(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Hello everybody, it's minister tall23 back with another video. In this video I want to talk about the subject of ineffective soul-winning habits that get in the way of people getting saved or hinder people from at least hearing the gospel or having a chance to hear the gospel. These are methods, habits, practices that people do from door-to-door soul-winning. Some of these things are things that I've done myself in the past and I found to be ineffective and oftentimes the things that I'm going to mention in this video actually hinder people from having a chance to hear the gospel and can cause some problems in door-to-door soul-winning and they don't really work and I think that a lot of these things are things that we should avoid doing, okay? And I've made a video a few weeks ago about the subject of how to be a more effective soul-winner. This video of course is related but this one is more just talking about things not to do as opposed to things to do. So these are things that I've seen people do. I've done, like I said, I've done myself and it doesn't really work and I've changed on these things and I found better success upon changing these things. So maybe some of these things do work for you, maybe it's different in your experience. If so, then keep doing it but just from my personal experience of things I'm going to mention in this video I would say are ineffective and if you want to know how to get more people saved and how to at least have a chance to preach to more people then I would, you know, listen to some of these things that I'm going to present in this video. So the first thing I want to mention is that the whole purpose of going out soul-winning is to, of course, win souls. That's why we call it soul-winning, okay? The Bible says that God is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance, right? That's what God desires for mankind and of course not everybody is going to come to repentance, not everybody is going to be saved, but that is our job as ambassadors for Christ to beseech the lost, to be reconciled to God, okay? To preach the gospel that they might be saved because it is a power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth. And not everybody's gonna believe but we want to preach to as many people as possible, okay? We don't just knock doors just for the purpose of knocking doors and I feel like one thing that that some people do is that they knock doors just for the sake of knocking doors, just for the sake of getting a certain neighborhood or a certain section done and they're not really just seeking to save as many people as possible. They're kind of just, you know, just doing it just to finish the job but they're not actually seeking to preach to as many people as possible. And so one thing that's kind of related to this is putting the emphasis or putting too much emphasis on inviting people to church, okay? And this comes in many forms but often times when people go door-to-door soul-winning they de-emphasize the reason why we're even at the door and why we're even going out soul-winning and they only just talk about handing out invites to the church or handing out tracts or whatever. And the people who do this often do not even get a chance to preach to people because the lost soul at the door oftentimes already having a church to attend expresses disinterest. And again I've seen this many times and this is something I used to do where you'd go to the door and say hey we're from a Baptist Church inviting people to church and they say oh I already have a church not interested and they close the door before you can get any other words in because if you tell them we're here inviting people to church they think that's the reason why you're there, okay? So number one they if they already have a church they're going to express disinterest and number two that's not even telling the truth because again the reason why we're going soul-winning is to preach the gospel, okay? If you say you're there to just to invite people to church that is called lying, okay? You're not actually telling the truth, okay? Then why would you even call it soul-winning? Why are you considered a soul-winner if you're just inviting people to church? When anybody who's experienced at soul- winning knows you know ninety nine point nine percent of people even if you get them saved are not going to come to church anyway. A lot of times because they're just lazy or because they already have a congregation that they go to, okay? Not everybody's gonna go to your church so that's not something you should emphasize, okay? If somebody expressed disinterest in going to church that is not them turning down the gospel that's them turning down an invite to church, okay? There's nothing wrong with giving them an invite and saying hey can I leave it with a card but again you should know that ninety nine point nine percent of people who are invited will never show up at your church, okay? And especially if they're not saved you know it doesn't matter if they want to go to our church or not anyway because they're not saved. The church is the body of Christ. It's people who are saved and baptized, okay? The church should not be for unbelievers anyway, okay? Now you know theoretically somebody who's unsaved could come to church and get saved at church you know somebody could preach the gospel to them but again that's a very rare scenario. When we go soul-winning the emphasis should be on preaching the gospel. You shouldn't just say hey here's an invite no thank you I already go to church okay have a nice day that's not even giving them a chance to get saved okay to hear the gospel okay if they say that they go to a Catholic Church and they're not interested in your invite then keep talking to them talk to them about the gospel don't just focus only on preaching or talking about going to church because that's what some people do that's what I used to do and if they didn't like the invite you know in the past I would take that as turning down you know the the the gospel but in reality that's not what's going on at all and there's many times where I'll you know give somebody an invite and they say well I'm not you know going to your church I don't even live here or I'm just visiting or I already go to a church or something like that and you can still give them the gospel and they can end up getting saved but some people don't do that so that is an ineffective soul-winning habit of putting too much emphasis on going to church which again church is important it's good to hand them an invite you should do that but don't put that as the emphasis the reason why we're there is to get people saved not to invite people to church another thing that I see that some people do is asking people at the door if they're busy okay 99% of the time when you present them with the option when you say something like could I share this with you or are you pretty busy right now even if they're not that busy they will choose the latter because by phrasing the question that way by saying like hey can I show you this or you're pretty busy you know basically it makes it sound like what the preaching the gospel is something they could be put off and it's not urgent which it is urgent because you know we don't know when anybody could die you know the person you're preaching to that could be the last chance that they have to hear the gospel so don't just kind of like yeah you could just watch it later you know you can just you know we can come back another time or you can come to our church and hear it or something like that don't present it to them like hey are you busy no if they're busy and they're actually really busy then they're gonna tell you okay I've seen people who do this method where every single door they they say can I show it to you or are you pretty busy and every time they ask that question 99% of the time they say I'm busy okay even if they're not okay but when you stop asking that question and you just say can I show this to you if people understand how urgent is and how important is they're gonna make time regardless of what's going on in their life okay so that's another thing you want to make sure that the gospel is urgent and if not most important and you don't put anything else before that you don't want to make it sound like it's something that can just be put off for later okay another thing is taking vague answers or wrong answers as right and this is something that I don't understand why people do this it's almost like they're looking or expecting the person to have the right answer now again you know you shouldn't expect people to have the wrong answer either but you should take them for what they say when you ask somebody at the door what they believe they have to do to go to heaven okay if they give a vague answer or a wrong answer don't correct them and then just try to get them to agree with you if they say something wrong they're not saved okay if you ask them what they have to do to go to heaven they say have a relationship with Jesus or or be a good person or something and then you say oh well we believe that it's by faith would you agree with that and they say yeah they already told you the wrong answer okay they're just agreeing with you just for the sake of agreeing with you that they're not saved okay you want to preach to them still you don't want to just feed them the right answers okay so let me give an example like this this is an example this isn't like a particular example with situations like this have happened before I've seen this happen where somebody would feed the lost person the right answers even though they clearly don't believe the right thing or understand how it is to get saved okay for example if you say what do you have to do to go to heaven they say have a relationship with Jesus which is extremely vague and it you know there could be many different meanings of what that is right and then somebody's just like yeah you know it's just by faith I've literally heard that where people give a unclear answer like accept Jesus or have a relationship with Jesus or something you know some vague non-denominational like phrase that they just parrot and they'll just throw that out there and they'll be like yeah it's just by faith it's like that's not what they said right okay and then you they ask well can you ever lose your salvation they're like huh I'm not sure I don't know I think if you repent God will forgive you actually the Bible says that once you're saved you're always saved would you agree with that yeah I think so okay you're saved no that person's not saved okay if they think you have to have a relationship with Jesus and they're not sure if they can go to hell and they think you still have to repent of your sins after you sin that person's not saved okay they didn't give a clear answer they don't know what they're talking about they're just agreeing with you and just repeating you know typical phrases that they've heard it's clear that they don't understand what they have to do to go to heaven okay so it's kind of like people are just looking for the right answer and even just something that very very slightly might be sort of kind of right they'll accept that as right and not even give them a chance to hear the gospel again we want to get as many people saved as possible we shouldn't just assume people that you know don't even know what they're talking about or saying vague things are already saved when they don't even you know know what it takes to be saved you know what I mean so that's another ineffective habit you want to take vague or wrong answers as right you don't want to feed them the right answers either you want to actually make sure to understand what they believe okay if they don't believe the right thing or they don't know how to go to heaven and preach the gospel to them don't just you know assume that they're saved even though they're not giving you the clear answer right so that example I've seen many times and it almost seems like like the soul winners just wanting the person to believe right just so they don't have to preach okay it's almost like some people who go soul-winding are like afraid of preaching right okay is it's kind of weird right so another thing that's an ineffective soul-winning habit is being scared of people answering the door which again if you're going soul-winning I don't know why you'd be scared of that you want them to come to the door so you can preach to them okay many people I've seen this and again you know when I started doing this when I started going soul-winning I kind of did this too because I was kind of nervous at first of just knocking once and you know barely waiting like 10 seconds before leaving or just not ringing the doorbell because oh you know I'm afraid I might make them mad or whatever not knocking hard or whatever some people like literally they knock like as soft as possible they go to the door it's just like and it's like a big house it's like they might be on the other side of the house or like upstairs or something they're not gonna hear a tiny little quiet knock you have to knock hard sometimes ring the doorbell because you want them to come into the door okay you don't want to just again we're not just knocking doors just for the sake of knocking doors just for the sake of filling up a map we actually want to preach to people and get people saved so you know you're just wasting your time if you're just knocking on a door quietly or not ringing the doorbell just for no reason you know that's like you want people to come to the door that's that's the whole goal right because you want to see if they're saved and they're not saved you want to give the chance to preach to them right another ineffective soul-winning habit is beating around the bush and not getting straight to the point okay sometimes people just make a bunch of small talk as I've kind of mentioned before you know of just you know talking about like inviting people to church or or not even mentioning the gospel they're kind of just oh yeah you know we're a church in the area that kind of stuff and again you know it's good to hand out invites it's good to invite people to church but that's not the main reason why we're there and you know of course you want to be nice to people you don't want to just be robotic you know you want to if they say something you know about something else you know don't just ignore them don't be rude but you're not there just to have you know a conversation about the weather or something you're there to preach them the gospel okay so right away when you get to the door and somebody answers you should make it clear that you're there to preach the gospel and keep our questions to the people and responses clear and concise don't be around the bush don't be vague just ask them plainly do you know for sure you're going to heaven someday why are you going to heaven can you ever lose that if they get any of those questions wrong say hey can I show you what the Bible says because the Bible says it's just by faith in Jesus is very easy okay just get to the point okay stop you don't have to waste time at the door at talking about other things or or kind of just asking vague questions that aren't clear just ask them a clear question what do you have to do to go to heaven okay and that's another thing make sure you ask them something like that like what do you have to do to go to heaven instead of what do you have to do to be saved because not everybody knows what it what it means to be saved or not everybody knows what it means to have eternal life or some people might even you know know for sure they're going to heaven but they don't know these other like technical terms you know so you just want to be clear you know you want to say something in a way that everybody can understand it and just get to the point so that's another ineffective soul winning habit of kind of like not you know being clear about what why you're there in and asking the questions clearly right so the last thing I want to talk about and again you know this is kind of a shorter video but you know try to apply these things in in your soul winning I think that they're effective if you don't do these things so the last thing is incorrectly applying Titus 310 which says you know a man that is an heretic after the first and second admonition reject incorrectly applying that to people who are just having a tougher time understanding or somebody who's having a longer time to understand something because a heretic is not somebody who just you know doesn't understand it right away a heretic is somebody who just refuses to believe it or who is contentious and is trying to preach to you false doctrine right but there's a lot of times where people will go to a door and they'll show them a verse and somebody just won't get it and they'll ask a question and they're honestly earnestly trying to understand what you're telling them but people will just for some reason take it as they're being contentious and they're heretic just because they've been brainwashed into a false religion or something and they have false beliefs okay showing them one or two verses and them not believing it immediately is not them being a heretic it's just sometimes people are ignorant sometimes people are less intelligent sometimes people need more grace more explanation okay so that's another thing you don't want to just reject people and turn away from people and call them a heretic and not give them a chance just because they're having a harder time understanding what you're telling them okay that doesn't make them a heretic again they just might be ignorant of some basic biblical concepts or just a little bit less intelligent okay you just have to be patient with some people okay and go through the gospel more but at the same time you don't want to you know get to a point where they're just repeating everything that you're saying either and you know just like a parent you know you actually want to make sure they're understanding and if it sometimes it does get to a point where they it's just clear that they're just not getting it everything's going over their head they're not paying attention you know in that sense it might just not be their day you should move on you know again you know we don't have all day we should preach to other people but still the people who are actually trying to understand and who are at least getting it even if it might take longer you know it has to take longer you might have to show them more verses just be patient okay you don't have this you know not every door is gonna take 10 to 15 minutes some doors are gonna take 20 30 40 minutes you know that's just how it is some people have a harder time understanding okay so just as a quick recap of these ineffective soul winning habits number one don't put the emphasis on inviting people to church because the reason why we go out is to preach the gospel okay you can hand people a church invite you can invite people to church but that's not the main reason why we're there and you shouldn't lie to people and tell them that's the main reason why we're there and if they turn down the invite that doesn't mean they're rejecting the gospel you should still ask them about going to heaven anyway okay the second ineffective soul winning habit is asking them if they're busy okay don't ask them if they're busy just offer to share it to them and if they're really busy if they really have something going on they'll tell you okay number three taking vague or wrong answers is right if somebody doesn't give a clear answer of what they believe about salvation and it's based on the Bible then you'd assume that they're unsaved and offer to preach to them don't just feed them answers and assume because you're just too scared to preach to them number four don't be scared of people answering the door actually make it known that you're there knock on the door you know loud enough so that they can hear it whatever they are the house ring the doorbell etc wait give them some time you don't just stand there for ten seconds and leave you know wait 20 30 40 seconds for people to come to the door right don't be around the bush get to the point don't just waste your time just saying meaningless things you're talking about the weather or just making smallpox make it clear why you're there preach the gospel okay and then the last thing is don't incorrectly apply it is 310 the people were just having a hard time understanding don't assume that their heretics you have to be patient with people and you have to give more time and more verses to certain people who are just ignorant or less intelligent so thank you buddy for watching I hope these things make sense I hope they help because again you know like I said some of these things are things that I've done in the past my personal experience and in my personal experience they don't work okay because you're gonna have less opportunities to preach the gospel if you do these things okay so in my opinion from my experience just as some advice I would avoid these ineffective soul-winning habits so thank you buddy for watching god bless you and goodbye