(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Hello, this is Pastor Steven Anderson from Faithful Word Baptist Church in Tempe, Arizona. Today I want to talk about John, chapter 5, verses 46 and 47. The Bible reads, For had ye believed Moses, ye would have believed me, for he wrote of me. But if ye believe not his writings, how shall ye believe my words? Let me say that first part again. Had ye believed Moses, ye would have believed me. So the Bible is really clear here that if the Jews do not believe in Jesus Christ, they also do not believe in Moses. Because Jesus said, if you would have believed in Moses, you would have believed in me. Why is this important? Because today Christians have this idea that the Jews believe the Old Testament. And I've heard it so many times where they say, oh, well, the Jews, they believe in the Old Testament, but they don't believe the New Testament. The Bible is clear that they don't even believe the Old Testament. They don't even believe Moses. They don't even believe the Torah, the first five books that they exalt with their lips. But their heart is far from God because they do not believe Moses because they don't believe in Jesus Christ. Now, I've talked to several Jewish rabbis. I talked to an Orthodox Jewish rabbi in the last few weeks. I talked to a Reform Jewish rabbi, which, you know, those are pretty much the two ends of the spectrum. The Orthodox Jewish rabbi said he's fine with evolution, he believes in it. The Reform Jewish rabbi said he believes in the Big Bang, evolution. So they don't even believe Genesis chapter 1, which says that everything brings forth after its own kind. A lot of people think that, you know, well, we lose the Jews at Matthew 1. No, we lose the Jews at Genesis 1. They don't even believe the first chapter of the Torah. How can you expect them to believe the rest of the Torah? I sat down with this Reformed Jew, he was a rabbi, and I said, you know, he didn't believe in the story of the Tower of Babel, he didn't believe that the Noahic flood really happened, he said it was all figurative, he didn't believe in Adam and Eve. And if you look at the Jews' practice today, they don't do the animal sacrifices, which is a huge part of the Torah. They don't believe Moses. Why does it surprise you that they don't do the animal sacrifices? Why does it surprise you that they don't believe in these stories about the creation and the flood and the Tower of Babel? Jesus already told us that if they would have believed Moses, they would have believed him. So they don't believe these writings, and they don't believe Jesus' words. You