(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Everybody past Steven Anderson here from faith forward Baptist Church in Tempe, Arizona with another Trinity moment proving that the Trinity is biblical And that oneness is a lie Genesis chapter 11 today beginning verse number 5 the Bible reads and the Lord came down to see the city and the tower which the Children of men build it and the Lord said behold the people is one and they have all one language and this they begin to Do and now nothing will be restrained from them Which they have imagined to do go to let us go down and they are confound their language That they may not understand one another's speech so this is yet another example from the book of Genesis where right away God is giving us hints here of His plurality because it said in Genesis chapter 1 That God said let us make man in our image after our likeness But then in the next verse he uses singular so God created man in his own image so God is Three that are one right father son and Holy Ghost that are one now the people in the Old Testament did not understand this as Clearly as we do because we have the New Testament laying this doctrine out very clearly on page after page But once you know about it from the New Testament, it's everywhere in the Old Testament You'll see lots of examples of this, you know Genesis chapter 1 We looked at in another video Genesis chapter 3 and then here again in Genesis 11 He uses the exact same language. Let us go down and confound the languages and when you compare it with Genesis 1 and 3 It's pretty obvious that that is God Speaking with himself in the sense that it's the Father speaking to the Son and the Holy Ghost. It's it's a dialogue Within the Trinity right there. Okay, and even other examples exist in Genesis where you know We have the Lord Raining fire and brimstone from the Lord, you know the Lord from the Lord. How does that make it? Well, it makes sense because the Father is the Lord and Jesus is also the Lord and the Holy Ghost is also the Lord So even in the book of Genesis Once you have the lens of the New Testament, you can clearly see that the Trinity is there