(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Hi, this is Pastor Roger Jimenez from Verity Baptist Church in Sacramento, California. Today I'm making a video to answer the question, what age are people in heaven? I recently made a video in which I answered the question, do babies go to heaven when they die? And somebody asked an interesting question in the notes section of that video and they asked, what age are people when they die? And of course, when a baby dies, do they get to heaven and are they in the state of a baby? Or when an elderly person dies, do they get to heaven and they are in the state in which they died as an elderly person? I thought that was an interesting question to kind of talk about and make a video about. And I want to start off by saying that, you know, the Bible doesn't actually tell us the answer to this question. In Deuteronomy 29 and verse 29, the Bible says this, the secret things belong unto the Lord our God, but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law. There are some things that are secret things that we're not going to have the answer for, but because of the fact that as believers, we are looking to that blessed hope, I think we like to think about heaven and we like to dream about heaven. I thought that this would be a fun video to make, not to be dogmatic, but just to give my opinion about the age of people in heaven. Let me also say this, that I think the more accurate question would be, what age do people appear in heaven? Because we know that we're going to be with God for all of eternity and age will be irrelevant. What we're wondering about is how are people going to look when they get to heaven? And my personal opinion, and I want to be clear that this is just my opinion, is that when we get to heaven, we're going to look like an adult. And if I had to take a specific guess, I would say we will look the way we look in our early thirties. The reason for that is because of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Bible tells us in Luke chapter three and verse 23, when Jesus began his ministry, it says, and Jesus himself began to be about 30 years of age. And of course we know that a few years later, Jesus ascended up to heaven in his body as someone in their early thirties. So because of that reason, I personally believe that when we get to heaven, no matter what age you were when you died, whether you were a baby or whether you were an elderly person, that when you get there, you're probably going to look like someone in their early thirties. Just some other thoughts that kind of go with that is Adam and Eve. When God created Adam and Eve, we're not told what age they looked, but they do seem to be in an adult state. Of course, God married them and he told them to be fruitful and multiply. So they seem to be in adult bodies. If I had to take a guess, I would say that Adam probably appeared to be a 30 year old man because of the fact that Jesus is actually referred to as the last Adam in first Corinthians 1545. Now, if you would have talked to Adam the day after his creation, he would have been one day old, but he would have appeared, in my opinion, as a grown man, someone who's 30 years old. Something else to think about in regards to that is the fact that Elijah and Enoch, these were both men that were caught up to heaven that did not see death. And this happened to them when they were in an adult state. So because of that reason, I think that we're probably going to get to heaven and look like a grown up, look like the 30 year old version of you. And of course, I'm not dogmatic about that. I don't think the Bible really tells us the answer to that question, but those are just my thoughts. And I think, like I said, this is kind of a fun subject. So if you've got some insight, maybe some verses I'm not thinking about that either agree with my thoughts on it, or even disagree with my thoughts on it, I'd love to see your thoughts in the comments section below. And if you like these videos, please make sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel and share these videos with people, let them know about them. And of course, if you have an idea for a question that we could answer in one of these videos, maybe something going on in current events or a Bible question that we could answer for you, we'd love to see you leave that in the comments section below. I hope that was helpful. Thanks for watching.