a barcode and it'll scan you it'll take the money out of your account You don't have to worry about leaving your wallet at home. You don't have to worry about your credit card being stolen It's all just completely cashless Only but then there's going to be one catch You know, you don't get the chip You don't get the mark of the beast unless you worship the anti-christ something that believers aren't going to do and the bible says that Basically, this is satan's plan to make war on the believers to make war on the saints To to have them killed to persecute them and it's going to succeed It says that he's going to make war on the saints. He's going to overcome them and many will be killed But i'll say this we will not all be killed because this will be cut short and the bible says Except those days should be shortened there should no flesh be saved But for the elect's sake they shall be shortened and the bible says that in the midst of this Jesus christ will return just when they think they've defeated christianity. They've got their global government They've got their one world government with satan at its head Jesus christ comes in the clouds and that's when the rapture takes place And that's when he begins to pour out his wrath on this earth and you can read about it in revelation He's going to be turning water into blood. He's going to be scorching the trees and grass He's going to be sending these locusts from hell that are going to be stinging people with tails like scorpions We can already see these things beginning to happen This is not a fairy tale This is really going to happen. It's already getting harder and harder to use cash There are places that don't even accept cash sometimes now and we're going to keep going toward a cashless society And a one world government one world currency and one world religion. That's why you're constantly hearing this preach Tolerance We need to all accept other people's religions and respect them. We all believe in the same god It's all getting everybody to ready to join hands and all have the same religion the same leader So here's an article that I found called Kanye west defends mormons catholics and td jakes and says we all have the same gospel Hey, as long as you believe that jesus died for your sins, then you know the gospel. That's the gospel No friend. There's more to the gospel than that. Not only that but he is rebuking people For being against mormons and catholics because he believes that we all have the same gospel Don't be telling me that mormons got an extra book. Yeah, I will tell you that they have an extra book Kanye west if you're out there the mormons have an extra book Damn it It's simple christians be making it too hard for people to come and get involved in this it's a fulfillment of bible prophecy Don't tell me we're not headed toward a one world government The united nations has more power every year. We're getting more and more united And someday these things will happen exactly as the bible said we can already see it It may even happen in our lifetime and I hope you remember What i'm saying right now when you see these things start to happen. I hope this clicks. You're like That extremist pastor was right a pangaea type mentality a un Who are the founders right now that you're speaking to? All of them in this interview give me a call So Kanye west has openly talked about Selling his soul to the devil now a lot of people wonder. Hey, is that even real? Can you really sell your soul to the devil? Hey, i'm sure if you try it the devil will probably take you up on it And he talked about the perks that he got in return For selling his soul to the devil. Well, you know, it doesn't look to me like he's gotten a refund on that Because he still has all the perks and he's still making all the money off of his satanic Christ-hating albums like the yeezus album. I don't see him demanding that all the copies of of yeezus be burned and hey Don't you dare listen to that wicked music? He's still making tons of money off of that garbage that he put out And the fact that kanye west is preaching a false gospel the self-reformation Repent of your sins gospel is no small matter because that gospel is leading people to hell People are not believing the true gospel of faith alone Because they're sucked into this garbage that's preached by a bunch of people and now kanye west is preaching it This turn over a new leaf and thou shalt be saved turn from all your sins and thou shalt be saved No It's believe on the lord jesus christ and thou shalt be saved and the bible says if any man preach any other gospel unto you Then that which you have heard of us it says let him be accursed and so therefore kanye west is accursed For preaching the wrong gospel for people to think that he's saved now and get angry if anyone Questions his salvation when he openly said that he sold his soul to the devil So he sold his soul to the devil according to him the devil gave him all this fame and glory Well, he still got all the fame and glory still got all the money. He still got everything Because he's still working for the devil. That's why he You know, the bible is really clear on salvation it's not based on how good you are A lot of people think they're pretty good, you know, and yeah They're going to get to heaven because they're pretty good But the bible says for all have sinned and come short of the glory of god The bible says that is written. There is none righteous. No, not one i'm not righteous You're not righteous and if it were our goodness that would get us into heaven. None of us would be going So Because the bible even says in revelation 21 8 it says but the fearful and unbelieving And the abominable and murderers and sorcerers and hormongous and idolaters and listen to this and all liars Shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone, which is the second death i've lied before Everybody's lied before so we've all sinned and we've done stuff worse than lying. Let's face it. We all deserve help But the bible says but god commanded his love toward us in that while we were yet sinners christ died for us And so jesus christ because he loves us came to this earth. The bible says he was god manifest in the flesh God basically took on human form. He lived a sinless life He did not commit any sin And of course they beat him and spit on him and nailed him to the cross The bible says that when he was on that cross he himself bear our Sins in his own body on the tree So every sin you've ever done every sin i've ever done it was as if jesus had done it He was being punished for our sins And then of course they took his body when he died they took his body and buried it in the tomb And his soul went down to hell for three days and three nights acts 231 three days later. He rose again from the dead He showed under the disciples the holes in his hands And the bible is really clear that jesus did die for everybody It says that he died not for our sins only but also for the sins of the whole world But there's something that we must do to be saved. The bible says it has that question in acts 16 What must I do to be saved? And they said believe on the lord jesus christ and thou shalt be saved in thy house And that's it He didn't say join a church and you'll be saved get baptized and you'll be saved Live a good life and you'll be saved repent of all your sins and you'll be saved. No, he said believe So And even the most famous verse in the whole bible that's written on the bottom I mean the reference is written on the bottom of the cup at in an outburger. I mean, it's so famous Everybody's heard of it. John 3 16 For god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever Believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life And everlasting means everlasting means forever and jesus said I give unto them eternal life and they shall never perish Neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand The bible says in john 6 47 very very last day to you. He that believeth on me hath everlasting life So if you believe on jesus christ, the bible says you have everlasting life. You're gonna live forever. You can't lose your salvation It's eternal. It's everlasting once you're saved once you believe on him You're saved forever and no matter what you can never lose your salvation Even if I were to go out and commit some awful sin god will punish me for it on this earth If I went out and killed somebody today, you know, god's gonna make sure I get punished I'm going to prison or far worse or the death penalty whatever this earth punishes me and god's gonna make sure I get punished even more But i'm not going to hell. There's nothing I could do to go to hell because i'm saved And if I went to hell god lied because he promised that whoever believeth in him Has everlasting life and he said whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die That's why there are a lot of examples of people in the bible who did some really bad stuff Yet they made it to heaven how because they were so good No, it's because they believed on the lord. Jesus christ their sins are forgiven Other people who may have lived a better life in the world's eyes or maybe even really they lived a better life They don't believe in christ. They're gonna have to go to hell to be punished for their sins And let me just close on this one thought one thing that I wanted to be sure and bring up today Is that there was a question that was asked to jesus by one of his disciples and that question was this Are there few that be saved? That's a good question, right? I mean are most people saved Or is it few that are saved? Now who here thinks that most people are going to heaven most people in this world are going to heaven Yeah, guess what? The answer was he said in matthew seven, for example, he said enter ye in at the straight gate He said because wide is the gate and broad is the way That leadeth to destruction and many there be which go in there at because straight is the gate And narrow is the way which leadeth unto life and few there be that find it And then he went on to say this He said not everyone that saith unto me lord lord Shall enter the kingdom of heaven but he that doeth the will of my father which is in heaven Many will say to me in that day Lord lord, have we not prophesied in thy name and in thy name have cast out devils and in thy name done many wonderful works And then while I professed unto them, I never knew you depart from me that work in equity And so you see there are people out there First of all, the majority of this world doesn't even claim to believe in jesus Thankfully the majority of this classroom claims to believe in jesus Okay But the majority of the world does not claim to believe in jesus But god warned that even amongst those who claim to believe in jesus even amongst those that call him lord many Will be saying to him What if all we did all these wonderful works? Why aren't we saved? He's gonna say depart from me. I never you that's why that's because Salvation is not by works and if you're trusting your own works to save you if you think you're going to heaven because you've been baptized or if you think You well, I think you have to live a good life I think you have to keep the commandments to be saved. I think you have to go to church I think you gotta you know turn from your sins, you know if you're trusting in your works Jesus is going to say to you one day depart from me. I never knew you You have to have all your faith in what he did You have to put your faith in what jesus did on the cross when he died for you. He's buried and rose again That's your ticket into heaven if you're trusting all the things Oh i'm going to heaven because i'm such a good christian and I do all these wonderful things He's going to say depart me and notice what he said depart from me. I Never knew you not I used to know you because once he knows you Remember I mentioned this earlier. It's everlasting. It's eternal once he knows you you're saved forever But he's going to say depart from me. I never knew you because If you go to hell, it's because he never knew you because once he knows you he knows you It's just like my children will always be my children You know when you're born again when you're his child, you'll always be his child You may be the black sheep of the family, you know You may be somebody who gets disciplined by god heavily on this earth You can screw up your life down here, but you can't screw that up. You know, you're saved It's a done deal And so that's the main thing that I wanted to present to you about the end times and we do have just a few minutes for questions about either uh salvation or about the end times You