(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Hello, Pastor Steven Anderson here with Faithful Word Baptist Church in Phoenix, Arizona to tell you about an exciting new film that's coming out on December 21 of this year, 2012. It's called After the Tribulation. And this is a documentary that just destroys the myth of the pre-tribulation rapture. I mean, it just proves up one side and down the other that the rapture is definitely going to happen after the tribulation. It's going to be an awesome film. It's being produced by the makers of What in the World Are They Spraying? and The Great Culling Our Water, which The Great Culling just came out this week. I just got a DVD in the mail because I pre-ordered it. And I've watched it a few times, and it is an excellent film. And so I'd highly recommend it. It exposes the deception behind the water fluoridation and the poisons that are being put in our tap water. And so I'd highly recommend you to watch that film, The Great Culling. But two months from now after the tribulation comes out, 60 days from now, and for the next 60 days, I'm going to put out a series of short little videos that I'm going to call post-trib moments. There's going to be post-trib moment number one, post-trib moment number two, number three, number four, et cetera, all the way up to 60. And in these 60 short little videos, I'm going to either teach the post-tribulation rapture from scripture, just in one short scripture per day, or I'm going to use scripture and use biblical truth to demolish some aspect of the pre-tribulation rapture doctrine. And so I hope you'll watch these videos, especially if you believe in the pre-tribulation rapture. I encourage you to watch a couple of these videos, and really watch all 60 of them. And I'd be shocked if you can watch all 60 of these videos and still believe in the pre-tribulation rapture. It'll shock me. The only way I could explain it is that maybe you're just not being honest with yourself if you watch all 60 of them and you still believe in it. So please tune into these videos. They're just going to be a couple of minutes each, very short. And each one's going to be packed with a biblical truth. And I believe that any one of these 60 videos is really enough to demolish the pre-tribulation rapture. And so December 21, 2012, forget the stupid Mayan calendar, the big event that's happening on that day is the release of this film.