(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Hey everybody, Pastor Steven Anderson here from Faithful Word Baptist Church in Tempe, Arizona with another trinity moment proving that Oneness Pentecostalism is a lie and that the trinity is the truth. I'm going to read for you from Revelation chapter 3 verse 21 the Bible reads To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne Even as I also overcame and am set down with my father In his throne now We had some of these modalist heretics in our church And we threw them out because we throw out heretics Obviously, it's okay for people to disagree on Bible doctrines, but when they're teaching damnable heresy Something that is as essential as who God is who Christ is the teaching of the trinity We believe that that is grounds for throwing someone out of the church. There's no question about that Well, these heretics that we threw out of our church with their particular brand of Oneness Pentecostalism Or modalism or whatever you want to call it. They made a big deal As they tried to secretly indoctrinate people in our church with this heresy. They made a big deal About there only being one throne they kept saying, you know, you you look in the Bible you look in Daniel You look in Revelation. There's only one throne up there. There's only one and they were trying to just Drill this into people to try to get them to somehow believe That when they get to heaven the son is not going to be seated at the right hand of the father As the Bible clearly says that the son is seated at the right hand of the father They're trying to convince them. No, no, it's just one throne man. There's just one throne Well, here's the thing even if there were only one throne the Bible clearly says here Tim that overcometh Why grant to sit with me in my throne? Even as I also overcame and am set down with my father in his throne So even if there is only one throne, it's a two-seater because it specifically says here that Christ is set down With his father in his throne. So this whole argument of there's only one throne. There's only one throne It really just means nothing. It's a meaningless argument It's stupid because it clearly says here that Jesus is sitting with the father in his throne He's at the right hand of the father clearly in that throne There's room for two so their whole one throne argument goes out the window now I want to go a little deeper into this verse though The Bible says Tim that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne? Now that is future tense, right because he's saying in the future. I will grant To sit with me in my throne Tim that overcometh will I grant future tense to sit with me in my throne? Even as I also overcame past tense and am Present tense set down with my father in his throne. So according to this verse Jesus is presently Seated with the father in his throne that makes perfect sense, right because he's seated at the right hand of the father in so many scriptures So right now present tense he's seated With his father in his throne, but in the future Christ will have his own throne on this earth Jesus Christ is going to rule and reign on this earth in the millennium and he will be seated upon the throne of his father David Now up in heaven god the father is seated on his throne and Jesus Christ has been granted to sit With him in his throne seated at his right hand well in the millennium Those who overcome will be granted to sit with Christ in his throne Okay in the future when Christ has his throne there will be also room for someone to sit with him Okay, even as Christ is seated at the right hand of the father, you know There will be people that will be allowed to be seated with Christ on his throne at his right hand at his left hand What have you? But anyway, this is a very Weak argument for oneness this one throne business and revelation 321 frankly just puts it to bed