(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Hi and welcome to number three of the Mormon Moment. Today we're gonna have a look at why Joseph Smith was a liar once again and how the Book of Mormon actually contradicts the Bible. It says this in the Doctrine and Covenants chapter 42 and verse 18, and now behold I speak unto the church thou shall not kill and he that kills shall not have forgiveness in this world nor in the world to come. So Joseph Smith says that you're not forgiven in this life nor in the life to come if you kill someone, you murder someone. The funny thing is that means that Moses that wrote thou shalt not murder he's not going to go into heaven. He didn't have forgiveness in this life nor the life to come because guess what he murdered someone. Remember he murdered that Egyptian. Remember King David how he committed adultery on Bathsheba and then killed Uriah her husband. So King David's not in heaven ever according to Joseph Smith and we'll remember what Jesus said that there's only one unforgivable sin and that's the blaspheming of the Holy Ghost. He said there's no forgiveness in this life nor the life to come if you blaspheme the Holy Ghost. Joseph Smith says if you kill someone you don't have forgiveness in this life nor the life to come. So that rules out a lot of people for salvation but the Bible says it doesn't matter if you've committed murder or if you're just a liar it doesn't matter you can receive forgiveness by Jesus Christ because he died for all of our sins. He died for the past the present and the future sins whether the small sins or big sins he paid for all of them and we just have to simply trust Jesus that he did that for us to receive eternal life. But have a nice day and remember to watch the next one.