(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) video I'm filming on my phone because of the fact that for some reason my Computer camera is not working. So hopefully this is good quality. It seems like it will be fine Make sure Things working real quick Okay Sounds like this. All right So today I want to talk about another subject that is wrong in Calvinism or that Calvinists will will teach that is Completely just against what the Bible clearly teaches and that is that they say that having faith is a work So they'll lump those two things into the same category Now the Bible tells us very clearly that faith is a condition for which we are saved You know It talks about in Romans chapter 5 verse 2 that it is through faith that we have access into grace The Bible says for by grace who you save through faith The Bible says believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved the Bible says with your heart you believe unto righteousness And with the mouth confession is made unto salvation in Romans chapter 10 so it's not that we know what the Calvinists teach that basically that God regenerates you in and because he already picks you to be One of his children he forces you to be regenerated then that basically makes you want to believe and so they believe that that's just an evidence of salvation they believe that Regeneration precedes faith but the Bible teaches that salvation and regeneration and having eternal life and all these things are Something that takes place after you believe in Jesus and it's your own personal choice to believe in Jesus as your Savior But they have this false doctrine world that they will try to say that faith is a work now right off the bat anybody here Who is familiar with Ephesians chapter 2 verses 8 to 9 knows that that's ridiculous Because the Bible says for by grace of you saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of God Not of work, so I said he managed to boast As the Bible very clearly tells us that salvation. Yes, it is by faith and it says it's not of works so faith cannot be at work because the Bible says salvation is by faith or By grace through faith and it says it's not by works Okay Now they'll try to use John chapter 6 is their only proof text and this is the only place that they can twist To try to teach this but let's read the context because they'll just quote one of the verses In this little passage to try to teach this doctrine Well where they will say that faith is a work and they'll try to lump that in the same category But let's read the whole passage here to see what it's really saying John chapter 6. I'm going to start at verse 27 It says labor not for the meat which perisheth But for that meat which endureth unto everlasting life Which the Son of Man shall give unto you for him hath God the Father sealed Then said they unto him what shall we do that? We might work the works of God Jesus answered and said unto them. This is the work of God that you believe on him whom he hath sent So Jesus's response to the question What may we do that we may work the works of God is to believe on him whom he hath sent So they'll say well see Jesus said that the work of God is to believe on him who said that means faith is a work But what they're missing is that that is in response to what they were asking because they were asking about Works of God. Okay. They said what should we do to work the works of God? These people weren't saved and as the Bible talks about in Hebrews chapter 6 the Bible talks about how the works that unsaved people do Are dead works, right? Like it says in Isaiah 64 that our righteousnesses are as filthy rats Okay The works and the righteousness somebody that's unsaved does is means nothing to God because they're not even a child of God Okay, it's all gonna be burned up. So What somebody has to do before they start doing good works for God is to believe on Jesus Christ in order to be saved So the only reason why he says this is the work of God that you believe on him He may have sent is because of the fact that that's what they were asking him. It's very similar to The passage I believe it's in Matthew 19 and and there's other parallel passages in Mark, I believe Mark chapter 10 and forget where in the book of Luke but Where if it is in the book of Luke where somebody asks, you know What good thing might I do that it might inherit eternal life and Jesus responds by saying, you know There is none good but one that is God But he says if you would enter into life You know keep the commandments now that doesn't mean that you have to keep the commandments to be saved But basically he's just responding to what that man's question was because in the book of Luke I believe it might be chapter 19. I could be wrong but in the book of Luke version of that He says basically that or the Bible tells us that he's trying to justify himself And of course, we know that because he's saying, you know, what good thing should I do to inherit eternal life? So that guy's basically already coming at Jesus with a false assumption that you have to do something good and he's trying to justify himself as the book of Luke says so Jesus just tells him, you know If you want to justify yourself if you want to do something good to get to heaven Then you have to keep all the commandments and as we saw, you know He went away being sorrowful because you know, he didn't want to give up his riches and and you know follow Jesus So that shows of course that the Bible teaches that all are sinners and we can't be perfect and we can never Be righteous by keeping the law That's why Jesus said in response first to that guy that there is none good but one that is God So it's it's kind of a similar thing right here in John chapter 6 when he says This is the work of God that you believe on him whom he hath sent in just in response to the question of working the works of God But in the sense of you know Good deeds and works and in the sense of being saved and going to heaven the Bible tells us that Faith is separate from works. Okay that Calvinists are wrong, you know in this trying to lump these two things together and trying to teach that you know Both of these things are just an evidence of salvation because the Bible tells us in Romans chapter 11 verse 6 It says if it be by grace then it is no more works. Otherwise work is no more work or Otherwise grace is no more grace and if it be of works then it is no more of grace Otherwise work is no more work. So that shows us that grace and works cannot be Mixed together in any way because the Bible tells us that we are saved by grace through faith Okay, the Bible says, you know the grace of God that bringeth salvation have appeared unto all men So grace is something that brings salvation according to the Bible, but the Bible says we're not saved by works Okay, so there's not any mixing between these two the Bible says yes grace no works And the Bible says if it's you of grace, that means it's not of works so how can somebody say that faith is a work or Doing or having faith in Jesus is doing works as what a lot of Calvinists will say I even had some people comment that in my previous videos When the Bible clearly tells us that we're saved by grace through faith that faith is what gives us access into grace You know Romans chapter 5 The Bible clearly separates them in Ephesians chapter 2 verses 8 to 9 the Bible says in Romans 3 for verse 28 Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deed law So having faith is not a deed of the law having faith is not a work having faith is not Doing something good to earn your way into heaven. Okay, believing in Jesus is not earning your way into heaven Just because it's a condition because Calvinists don't understand that just because there's a condition involved That it is conditional election not unconditional election. I already proved that in previous video That doesn't mean that you're earning your way into heaven. Okay, we don't earn our salvation believing in Jesus is not earning our salvation That's why the Bible says in Romans chapter 4 verses 5 to 6 To him that worketh not but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly his faith is counted for righteousness Even as David also describeth the blessedness of the man unto whom God impudeth righteousness without works Saying blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven and new sins are covered Blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin So the Bible tells us that it is possible for somebody to work not and yet believe on him that justifieth the ungodly so again faith is not a work because if that were true if faith is in the same category of works and it's a good deed and and Believing is earning your way into heaven as some Calvinists will say Then that would make no sense because the Bible talks about somebody who works not yet believes in Romans 4 verse 5 So again, as we've shown several times throughout this series Calvinists just don't believe the Bible I'm gonna try and pull up the comment I had Where some Calvinist was trying to say this garbage or teach this garbage, but anyway the Bible in the meantime Salvation is a gift the Bible says so because it's a gift that means it's very clearly not by works But salvation is also by faith Okay, so just because it's a gift because because Calvinists will you know, they'll say oh, yeah Well, we agree that you know salvation is a gift, but they believe that that means God just gives it to you Without you doing anything at all Okay Basically that he just throws the gift at you and there's nothing you can do to stop it and you're gonna get it Anyway, basically, there's no condition to receive the gift now We believe that salvation is a gift and it's not something that's earned or work for But you do have to believe and you have to ask Jesus to save you Okay by calling on the name of the Lord that is what? Makes you basically get the gift. That's why the Bible says whosoever will let him take the water of life freely See the gift of eternal life is offered to all but we have to make the choice to believe in Jesus It's just like if I were to offer this Bible to you as a gift and that's the example I usually use when soul winning of a Bible, you know, if I offer a Bible So I'll give this to anybody who wants it, right? I'll give this to anybody who so ever will let him come and take this this gift right this Bible and Then somebody comes to me and they say, you know, I believe that you're gonna give that Bible to me Can I have it? Okay, I'm not gonna say well no because now you're working for it So it's not a gift anymore because they asked for it. Okay Unless you're insane Okay, you would understand that asking for a gift does not mean you earned it or work for it Okay, that just means you're receiving it Okay, because you actually have to go and get it you have to come to the you know Like the Bible says you have to come to Jesus you have to believe in him You have to trust in him in order to get the gift It's not just he gives it to you and there's nothing you do to stop it and you already have it before you even believe That you have that, you know, you even know what the gift is. That doesn't make any sense So the Bible also says not by works of righteousness, which we have done but according to his mercy. He saved us Romans chapter 10 verses 9 to 13 the Bible says that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in thine heart that God hath raised it from the dead thou shalt be saved for with the heart man believeth unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation on It says that you know whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord in verse 13 so the Bible makes it very clear that you have to believe in your heart and once you believe in your heart you confess that With your mouth and you you call upon the name of the Lord and again, you know calling upon the name of the Lord is not Working for it. It's not Earning it like some foolish Calvinist will say cuz John said and I'm sorry. Jesus said in John chapter 4 verse 10 It says Jesus answered and said unto her if thou knewest the gift of God Which we know what that is in other places. The Bible says salvation is a gift of God in Ephesians chapter 2 The Bible says the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord in Romans chapter 6 It says if thou knewest the gift of God and who it is that sayeth to thee give me to drink Thou wouldest have asked of him and he would have given thee living water So he says okay So if you know what the gift of God is eternal life and you know who it is that say it to thee give me to Drink that's Jesus. So if you know Jesus, you know who he is you believe that he's a son of God He's a Christ etc. And you believe you know that he will give you the gift of God It says basically you would ask him and he would give thee living water. So He says he's gonna give living water which in the context is referring to eternal life as it says in verse 14 But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst But the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up at the everlasting life He says well first you have to ask for it Okay So if you know the gift and you ask and you ask him he would give it to you But Calvinists believe that no if you're asking for it, you're you're working for it now somehow you're earning it Somehow you're adding to salvation because you're adding a condition to it a condition does not mean you're working for it Okay, that's foolishness. So all these verses and more prove me on a shadow of a doubt that salvation. Yes It's a gift. It's not earned by any good works or deeds, but there is a condition that condition is faith But faith is not a work faith is not working for the Bible tells us that very clearly Okay If you believe and you ask Jesus to save you that does not mean you earn that what that gift in any way shape or form so I want to read the comment that was posted on one of my previous videos just as an example of This foolishness that Calvinist will say I didn't want to Respond to him because I wanted to make this video instead to call this out. Let's see Sorry, I'm because I'm filming on my phone have it like resting against my computer so I find See Okay, so well, I don't know this is the I think there might have been several but there is one person The name is dumb cat It is pretty dumb if I have to take action ask to be saved and if I do not take that action I will not be saved and aren't I essentially saving myself. No That again, that's stupid. That would be like again, if I offer this Bible and I say I'll give this Bible to anybody who asked for it and then you come up and You ask for it and I give it to you. That would be like you saying oh, I bought this Bible myself No, you didn't you didn't earn it. You didn't work for it. You didn't pay for it. I paid for it I'm giving it to you because you asked for it. That's stupid so There was another person I believe said this Maybe the comment was deleted or something. I thought there was another person who maybe this guy I See yeah, I don't know where I thought there was another Comment saying oh wait, maybe it's because okay. I haven't responded Okay, yeah, I believe I might have responded to this guy that's why Sorry, I know this part is kind of boring but trying to fight this comment I Don't think I can find it. Well, there is this okay. So this guy said, uh, Something about sin of prayer or whatever Anyway, well, I don't think I could find it there was I thought there was a comment. Maybe I'm losing my mind I guess not Or maybe they deleted or I deleted it. I forgot. But anyway, yeah So there's been people who have tried to argue against these videos I made in the last few weeks about Calvinism But the Bible is clear the Bible says, you know, if you know the gift of God you ask him and he gives you living Water, so that's not working for it. So if you think well I'm working my way to heaven by believing in Jesus Then you're a fool because that's not what the Bible teaches. The Bible says that to him that worketh not but believeth so that means Believing is not working because otherwise that statement wouldn't be true So you have to you know, believe the Bible actually believe what the Bible says and stop believing all the writings of these foolish theologians and you know, this is what I I've noticed a lot From Calvinists is that they don't actually believe the Bible they believe man-made theology and this is Probably something I'll address a little bit in the next video Which is about the wickedness of Calvinism, you know, because obviously teaching false doctrine is wicked, but there's other just problems with Calvinism besides the fact that it's wrong in terms of like doctrine of like how we're saved and you know things of that nature but Also Calvinism causes people to be lazy when it comes to soul winning it makes people Believe that God just ordains evil Okay, there was a lot of Calvinists who believe that all the the wickedness that goes on the world was ordained by God The fact that Calvinists you typically use false Bible versions that take verses out of the Bible and things like that And then just another thing is that they just don't Get their doctrine based on the Bible and it leads people astray because this Calvinist mentality is to well We're gonna believe what you know, John Calvin and John Knox and Charles Spurgeon and all these, you know Calvinist theologians Matthew Henriette, I don't know if he's a Calvinist or whatever, but all these like famous, you know People wrote written commentaries and things like that. That's where they get their doctrine from and not the Word of God So we ought to base what we believe on the Bible because this is you know, what Jesus Christ Taught and said this is the inspiration of God, you know 2nd Timothy chapter 3 verse 16, you know Every Christian out there will give lip service to believing the Bible is the Word of God but then they get all their beliefs and their doctrines from their traditions and their theology and they'll be like Oh, you're so uneducated because you don't know all these stupid theological terms and all this, you know garbage or whatever But I mean at least I understand that if the Bible says to him that believeth or him that worketh not but believeth And it would justify at the ungodly that means that believing is not a work Okay It's simple and you would know that if you actually read and believe the Bible and we're actually saved and have the Holy Spirit of God instead of getting your beliefs from a book written by man when this is the book that is written by God the Holy Bible so that's it for today. God bless you and How do I stop this video? Okay, I'm doing my phone Okay, there we go. All right. Goodbye