(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Hi, I'm Evangelist Bruce Mejia from Faithful Word Baptist Church in Armani, California. The film you're about to watch is a documentary exposing the heresy of dispensationalism. Faithful Word Baptist Church has teamed up with Verity Baptist Church in Sacramento, California to expose this heresy but also to educate Christians regarding this dangerous doctrine that has permeated many churches. Feel free to share this video with family and friends. Subscribe to the channel for future films. God bless and hope you enjoy. God bless and hope you enjoy. God bless and hope you enjoy. We need to reject, fight against and demolish dispensationalism. Amen. The part of the chapter we're going to focus on is found in 2 Peter chapter 3 and verse 14 where the Bible reads, Wherefore, beloved, seeing that ye look for such things, be diligent that ye may be found of him in peace without spot and blameless, an account that the long suffering of our Lord is salvation, even as our beloved brother Paul also, according to the wisdom given unto him, hath written unto you, as also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable rest. Just at kind of the base level, what is dispensationalism? Where did dispensational theology come from? This view that we're calling dispensational pre-tribulational premillennialism has been the dominant perspective in American evangelicalism for about the last 115 to 20 years. And you will not find the idea that we are going to escape the Antichrist until approximately 140 years ago when a 15-year-old girl had a revelation, and that revelation was picked up by J.N. Darby, the founder of the Plymouth Brethren, and developed into a form of theology known as dispensational theology. That Mr. Darby took his gospel of the rapture to the United States, and he came in contact with the Billy Graham of his day. His name was Dwight L. Moody, founder of the Moody Bible Institute and Moody Press and all of that. Moody became the sort of worldwide disseminator of this theology of dispensationalism in a pre-tribulation rapture on both sides of the Atlantic and for a very long time, and then we were off and running. Dispensationalism is essentially a method of interpretation of understanding the Bible, which translates the Bible literally in its historic and poetic and wisdom literature, all of it, and reads it at face value, interpretively, and understands Israel to take priority in God's program and then gets to the church and the church is separate. Now let me say this, dispensationalism is a man-made structure for understanding the Bible. It needs to be understood right off the bat. It's man-made. God worked with people in different times. There were dispensations of periods of times in which God worked with a certain people in a certain way. God has given certain programs through biblical history and the history of man and that he is operating in certain ways in revealing his sovereign way and rule. And until you see that, you can never truly understand the Bible. You're studying a timeline. You're saying this truth fits here, thus this truth, these events fit there. I've seen other people say there's nine or there's eleven dispensations. You can make as many different dispensations as you want. But principally that there were seven economies of time before the fall, after the fall, etc. etc. And Schofield in his notes even hinted that there were different ways of salvation from Old Testament and New Testament. You get to the dispensation of grace in the church, for instance. Well that would assume, in that case, that grace didn't exist prior. So now God has turned his attention to the Gentiles and we in the church are part of this dispensation of grace, but God still has to keep those promises that he made to Israel. Dispensations, by the way, is simply a title for theology that recognizes a literal nation Israel to be restored in the future. God gave them that land and they own that land. I am compelled to be a dispensationalist and the reason for that is because all Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable, but all Scripture does not apply to the same people at the same time. And this is the key to understanding New Testament. Remember I told you that there's a key, like the keystone I mentioned over the window. You get the key and the key will help you because everything relates to that key in one fashion or another and it's what opens up the New Testament. And I told you what the key was to the New Testament. It's the Jew. Hi, my name is Roger Jimenez. I'm the pastor of Verity Baptist Church in Sacramento, California. Our church is non-dispensational and I am excited to be able to be part of a documentary that is going to expose the heresies of dispensationalism. I'm evangelist Bruce Mejia from Faithful Word Baptist Church in Omani, California. Our church is a non-dispensational independent fundamental Baptist church. Dispensationalism is an interpretive system that was created in the 1830s by a man by the name of John Nelson Darby and the objective of this so-called theological structure is to partition the Bible along with its teachings on salvation into seven different time periods or what they would refer to as dispensations. It basically allows them to cut up the Bible so that they can put certain scriptures into certain dispensations that either do or don't apply to us today. Second Timothy 2.15 says, study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. And they claim that 2 Timothy 2.15 is an instruction to basically isolate the Bible into seven different time periods and modify salvation based upon those dispensations. This time period here, I'm going to dispense my grace this way. This time period here, I'm going to dispense it this way. Now we're going to see that God has dispensed different methods of salvation. You see, the instruction there is not to partition the Bible into seven different time periods but rather to compare scripture with scripture. This is the Bible's interpretive system to guarantee his biblical knowledge and safeguard us from seducing spirits and doctrines of devils. They believe dispensationalism means that basically God took time and separated in different segments on how people got saved. Dispensationalism's method of interpreting the Bible does not stem from God because the Bible tells us that God is a God of order, he is not the author of confusion, whereas dispensationalists have this ambiguous approach to the Bible where the interpretation is subject to the teacher teaching it and how many dispensations they believe in. And they'll say, only sections of the Bible apply to us today and other sections apply to other dispensations. You see, the Bible is divided, Old Testament, New Testament, there's the end. You may think like, well, what's the big deal if people think that God worked with man at different times and different ages? And here's what you need to understand, dispensationalism is literally the backbone that crops up most of the heresy that is taught today by fundamentalist Christians, by conservative Christians. For example, throughout the scriptures, we see that salvation has always been the same. David was saved by faith, Abraham was saved by faith. Romans 3.28 says, therefore, we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law. But what does dispensationalism do? It seeks to change that. So when you ask the question, is dispensationalism that big of a deal, the answer is yes. This doctrine needs to be exposed because of the fact that it promotes so many false doctrines. You see, those who adhere to this doctrine have completely redefined the term dispensation. Dispensation simply means a manner of rule and economy. In fact, it comes from the Greek word, oikonomia, and basically that glides into our English word economy, an administration or an economy, which is the age of the church. And just the word dispensation itself just means to disperse something. And in fact, the Bible tells us in 1 Corinthians 9 verse 17, for if I do this thing willingly, I have a reward, but if against my will, a dispensation of the gospel is committed unto me. Paul said that, 1 Corinthians, and it's talking about him dispensing the gospel. He distributed and dispensed the responsibility to Paul to preach the gospel to every creature. And if you listen to these dispensationalists, they will tell you that dispensationalism is the key doctrine to understanding scripture, understanding salvation. If you don't get dispensationalism, you're not going to get anything right. You must have dispensationalism. Dispensationalism is the foundation for that. If you don't have that, you will never find the truth in the word of God. Here's a question I have for you. If dispensationalism is the key doctrine that is needed for the understanding of scripture, then why was it invented 1800 years after Christ? You know, there's a lot of people who are saved that are adhering to the doctrine of dispensationalism and their faith is being overthrown. They're believing all kinds of heresy and false doctrine that's going to affect them in the long run, and it's because they're not rightly dividing the word of truth. They're not comparing scripture with scripture. The reason we're preaching on this is because we don't want to be chilled and tossed to and fro, carried about with every wind of doctrine by the sleight of men in cunning craftiness whereby they lie in wait to deceive. You see, dispensationalists are tricky. But a soul will live forever someplace, and I wouldn't want you burning. I want you happy with God and Jesus Christ. That's why I preached here. And just like any other false religion, what they do is they'll use some truth, right? Because the fact of the matter is most dispensationalists, guess what they are? They're King James only. Our final, absolute final authority in all matters of faith and practice is the Bible. Supposedly, right? So they get their foot in the door in independent fundamental Baptist churches under the guise of being King James only, but then what do they do? They bring in their leaven, and a little leaven, leaven at the whole lump. Believing the King James Bible is the absolute perfect word of God is ridiculous. It is. But it's way down on a long list of ridiculous things that we believe. Second Peter chapter two in verse number one, the Bible says, but there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them. You know what I never called Jesus Christ? I never called him my Messiah. So the Bible's teaching us here that there will be false teachers even among us. And let's just go ahead and apply it to independent Baptist. There's a whole lot of dispensational false teachers out there who are independent Baptist circles. I mean, for decades, they've influenced the independent Baptist to believe these heretical teachings. The reason that that's important is because today it is the independent Baptist that have the word of God, that have the true salvation, that are the ones that are actually doing what God has called them to do. You know, one of my goals in life is before I die or retire or get incarcerated or whatever's going to happen, you know, before I'm done, I would like our movement to just completely abolish and destroy Ruckmanism and their heresies and their doctrines. And one way we're going to do that is by just facing dispensationalism and destroying it. Because that's our goal. Our goal, and we're not hiding it, is to destroy dispensationalism, to bury it in the ground six feet deep that it never comes back. But if you let me hang around, I'll be after your soul. I'm out to get it. Who came up with this? Who are the men responsible for these perverse teachings? Who are the grievous wolves arising, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them? Who are they? Second Corinthians chapter 11 verse 13 says, For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel, for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Do you know how many false teachers who teach dispensationalists are upheld as being these great men of God? There are basically some major names when it comes to dispensationalism. One is John Nelson Darby. The other one is Clarence Larkin. One is C.I. Schofield. And then for independent Baptists, the fourth major name would be Peter Ruckman. In Great Britain, there was a sect called the Plymouth Brethren, and they were a very radical sect. John Nelson Darby was a, I guess you would describe him as a disgruntled Anglican cleric. He actually was pushed out of the Anglican community. There was nothing especially radical about dividing history into periods. What separated Darby's dispensationalism was his novel method of biblical interpretation. Very novel, you know. Dispensations only mentioned four times in the Bible, he put seven. Probably no Christian thinker in the last 200 years has so affected the way in which English-speaking Christians view their faith, and yet has received so little recognition of his contribution as John Nelson Darby. John Nelson Darby was a man that lived in the 1800s. Who they would actually coin as being the father of dispensationalism. Here's all you need to know about this man, all right? He translated his own Bible. Here's the biggest problem, he made his own Bible. I mean that's, you're done at that point. Now people, they go against dispensationalism because the reason why they would go against dispensationalism is because Schofield, when he published his reference Bible, it was part of some kind of Illuminati conspiracy, they're going to say. They're going to go against Darby because he has his own reference Bible. So it's not the King James Version. Now you say, well, you know, what's wrong with the Bible? I mean, you know, I'm sure he went to the Texas Receptus, you know, and he got, I mean, they should align somewhat. Well, let's look at how much they align. In Romans chapter three and verse one, the King James Bible says, what advantage then Or what prophet is there of the circumcision? So when the Bible said, what advantage has the Jew, in other words, just talking about that the oracles of God, obviously were given to them. They had received the laws of God. They had an advantage in the fact that they knew God and understood God, right? The word of God was revealed to the Hebrews in the Old Testament. That's the advantage that they had. God gave them the word of God and he committed unto them the responsibility to propagate the word of God throughout the whole earth, to evangelize the Gentiles. That's the advantage. Now, keep in mind that one of the heresies of dispensationalism is Zionism. We know what happens to Israel. If we, those that follow the scriptures, it's very clear Israel's not going away. You sense the hope with those people, with the people of Israel, do you sense that they understand the reality? I, cause I do see this, that they know God has a special plan for that country. Well, John Elson Darby, look what he says, what then is the superiority of the Jews or what is the prophet of circumcision? Now, hold on a second. What then is the superiority of the Jews? The Bible doesn't say they're superior. The Bible says they had an advantage. He wants to show that the Jews are more superior than anybody else. It doesn't say superior, it says advantage, you know? But of course a Zionist would say, oh no, the Jews are superior to Gentiles. You know, we're just a bunch of dirty heathen Gentiles and they're superior than us. No, you know what? The Bible says that God is no respecter of persons. The Bible says that we're all made of one blood. He, here's the thing, what's the difference between a Jew, the Old Testament Jew and the, the Gentiles? Here's the difference. The Jews had an advantage. They were given the oracles of God. They were given the laws of God, but were they superior, were they created better than the Gentiles? No, but not according to John Darby. Yeah. He's just off a little bit. We'll strike one. God's doing something now, but think about this. Now we are coming to love Israel and understand that God still has a purpose. The church is the Gentile church, I should say. Luke 2, 33 says, and Joseph and his mother marveled at those things which were spoken of him. So the Bible, the King James Bible was very careful not to call Joseph Jesus Christ's dad. Why is that? Because he wasn't. God is his father, right? But in Luke chapter two and verse 33, John Nelson Darby translated it as this, and his father and mother wandered at the things which were said concerning him. So in John Nelson Darby's version, God is not the father of Jesus, but Joseph was the father of Jesus. It takes out Joseph's name, puts his father. You say, no, you're reading from the NIV. No, this is John Nelson Darby's Bible. John 16, eight says, and when he has come, he will approve the world of sin. Talking about who? The Holy Ghost, right? What did John Nelson Darby say? And having come, he will bring demonstration of the world of sin. So the Holy Ghost is going to teach me how to, he's going to demonstrate how to sin? Taught him how to do it, but it wasn't the Holy Ghost. First Thessalonians 1, 9, and the King James Bible says this, for they themselves show of us what manner of entering in we had unto you, and how ye turn to God from idols to serve the living and true God. John Nelson Darby, his version says, for they themselves relate concerning us what entering in we had to you, and how ye turn to God from idols to serve a living and true God. Now you might think, well, what was the difference? Here's the difference. King James says the living and true God. John Nelson Darby says a living and true God. Let me ask you a question. Is our God a living and true God? He's just one of the living and true gods, you know, along with every other. No, he's not a living and true God. He is the living and true God. There's only one God. There's only one Lord that we serve. 2 John 1, 7, the Bible says, for many deceivers are entered into the world who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist. So he says this, the Bible says, confess not that Jesus is come in the flesh, right? Because he came. Well, what does his version say? For many deceivers have gone out into the world. They who do not confess Jesus Christ coming in the flesh. This is the deceiver and the antichrist. Now you can look at different versions of the Bible and they'll read very similar to Darby's version of the Bible. This isn't semantics and this isn't a small issue. This is proof that even in John Nelson Darby's version of the Bible, a purposeful effort is being made to condition people for the new world order. How about this? In Acts 8, 37, our King James Bible says this, and Philip said, if thou believeth with all thine heart thou mayest, and he answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. If you want to be baptized, you must first believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. That's why we don't baptize babies. That's why we don't baptize unbelievers. Why? Because you must first believe on Christ. You must have a clear testimony of salvation and then you can be baptized. But what does the John Nelson Darby version say? Well, it says nothing. Because if you open it up to Acts 8, 37, the verse is missing. And you say, well, is that that big of a deal? Well, the fact that the verse that explains that salvation is believing on the Lord Jesus Christ and that you must believe on him in order to be saved and then be baptized is removed is an attack on the doctrine of salvation. 10, I'm going to read to you from Colossians 1, 14, in whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sin. So the Bible teaches us that we receive the forgiveness of sins, the redemption through the blood of Jesus Christ. Well, John Nelson Darby doesn't believe that. He says in whom we receive redemption, the forgiveness of sins, not through the blood. So you notice that there's these subtle changes, these systematic changes to promote false doctrine. You say, well, what's the big deal? You know, I mean, yeah, he was off on those things, but he was right on the pre-tribulation doctrine. He was right about the Jews. You're following a guy who wrote his own Bible, who inserted his own theology and ideologies and false teachings within that Bible, and you're saying that those two doctrines are right? You see, today you have these dispensational Baptists who will ardently fight against the NIV. They'll take a stand against the ESV and these modern perversions of the Bible, yet their foundation for eschatology and their foundation for their view on Israel stems from a man who wrote a Bible that reads just like these modern versions. No, that's your golden calf that you need to melt and be poured down your throat. And really, I think so far overreached itself that it just chopped up the Bible and lost a sense of the unity. What resulted from Darby's departure was a new way of viewing the church and history that still pervades much of evangelical Christian thought today. It is positively stated in 2 Timothy chapter 3 that the church would fail and become as bad as the heathens. That's what he said. So he sees himself as some church savior. You see, if you're claiming to bring in a new way, you're basically stating that you're doing something that's never been done before. So this argument by Gene Kim that states that during the dark ages, no one had the word of God, and in the 1800s, John Nelson Darby came on the scene and began to reinforce something that was taught before is a fallacy. Why? Because John Nelson Darby specifically said, I'm bringing in a new way. So you say, what do we need to know about John Nelson Darby? Here's what we need to know about John Nelson Darby, the father of dispensationalism, the man who invented dispensationalism was not even saved. One of the greatest books you can get on dispensations is this book by Clarence Larkin, the greatest book on dispensational truth in the world. Clarence Larkin can be referred to as John Nelson Darby's scribe. He simply took the teachings of Darby and made systematic charts that basically would illustrate their dispensational truth. This guy was born in 1850, he died in 1924. John Nelson Darby created it, but Clarence Larkin packaged it because dispensationalism is so complicated, you need like multiple charts to even try to grasp it. At the age of 21, he became a professional draftsman and architect, which would later aid him in publicizing his book, the greatest book on dispensational truth in the world. I mean, that sounds like a real humble guy, right? He writes a book on dispensationalism, he titles it the greatest book on dispensationalism in the world. This is one of the first books I read after I got saved and I could not put it down. The Bible is amazing, the Bible is just an amazing, amazing book. And if you talk to dispensationalism, they're always telling you Clarence Larkin's books, you got to read his books, you got to study his charts, you know, he is the man that packaged it, he is the man that made it, basically formatted in a way where these people could grasp it and understand it. Clarence Larkin was actually an Episcopalian, but in 1882, the same year that John Nelson Darby died, he converted to become a Baptist. And in fact, two years after his so-called conversion, he was ordained to be a Baptist pastor. It was during this time that he began to adopt and adhere to the tenets of dispensationalism, drawing and designing the dispensational charts, then in 1918, he completed his work on dispensational truth. What's interesting about Clarence Larkin is, you know, he was an architect, and the Freemasons will use that phrase about God, and Clarence Larkin used a lot of terminology that actually aligns with the occult. He used a lot of symbolism and drawings that fall right in hand with what the Rosicrucians taught. Now, the Rosicrucians are a secret society inside of the Catholic Church. Rosicrucian simply means Rosy Cross. That was their symbol. And a lot of the occult teachings and drawings that he did, you can actually line it up hand by hand with Hermes and the Kabbalah. There's several different traditions that refer to themselves as Kabbalah, and within each of this, there are different practices and techniques. First, the term Kabbalah refers to the esoteric or mystical aspect of Judaism. During the European Renaissance, concepts and methods from Jewish Kabbalah were adopted by some Christian scholars and integrated into their Christian theology, giving rise to what is called Christian Kabbalah. One thing that people don't understand about Clarence Larkin is that within his book, he lays a very solid foundation, not for biblical teaching, but rather for the New World Order. For example, in his book, The Dispensational Truth, on page 164, he has an entire section dedicated to expounding on the Great Pyramid. He's really got some fascinating stuff in there. In fact, he's got some work on the pyramids that is often overlooked and that some people think is kind of kooky and might be kind of kooky, I don't know, but it is definitely worth considering and looking at, and he comes at it from a logic point of view, not a biblical point of view. And in fact, he says here in Dispensational Teaching of the Great Pyramid, it was not built for a tomb, as were the others, but embodies in its construction such a wonderful knowledge of mathematics, astronomy, and scriptural information as to clearly show that the architect and builder was especially endowed with divine wisdom. Then he goes on to quote Job 38, verse 4 through 7, where it says, And when commenting on Job 38, he states this, The building referred to in the above passage must therefore be one with which Job was familiar. And to what can it better refer, then, to the great pyramid of which, as we shall see, Job was the probable builder. For what other form of building is there that has four foundation stones and a capstone or a head cornerstone but a pyramid? So according to Clarence Larkin, he believes that the Great Pyramid is symbolic of what God was referring to in Job chapter 38, this great pyramid that is missing the capstone. Now keep in mind that Egypt has never been used in the Bible to symbolize anything godly. It's never been used to symbolize anything pure or holy. On the contrary, it's always been used to symbolize the world. It's always been used to symbolize paganism and idolatry. And yet Clarence Larkin, in his book, is associating a pagan structure in Egypt and relating it to Jesus Christ. He's using the Great Pyramid of Egypt, and he's claiming that the capstone that's missing from the Great Pyramid of Egypt is in reference to Jesus Christ. He said, well, that's just a coincidence. Clarence Larkin is just using capstone and cornerstone interchangeably that mean the same thing, but they don't mean the same thing. You see, the cornerstone is at the foundation. The capstone is at the top. If you look at the back of an American dollar, you will see the Great Pyramid of Egypt on it. And right above it is a capstone with the Eye of Horus embedded in it. And what is the Eye of Horus? What's simply an occultic symbolic representation of Lucifer. You see, Jesus Christ is not the capstone according to the King James Bible. He's a cornerstone. And when Job 38 states, Or who laid the cornerstone thereof, when the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy? That is a prophecy of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, which has already taken place. Whereas the capstone that belongs on the Great Pyramid of Egypt has not yet been laid. Clarence Larkin's book is simply conditioning people for the new world order. It's not a book to teach any biblical doctrine. It's a book to condition people for the new world order. He says, listen, this is Clarence Larkin speaking, he says, they are not angels, angels have bodies. He says, these are disembodied spirits. Clarence Larkin is teaching that a demon is a disembodied spirit. He's saying it was somebody that was once alive, that is now in hell, that can come back up as a spirit and possess other people. I disagree with a couple of things on in his work, just as I do Scofield's work, both of them hold to a gap theory. Oh, there's a comma there. I'll bet you in between that comma, there was a judgment. There was a whole nother world that existed. And all those people that God destroyed before Adam, they're now in hell, and they come and go as they please because they're demons. This is what he taught. This is the doctrine of devils. The Bible says that you need that no man teach you, if you've got the Holy Ghost and the King James Bible and you're saved, you should be able to read and understand the Bible on your own. But yet today we're told we need Clarence Larkin and we need his books. If you use this man's drawings or Scofield's notes as a crutch for your learning and understanding of the Word of God, then you will begin to doubt the things of God. All dispensationalists just hail Clarence Larkin and his books as the best tool for Bible study. And here's what they literally believe. They believe you cannot understand the Word of God without Clarence Larkin. Well, that's already an attack on biblical teaching. If Satan can draw you away from the Word of God, he basically can render you useless. The only thing that makes us useful, aside from the fact that the Holy Spirit of God lives within us, is that we know the Bible. We know the Bible. We know how to use the Bible. We can rightly divide the Word of truth. But you know what? If you have someone telling you, hey, you can't understand the Word of God without Clarence Larkin's commentary, that's going to render you useless. Why? Because at that point you've placed his book over the authority of the book. And you know, John Nelson Darby is the man that created dispensationalism. He's the father of dispensationalism. Clarence Larkin basically packaged dispensationalism. He wrote the books that made it available for people to learn and understand. But it was really C.I. Schofield who distributed dispensationalism. And he did that through the Schofield Reference Bible. There's a third man who had a huge impact on dispensational theology. And his name is C.I. Schofield. If you have a Schofield Reference Bible, you need to know the author of that reference Bible. Because he's not the person who you think he is. He's not Dr. Schofield. He never was a doctor. He never was a doctor, all right? Never ever. He was born in 1843, died in 1921. This guy was a criminal and a deceiver. And he popularized the writings of John Nelson Darby with the publication of the Schofield Reference Bible. Nelson Darby is the man who created dispensationalism. And Larkin's basically packaged it in his books. But it was Schofield who distributed it. John Nelson Darby's crazy doctrines went nowhere. They stayed in Great Britain among the Plymouth Brethren all through the 1800s. And there were only pockets of people in the United States who even knew about it. That gave it any kind of respect. But then there is Cyrus Schofield. And Schofield became the propaganda meister for John Nelson Darby's doctrine. Basically what the Schofield Reference Bible is, it's a Bible, a King James Bible that has his notes added to the margins, where basically his notes act as a commentary on the Word of God. And in that commentary, he basically taught dispensational truth. This Bible was shipped around the world. Many of the contributors to the Schofield Reference Bible, which is what more than anything else, swept this movement across the United States. They financed the publication of a vast number of Schofield Bibles. And suddenly these things were being mailed out to churches all over America. It was given to Baptist young preachers in their seminaries and Bible colleges. And this is how dispensationalism was really distributed into the pulpits and into the hands of preachers all across the country. Yeah, conferences were really important. And the establishment of Bible colleges and Dallas Theological Seminary, that was all part of a concerted effort to spread this dispensational movement that was very successful for a time. And so these Bibles were getting distributed all over, you know, rural America, small town churches. Millions. Millions. All over. And the Bible salesman would get the Bibles for free. They began publishing and giving them away for free to Bible students in seminaries. And Moody Bible was a big one in Texas. And then they would sell them for whatever amount that they could get out of it. Well, how would they get them for free? The company that was publishing them obviously wanted to get their Bibles out there. Well, that was Oxford. That's right. So Oxford gave away the Bibles. Right. Now, this publication was originally supposed to be published using the revised version, the 1884 Catholic Bible. C.A. Schofield is actually a guy who's placed on a pedestal by the Anapana fundamental Baptist. In fact, if you go to the pulpits of America, you will find a Schofield reference Bible. Yet this is a guy who preferred to use the revised version over the King James for his references. And the only reason he used the King James 1611 is because of his popularity at the time. They said, no, no, no, let's let's use the authorized version. Let's use the King James version. So we'll have more widespread acceptance. If they'll accept it for which Bible version it is, then maybe they'll look at your footnotes and begin to trust it. So he basically said through the King James Bible under the bus and said, it's not a good one, but we're going to use it because it's the most popular. Really? So why are Baptist King James only promoting this heretic who was downplaying and hating on the King James Bible as being some man of God who can teach us good doctrine? They were infiltrating the American evangelical churches with Zionist propaganda. And slowly, all right, the Baptist bought into it. And most Baptists do not agree with all the footnotes of Schofield. Most Baptists will even say, I don't even, I don't think Schofield was saved cause he was wrong here or there. And it's like, well then why do you trust it? They trust his writings and his view on the rapture and dispensationalism as if he is an authority. Because you don't want the public to know the truth about Cyrus Schofield. But he was not a doctor of anything, a doctor of buffoonery, right? The Pentecostals bought into it, the Assemblies of God, the Church of God, just go down the list of Pentecostal and Baptist denominations that got suckered into this thing. Yeah, and people actually believe the notes are sacred as the texts that are there. I have a Schofield Bible and I just want to read Schofield's notes out of the bottom about Acts 15. He says, dispensationally, this is the most important passage in the New Testament. It gives the divine purpose for this age and for the beginning of the next. And again, this guy was a deceiver. He was a criminal and I don't use that phrase lightly. First, he embellished his Civil War record. When he was not yet 18, Cyrus gave his age as 21 and enlisted in the 7th Regiment of the Tennessee Infantry. He embellished it. He made up stuff. He made people believe he was a hero. He was a hero at Antietam. This ex-Confederate soldier solemnly swore that he had never borne arms against the United States. That was rank perjury. In 1873, he was arrested in prison for signing a false oath of office by lying. An article on December 14, 1873, in the Daily Times of Leavenworth suggested something was amiss in the DA's office. A case was pending against ex-Senator Pomeroy and there were hints that Pomeroy had paid Cyrus to keep the case from coming to trial. Listen to me, folks. Cyrus Schofield was forced to resign as U.S. District Attorney of Kansas under a cloud of scandal, including bribery. Yes, and land transfers and some very questionable practices. He embezzled money out of people. Though he was responsible for the support of a family of four, he disappeared for a period of three to five years. One acquaintance said Schofield had a bad reputation and just get out of town. He abandoned his wife and children. And then he wrote letters saying, I have an investment, I need $1,300. And he got his wife that he had abandoned to ask her mom for the $1,300. And he then sent them a forged document. Oh, here's the investment. He took the money and ran, abandoned his children. I mean, this guy's a wicked person. To do that to children? Later, a church issued Schofield a license to preach. And he ends up in Dallas, Texas and becomes the pastor of the first congregational church of Dallas. Now, he marries a woman from the church, but he doesn't tell the church that he abandoned his wife and children back in Kansas. About the time that Cyrus was licensed to preach or ordained to preach, Leontyne Schofield, this is his Catholic wife, by the way, had divorce papers drawn up. And filed on charges of abandonment. Right. All right. So this is the record of Cyrus Schofield. Well, here's what the Bible says about a man like that. It says, but if any provide not for his own, and especially for those of his own house, he has denied the faith and is worse than an infidel. The men of God that stand up to teach us theology and teach us the word of God, the Bible has given us qualifications for those men. You say, well, what's the problem with that? You know, he had a reference Bible. It's helped a lot of people. It's enlightened a lot of people in regards to dispensationalism. What's the problem with giving someone like him a license to preach? Well, here's the problem. In 1 Timothy chapter 3 and verse 1, the Bible says this, this is a true saying, if a man desire the office of a bishop, he desire the good work. A bishop then must be blameless. The husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behavior, given to hospitality, apt to teach. And the fact of the matter is, is that seeing Schofield violated most of those. Oh, you're just attacking his character. You know what? Character matters. And God put qualifications on pastors for a reason. If it didn't matter, then why did God put qualifications for the men of God that are supposed to be teaching us the word of God? Here's all I'm trying to explain to you. C.I. Schofield was not qualified to stand up and teach the word of God to anybody. Indeed, the shape of fundamentalism, which has claimed to be the orthodox Christianity, has been determined by the influence of a dubious character like Schofield. Why? Because he was not blameless. Why? Because he did not have a good rapport. Why? Because he didn't even provide for his own family. He was worse than an infidel. So what do we learn about the founders of dispensationalism? We learn that one is an infidel and the other one's worse than an infidel. We learn that one is an infidel and the other one can't even support his own family. This is the first time they've heard any of this. So they've got this new information. Where do they go from here? What do they do with this information? Well, if you've got a Schofield Bible, throw it in the trash. I was supposed to be came right now, I wonder how it'd go. Well, you've got five quarts of blood in you. Flesh and blood shall not inherit the kingdom of God. So what happens that Tim LaHaye couldn't find or Hal Lindsey couldn't find and none of them could find? You find where you go, all your clothes collapse there in that place you're sitting and that five quarts of blood just shops those clothes clear through with blood and five quarts here, five quarts there, five quarts here, five here, five here, five, ten, fifteen, twenty, twenty, five, thirty, thirty, five, forty, one hundred, two hundred, three hundred quarts of blood all over that beautiful carpet and all of them beautiful sheets just soaked in blood. When we're talking about the founders of dispensationalism and those who promoted it, one name I want to bring up is the name of Peter S. Ruckman. Peter Ruckman is kind of like the father of a lot of these Baptist churches when it comes to who they look back to. Peter Ruckman is really the man that brought dispensationalism into the independent fundamental Baptist movement. And he has birthed these bastards such as Gene Kim, such as Robert Breaker. These are the bastard children of Peter Ruckman. You know a lot of people think that Peter Ruckman is a great man of God. Well you know what, why is it that in 2018 everyone who is a fan of Peter Ruckman and loves Peter Ruckman isn't saved? What does that say about that man when all of his followers are a bunch of damnable heretics? They all look back to Ruckman and what he taught but he had a lot of weird views and the fact that he believed that people were saved differently in the Old Testament is enough to call him a heretic. Peter Ruckman and his Ruckmanites today are the ones who have brought this heresy in to the IFB movement. C.I. Schofield brought it into conservative fundamentalism back in the 1800s. That was not the independent fundamental Baptist movement. You fast forward many years later, you've got a lot of liberalism that causes a group of churches to take on the name of independent fundamental Baptists not connected to a denomination but we were zealous, soul winning, fundamentalist Christians. And Peter Ruckman was able to infiltrate the IFB movement. Peter Ruckman is very highly esteemed among Baptists probably more so because of his stance on the King James Bible. But Peter Ruckman also taught that the English King James Bible trumped the Greek New Testament. Let me just give you some of his weird beliefs. Number one, he did not believe abortion was murder. And so I don't teach that abortion is a murder like the brethren do and for that reason I'm considered a heretic to some of the brethren. So basically it could be nine months, you know, a nine month baby in the womb. But if they didn't take the first breath, then you can kill that baby. Number two, having a physical relationship with someone makes you married. He taught, you know, he taught that there's no difference between fornication and adultery. If you have a physical relationship with someone, you're married to them. And you say that's weird. Yeah, you know, when you've been married three times, you probably want to just try to like not make marriage that special. Number three, he believed that everyone becomes a 33 year old man in heaven. Ladies, I hope you're excited for that. Look at the Bible says in Acts chapter 20 verse 29, for I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves entering among you, not sparing the flock, also of your own selves shall men arise speaking perverse things to draw away disciples after them. Because here's the thing. This man was not a Baptist. He was not saved. He was not, you know, doesn't believe the things we believe, but he was able to come in and bring all of his false doctrine and false teaching. When you look to the preachers and the missionaries and the pastors, you look on their fruit. You say, which ones of God? What's the fruit? Check the fruit. The tree is known by his fruit. Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. You shall know them by their fruit. Here's the timeline of Peter Ruckman's life. 1921 Peter S. Ruckman was born November 19th in Wilmington, Delaware. 1944 married Janie Bess May in March and graduated from the University of Alabama. 1949 made a profession of faith on the 14th of March and enrolled in Bob Jones University in the fall. 1950 ordained into the ministry in a Southern Baptist church. 1954 began to teach that salvation was by works during the Great Tribulation. 1959 his first wife deserted him, according to his side of the story. 1962 his first wife divorced him. 1972 married Sherry Rubin, divorced wife of one of his former students at Pensacola Bible Institute and submitted resignation to Brent Baptist Church after a third of the congregation voted against him. 1988 his second wife divorced him. 1989 married for third time to Pamela Irene Huggins, a member of his church who was 27 years younger. Also guessed that the rapture would occur between the 14th of May and the 20th of June of 1989. So he's setting dates for the rapture. 2009 published the Ruckman Reference Bible. 2016 died April 21st. 2018 Ruckman's fifth child, Peter Ruckman Jr. allegedly killed his two sons before taking his own life in an apparent murder-suicide discovered on March 3rd. And again, you say, oh, that's just his personal life, his private life. Just remember, God gave us qualifications for a reason. This guy couldn't rule not only a wife, he couldn't rule three wives. You see, Peter Ruckman is praised as this great man of God who taught the multitudes and they praise Peter Ruckman as being some wonderful man. And what does the Bible say? He's like a minister of righteousness, but you know what his end is going to be? According to his works, according to the Bible. We're beginning by just talking about these founders of dispensationalism, you know, exposing the founders and examining the founders. And what we find is this, every single one of these men is not someone we should be listening to for theology, is not someone that we should be listening to, to understand the word of God. And they say, yeah, but you know, John Nelson Darby had his issues and C.I. Scofield had issues and, you know, Peter Ruckman, he had his failures and his issues. But, you know, at the end of the day, we can still learn from these men. At the end of the day, we can still glean wisdom from these teachers. Really? You know, do men gather grapes of thorns? Well, can you get figs of thistles? Can we glean wisdom and proper fruits from these corrupt trees? You cannot, according to them, understand doctrine. You can't understand the Bible. You can't understand basic salvation without having an understanding of dispensationalism. You know, they'll say, well, you know, I don't agree with C.I. Scofield and the fact that he believed and taught the Gap Theory. But you know what? I do believe in Zionism. I do believe that the Jews are God's chosen people. Who can bring a clean doctrine out of an unclean tree such as John Nelson Darby? Not one. Who can bring a clean doctrine out of an unclean resource such as C.I. Scofield and Peter Ruckman? Not one. Is it possible to extract good doctrine from a bad tree? Well, according to Matthew 7, it's impossible. Why? Because you can't get good fruit from a bad tree. And you know what? John Nelson Darby was a bad tree. We can't do it with Joseph Smith. We can't do it with Charles Taze Russell. We can't do it from Joel Osteen or from any other corrupt tree. So John Nelson Darby, C.I. Scofield, and Peter Ruckman are not the exception. You see, they're saved people. Baptists. Saved. They believe in, once saved, always saved. But they're being deceived by the dispensationalists. Because they've been ingrained to think and to believe the subject regarding the Jews. They've been ingrained to think and to believe this matter of the pre-tribulation rapture, this false fallacy of the church age, and the false teaching of the misconception of the times of the Gentiles, and all these teachings that have been ingrained in them, they think they're being disloyal to the Bible by not believing in those things. No, you're actually adhering to the Bible if you reject those things. Amen. We believe in a doctrine called dispensationalism. In other words, we believe in dividing verses to the right group of people and the right time period. Because if you don't divide the verses, then you're going to combine them all together and come up with a bunch of major wrong doctrine. You see, the most damnable heresy of dispensationalism is this teaching that people were saved differently throughout the Bible. That there are different Gospels. So there are several different Gospels in the Bible. There's at least five different Gospels in the Bible. So that's why it's so important to understand dispensationalism to see where are we in the Bible and which Gospel is to us. But the problem with that is, is that in the New Testament, in Acts chapter 10, verse 43, the Bible says that to him, speaking of Christ, give all the prophets witness that through his name, whosoever believeth in him shall receive remission of sins. That's talking about the prophets of the Old Testament, where the dispensationalists will say, well, they had a different Gospels by faith and by works. But the Bible tells us that their message was that whosoever believeth in him shall receive remission of sins. The Bible is very clear that that a man is not justified by the deeds of the law and that it's not by works of righteousness, which we have done, but according to his mercy, he saved us. And Romans chapter four flat out destroys this dispensational argument. So it says here that if Abraham were justified by works, he hath were of the glory, but not before God. For what sayeth the scripture? Abraham believed God and it was counted unto him for righteousness. Now to him that worketh is the reward, not reckoned of grace, but of debt. But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness. And then David, he was in the Old Testament. And David said that he spake of the blessings of the man under whom God imputed the righteousness without works. How in the world could we use David as an illustration of being saved without works if they were saved by works in the Old Testament? Can you explain that to me? And then Jesus, who brought in the New Testament, and he was coming at the tail end of the Old Testament, said that for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life. See how this dispensational salvation is the most foolish unbiblical garbage that just completely contradicts what we're reading in scripture. And they say ridiculous things like people are saved the same in the Old Testament as the New Testament, or people in the Old Testament are saved by looking forward to the cross, and people in the New Testament are saved by looking backwards to the cross. Just ridiculous things. And so from before the Old Testament, during the order of Melchizedek, it was by faith, not by works. During the Old Testament, David said it was by faith, not by works. And right even before the New Testament even started at the death of Christ, Jesus is saying it's faith, not by works. Specifically, Robert Breaker will say salvation was different in the Old Testament. In fact, with Adam and Eve, it was by works. Because they did not eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. But here's the problem with that. Before Adam and Eve ate of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, they weren't sinners. They were innocent, meaning they were not in need of salvation. It wasn't after the aid of the tree. The Bible says, So how can it be that they were saved by not eating of the tree when they didn't need salvation until after the aid of the tree? They weren't sinners until after the aid of the tree. And he said, see, the prophets had a different message. They didn't preach the death, burial, and resurrection. They didn't talk about Christ. They said they had to be saved by works. Well, let's see if that's true. Go to Acts chapter 26. Now what do they say? Look at verse 23. That Christ should suffer and that he should be the first that should rise from the dead and should show light unto the people, unto the Gentiles. That's the prophets. That's Moses in the Old Testament. So Moses was preaching that. The prophets were preaching that. John the Baptist preached that. And the Apostle Paul preached that. He says, I'm not saying anything different. You know what Robert Breaker says? No, these guys are liars. The prophets didn't talk about Jesus. They're liars. So if this is the same message that the prophets spoke and Moses spoke, why didn't he insert works as well? Because they say, no, it's by believing and by works as well. But what was the witness that through his name? Through his name? Well, they didn't know the name of Jesus. He was called the Lord. That works in conjunction with every other Gospel presentation that we see in the Bible. Nothing different. People back here weren't saved the same way that we are today. The only way that you can say they're all saved the same is they were all saved by God's grace. And I would agree with you. God has always had grace on people to save them. Noah, the Bible says, found grace in God's eyes. Over here, we're saved by grace through faith. But then we looked at a verse. The people that are under the law had to live in that law and do the works. So there were some works involved in the law. And old Noah, there were some works involved. Had Noah not built that boat, none of us would be here today. Well, we're not told to build a big boat. So do you see how God deals differently with different people in different time periods? Bunch of liars. Bunch of perverse liars. You know, why don't you really divide the word of truth? Why don't you go read Acts chapter 26? Why don't you read Acts chapter 10? Why don't you read the rest of the Bible? Why don't you compare scripture with scripture? You know why? Because you're a natural man. And the natural man received not the things of the Spirit of God. Neither can he know them for their spiritually discerned. But these stupid dispensations want to get up and say, see, there's different gospels. From which some, having swerved, have turned aside in the vain jangling, desiring to be teachers of the law, understanding neither what they say, nor where they affirm. That's exactly what these people are. And he specifically said this. I couldn't believe that he said this. Let's say the rapture takes place and I'm gone. And you're watching this video on YouTube or someplace. And you're just like, wow, the rapture happened. We were really in this time period. And there's a man over in the whole world that took over. And he says, now everyone's got to take this mark. And you weren't thinking. And you took a little RFID chip in your hand. And you think, well, what do I do? How can I? Because when Jesus comes, he's going to put me in hell because I took that mark. The Bible told me not to. Look what Jesus says in Matthew chapter five and verse 30. Matthew 5 30, he says, and if thy right hand offend thee, cut it off and cast it from thee. For it is probable for thee that one of thy members should perish and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell. I'll tell you what, if you're in the tribulation and you took that mark of the beast in your hand, you're going to have to cut that hand off. Well, if that's not a work, I don't know what is. It's best not to take the mark. But if you take it, chop it off. You say, well, what about those people that take the mark in their forehead? And I can't believe to say people will listen to this stupidity and not say, what in the world is this guy talking about? Hit the X button on the computer, turn them off, shoot them an email, say you're a heretic. And you know what? If I have to choose between my Lord and Savior being a false prophet or Sam Gipp being a false prophet, then you know what? Let Sam Gipp be accursed. Let Bill Grady be accursed. Let all these guys, Jean, Kim, Robert Bracker, let them die and go to hell. If they want to reject the gospel of Christ. It's been the same salvation all throughout history. It's always been about Christ. Now, a lot of people will foolishly disregard the Old Testament, not want to talk about the Old Testament. And they'll kind of have this dispensationalist attitude of, well, you know, that was written to them and that was written for them, you know, but we're in the New Testament, so this is written for us. But the Bible is telling us here in First Corinthians 10 that those things were actually written for us, even more so than they were written for them. And in fact, in Second Timothy, chapter three and verse 16, it says, All Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works. So according to the Bible, if I'm going to be perfect or complete, thoroughly furnished to all good works, I need all scripture. The Bible is written to us. The Bible is given to us, but not all the Bible is for us. All these things happen unto them for in samples, and they are written for our admonition upon whom the ends of the world are come. And what the Bible is teaching here in this scripture is that the things that happened in the Old Testament, those stories that he alluded to a little bit earlier in the chapter, were examples unto us. And the Bible says that they were written for our admonition upon whom the ends of the world are come. Does the Bible even use the word dispensation? Well, as a matter of fact, it does. Four times in the Bible do we find the term dispensation. By the way, it's only mentioned in the New Testament. So if there's seven dispensations, and most of them are before the dispensation of grace, okay, then why in the world wasn't it mentioned back then? Here's what you need to understand. Dispensationalists teach that every dispensation was a test that God gave to man. Mankind fails their dispensation, which is why they say that every dispensation ends with evil, it ends with judgment. And God basically has to start over and try again a different way. Dispensation number one, innocence. That's from the creation to the fall. Dispensation number two, conscience. That's from the fall to the flood. Dispensation number three, human government. That's from the flood to Abraham. Dispensation number four, promise. That's from Abraham to Moses. Dispensation number five, the law. That's from Moses to the cross. Dispensation number six, grace. That's from the cross to the rapture. Dispensation number seven, the kingdom. That's from the rapture through the millennia. You know, you have the dispensation of innocence and Adam and Eve's sin. You say, what is the Edenic dispensation? Everything was conditioned on, don't eat the tree. You have the dispensation of conscience and it ends with the flood. And you're going to do right. And men had to follow their conscience. And it was the time in which men lived before the law. And basically in the dispensation of conscience, people were supposed to just be led by their conscience. It's like the Jiminy Cricket dispensation, right? You're just supposed to be led by your conscience and do right, you know? But you know, what's interesting is that in that dispensation, we have the story of Cain and Abel. And with Cain and Abel, they both brought a sacrifice to God. Abel brings the lamb and the Cain brings up the fruit of the ground. You know, it's interesting because the Bible says that God did not accept one and he accepted the other one. But if it was a dispensation of conscience, why didn't God just go ahead and accept Cain's sacrifice? I mean, he was obviously bringing what he thought was the best thing. But that just goes to show you that it's never been follow your conscience. It's always been, you know, what God says and what his word tells us. So then he's like, well, what am I going to do this time? So now he's at this dispensation of human government. And look, if you've ever been to the DMV, you know, this dispensation is doomed. So when you get to the fifth dispensation and that's the dispensation of the law, they'll say that people were saved by keeping the law. And you know, the dispensation of the law goes from Moses to the cross of Christ. So when we get into the New Testament books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, most of those books are actually still according to them under the dispensation of the law. But of course, you know, the Jews really mess that one up. Because you know how that one ends? They accidentally crucify the Savior. So every time that God is giving us a test, we fail and we mess up. So then God has to basically bring judgment. And then he starts over with a new dispensation. And literally, this is what the dispensations believe. They believe that God takes the Jews because they crucified Christ, and he puts them on a timeout. God tells the Jews, go to your room, you know. And he basically just temporarily deals with the Gentiles because he's mad at the Jews for, you know, killing his son. God gets mad again. He's like, ah, man, you guys keep messing this up. But here's the problem with the church age. You and I, we're going to mess that one up too. And that one's going to end, you know, all messed up. It's going to be so bad. God's going to have to rapture us out of here, right? He's going to have to send down his tribulation, which they confuse with the wrath of God. But then at least when he gets us out of here, he can go back to his favorites, the Jews. But really the God of Dismissationalism is a failing God because he just doesn't know how to deal with man. So he tries one thing. When that doesn't work, he tries another thing. When that doesn't work, he tries another thing. Isaiah 46 10 says this, God declares the end from the beginning. And our God is not confused. He has a plan and he's been working his plan from the beginning. He doesn't have to start over and try a new thing. Look, our God was not surprised that Adam and Eve ate of the tree. Our God was not just taken aback when the Jews crucified Christ. Our God declared the end from the beginning, the Bible says. He had a plan. He had a process. He knew what was going to happen. He's not trying one thing and that didn't work. So then he tries another thing and that didn't work. No, you know what? Our God has had a plan from the beginning. Dispensationalism is the catalyst in which the Zionism stuff comes out. The pre-trib stuff comes out. Dispensationalism is like their key to somehow unlocking those doctrines. To say that the world is in a state of shock this morning would be to understate the situation. The event seems to have taken place at the same time all over the world just about 25 minutes ago. Jumbo jets plummet to earth as they no longer have a pilot at the control. Driverless buses and trains and subways and cars cause unimaginable disaster. Because when you look at 1 Corinthians chapter 15, it shows that the pre-tribulation rapture was never taught before. It was a mystery until the Apostle Paul. I've been studying the Bible for 50 years. I can't come up with a single verse anywhere in the Bible that teaches a pre-tribulation rapture. Can you help me with that? Will you tell me where the Bible teaches that? There's this argument by post-tribbers that the pre-trib rapture was never taught until Darby. Now this comes as a surprise and a disturbing shock to many who advocate this view. It's when they discover that no one in the history of the church had ever articulated in its full-orbed form until the middle of the 19th century. There's a man by the name of John Nelson Darby associated with the Plymouth Brethren movement who first defended and articulated this particular perspective. Here's the problem though. They might say, well, why wasn't this taught then for a long time? Well, here's the thing. This is very easy. And if you know your history about the Catholic Church, what happened? That's why it's called Dark Ages. The scriptures were locked up in monasteries. All they knew was Catholic doctrine. You see that? So look, you have to give them a break. If this goes on for centuries without studying the Bible, right doctrine would be lost during that time, see? You mean to tell me that the Lord Jesus Christ came down to this earth, lived a sinless life, died on the cross, was buried, established the local New Testament church. Men like Paul and Peter gave us the writings, the structure for this movement called the local New Testament church. But then we missed out on the key doctrine for 1800 years? They were so arrogant as to believe that they had knowledge that God didn't even give the apostles. You know, until John Nelson Darby came on the scene, no one could understand scripture, understand doctrine. Everybody had it all wrong until John Nelson Darby came. I mean, does that really make sense to anybody? But prior to 1830, no one knew about these doctrines. No one talked about the imminent return of Christ. No one talked about a pre-tribulation rapture. He believed that the Church of England had lost any notion of salvation by grace and that it had forsaken biblical ideas of what church should be. For Darby, it was time to start afresh with a new church and prepare Jesus' imminent second coming. They teach that the rapture happens before the tribulation. We believe that the rapture happens after the tribulation. You say, why do we believe that? Because that's what the Bible says. And so Schofield comes back with a contract to publish John Nelson Darby's Zionist notes. The Zionist Jews infiltrated the Christian church in the early 1900s through Cyrus Schofield. He was their little puppet. They introduced Zionist propaganda into the churches by publishing Darby's notes in a Bible. So they defiled the Holy Bible. They defiled it. So dispensationalists are distorting and they're perverting the immutability of God. They seek to change that which God has not changed. They also try to keep the same that which God has already changed. A prime example of that is this matter of the Jews. And this is the heresy of Zionism, the worship of the Jews. Who has more Nobel Prizes than anybody else? The Jews. Maybe that has something to do with why they're mad at the Jew. Maybe it's because they are smart. Alfred, what was his name? Einstein? We obviously understand according to the Bible that the Jews were God's chosen people in the Old Testament, but the Bible says that when Jesus Christ came, he came into his own and his own received and not. And the Bible tells us that the kingdom of God was taken from them and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof. He said, you've got the covenant. Now, he has never taken that covenant from Israel. Anybody that says he has, they better watch their self because they're lying. They might lose their everlasting life. They just may lose their salvation. You say you don't think they can lose their salvation. Well, maybe they can. Look at Hebrews chapter number 8 verse number 6. But now hath he obtained a more excellent ministry by how much also he is the mediator of a better covenant which was established upon better promises. For if that first covenant had been faultless, then should no place have been sought for the second. It says in verse number 8, for finding fault with them, he saith, behold, the days come, saith the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah, not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day when I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt, because they continue not in my covenant. And I regarded them not, saith the Lord. So according to the Bible in the New Testament, God does not regard the Jews. God does not regard the physical nation of Israel as being his people, because here's what they teach. They'll say, Oh, no, no. The promise was made to Abraham and his seed. So see, it's all the descendants of Abraham. That land belongs to all the descendants, all the physical descendants of Abraham. God said through your seed forever, that land over there in Palestine will be yours. You know, the Jews weren't in that land for several thousand years, and in 1948, they got their land back. Say, Oh, we got to give the land back to the Jews. You know what? No, we will give the land back to the Lord Jesus Christ. It's called the millennial reign. When we preach against the Jews, please understand this. You know, here's what we believe about the Jews. We believe that they're people like anybody else. And Judaism is a false religion like any other false religion. Say, Oh, do you guys hate the Jews? No, you know what? The Jews need to get saved. The Jews need to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ like anyone else, but they don't get a free pass because they were born Jewish. They don't get the free pass. We're like, Oh, well, you know, God hates the Muslim. God hates the Hindu, but the Jew, I mean, the Jews. No, you know what? The Jew is a heathen unbeliever like everyone else. You say, Who are the, we're supposed to bless the Jews, and we're supposed to bless Abraham's seed, and we're supposed to protect Abraham's seed, and we're supposed to bless them that we might be blessed. But then bless me. So pray for the Jews. Pray for Israel. Bless Abraham's seed. If you want to bless Abraham's seed, bless me. You say, I thought the whole Bible was about the Jews. No, here's what you need to understand. The whole Bible is about Jesus Christ. But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you. That's the Holy Spirit. And ye need not that any man teach you, but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him. Say, Pastor Jimenez, you know, you've gone through all this disposational stuff, and you've taught us about it. What do you want us to take away from these teachings? Here's what I want you to take away from it. That ye need not that any man teach you. We need to reject dispensation. We need to make sure that we go back to the Word of God. We need to make sure that we're a people that is emphasizing the Bible and only the Bible. You know, we need a generation to rise up to say, I reject all commentaries. I reject Clarence Larkin. I reject Peter Ruckman. And I'm just going to go to the Bible. You say, if I don't read C.I. Schofield's notes, if I don't read Clarence Larkin's books, if I don't have these men teach me about dispensational theology, I won't understand scripture. That's not true. I can have confidence that the Holy Spirit resides within me, and he can lead me into all truths. He can teach me all things whatsoever I need to learn. I can have confidence that this commentator can comment on these 66 different books. The Holy Spirit is sufficient to teach me these biblical truths. I don't need dispensationalism. In fact, if you have them teach you, you'll be confused and go into heresy because, you know, all they're dispensing is heresy. You say, can I understand the Bible all on my own? Yes, you can. If you're saved, the Holy Spirit will guide you. The Holy Spirit will teach you. You need not that any man teach you, but the same anointing teacheth you of all things. We need a revival in this country of Christians who are going back simply to the word of God. What are we saying when we go back to the word of God? We're having confidence that the Holy Spirit who resides within us can teach us. And that's all you need. So don't fall into this trap where people want to act like they're smarter than you and act like they've got all this insight. They got all these doctrines and you need them. You need that no man. You need no man. All you need is Lord Jesus Christ. All you need is the Holy Spirit. All you need is the King James Bible and you can understand the word of God on your own. The Bible says in 1 Corinthians chapter 2 and verse number 9, But as it is written, eye hath not seen nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him. You know the Bible tells us that there's a lot of saved people out there who their eyes aren't seeing, their ears they're not hearing. The word of God is not entering into their hearts. They don't see what God has prepared for them that love Him. But look what it goes on to say, But God hath revealed them unto us by His Spirit. For the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God. You see we need a revival again of going back to the book. No longer going to Clarence Larkin and his charts. Now going to Peter Ruckman and John Nelson Darby, C.I. Schofield's reference Bible. Now we need to go back to the actual word of God, the King James Bible and understand that the Holy Spirit can teach us all things. He can lead us into all truths. And ask Him, Lord, open down mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of Thy law. We need to go back to studying to show ourselves approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. You know, Robert Baker looked like a chipmunk. It's funny how these dispensationalists always look like something that they're not supposed to be. You know, like you have Slooter who looks like a dyke. Sam Gibb reminds me of a dried up prune. You know, he really does look like that character from Lord of the Rings, doesn't he? Was it shmi? Now I'm going to give you the most important message right now that God wants you to get from the word of God, and that's how to be saved. And God wants all nations to know this message. Number one thing I want you to know is that you're a sinner. We're all sinners. The Bible says for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. There's no one in here who's never sinned before. Every single person in here has sinned, whether that's disobeying your parents, lying, stealing, disobeying your teacher, you know, whatever the sin. Come on in. Come on in. Don't worry about it. We've all sinned today. And because of our sins, there is a punishment that we all deserve. The Bible says the wages of sin is death. But after we die physically, that's not the end. The Bible talks about a second death. The Bible says in death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire. Now what do we normally call that lake of fire? Hell, right? And the Bible says that the wages of sin is death. And the Bible says all liars shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone, which is the second death. Now I don't know about you, but I know I've lied before. Who would admit that they've lied before? Put up your head if you've lied before. Yeah, we've all lied before. And the thing is, because we've lied, the Bible says all liars shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone, which is the second death. So we all deserve to go to hell. I deserve to go to hell. You deserve to go to hell because we've all sinned and we've done worse things than lying. But God loves us anyway. Even though we're sinners, God loves us anyway. And the Bible says, but God commendeth his love toward us in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Jesus Christ died for us. Now Jesus was God in the form of a human being. God came to this earth and became man. He became flesh. He lived a perfect life that none of us could live. He was tempted in all points like as we are, yet without sin. And Jesus Christ performed a lot of miracles and he preached the word of God and his preaching made a lot of people mad. They got offended. So he ended up getting arrested. They ended up beating him, spitting on him, and eventually nailing him to the cross. Well, when Jesus was nailed to the cross, the Bible says he himself bear our sins in his own body on the tree. That means every sin that I've ever done and every sin that you've ever done, it was as if Jesus had done it. He was being punished for our sins. Then when he died on the cross, they took his body down from the cross and they buried it in a tomb. But his soul went down to hell for three days and three nights. Three days later, what happened? He resurrected. He rose again from the dead. Now, Jesus died for everybody in the whole world, but is everybody in the whole world going to go to heaven? No, because there's one thing that we must do to be saved. The Bible asked the question one time, what must I do to be saved? And they said, believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved in thy house. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. He did not say that you have to join my church to get saved. He did not say that you have to join your church to get saved. He didn't say to join any church to get saved. Going to church is a great place to learn the Bible, but the one thing we must, if it's in English, right? But the one place that we must, the one thing that we must do to be saved, according to the Bible, is believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. The Bible says that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life. That's the most famous verse in the Bible, right? John 3 16. And not only that, but the Bible says, for by grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God, not of works lest any man should boast. So we're not saved by our works or by our deeds. The Bible says we're saved by faith or believing in Jesus, and the Bible says it's the gift of God. Okay, so let's say I were going to give you a gift today. Who wants to be my volunteer? Put up your hand. All right, right here in the front, or are you just scratching your head? All right, what's your name? What is it? Danae? All right, so let's say I'm going to give you a gift, Danae, and I want to give you this Bible as a gift, but you just have to give me $1,000. Is that a gift? Okay, what if I said, hey, Danae, I'm going to give you this gift. It's totally free, but you have to wash my car. Is that a gift? No. What if I said, okay, Danae, I'm going to give you this gift. You just, all you have to do, you just have to be my servant for the rest of your life. So anytime I tell you to do something, you just have to do them. Is that a gift? No. Okay, what if I gave it to you and I said, okay, it's totally free. It's a gift. Well, you already got your money out and ready, huh? But let's say I gave you this gift totally for free, right? And then I came back two weeks later and I said, hey, Danae, I need that back. Is that a gift? No. So there's two things about a gift. Is that a gift is free and once you receive it, it's yours forever. You get to keep it, right? Because if I come back and take it from you a week or two later, that's not a gift. A gift belongs to you. You get to keep that gift, right? So the Bible says the gift of God is eternal life. So who pays for a gift, the giver or the receiver? The giver pays for it, right? So if I'm giving her this Bible, I pay for the Bible, I give it to her for free. If she had to pay for it, it's not a gift, okay? So God's giving us the gift of eternal life. So who pays for our salvation? Who pays for eternal life, us or him? Who paid for it? I can't hear you. Him, yeah, exactly. So how did he pay for it? By dying on the cross, by being buried, by rising again from the dead, right? He paid for it with his blood. He paid with his death, burial and resurrection. How much do we have to pay? Nothing. Do we have to work for it? No. Do we have to serve him our whole lives to get it? No, because that wouldn't be a free gift. The Bible says it's a free gift. All we have to do is just believe in Christ and we'll be saved. If I said to you, hey, I'm going to give you this Bible as a gift. All you have to do is just believe me. And then she takes it and she gets to keep it for the rest of her life. That's a real gift. That's a true gift, right? Now, if I were to make a promise to her and I said, I promise you I'm giving you this forever, and then later I came and took it back for any reason, what would that make me? A liar, right? Well, the Bible says in hope of eternal life, which God that cannot lie promised before the world began. The Bible says God cannot lie and that God promised us eternal life. Is he going to break that promise? Can God break that promise? No way. So once God gives you eternal life, he'll never take it away. He'll never break that promise. Now, let's say after you believe on Jesus and you're saved, let's say after that you go out and do something bad. Let's just get crazy. Let's just use a crazy example and just say you actually kill someone. Is he going to come and take it away from you? Oh, well, that's it. I mean, I'm taking that back. No. Now, if you do that, you're going to get punished. Obviously, God doesn't want us killing or stealing or lying or anything adultery. So if we commit sins, he's going to punish us on this earth for those sins. So if I go out and kill someone, I'm going to prison. I might even get executed, right? But here's the thing. Once you're saved, he'll never take away your salvation, though. You'll still go to heaven if you believed on Christ, but he'll punish you on this earth. You'll get your punishment here. Whereas a person who does not believe on Jesus Christ is not going. You've got to believe in Jesus. That's the way to get there. So the Bible is real clear that there's only one way to heaven. The Bible says Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth and the life. No man cometh unto the Father but by me. So no matter what nationality we are, no matter what language we are, no man cometh unto the Father but by Jesus Christ. The only way to be saved is through believing in Jesus Christ. Now, a lot of people think that they're going to go to heaven because they're good. Oh, I live a pretty good life. Wrong. Wrong. Because you know what? The Bible says believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shall be saved. It didn't say live a good life and you'll be saved. Some people say, hey, if you stop sinning, you'll be saved. Wrong. Because you know what? None of us is ever going to fully stop sinning. Who here thinks that anybody on this earth has stopped sinning? They never sin again. No. Because we're all human, right? The way to be saved is just by believing in Jesus. It's by faith. And once we're saved, there's nothing we could ever do to lose our salvation. We can screw up our life on this earth but we can never screw that up. Now, does everybody understand what I'm saying this morning about how to be saved? Is there anybody who has a question about it? Does everybody understand? Okay. Well, listen. Who believes what I said? Who believes that Jesus died for all your sins? Who believes that? And you believe that Jesus rose again from the dead and that Jesus will save anybody who believes on him. Who believes that? All right, great. Let's bow our heads and pray. And I just want to help you tell God that that's what you believe right now. So you can know for sure you're going to heaven, all right? Let's bow our heads and pray. You just repeat this after me. Dear Jesus, I know I'm a sinner. I know I deserve hell. But I believe that you died on the cross and rose again. Please save me right now and give me the gift of eternal life. I'm only trusting you, Jesus. Amen. Now, who prayed that prayer and you meant that just now? And you believe that just now? All right, great. Now listen, if you prayed that prayer and you meant that, because obviously I can't see your heart, but if you meant that, which I believe that you did, I believe you're sincere, then the Bible says when you go to heaven, when you die, you're going to go to heaven. Isn't that great news? That's good news, right? So you already know the last chapter of your life. You know that in the end, you're going to go to heaven because you believe in Jesus, not because you're a good person, because you're not. It's because you believe in Jesus Christ, right? It's because you have faith in the Lord. And you're going to heaven no matter what. That's great. Now, it's up to you to decide how you're going to fill in in between, how you're going to live your life in between. You can follow the word of God and be blessed, or you can disobey the Lord. He's going to punish you on this earth. But thank God you'll still get into heaven. You'll still be saved because whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life. Thank you so much for listening and being so attentive. And I appreciate the chance to preach the word of God to you. And we're going to be giving you some DVDs to watch later on so that you can learn a lot more about the word of God and so forth. So thank you again.