(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Everybody past Steven Anderson here from faithful word Baptist Church in Tempe, Arizona with another Trinity moment proving that the Trinity is biblical and That this oneness or modalist heresy is a lie first Corinthians chapter 11 verse 3 is a great verse proving that there is a chain of command between The Father and the Son so the Bible says in verse 3 But I would have you know that the head of every man is Christ and the head of the woman is the man And the head of Christ is God now This is obviously referring to authority when it says the head of the woman is the man It's teaching that the man is over his wife in authority when it says that Christ is the head of every man It's saying that Christ is our authority when it says that he's our head so when it says that the head of Christ is God That's referring to the fact that Jesus Christ is Under the father's authority and we see this all throughout the four Gospels where Jesus talks about Not doing his own will but the will of him that sent him and he says I do always those things which please him He said I kept the father's commandment and he talked about obeying the father So when we see this scripture here in first Corinthians 11, what makes it interesting is that this is after that This is after Jesus has already died and been buried and risen again and ascended up to heaven to sit at the right hand of the Father and Notice Paul doesn't say that the head of Christ was God The Bible says the head of Christ is God and that's why even in the end times even after the millennium Into the eternal state we see Jesus Christ delivering up the kingdom to the Father just a few chapters later in first Corinthians 15 now if they are the same person as oneness teaches that would be nonsensical to say that You know The the the son is submitting to the father and that the head of Christ is God that wouldn't make any sense according to this oneness doctrine in fact if you talk to these oneness here takes these Bapticostals who are getting away from the Trinity and embracing this oneness Pentecostal view They'll deny outright that there's a chain of command You know the heretics that we threw out of our church here at Faith Forward Baptist Church who were spreading this garbage They flat-out deny that there's a chain of command between the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost I mean, that's one of the things that they said repeatedly is that they don't believe in that chain of command Well, the Bible makes it crystal clear that there's a chain of command the head of Christ is God, you know And all throughout the Gospels we you know, we don't have time to go to all those verses So there is a chain of command and when the Trinity teaching states that The Father Son and Holy Ghost are co-equal and co-eternal That's not denying a chain of command. Okay, because yeah, they're co-equal in the sense that they're equally God Jesus is just as much God as God the Father is God, you know He's not some inferior being or created being or a lesser Member not at all and the Holy Ghost is not inferior or lesser Okay The three of them are equally God as I mentioned in a previous video in Christ dwells with all the fullness of the Godhead which actually means God hood all the fullness of the Godhead bodily So he's fully God But there is a chain of command and how they operate Okay, and how they operate the the Father is at the top of that chain of command and then the Son and then the Holy Ghost and first Corinthians 11-3 is just another verse that makes that crystal clear and demolishes this oneness doctrine