(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) What happens if your own government is using more force and more coercion on its own citizens for the purpose of achieving its political ends? Is that government engaging terrorism? American people expect us to protect them and protect their civil liberties. I'm going to do that. What is being sold to the American people today as Americanism, if you peel off the label, you find so much similarity to what we were fighting against when we were fighting communism and Nazism and fascism. The government's now putting a national ID card together. We will be carrying our papers and they have recommended there be checkpoints throughout the country. Some type of physical proof, such as fingerprints or retinal prints, have to be on it. Desires of the people really have no consequence. They go out and they vote. It doesn't make any difference which candidate they elect. Mr. Curtis, are there programs that can be used to secretly fix elections? Yes. This is absolutely Orwellian. I mean, it's talking about Big Brother looking over your shoulder at absolutely everything you do. There is no constitutional basis for attacks on the wages of Americans living and working in the 50 states of the Union. Period. End of argument. If the U.S. just learned that the IRS was actually knowingly deceiving them, that would be enough for them to rise up and put a stop to it. You've caught me unprepared. I'll come back. No, I don't want to do that. There had to be a law, right? Where is the law? Show me the law. Why is the Supreme Court decision a silly argument? We are not being refinished. They think it's the law and they have all the guns. You know, it's an authoritarian approach. Now we can see a new world coming into view, a world in which there is the very real prospect of a new world order. The latest technology for identifying people when they make purchases is actually the implantable chip that you can actually embed directly into human flesh. Can a microscopic tag be implanted in a person's body to track his every movement? You will rule on that, mark my words. A chip in everybody would be the universal monetary system par excellence because there'd be no escape from it. Americans have been taught to expect their salvation from government instead of recognizing government as the most dangerous threat they'll face in their lives. It is the greatest hopes ever perpetrated by government against the working men and women of America. It's organized crime. All you do is you call the Republicans the Genovese and you call the Democrats the Gambinos. The year was 1913. Woodrow Wilson was president and powerful banking interests who had been trying for years finally achieved their long-term goal of a silent coup d'etat by taking control of the American government. The first thing they did to accomplish their takeover was convinced Secretary of State Philander Knox to lie to the American people and tell them that the 16th amendment, the income tax amendment, had been legally ratified by the states when it was not. The bankers knew that this tax would ultimately end up in their pockets. Because of this fraud, the American people were led to believe there was now a tax on their labor. Congress and the president are completely aware of this fraud and it was even cited in a recent court case. That very same year, the bankers committed their second and by far the most diabolical fraud ever perpetrated on the American people by bribing senators to pass the Federal Reserve Act without the required constitutional amendment. They did this during Christmas vacation when many senators were home celebrating their holidays with their families. And that's how the unconstitutional Federal Reserve Act came into being. They were very clever and they understood that whoever issued the money for America would control the government. The bankers won and the American people lost because most politicians will sell their soul for a dollar. And now the Federal Reserve could issue dollars legally. As Mayor Rothschild said, give me control of a nation's money supply and I care not who makes its laws. He knew that he and the other bankers would now control the laws of the nation. Government gave these bankers one of its most important powers and now had to borrow money from them and pay interest to finance the government. So the American people were forced to lower their standard of living and pay a graduated income tax to the government just so the government could give these bankers more profits. President Woodrow Wilson who signed the Federal Reserve Act into law later said in regret, I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is now controlled by its system of credit. We are no longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and the rest of a small group of dominant men. The Federal Reserve was created by Congress in 1913 and it was entrusted with the power granted originally to the Congress by the U.S. Constitution to coin money and regulate the value thereof. What's your name? Jan Crafting. Hi Jan, I'm Aaron Russo. I produced the movie Tra- Is this a joke? No, no, no. It's not a joke. No, no, no, no. I produced the movie Trading Places with Eddie Murphy and The Rose with Bette Midler, many movies and I'm doing a feature film and my film is about my quest to find out whether or not people pay income taxes. Do you pay an income tax? Yes, I do. You do? Yeah. Have you ever seen a law that requires you to pay an income tax? Have I ever read it? Do you mean in the page black and white? No. No. So you pay the income tax I assume? Of late. No, I didn't file last year. Okay. I'm sorry. Is this on film? No. I paid my tax. My question to you is have you ever seen a law that says you have to pay an income tax? The law is that guy that wears that badge and a gun that's the one that puts you in jail. That's the law. Actually I can't stand the IRS. Okay. You're evil. Okay. Do you have any fear of the IRS? Not really, because I'm Canadian. I think it's actually unconstitutional is what I've heard, but to avoid any hassle, I pay it. If there was no law and I wasn't afraid of them coming and taking me to jail, absolutely I wouldn't pay taxes. Okay, then no, I wouldn't pay income taxes. Oh. It's a no brainer. You wouldn't pay it. I wouldn't pay it. Why would anybody? Because that's what they tell us we must do or else we're bad Americans. Would you pay it? No. Would you pay it? No. Why would you pay taxes if you don't have to? The income tax is not legal because it would be a direct tax and it is not apportioned as the Constitution demands. If it's against the Constitution, then why are we doing it? 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to say it Yes, it's fair to say it's fair to say that it's fair to say I consistently ruled that the income tax is a tax on profits and gains, not on labor and wages. On behalf of the American people, I challenge the IRS to show me a statute that allows a direct, unapportioned tax on the wages and labor of the American people. And if I'm wrong, I will give my most humble apologies to the IRS. If the IRS is wrong and there is no law, then every person who has been jailed should be let out of jail immediately and any assets seized should be returned to their rightful owners. If this is a nation of laws and a free country, then the IRS should show the law to the American people. I felt an overwhelming need to understand why juries were finding innocent people guilty of not filing a tax return when there was no law requiring them to do so. So I went to talk to Marci Brooks, a juror who used a common sentence, and did not allow the judge to rearrow the jury into a guilty verdict. He was being tried for four counts of not filing his income tax. And our question was, well, what is to decide? Either he did or he didn't. It never occurred to us that he might actually be innocent while at the same time not filing. In the federal government, it is not a felony not to file taxes. Finally, they said, okay, if we're going to get this guy, we're going to have to put it in the state. They called up the IRS agent, Agent Crainer. And I talked to my boss about that, and he said that my badge is that. The last question that the defense asked him was, did you write any of this down? And Agent Crainer looked right at him and right at us, and he said, I never wrote anything down. And yet when we saw the video, there he was writing notes, you know. And so I'm thinking, okay, at this point, the judge is supposed to say, Agent Crainer, it is clear that you have committed perjury. It wasn't even noticed. It finally came to the climax. Mr. Harrell looked right at the prosecutor, and he said, I will tell you the same thing I have told over and over again to government officials. You show me the law that requires me to file a tax return, and I'll be glad to do it. And again, I asked, what is the requirement that you claim under private duty stuff? And the requirement under the regulations is what section? My question to you is, what particular acts are we discussing here that I am liable to do these things that you claim I'm liable to do? Your exact question would be again? Okay, what is the section, the what? But I guess I'm still not understanding your question, Mr. Harrell. Well, you must be familiar with what, that you have the police powers to enforce. The prosecutor absolutely ignored him. And he started slandering Mr. Harrell. Just started attacking his character. They're calling us tax cheats, they're calling us fanatics, they're calling us widows. I don't care what you call me, but I have one question. Where is the law? Show me the law. They can't let this turn into a rational debate, because if they do, they lose it. So they have to insult people and say it's frivolous. We felt like that there was an overall arrogance, and that they were railroading Mr. Harrell, and wanting us to participate. Judge Coogan, he looked right at us, and he said, I will instruct the jury according to the law. We were sent to deliberation. The judge promised us that he would give us the law. And we looked, and we looked, and it was not there. We wrote a note to the judge asking for a copy of the law. Ten minutes later, we get a note back. You have everything you need, but there was no law. And he had promised us. At that point, I felt betrayed. I felt like this man promised us the law, and that's what this whole thing is about, the law. We request it, and he still denies us the law. And the reason they didn't do it was why? Because there is no law. Remember, we're talking about the Illinois state law here, which is a law in Illinois. So we got out that law, and we read it several times, and I said, okay, wait, wait, wait. You know, because they kept saying, but this is a law in Illinois. And I said, look at the beginning of it. It says, anyone required to file a federal income tax return is required to file an Illinois tax return. I said, if it is true that he's not required to file a federal return, then that nullifies the Illinois law. Two people, they kept saying, but he's going to get by with it. And I said, what is he getting by with but his rights? If there is no law, he's not breaking a law. He's just standing on his rights. Are we going to deny him that? That's when this one juror sat back and kind of rolled his eyes, and he said, you mean we don't have to pay taxes? All of a sudden we realized that this trial was much bigger. And the ramifications of this trial were going to be so broad if it actually got out. I mean, it's like we had just discovered this great government secret. And so when we came out for the delivering of the verdict, the judge was, I'm sure, even at this point, I'm sure he still thought we would pass the given guilty verdict. And the reason I say that is because of the look on his face when the first not guilty was read. His face just turned white. I mean, it's like, I don't believe this. The second time you could hear people out in the audience, just in the courtroom, you know, just going, wow, you know. And the judge is just getting red in the face. I mean, he was just livid. And the judge got up and left. I sat there and I thought, this truly is a victory for the people. And I have never felt more patriotic. And I knew that we had done the right thing. I looked at that man, Mr. Harrell, and I thought, the system might not work all the time. But this time, for that man, it did. In November 2004, the government arrested former IRS criminal investigator Joe Bannister. They charged him with fraud for telling the American people the truth about the income tax laws. The jury obviously agreed with Joe. Well, it just showed Mr. Bannister to be honest and straightforward and working within the law. Vernice Coogland, a Federal Express pilot, claimed there was no law requiring Americans to file an income tax. She also won in court. 24 people were criminally charged by the IRS because they claimed there was no law requiring them to file an income tax return. The fact is, neither the judge nor the prosecutor nor the IRS could bring that statute in there because it's not in the books. The jury came back with an acquittal for everyone. When the matter is put to the test, which means in terms of court and enforcement action, there is a 100% success rate in shooting down these arguments. The Mafia has a code, and they follow it, and it's a code of honor. But the IRS has no code of honor. Meet Judge Dawson, a federal judge presiding over the Erwin Shiff tax case, who denied Erwin the ability to prove to a jury that there was no law requiring Americans to file an income tax return. He denied Erwin the right to prove to a jury there was no law by stating, I will not allow the law in my courtroom. But the judge made sure the government never had to show the law as written by telling the jury, you must file the law as I give it to you. Nobody can know what the law is, because the law is what the judges say the law is. The lower courts today will not allow people, especially in tax cases, to bring in Supreme Court decisions as their evidence. Here we have a federal judge, railroading an American citizen by saying Supreme Court decisions are irrelevant. And again, nothing from the press defending our freedoms. So if you ever find yourself as a juror on a tax case, be sure to ask the judge to show you the statute written by Congress that allows the government to tax the wages of the American people. If the judge can't show you the law, then how can you possibly in good conscience convict someone and destroy their life? Let's see how the IRS treated one of America's greatest heroes, and someone I cherished as a child. Joe Lewis was an American icon. Victorious in his first 27 fights, the Brown Bomber quickly rose to heavyweight champion of the world. His 1938 knockout of German Max Schmeling, who represented Hitler's Aryan ideal, earned him the admiration of millions of Americans. Right after Pearl Harbor was bombed, Joe had a title fight where he donated his fee to Navy war relief. Well, we all turned over a whole lot for this country at this time. Joe volunteered for the segregated army and defended his title while in the service, this time donating his normal fee to army relief. I've only done what any red blood American would do. Since the checks were in Joe's name, the IRS taxed him on their full amount, even though he never saw a penny of it. At the end of the war, Joe was awarded the Legion of Merit. But what most people didn't know was that the IRS was charging him $50,000 a year in interest alone on his debt. When Joe's beloved mother died, leaving him $600, the IRS immediately seized it. They also confiscated all of his children's trust funds. Joe was forced to continue fighting until he was 37 and out of shape, just to pay off his ever-mounting debt to the IRS, which grew to $1 million, $100,000 a year just in interest. At the end of his life, Joe was forced to become a greeter at a Las Vegas hotel just to make ends meet. It was a shameful thing to see a man like him, great fighter, great human being, being humiliated and destroyed in this manner, because after all, when you owe internal revenue money, no matter what you have, they take away from you. And they took a lot away from Joe Lewis. I made a decision to drive to Virginia Beach from Washington because I had heard stories about two law-abiding families who had been brutalized by the IRS. They were falsely accused by their bookkeeper of being drug smugglers and tax cheats. And incredibly to me, without any investigation, the IRS proceeded to raid their place of business and their homes, even though they had done absolutely nothing wrong. On Saturday morning, four different raiding parties proceeded to raid four locations on a Saturday the day before Easter. I was the manager on duty, and I was up in the deli, and people came through the door. How many came through the door? Maybe about 15 to 20 people. 15 to 20 armed agents? With dogs, with guns. They made me get everybody. They went in the kitchen, they went in the deli, they went all over the whole restaurant, told all the customers, took forks out of their hands while they were eating their breakfast, and told them they had to leave. I got the frantic call from Edie, and she said, something's wrong, something's wrong. Anyway, I jump out of bed, and I immediately run to the shower. I'm in the shower, and the next thing I know, I hear my son yelling, Dad! I went like this, and boom, I'm slammed against the door and I fall down with the gun in my head. And they're like, where's Scotty Miller? And I'm like, Dad! That's all I'm doing is yelling, I'm scared, frightened to death. And then the next thing I hear is Mr. Miller with the shower curtain is jerked back. I got a gun pointed in my head, hold it right there. The screams from the little girls who were at a pajama party with my daughter, it was four little girls there with my daughter, and of course, mayhem. There were about three men in my bedroom with huge guns. He followed us and wanted to watch us get dressed, and I tried to shut the door, and he puts his foot in the door, like he's going to sit there and watch us change our clothes, and I was like, excuse me, no. Our neighbors now are all standing out. Were you still naked? Well, they handed me a towel at that point. I had a towel wrapped around me. Did the towel fit? Hardly. Hardly. At this point, you know, they were talking about weapons, and you know, I mean, it's crazy. I mean, they're looking everywhere, going through all my drawers, and I reach for my underwear drawer, get some underwear, and they said, don't touch anything! They're locking their guns up. Hold it right there! Don't move around! Don't move, move! I said, whoa! I said, it's just like you get some underwear on here, you know? I said, yeah, got women standing here. They keep everything. How did you conduct your business if the IRS took everything? We had to do it out of a shoebox so we could keep going, because we requested these things, and I'm told that the government's really not, once they do raid and so forth, they're supposed to at least let you, until you're charged with something, continue your business. This wasn't the case. They kept everything. So you were never even charged? Absolutely not. Charged with what? And when you speak IRS, the whole world shrivels up. The whole world gets fearful to a point where, let's not talk about it. I testified in front of Congress. I would like to know why this dark entity, known as the IRS, has come into my life and refused to leave. I raised my children with a zero tolerance for dishonesty, and now they must hear allegations that I am a major drug dealer and a tax cheat? A lot of people out there being abused, and a lot of people saying, look, I'll pay it. Just go away. Just go away. When all that happened, we had a foul bankruptcy. We had cars taken away from us, kept my daughter from going to college. Do they ever think about the lives that they just destroyed? They think about the ruination of homes and property? No. In this case, we would have never thought this could happen to us. We've never done anything wrong. How can this happen in America when, in my case, personally, I thought that I was doing everything right? I've served my country. I've been to college. At least I've done something in my life. I got a speeding ticket one time. I paid my taxes for 40, 50 years, whatever it was. I've never been audited. What happened here? I had this really uncomfortable feeling in the pit of my stomach. As I was thinking to myself, how did America transform itself from being a truly free country with a servant government, where our individual rights were protected by our Constitution, to being a country that talked about being free, but really wasn't? The change started when the Federal Reserve came into existence and America adopted one of the major planks of the Communist Manifesto by bringing to America the central bank. The very same people that backed the Federal Reserve system also backed the graduated income tax, a second plank from the Communist Manifesto. Do you know that the Federal Reserve is a private bank and not a government agency? No, I wasn't aware of that. It's a private bank. That would scare me quite a bit. What if you learned that the Federal Reserve makes money off the taxes you pay? How would you feel about that? Angry. Like I'm failing right now. I would feel cheated by my government. I'd be angry. Kind of sucks. They're pretty much in control of everything. I decided to drive back to Washington to see Dr. Ron Paul. He had been a Congressman for over 20 years. I had met him previously in 1998 when I was running for Governor of Nevada and I knew him to be an honest and sincere man. And I thought he'd be very helpful in letting me know what the future holds for the American people. Who owns the Federal Reserve? It's secret and we can't find out what's happening, but the Congress created it and it's not authorized in the Constitution. The government borrows money from a private corporation using the name federal that prints United States on it and then it pays back to the Fed which is owned by private banks. We don't know who all those private banks are. The money that the government is paying back to the private bankers is the money that comes from you and me. Why in the world would the American government borrow money and pay fees on it when it has the authority to make the money itself interest free? The Federal Reserve is no more federal than Federal Express. I've never seen a full list of ownership for the Fed. I don't think anybody has. The government works for a private bank and the private bank works for its owners. The true masters. People talk to me about the issue of Republican versus Democrat as if they don't get it and I say, look, here's the way you get it. It's organized crime. All you do is you call the Republicans the Genovese's and you call the Democrats the Gambinos. The people at the top, they treat it like a crap game, like it's their crap game, like they're making lots of money. Occasionally somebody at the table shoots each other but the moment anything threatens their crap game, they all unite to protect it. They're both controlled by the same financial, economic and corporate interests. Once the banks get into the picture and they form a partnership with the government, the government gives them the legal power now to create bank issued money backed by the coercive power government to require everybody to accept that bank money. In the course of the last century, they've converted this nation from a nation of independent freeholders to a nation of employees and they're just one step away from being serfs. Most people spend the great bulk of their money for taxes, interest and inflation and all of that money goes to these two groups that comprise the cartel and their partner, the federal government. It's not a coincidence. So if Congress used its legal authority to shut down the federal reserve system, the American people would be much better off. Government should create, issue and circulate all the currency. Creating and issuing money is the supreme prerogative of government and its greatest creative opportunity. Adopting these principles will save the taxpayers immense sums of interest and money will cease to be the master and become the servant of humanity. Abraham Lincoln. Young people today are conditioned practically from the cradle on up to think that credit is a wonderful thing. You don't want to damage your credit. You want to do what you can so that you can go to the bank and get a good loan. There are no people who own their own property, who own their own houses, who own their own business, who finance their own business. They're only debtors. The average young person today has no concept that he's being drawn into a web, a trap, like he's in the feudalist system. Only he's going to like it. He's going to think this is wonderful. I got my new red corvette and I'm in debt for the rest of my life but I'm looking good. A decision was made, you know, let's get all the debt up, let's move the jobs abroad and instead of re-engineering your skills we're going to dumb down America and so the middle class will disappear. Really what most of the people in this country have become is food for the debt machine. When a person borrows money it puts a noose around their neck and makes them serve into the lender, which is exactly what the federal reserve system is designed to do. And now our congress, so dominated by the banks, is helping them to entrap people even further by passing new bankruptcy laws, making it more difficult for the people to declare bankruptcy and get a fresh start. While at the same time allowing the banks to charge very high rates of interest. This is the way the democrats and republicans working with the banks legally enslave the nation. Credit card industry is a huge political contributor and unfortunately a certain number of... It just seems so, like I say, just bald, you know, this idea that credit card industry gives a lot of money to the government so they will protect them even to the just abject disinterest of their own constituents. That happens kind of a lot. The board of directors of the federal reserve system is chosen by the president from a list prepared by the bankers themselves. The process of finding a Greenspan replacement is ongoing and is being managed by a small group of people responsible for coming up with a list of nominees. It's important that whomever I pick is viewed as an independent person from politics. If the American people ever allow the banks to control the issuance of their currency, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. Thomas Jefferson. So the federal reserve is actually an illegal entity functioning within government. It's illegal and what we have given to this so-called agency is the authority to counterfeit money. Do you have any points of view about the federal reserve and how the federal reserve operates? They just entered something on a computer. Oh, you need 20 billion today. Here's 20 billion, but they got that out of thin air. It came out of thin air, it goes to the treasury, the treasury then pays the bills. So it's no different than monopoly money. The cost of living is so high today because the federal reserve and the federal government have destroyed the purchasing power of the dollar. The dollar today is actually worth about 4 cents. Despite the fact that the government, the federal reserve and the media keep telling us that they're protecting the value of the dollar, this is a lie. All countries who have ever attempted to create money on thin air, the currency is eventually destroyed. Why did we give a monopoly of creating money out of thin air to a private corporation? The result is exactly the same as if someone were picking your pocket every year because that's exactly what they're doing. Originally paper was a receipt which is used as evidence that the money exists. Over the years of course the government has disconnected the paper from the actual tangible substance which is money. So now we have a piece of paper which is evidence of nothing. In the past people were able to take their receipts, the paper, to the bank and get the real money, the gold, in exchange for the receipt. This limited the amount of money that could be printed thereby protecting the purchasing power of your savings. You don't have to worry. That's good because I work three jobs and I feel like I contribute. You work three jobs? Three jobs, yes. Uniquely American, isn't it? I mean that is fantastic. In the absence of the gold standard, there is no way to protect savings from confiscation through inflation. There is no safe store of value. Gold stands as a protector of property rights. Alan Greenspan, before he went to work for the Federal Reserve System. Now Alan Greenspan and the other central bankers want you to believe that the receipt, the paper, is the real money. This is nothing more than sleight of hand. It's a magician's trick. Because for them to maintain control over the government and the people, they have to convince you that this paper is really money. Because that is the essence of their power and our powerlessness to maintain control over our own government. What happened to the gold in Fort Knox? Nobody really knows. When I served on the gold commission, I asked them to really do another audit. I remember it was 15 to 2 and said we don't need to audit the gold. It's supposed to be the American people's gold and so we would like an accounting to tell the American people what is there. I've been told that the Federal Reserve has taken control of the gold as collateral for the dollars they print. They miss gold on their balance sheet. What happened to the Federal Reserve's private bank? There's gold on their balance sheet. They claim they're holding that for the Treasury. So that puts private bankers in control of the American gold. They could have taken all of America's wealth. That's a possibility. Shouldn't the Congress stand up and say, where is the American people's gold? They're not audited. They control the money of America and it's not audited? There is no audit. Wait a second. Doesn't the Federal Reserve work underneath the Congress? I don't think the Congress ignores their responsibility to do any oversight. The President really has no control, nor does the Congress have any control over this cartel. It just has the appearance of control. In the final analysis, the Federal Reserve bankers, with the help of the Democrats and Republicans in Congress, have swindled the American people. They have taken the true wealth of America, the gold, and given us a piece of paper in return. And again, not a word from the press. These frauds are going to continue until Congress is no longer intimidated by the Federal Reserve bankers, and Congress uses their legal authority to shut down the Federal Reserve system and to stop this loss of our freedoms. Is there a law that requires people to file a 1040? Not explicitly, but it's certainly implied. Well, implied by force. Yeah. But is there a law? I can't cite a law, no. I cannot. But, you know, if they think it's the law and they have all the guns, you know, it's an authoritarian approach. Well, yeah, but that's authoritarianism. Yeah. That's not a country run by law. Do you think America is going deeper and deeper into becoming a police state? And if so, in what ways do you see that as a congressman? Yeah, I think we're moving in that direction because there's not much we can do without permission. The absence of a police state is that people are free, and if you don't commit crimes, you can do what you want. But today, you can't open up a business, you can't develop land, you can hardly do anything. You can't go to the bank, you can't go to the doctor without the government knowing what you're doing. And they talk about medical privacy, that's gone. Financial privacy, that's gone. The right to own property, that's essentially gone. So you have to get permission from the government from almost everything. And if that is the definition of a police state, that you can't do anything unless the government gives you permission, we're well on our way. This is something that people eventually, I hope, will get sick and tired of and say, you know, enough is enough. I sincerely believe the banking institutions having the issuing power of money are more dangerous to liberty than standing armies. Thomas Jefferson. You must understand the Federal Reserve is a cartel made up of the major banks in America. And they are the ones that are running the show, not the federal government. The powers that be behind the system, the financial interests, are able to exercise a disproportionate amount of influence on not only the economic structure of the country, but the political structure. This would be like the ultimate reaching of government. Reaching of government into our personal health lives, which would be unbelievable. And not even our government. Some, you know, bureaucratic, diffuse, multinational, secretive government. And the waves of rain. Oh, oh, oh, I just want to assure the American people that when I've got the authority to do this, the American people expect us to protect them and protect their civil liberties. I'm going to do that. Reserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States. The Constitution of the United States. So help me God. So help me God. So help me God. What happens if your own government is using more force and more coercion on its own citizens for the purpose of achieving its political ends? Is that government engaged in terrorism? Now let's watch the government add insult to injury to the people of New Orleans. No one will be able to be armed. We will take all weapons. That happened today in this wealthy neighborhood where homeowners had armed themselves to protect their mansions. Residents were handcuffed on the ground. In the end, police took their weapons but let them stay in their homes. Wasn't that kind and generous of the government to allow people to stay in their own homes? How thoughtful. Of course, they couldn't defend themselves from looters. For many of the police and guard troops, it is an uncomfortable job to do this in an American city. You never expect to do this in your own country. Walking up and down these streets, you don't want to think about the stuff that you're going to have to do. We are losing our right to property. The government is getting more pretext to seize it using the power to confiscate it with eminent domain. The asset forfeiture laws are proliferated. It's easier for the prosecutors to come in and make an accusation against you and confiscate your property even though they have no evidence that you've done anything wrong. Gilderoy Innocence doesn't really matter that much because it's very convenient for the government. Unfortunately, what is being sold to the American people today as Americanism, if you peel off the label, you find so much similarity to what we were fighting against when we were fighting communism and Nazism and fascism. The government is now putting a national ID card together and they want checkpoints. We will be carrying our papers and they have recommended there will be checkpoints throughout the country. Isn't that what Nazi Germany did that everybody in America was against? Papers, please. May I see your papers? May I see your papers? I don't think I have them on me. In that case, we'll have to ask you to come along. Wait, it's possible that, uh, yes. Here we are. These papers expired three weeks ago. You have to come along. Halt! Halt! Halt! The new legislation, the national ID card is in it. It takes three or four pages to describe and it will be connected with our driver's licenses. The states will be instructed on exactly what they have to do. Social Security numbers will be used. Some type of physical proof, such as fingerprints or retinal prints, have to be on it. It is time to wake up America. These ID cards are not about defeating terrorism. But they are all about controlling the American people. I arranged an interview with Catherine Albrecht, a leading authority on the RFID chip. Her book entitled, Spy Chips, is the definitive book on this subject. I wanted to find out just how dangerous these chips are to our liberties. RFID is a technology that uses tiny computer chips the size of a grain of sand or even smaller, hooked up to miniature antennas to transmit information about items at a distance. Back in 1999, Procter & Gamble, Gillette, and MIT got together to find a way to commercialize this technology and make it small enough, make it efficient enough, and make it low cost enough to, essentially, their dream is to put one of these tiny computer chips on every physical item manufactured on planet Earth. The latest technology for identifying people at the point of sale, for identifying people when they make purchases, is actually the implantable chip that you can actually embed directly into human flesh. It's a tiny glass capsule about the size of a grain of rice. It contains an RFID computer chip with a coiled antenna, and it can transmit information also at a distance. There isn't a microscopic tag being planted in a person's body to track his every movement. There's actual discussion about that. You will rule on that, mark my words, before your tenure is over. Homeland Security folks, the Department of Defense, and others have expressed an interest in being able to more closely monitor the U.S. populace, and one way to do that, of course, would be being able to determine who buys what and where they take those things. Radio waves can travel through walls. They can travel through wood. They can travel through the things we normally rely on to protect our privacy. For example, your purse, your backpack, your pocket, anything you're wearing or carrying. Kraft Philadelphia cream cheese has been tagged with RFID and sold to consumers, as have Mach 3 razor products and other Gillette razor products, without the knowledge of the consumer. One of the tiny chips could actually even be the dot on the letter I on the back of the fine print on a package that you purchased. They were talking about having reader devices in every airport, on every bus, on every train, on every port, on every dock. One of the most worrisome applications of RFID are proposals to put them into cash, meaning that you would be able to track every bank note, where it had been, who it had been issued to, and create, in essence, an audit trail. That would essentially take away the anonymity of cash that we now enjoy today. The ATM machine itself, as the money came through the roller device, would be reading each number, and they would know who you are because, of course, you identify yourself at the bank before you take money out. And down the road, when you go to pay at a major retailer, it would also be possible for them, as they're putting the money into the cash drawer, to simply feed it through a little reader device. It would go in, it would tag that number and transfer possession from Aaron Russo, say, to Walmart. Once everything you do is tied down to a single number, and there is no longer the ability to pay with cash, then all it takes to render you a non-citizen is to simply turn that chip off. You will no longer be able to really participate in any function in society, including by food. So through the implementation of the Federal Reserve System, the American citizen has gone from being a private individual who had real money, gold, in his possession, that was private, to a citizen who has no privacy because all money is now being digitized. They can deduct whatever amount of money they want out of your digits whenever they want. They can trace you whenever they want. You'll be at their mercy. God forbid we allow this to happen in America. This is absolutely Orwellian. I mean, it's talking about Big Brother looking over your shoulder at absolutely everything you do, every purchase you make, every place you go, every company you interact with. All of that would be reported back, potentially, to the government. The United States of America The United States of America The United States of America Pizza Palace, guaranteed hot and 30 minutes or it's free. This is Mary. May I take your order? Hi, Mary. Yes, I'd like to order. Is this Mr. Kelly? Yes. Yes. Thank you for calling again, sir. I hear your national identification number is 6102049998-45-54610. Is that correct? Uh, yes. Thank you, Mr. Kelly. I see you live at 736 Montrose corporate. You're calling from your cell phone. Are you at home? I'm just leaving work, but I'm- Oh, we can deliver to Bob's Auto Supply. That's at 175 Lincoln Avenue, yes? No, I'm on my way home. How do you know all this stuff? We just got wired into the system, sir. Oh, well, I'd like to order a couple of your double meat special pizzas. Sure thing. There'll be a new $20 charge for those, sir. What do you mean? Sir, the system shows me that your medical records indicate that you have high blood pressure and extremely high cholesterol. Luckily, we have a new agreement with your national healthcare provider that allows us to sell you double meat pies as long as you agree to waive all future claims of liability. What? Do you agree, sir? You can sign the form when we deliver, but there is a charge for processing. The total is $67 even. $67? Well, that includes the delivery surcharge of $15 to cover the added risk to our driver of traveling through an orange zone. I live in an orange zone? Now you do. Looks like there was another robbery on Montrose yesterday. Hmm. You could save $48 if you ordered our special Sprout Submarine combo and picked it up yourself. Comes with tofu sticks. Those are very tasty, sir. Good value, too. But I want double meat. Well, I'm sure you can afford the $67 then. You just bought those tickets to Hawaii. They weren't cheap, eh? Oh, but I see you checked out the budget beach bum at the library last week. Hmm. Up to you, sir. Oh, right. Oh, right. I'll get the Sprout Subs. Good choice, sir. Gotta watch that waist if you're hitting the beach, eh? 42 inches. Wow. Man, I'd say tofu and sprouts is, like, required. That's how much? Just between you and me. There's a $3 off coupon in this month's Total Men's Fitness magazine. Your wife Betty subscribes to that, right? Anyhow, clip that and it's $19.99 even. Whoa, looks like you maxed out on all your credit cards. Bring cash, okay? Have we become so controlled and so ignorant about our rights that big institutions and big government can do whatever they want with us? Even without our approval? I knew for certain the Founding Fathers would resist to the death what is happening in America today. And I, for one, will not accept a national ID card. And if nobody accepts a national ID card, and nobody can board a plane with that one, then let the airlines go bankrupt. And if you can't open a bank account in a big money center bank, then open an account in a small local bank. And if we can't walk into a federal building, I personally would consider that a blessing. Don't allow these institutions to dictate to us how we conduct our lives. This is America, and we have free choice. We the people have all the power, not the government. Government gets its power from us, not the other way around. Think of all the men and women who died in all our wars fighting for freedom, not Federal Reserve bankers. Do you think they sacrificed their lives so that Americans could be chipped like a dog? So we could all have a homing device inside us? No. This ID card is the last step before they implant us. And that's precisely the reason nobody should accept one. And you know what they're going to do? They're going to call in the propaganda machine, the media, and try and sell this as if it were in everybody's best interest. We're working on a product that we have called internally a PLD. PLD stands for Personal Locating Device, which is an implantable GPS for which our company owns a patent. The hybrid of the two of these products, being Digital Angel and VeriChip, is what we call PLD. PLD should be in prototype form by the end of this year, by December of 2002. And we are already working with the Food and Drug Administration as well as legislative agencies with these products and ultimately with the PLD. We have a Florida family who are really pioneers in a brave new world. They have volunteered to be the first ever to have microchip identification devices implanted into their body. After 9-11 I was really concerned with the security of my family. I wouldn't mind having something planted permanently in my arm that would identify me. Talk about identification papers. Watch what happens to a woman in Florida whose license was suspended. Get out of the car or I'm going to tase you. The next street office sequence. Put it on your stomach! Put it on your stomach! On your stomach! Do it now! Put your hands behind your back! Do it now! Do it now or you're going to get tased again! Do it now! Do it now! Put it on your back! Put your hands behind your back! Put your hands behind your back! I can't! I can't! I'm sure you can't. Ow! Ow! I've got it. I've got blood on my arm. Oh my God! Oh my God! Look how you tased me and you handcuffed me? Yup, you're under arrest. For what reason? Your license was suspended. All the power is in the people. And to the extent that government becomes alienated from the people, does things that people don't want, power is transferred until you finally come to a police state, totalitarian state, whatever word you want to give it, where the desires of the people really have no consequence. They go out and they vote. It doesn't make any difference which candidate they elect. I'm a programmer. I work for NASA. I work for ExxonMobil. I work for Florida Department of Transportation. Mr. Curtis, are there programs that can be used to secretly fix elections? Yes. How do you know that to be the case? Because in October of 2000, I wrote a prototype for President Congressman Tom Feeney at the company I work for in Oviedo, Florida that did just that. And when you say did just that, it would rig an election? It would flip the vote 51-49 to whoever you wanted it to go to and whichever race you wanted to win. And would that program that you designed be something that elections officials that might be on county boards of elections could detect? They'd never see it. So how would such a program, a secret program that fixes the election, how could it be detected? You would have to view it either in the source code or you'd have to have a receipt and then count the hard paper against the actual vote total. Other than that, you won't see it. Given the availability of such vote-rigging software and the testimony that has been given under oath of substantial statistical anomalies and gross differences between exit polling data and the actual tabulated results, do you have an opinion whether or not the Ohio election, the presidential election, was hacked? Yes, I would say it was. So in other words, there's absolutely no assurance whatsoever on anything with regard to these machines? Absolutely none. Anybody who trusts electronic voting machines should have their head examined. Now we can see a new world coming into view, a world in which there is the very real prospect of a new world order. The new world order will be built, an end run on national sovereignty. Eroding it piece by piece will accomplish much more than the old-fashioned frontal assault. Paul Warburg, Council on Foreign Relations. We shall have world government, whether or not we'd like it. The only question is whether world government will be achieved by conquest or consent. Paul Warburg, Council on Foreign Relations and architect of the Federal Reserve System. There's a group that get together internationally and they sort of play God with our money. Do you think that's part of what George Bush said was the one world order? They can't have a new world order only with, you know, a world police, a military. I think the financial system ultimately is even more important than the guns. The central bankers of the world are working together to create a one world government, a global police state as sinister as anything George Orwell ever wrote about. Where every person on the planet Earth will have an RFID chip implanted. Where the bankers and the governments can monitor every transaction you make. A chip in everybody would be the universal monetary system par excellence because there'd be no escape from it. And you'd be totally under the control of those who issue the electronic impulses in that chip. Their strategies are being accomplished through the World Trade Organization, the International Monetary Fund and the Bank for International Settlements, which is the central bank for all the central banks of the world. Most people don't have a clue that these unelected private bankers actually control the governments of the world. They have financed and profited from every war since World War I without concern for humanity. The war in Iraq is an attempt by the Federal Reserve and their partner the Bank of England to control the Middle East and to make it a part of the New World Order. To defend the New World Order, US soldiers will have to kill and die. Arthur Schlesinger, counselor on foreign relations. Military men are just dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy. Henry Kissinger, counselor on foreign relations. Now let's listen to this quote by Robert Reich, a member of President Clinton's cabinet and one of his most trusted advisors. The dirty little secret is that both houses of Congress are irrelevant. America's domestic policy is now being run by Alan Greenspan and the Federal Reserve. America's foreign policy is now being run by the International Monetary Fund. When the President decides to go to war, he no longer needs a declaration of war from Congress. Dr. Carol Quigley, professor from Georgetown University, who was also President Clinton's mentor, said in his book, Tragedy and Hope, The powers of financial capitalism had a far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands, able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. And then President Clinton's Deputy Secretary of State, Strobe Talbot, said, In the next century, nations as we know it will be obsolete. All states will recognize a single global authority. All these supposed free trade agreements, NAFTA, GATT, CAFTA, are truly nothing more than the governments of the world and the central banks working together to create a one-world government. They are not free trade. These treaties are government-managed trade, and they are destroying the American worker. Through these treaties, the bankers are actually beginning to control the laws of the world. The fact is that this relationship between the bankers, the government, and the huge multinational corporations is the very reason why the government no longer enforces its immigration laws. The bankers want a one-world government without borders, and the American government is obeying them. If the government was so worried about terrorism, why are they leaving the borders open, but at the same time telling American citizens they need an ID card with an RFID chip? The Bush administration's open borders policy and its decision to ignore the enforcement of this country's immigration laws is part of a broader agenda. President Bush signed a formal agreement that will end the United States as we know it, and he took the step without approval from either the U.S. Congress or the people of the United States. Bill Tucker reports. The security and prosperity partnership of North America sounds benign, hardly like a policy that critics call NAFTA on steroids. It's a deal that few have even heard of. It's being done again by very few people at the very top on behalf of the investment class, but the working class of people, political officials across our country from communities, from cities, and so forth, they don't know anything about this. Yet it was agreed to by Mexico's President Fox, Canada's Prime Minister Martin, and President Bush in 2005. Administration officials counter their critics by saying everything about SPP is on the White House website, and they say the partnership is not a treaty, but more of an outline of priorities between the United States, Mexico, and Canada. Still, some wonder why there haven't been public discussions about the goals being pursued. You know, I was asked the other day about whether or not I really thought the American people had the stomach to stand up and stop this nonsense, this direction from a group of elites in absolute contravention of our law, of our Constitution, every national value. And I hope, I pray that I'm right when I said yes. But this is beyond belief. Look what happened in Europe. The people there voted down the European Constitution wanting each country to stay sovereign. Yet the private central bankers are pushing the governments forward to make this Constitution happen even though the people voted against it, and clearly do not want a royal government nor one European government. This is not a treaty. This is not a treaty. This is not a treaty. Now pay close attention to this quote by David Rockefeller, and you understand what is happening in the world today, and where the American people are heading as a nation. We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine, and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But now the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries. David Rockefeller, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, actually believes that we would be better off if he and his bank of friends ran the world. Benito Mussolini had a great quote about fascism. He said that fascism should be called corporatism more properly because it's the perfect merger of power between the corporation and the state. That's how he defined fascism, and that's what we're seeing here. The media controls the information that a person gets. In various ways, they can make sure that the average American watching the tube or reading the newspaper is going to come out with a certain mindset. He's going to say, this is good, that's bad, and that's all they have to do. You look at the ownership of corporate media in this country. Who owns CBS? Viacom? Who owns NBC? GE? Who owns ABC? Disney? Americans have been taught to expect their salvation from government instead of recognizing government as the most dangerous threat they'll face in their lives. And the United States putting together a constitution now for Iraq. You know, why don't we just give them ours? I mean, think about it. It's served us well for over 200 years, and we don't appear to be using it anymore, so what the hell? . I like the old idea where you could do what you thought you could do and what you wanted to do as long as you didn't hurt other people. . I think that the ultimate choice that's being presented to mankind is that it's time to either evolve or perish. Grow up or die. Become adults. Act like adults. Take some responsibility. . . . Freedom to Fascism. That's a pretty in-your-face title, and from the bits I've seen already of this documentary, you should be making a lot of waves. It's being compared in advance to Fahrenheit 9-11. Just give an overview of what you're trying to do, a summary of what you're trying to do in this movie, and then we can get into some specifics. Well, I think what I'm trying to do is obviously wake America up. That's why I use that title, because that to me is the truth. It's the honest title. A lot of people say, don't say fascism because it's going to scare people. But the truth is that it is fascism that's happening in America, only people don't know what fascism really means. Fascism is actually the synergistic effort of big government and big corporations working together to stifle the people. And that's what we have in America today. I mean, if you asked Mussolini what fascism was, he would say it's really corporatism. You know, I think it was Tolstoy who said, fascism is capitalism in decay. Corporatocracy, is that another word they use for it? Exactly. So what's happened in America is that the corporations have taken over, and the largest corporation of all is the Federal Reserve System. And people don't think of the Federal Reserve System as being a corporation. They think it's a formal governmental entity. Exactly. I think it's a government agency. And it's not. It's a cabal. It's a partnership between the government and this private bank. And this private bank is a Delaware corporation who in 1913 was given the authority, the concession so to speak, to make money for America. To issue money, issue dollars. Up to that point, it was the government that could do that, and local banks that could do that. And money had a gold and silver backing. And what happened was in 1913, the Fed took that power away from the government, or the government gave it to them. They did a deal with the banking industry. Right. They did a deal with the private bankers, the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers and all those people. And by doing that, the government, when it needed money, now had to borrow it from the Fed and pay interest on the money. And they brought the income tax into being then, so the interest to these bankers could be paid. So essentially, because of this corruption, this fraud, the bankers got the right to make money, and the American people had to be taxed so the government could pay the bankers the interest. Whereas if the government made the money, there'd be no interest to pay. And if it had the gold backing that it's supposed to have, it would limit the amount of money that could be printed. So in 1913, the change began to evolve in America. And in a way, my movie could be called The Two Frauds of 1913, the IRS, the income tax and the Federal Reserve. There are so many roads to go down. One of them you were talking about was it did limit the growth by having actual gold, an actual gold-backed currency. Most people don't understand that we do not have a gold-backed currency anymore. Do you want to talk about that a little bit? Well, we can. I mean, I don't know if people find that interesting. Well, I find it interesting. I mean, everyone thinks we have Fort Knox filled with gold, and that's basically the backing to our currency, that we're stable. No, no, no. Can you talk about the truth? Sure. The truth is that, first of all, there probably is no gold in Fort Knox. I say probably. I'm sure there isn't. I say probably because I've not been in there to see it for myself. But what's happened is the Treasury, which owns the gold on behalf of the American people, has given the gold to the Federal Reserve, these private bankers, as collateral for the dollars these bankers print out of thin air. So the bankers have basically swindled, with the cooperation of the Congress and the government, the bankers have swindled the American people by taking all our wealth, the gold, and giving us a piece of paper that ultimately has no value. It's just a piece of paper with no backing to it. And, you know, it's just a situation where the people of America don't understand that, because they believe that gold still backs the dollar, or silver still backs the dollar, and it doesn't, not in any way. So what you have is what's called a fiat currency. And this fiat currency, the Federal Reserve can make out of thin air all they want. And because the Federal- Paper's cheap. Ink is, too. The thing is you don't even need the ink anymore. Let's say each dollar printed, or each hundred dollar printed, costs three cents, okay? But now you don't even have to spend the three cents, because they just use digits on a computer. So you don't even have paper anymore. You just have these digits. And it's because of this ability of the Federal Reserve to print money out of thin air, or to make digits out of thin air, and they call it money, that gives them the power to control the government. Because whoever makes the money makes the rules. That's the name of the game. So they can own everything they want. America has gone from being a nation of people who own their own property, own their own businesses, to a nation in debt, because all money is created by borrowing. And this country has become people who just live by borrowing. What's my credit report? How much can I borrow this week? How much can I pay off this week? People don't own their own houses anymore, for this very reason. In the old days, you know, if you borrowed money, you wanted to pay it off as soon as possible. Now what people look to do is to have the lowest monthly payment they can get. They don't think about ever owning their own house, you know. And it's all based on a credit system. Excuse me, Mike. It's all based on a credit system because the Federal Reserve system is one that encourages debt. That's why you get credit cards in the mail all the time, borrow money, you know, go to college, borrow money. They bring you into the system at a very early age. And once you get into debt, you never get out, basically, because between taxes, the income tax, the interest on your debt, and inflation, you can't get out from under. It's very difficult for anybody, unless you're very, very wealthy, to ever survive in this country and own anything because they're always in debt. Think of the three I's. Interest payments are very high, income taxes, and inflation. Inflation is the silent tax that people don't recognize the loss of their purchasing power. If you look at the dollar bill from the time the Federal Reserve came into being until today, the dollar is now worth about four cents from a dollar. Even in my lifetime? Yeah. I mean, houses today cost a million dollars. It's like nothing. That's right. And my father bought his house in 1954. $4,000? $6,000? No, it was $27,000 in Long Island in a very wealthy neighborhood. Oh, you were wealthy. Well, we were middle class. We were middle class. But he had a home for $27,000 in a nice suburb of New York, you know. It was $27,000 in 1954, 1955, and the house just resold again. Not from him, but I was out there visiting it, and the guy who bought the house just paid over $1,000,000 for it. Same house, no different. So the dollar value of that house has gone up, what, 50 times in 50 years. That's because they print so much money. Inflation, the higher prices of things come because they print so much money. And we all buy into it. Well, you have to buy into it. You have no choice anymore. That's why I made this movie. You really don't have a choice as long as you have a Federal Reserve System. That's true. In a lot of ways, we don't have a choice. In other ways, we have our own decisions to make as consumers, and we choose to go beyond our means also. Yes. In addition to that, we're exacerbating the problem, but this is all by design. But you taught that, and it is by design. You taught that because it is by design. And let's talk about the by design part of it. This isn't an accident that we found ourselves in this condition. It's slavery. It's serfdom. I mean, just take a look. The Democrats and Republicans in Congress have allowed this Federal Reserve System to come into being. And now, they're letting the banks charge these userless rates of interest over 20, sometimes 30 percent on the money you borrow. And yet they changed the bankruptcy laws, so that's much more difficult to get out of debt. So they're making you debt. It's for life. Everything is always on behalf of the banks. It's always on behalf of the Federal Reserve. You have these high rates of interest. At the same time, you can't clear bankruptcy anymore. They're making it very difficult. You're in the little mill. You're in the hamster on the wheel. Yeah, for life. Let's talk about why and the entities that have really helped set this up long term to have people in the little hamster mill of life. Well, it's set up. I mean, it came about because the bankers—this has been a fight throughout history. I mean, Andrew Jackson fought the fight. Thomas Jefferson fought the fight. You know, the bankers have always wanted to control the country because they're very clever and very smart people. And they knew that if they could ever get the government to give them the right to issue the money, they would control the government. They would control the laws of the nation. That's why even today you'd look at the immigration laws. You look at what's happening with immigration in America. Why is it happening? On one hand, people say we've had this 9-11 attack and we have to get ID cards for people, RFID chips. Everybody has to be identified. They have to go to the airport. They have to be searched. Right. Everything is—security is foremost in everybody's mind, right? On the other hand, I know if I were the president and 9-11 came, the first thing I would do was shut off the borders. So nobody would come in there. So on one hand, they're telling Americans they have to be controlled with ID cards and RFID chips and wanting to chip people. And on the other hand, they're letting everybody come into the border. Terrorists, whoever wants to come in, can just walk over the border and come into the country. So you know it's a lie. It's not about terrorism. It's about the banks controlling the country and the world, working together. This is about the bankers wanting a one-world government without borders. That's why everybody's able to come through the borders. It's not about security at all. And so the situation we're facing today is we have a government that's controlled by the Federal Reserve System. And the Federal Reserve System has this appearance of credibility and Alan Greenspan's the greatest guy in the world and now Bernanke. You know, and all these guys, oh, the Federal Reserve, you've got to have the Federal Reserve. But in reality, the Federal Reserve is part of the Communist Manifesto. They talk about America having—being a capitalistic society, you know, but yet you have a central bank that makes all the decisions. That's not capitalism. It's a fraud. It's a lie. They deceive the people. And they put out all this spin, all this press. You know, the Federal Reserve is the greatest thing in the world, and they're going to protect us and they're going to make sure there's no more depressions in this country. What they've done is destroy the currency of this country, and they've taken all our gold while destroying the currency. And at some point, they're going to probably pull the plug and create the Great Depression. And we're talking about the silent hand behind the powers that we see on the news. Yes, totally. There's no question that the bankers control, whether it's George Bush or Hillary Clinton or whoever it is, it doesn't matter Democrat or Republican, it's irrelevant. You know, that's why Michael Moore's movie, even though I enjoyed his movie and I respected what he did as a filmmaker, I thought he did a very good job with that movie, even though I didn't agree with everything he said. You know, I thought just as a filmmaker, a pure filmmaker, he did a good job. He got his points across. But on the other hand, what he did do was play into what the powers that we want him to play into. How so? He played into it because it was Democrat versus Republican. Keeping it more local than it really is, smaller. No, no, no, no. Keeping it polarized. Polarized, right. Not smaller, not bigger. Keeping it polarized. Red state versus blue state. Liberal versus conservative. Democrat versus Republican. Michael Moore played into the system and what the people want to happen. They want people looking at Democrats and Republicans and fighting over that. Red states and blue states, but not looking at the Federal Reserve as the real answer. So they hide behind that. It's like the Wizard of Oz, the guy behind the curtain. The guy behind the curtain. The guy behind the curtain. And the guy behind the curtain is the Federal Reserve. Well, it's really, it's not even the Federal Reserve so much as the people behind the Federal Reserve. They use the Federal Reserve as a tool so they can control things. So what Michael Moore did was, you know, he increased the tension in America. You know, he kept the polarization alive, which is what the people behind the curtain want. And I don't think he did that because, intentionally, I think he did it because that's his point of view. Right. And he doesn't know about the people behind the curtain. You know, and my picture is more about where the real power lies. It's not Democrats and Republicans, they're just puppets. Right. And my movie goes after the system and how the system is functioning and operating today. And what's really going down, why people are so dissatisfied and unhappy in America and around the world. And we try to address those issues and how to stop it from happening. You know, and so what's happening is, and it's only in America now. Right. I mean, we have the Federal Reserve System here, but there are central banks all over the world. And they all work together. It doesn't matter if it's China. It doesn't matter if it's Britain. Well, I can't speak for China, but I can tell you, Britain, you're right, it doesn't matter. And most of the industrialized West, it doesn't matter. It's all central banks controlling the governments. And the central banks make secret agreements with each other. Like, you know, our Congress, you know, like the Central Bank in America the other day said there's this thing called M3. I don't want to get too technical here, but M3 is basically a measure of the money supply. The bigger the growth of the money supply, the less the dollar is worth. It loses value. The more you print, the more you have of something, the less it's worth. Right. And so now they've decided they're not going to publish the figures of M3 anymore. They want people to know how much money they're printing. And that's something we have every right to know. Yes, we do, and we have large concerns. They hit that magic number, was it last month, the $8.3 trillion? That's just part of the debt. That's part of it, but that's a big point to hit, isn't it? We have unfunded liabilities in this country of over $70 trillion. The $8.3 is just a portion of that. So the real question is, there's so much debt in this country, they've got to keep things afloat. So they have to keep printing tons and trillions and trillions of dollars. And it's getting so massive, they don't want to let us know how much they're printing. And we have no way to measure how fast we're going to lose the purchasing power of our money. And then on the other hand, if they choose to stop printing money, they can cause the biggest depression that ever happened in this country, in the world. And it's all in these guys' power. I don't want to give them that power. And it's unconstitutional and strong. Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, the founders of this country, fought against having a central bank. It was one of the main objects that they fought against. And so we have this central bank controlling us and controlling the laws of the nation. And now you see the government talking about these RFID chips going and everything. That can track you wherever you go. It's going to be on your driver's license by May 2008. They're telling the states you have to put these chips in the driver's licenses. It's supposed to be in credit cards. It's supposed to be in everything in the future. Everything. And they're going to chip people. They're going to put it into your bodies. Right. Not only in our bodies, in our wallets. No, no, no. But you walk through a turnstile and you have a barcode on something. The transaction's done. Of course. But I'm saying to you that it goes in stages first. So you can have it on your driver's license. You can have it on your card. But eventually it's going to end up in your hand. Yes. Yes. So you're going to have a homing device built into you. They can track you wherever they want to track you. Some people argue if you have a cell phone or if you have a GPS system in your car, they can do that anyway. They can. But it's just making it a lot easier. Well, I mean, now you're going to be chipped like a dog. Right. Like a dog. If I don't want to be chipped, I'm not going to be chipped. But the fact is that you're not going to be able to start your computer or you're not going to be able to have a bank account. And if you're chipped, then all money now becomes digitized. They can take the chips out of you whenever they want to. I mean, they can take your money from you whenever they want to. You have no say. And this isn't software? You owe us this much money. You owe us this much money. And they just take it out of your digits. So you have no privacy left. I mean, if I don't want to have a cell phone, I can throw it away. If I don't want GPS in my car, I can get rid of it. But once they want to implant you in it and there's no more money, there's no more cash, and you're in a cashless society, you have to have that chip in you if you want to buy food. Right. And if you protest like I do, if you fight what they're doing, they can just turn off my chip. I can't even buy food. I can't pay my bills. It's total control. It's slavery. It's slavery. And the central bankers are doing that. And I'm not prepared to allow them to do it. That's why I made this movie. I want people to wake up and know what's really happening in this country and the world. That's what happened in Europe recently. They voted down the European Constitution. Right. Right? But that's stopping. They're going forward anyway. First they want to put the world into blocs, the Europeans, the Asians, the Americas, and then they want to bring it all together. I mean, it's a one-world government. Even voting has no more, it doesn't mean anything. I mean, think about your government. You want to live in a government where you have a say. That's why they say local government is the best government, because you have a voice. And now in America today, in the federal government, you know you have no voice. You have nothing to say. Imagine a world government. What are you going to be able to say? Nothing. Nobody's going to listen to you. You're just a tool for these people. You're a tool. You're a hamster. And they're going to suck you dry and spit you out. They don't care about you. And you're a revenue source, and I wouldn't mind getting into that because you came out with both guns firing about the IRS and the legality of the IRS. This is huge. I've been reading about it for years, but I kept thinking, okay, I see what they're saying, however, they can still throw you in jail. Can you talk about the whole fraud of the IRS? Yeah, I will in a second, but you said something about being a revenue source, which reminded me of something. I was friendly with one of the Rockefellers, and he said to me one day, which just blew my mind, he said, Aaron, remember that whole thing with Women's Lib, when it was the biggest thing you saw in all the magazines and television? Women's Lib, women have a right to work, just like they had a right to vote, and you make sure that you have a right to work, and they fight for women's lib, women's right to work. He says, we were promoting that whole thing, you know, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Fair Reserve, because we want to get the women in the workforce. We want to be able to tax them. That's why you're starting all the newspapers all the time. And the ad plus was, then they had to put their kids in childcare, into schools earlier, so we can control their minds at a young age. That's what that was all about. You called it Women's Lib, you know, but it was about giving us control, and nobody realized that. And now we've got it. Now women are as exhausted as men in one treadmill. Exactly. We're dealing with very diabolical people, very devious diabolical people who are incredibly intelligent, who control the money supply, they control the army, they control the government, and it's very hard to stop them, and the way to stop them, in my view, and it could be done, even though we're very close to losing this game. Yeah, the point of no return. Yeah, we're very close to that, but the way to do it is to shut down the Federal Reserve System, to have all Americans, while we still have a chance. You see, Congress has the legal authority to shut down the Federal Reserve, right? But if they don't have the courage to do it, how do we? Well, because if we mass the protested and tell every politician that you have to listen to the world of people, not to the world of Federal Reserve bankers, and we're going to vote you out of office, unless you sign an affidavit saying you're going to shut down the Federal Reserve System. And that will be the litmus test on who to vote for, not whether they're Democrats, not whether they're Republicans, but will you sign an affidavit saying, I will be part of shutting down the Federal Reserve System. I will vote to shut it down. And drop all the other issues, whether it's gun control or environment or whatever, because nothing's going to matter if you don't get rid of the Federal Reserve. So if we can get everybody to just focus on the Federal Reserve System, like a laser beam, and drop all the other stuff temporarily, and just shut them down, you'll have a chance of saving the country. You know, that's what it's going to take. And we can still do it, because Congress has the authority to do it. And Congress needs you and me to vote for them to get back into office. But for this to happen, we have to, it's up to also you and me and many others to begin educating the public as to what we're really up against. Like? Which is why I made the movie. Exactly, which is, I just totally applaud you on that. Thanks. Let's go, can we go into the IRS now? Let's talk about it. That's huge. Well, the IRS is huge, but don't forget the IRS is just part of the Federal Reserve System problem. And in actuality, there is no law. I've researched this very thoroughly, because I kept hearing for years there's no law that you have to pay, and I sort of pooh-poohed it all. Yeah, I did too. And they make you think anybody that says that's a wacko and a kook, you know. But there is no law. Let me just tell you straight out. There is no law that requires you to file a 1040. I researched this, and I'll tell you why there's no law. First of all, the Constitution says, okay, that there's two kinds of taxation, direct taxes and indirect taxes. A direct tax must be apportioned and done by census, which means that a direct tax, which is what a tax on your labor would be, a direct tax you can't get away from it, right? A direct tax on your labor would have to be apportioned, being divided amongst all the people equally, right? And an indirect tax is like an excise tax. It's like a tax that you don't have to pay if you don't use the service. A luxury car or something. Well, not even a luxury car, Kamala, but like gasoline. If you don't want to drive a car, if you want to take a bicycle, you don't buy gas, you don't pay the tax. So that's called an indirect tax. But that indirect tax has to be the same in every state. It has to be uniform, okay? So there's two kinds of taxes, direct and indirect, in the Constitution. In 1894, they tried to pass an income tax on your labor. The Supreme Court said you can't do that. It's unconstitutional. They stopped. In 1913, to get around that Pollock decision of 1894, they passed the 16th Amendment, which said we can tax any income from any place for forever, okay? And once they passed that tax, then people started paying an income tax on the labor. It became a third form of taxation. You had direct apportioned tax, you had the indirect tax, and now you had a direct tax that was unapportioned, okay? So you had three forms of taxation now. But two things. The amendment was never ratified properly. It was a fraud, okay? And that's been proven. But the second point is this. Even if it wasn't a fraud and had been ratified properly, even if it had been, okay, the Supreme Court in eight different decisions that I have researched said the 16th Amendment gave the government no new power of taxation. They can't tax the labor of the American people. So it was finished. And in 1917, they stopped taxing. So they did it for three years, right? And so there is no tax on the labor of the American people, no legal tax, and no constitutional tax. So they've made the IRS code, right, says whatever it says, but whatever it says is irrelevant because it's not in compliance with the Supreme Court decisions, right? And even the IRS code, if you actually examine it, okay, even though it's irrelevant because it doesn't comply with the Supreme Court, actually if you examine it, there's still no law that makes you pay your tax on your labor. Right. Yet every one of us, most, well, I guess there are what, 69, 70 million Americans who don't, but most of the rest of us are on the treadmill and we're paying dutifully our taxes on time each year. Well, they make you feel if you don't pay it, you're not a good citizen. That's part of their propaganda. And that's what allows them to keep spending money. But in fact, it's not just you saying this. What I found very compelling in your film is that you're talking with former IRS agents and investigators who were put to the task of finding out on behalf of inquiries as to whether or not this was a legal practice, only to find out that it wasn't legal. And in fact, some of these people who were formerly with the IRS have not paid their taxes since they found out about this. There are many IRS agents, former agents who have left the IRS because they did the research and they were in there before I was. Right. And they deserve to be honored for the work they've done because it's a giant, in my opinion, it's a giant scam. It takes a lot of courage to do that though because what are we still up against? Well, the thing is that we're up against the police state because what they'll do is even though there's no law, they threaten people with harm. Right. You see, but I interviewed the IRS commissioner, the ex-IRS commissioner who wrote the tax code. He was general counsel to the IRS. He was the commissioner to the IRS and he wrote the tax code. His name is Sheldon Cohen and I interviewed him for the movie. And in the movie, he says, Supreme Court decisions are inapplicable to the IRS. Interesting. And where does he give his justification for that? He has no justification because I put him into a corner. He couldn't answer the questions. So he was forced at the end to say Supreme Court decisions don't matter, which we all know is a lie. Right. So the IRS is not beyond the Supreme Court, right? So there is no law that allows the government to have a direct unapportioned tax on your labor. Okay? Now an income tax is defined by the Supreme Court as a corporate gain. You see, there is an income tax but it's not a tax on your labor. An income tax is actually a tax on gains by corporations. That's the definition of an income tax. In the Ives vs. McCumber case, if anybody wants to go look it up, right? And so, yeah, there's an income tax but it's not a tax on you. It's a tax on corporations. Right. And this has been pressed, this was pressed with many administrations, including the Clinton administration as well as now. And so it really does cut across political boundaries. Can you talk a little bit about the background? You have a bite in there, a sound bite in there from Judge Emmett Sullivan. Yes. Can you tell about how that came about? It was really just a shocking statement. Well, what happened was that there's this group called We the People and they served a petition on the government for the government to show the law that they're enforcing. We have a right to petition. Under the First Amendment, people have a right to petition the government to get answers to things. The government is the servant of the people, not the other way around. So they petition the government to get answers and the government refused to answer the question about where the law is. So they went to court and Judge Sullivan said in his decision that the government does not have to answer the people's questions about where the law is. Now that is beyond chilling. Yes. We don't have a constitution anymore. We don't have a government run by the people anymore. We live in a totalitarian country today. That's the bottom line. We live in totalitarianism. And if you want to get it back, we have to get rid of the federal reserve system. We have to make people have the control of the government again. Before we're all chipped? Before we're all chipped. I know I'm not going to take an ID card. I know we should take an ID card. Even if it's in your driver's license. What they're going to do is everybody knows they need a driver's license. So we're going to put in the driver's license which they can't turn down. If you just had a separate ID card, you would say, well I don't want that card. I'm not going to take it. If it's in my driver's license, I better get it because I have to drive. So they're very smart people. They put you into situations where you have to take things from them. But even if it's in the driver's license, you shouldn't take it. Don't take an ID card. I'm planning a series of nationwide strikes and revolts against what's happening in the government to wake people up, to shut down the federal reserve system, to stop these chips from being employed. I expect that my movie is going to raise a lot of awareness and activity from people. People start getting involved when they realize what's really happening and how all these central banks of the world are working together. Sometimes you see the word New World Order. Oh, you're just a conspiracy nut. That's not true anymore though, is it? Well, some people. I showed George Bush in the movie talking about the New World Order. The point is the New World Order is where all the central banks of the world work together. They control the governments and they control the laws of the world. And we're going to have to be forced to listen to these laws. And the laws are about controlling us, not giving us freedom. And so unless we get back to our idea of individual rights, individual freedoms, and allow to express yourself in the way you want, we're going to lose this game. Unless people get active and say, I'm going to shut down the federal reserve system. I'm going to shut down the powers that be. We're doomed otherwise. Is there any means beyond that? Say, for example, we're not successful in shutting down the federal reserve. What about strength in numbers with the individuals? What if half the country is refusing to pay their income tax, for example? Well, the half the country already does not pay it. Seriously, it's half? 67 million people. Geez, what have I been doing? I'm told 67 million people by the IRS themselves aren't filing. But I don't think it's all because they were protesting. I think there's a lot of that just... By default, they couldn't pay the taxes. By default, or they're trying to skip it, or whatever, you know. But I mean, even if we can't get the Congress to shut down the federal reserve system, then you shut down the country with massive strikes, get everybody stopped. I mean, you just get it. Because people are going to begin to realize, because we're coming near the end game, and things are starting to accelerate, you know. And people looking at George Bush is going to declare martial law, they think. Yeah, there's a lot of fear about that. It wouldn't surprise me. Right, in fact, there's already some talk. It's not even talk that Homeland Security is going to be involved if we have a national emergency in auditing what you can and can't remove from your own safe deposit boxes at some of the country's largest banks. Oh yeah, there's no question that there's stuff going around where, if they want to repossess the gold, that people have... Your own private, personal gold. Right. You know, you won't be able to go into a bank vault without somebody from Homeland Security there with you to see what you're taking out. Exactly. You know, I mean, it's a complete takeover. And what does it take to... There are executive orders out there that say the government has the ability to put you in a work detail. In other words, let's say you're a teacher in Argonne, they can put you digging ditches in Ohio. That's an executive order. They can relocate whole populations if they want to. These are real executive orders. I mean, the government is planning a takeover of the American people. I understand, and I know some of this to be true, but I understand there are 800 internment camps. I was just going to ask you this question next, and I didn't know it was up to 800, but it's my understanding that not only do they exist, I actually went to a conference listening to an engineer, very dry presentation on how they build them, how they tunnel that far every day, and kind of the technical end of building these camps underground, which are spotted all over the United States. Yes. Most people don't know these exist. No, they don't. And what the heck are they building them for if not for use? Well, they claim they're building them if there's too much immigration to the country, you know, if it gets crazy. Round everybody up? You know, at this point, it's hard to know what's in their minds. All I know is the fact that they're building them. That's for real. Right. How are they going to use them is speculation on my part. Right. Any good logical way of thinking lets you know what they're going to use them for. Right. And so even though I can't prove what's in their minds, it's pretty obvious. And it seems to me that what we have to fight for is to restore the very essence of what Thomas Jefferson and James Madison gave us here, that we control the government, that this is about we the people again, not about the government and these bankers working together to stifle us. Right. And unless the people wake up and say, hey, I'm not going to take this anymore. You know, I'm mad as hell I'm not going to do this and stop it because we have the power. We still have the power. If we resist, there's nothing they can do. The problem is we're asleep at the wheel. We're being lulled by many forces. Well, people like you are trying to wake people up. I'm trying to wake people up. There's more people awake now than have ever been before. True. I see that happening. And I think a picture like mine can help wake people up to what the truth is. And possibly the word will spread. And if we can all get focused on how to win the game instead of all these different objectives, you know, all these different... Keeping us polarized. Yeah. Well, no, no, I don't even mean that. I mean, there are people fighting to get a better environment. There are people fighting for lack of gun control. There are all these different issues that are going on around the country, which are all important on their own. But if we can sort of consolidate all that and focus, take all those people and say, listen, we're going to shut down the Federal Reserve first. Then we'll deal with those issues. Let's go to the agenda, the objective first. Then we'll go back to the other stuff. Because that's the priority right now. You've got to go off the head of the beast. And the head of the beast is the Federal Reserve and the people behind it. You see? And that's what we'll say to this country. People understand that. And they stop being good Democrats and stop being good Republicans, but rather become good Americans. That's what we'll say to the country.