(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Hey, this is pastor Logan Robertson from pillar Baptist Church in Ipswich, Australia I'm just bringing you Mormon moment number five and this one is talking about money. Now. I know a lot of people They don't like to talk about money But it's in the Bible and the Bible actually teaches tithing and that we need to type to the church I'll read you a verse from Malachi chapter 3 and verse number 10. It says bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse that there may be meat in mine house and Prove me now herewith sayeth the Lord of hosts if I will not Open you the windows of heaven and pour out a blessing That there shall not be room enough to receive it. So it says to bring all the tithes Notice that the tithes into the storehouse now I believe in tithe and I believe that we should tithe 10% of our income to the local church that you attend and Obviously the church needs money to you know, do all sorts of things and do the work of the Lord pay them rent pay the pastor The tithe is needed and God is asking you. Hey, you need a 10% of your wage You need to give that unto the church to bring it into the storehouse and then he says he's going to give you a blessing For that now I'll read you from the Book of Mormon is from the Doctrine and Covenants It says this in chapter 42 verse 55 and if thou obtainest more Than that which would be for thy support thou shalt give it into my storehouse That all things may be done according to that which I have said So the Book of Mormon says that you anything over If you earn anything over than that which will support you that you're meant to give all of that to the church the Bible says 10% and Then it's the Book of Mormon says anything over Than that which will support you and your family. You need to give to church So really that's pretty crazy because the Bible says you're gonna get a blessing from giving your tithe So then all that blessing then you give that to the church as well That's not what the Bible teaches the Bible teaches that it's okay to have more money than that is to support you I mean you can never save for a house according to the Book of Mormon You could never save for a new car You can never save for anything because you have to give all of that to their church Which is you know, that that's that's wrong. There's been greedy That's you know stealing off off people and that's what the the Mormons do have a nice day