(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Hello everybody, it's me, Mr. Total23, back with another video. In this video I want to start off by reading a verse, 1 Peter 4, verse 11. The Bible says, If any man speak, let him speak as the oracles of God. If any man minister, let him do it as of the ability which God giveth, that God in all things may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom be praise and dominion forever and ever. Amen. And I want to talk about this first phrase in this verse where it says, Let him speak, let him speak as the oracles of God. Explain what this means and what it doesn't mean. So basically, the oracles of God would be the word of God itself. The Bible talks about, for example, in Romans chapter 3, it says about the Jews, it says, chiefly because it unto them were committed the oracles of God, saying that that's the advantage that the Jews have, that they receive the law, the oracles of God, or the word of God, the preaching of God's word was delivered to them. The Bible is telling us that if we speak, we should speak as the oracles of God, or basically as the word of God, right? And a lot of people, they want to speak in the way that the world speaks. Or a lot of people, they want to pretend like they're speaking all holy and righteous and with biblical language, but they're not actually really speaking the way that the Bible speaks. Let me give you a few examples of that. It's very common in the old IFB and amongst other people who will try to be what we might call inter-spiritual or holier-than-thous, where they will use biblical language, like they'll say things like, oh bless God, hallelujah, amen, praise the Lord, glory, things like that, and they'll throw out those words in every sentence, even when they're not even talking about anything that has to do with God. But if you've gone to church your whole life, especially if you've gone to old IFB churches, or Baptist churches in general, or if you've ever been to a holiness church or something like that, you will have some churches where the pastor and the preacher, every sentence they'll say something like, bless God, praise God, hallelujah, amen. It's just constantly coming out of their mouth, and it's just kind of an over-the-top way of just basically trying to appear spiritual, appear righteous, when that's not how we see the word of God is written at all. It's not just like every sentence that says things like that. Now of course, you know, it's right to say amen. You know, the Bible says that we should confirm all things that are in the book of the law in Deuteronomy 27. Of course we should praise the Lord, we've commanded to praise the Lord, we should, you know, bless God, we're commanded to bless God, but people just do that in every sentence just to look spiritual. That's not speaking as the oracles of God. So that's the first point I want to make. The second point I want to make is that some people will be offended by Bible words, things that are in the Bible, but people will refuse to say them because the world looks at them as a bad word, right? Let me give you a few examples. The word piss, the word damn, the word ass, the word hell, the word bastard. These words are all Biblical words, but people don't like them because the world said that they're bad words. Now of course some of these things can be used in the improper context. Of course some of these things can be used improperly. Of course the Bible says, you know, out of the same mouth proceeded blessing and cursing, and it says these things not ought to be. And I believe that's James chapter 3 it says that, right? So we shouldn't say like, we shouldn't damn somebody and, you know, somebody would say like damn you or something like that. We shouldn't say that to somebody because the Bible says we shouldn't curse our brethren, right? So that's one thing. We shouldn't curse our brethren. So obviously there are bad contexts in which we could use these words, you could use them improperly, but just saying them in general is not bad, right? Like the Bible talks, I think it's six or seven times, it talks about him that pisses against the wall. So it's not a bad thing to say the word piss, but people think it's a bad word for some reason even though it's in the Bible. And that's ridiculous, right? So we shouldn't be afraid of using Biblical language. And the third thing is we shouldn't use euphemisms for things which are sinful or words that try to downplay the wickedness of certain sins. This world which will try to justify sin and make it not seem as bad as it is, will use different words to refer to certain sins, different words as opposed to what the Bible uses. Like, I'm going to give a few examples, like people who drink, the world will just call them alcoholics or just people who are just having fun, you know, they're just drinking or whatever, right? But the Bible calls it drunkenness, the Bible calls people who are alcoholics it calls them drunkards, right? And of course there's a bad connotation associated with that word, but that's what the word of God says and that's what we should call them, we should call them drunkards, right? Another thing is people will say that people who commit fornication and adultery and things like that, they'll say that it's a loving relationship and they'll say like having an affair and things like that and they'll try to downplay it where the Bible calls it being a whore, whoremonger, whoredom, lewdness, lasciviousness fornication, adultery, it uses these words which the world might consider a lot stronger, okay? Or when it comes to sodomites you know, the world will call them gay or homosexual or LGBT or something like that, where the Bible calls them sodomites, the Bible calls them reprobates, the Bible calls them filthy dreamers it calls them brute beasts, it calls them children of the devil, so that's what we should call them as well, it also calls them vile as well in Romans chapter 1 so, vile, sodomite, children of the devil, these are biblical words, okay? Words like gay is not the proper way we should be describing the sodomites because they're not that word is a Bible word also, the word gay referring to the traditional definition of the word, like in James chapter 2 where it talks about the man who's wearing the gay clothing, it's not saying he's wearing skinny jeans, it's not saying he's a cross dresser, it's saying he just has fancy clothing that's what it means when it says he has gay clothing in James chapter 2 so, let's use the Bible words for it, right? Instead of saying gay or homosexual or these words, or some people will even say like an alternative lifestyle, right? Instead of saying that say sodomite, say filthy dreamer, say child of the devil, say reprobate like the Bible uses these words, right? So those are some examples of that but then people will also use euphemisms for just other biblical things or biblical concepts, biblical doctrines, they will try to use different words, like for example people when they're referring to God, you might have heard a lot of people say the man upstairs, right? Which again is not something we should call God, I think that's blasphemous, I think that's downplaying the holiness and the importance of who God is, so we should give reverence to the Lord and call him God or call him the Lord or call him the Almighty or Jehovah or the Most High or Jesus Christ or the Lord or any of those, you know, the names that the Bible actually gives God instead of, you know, these other terms like the man upstairs or something like that, right? Or even just referring to heaven as upstairs at all, or some people would refer to heaven or hell as the afterlife, right? Which is not a biblical term. It's heaven, it's hell that's what the Bible calls it, right? Or not saying heck either, right? Like oh, I'm going to go to heck or they're going to go to heck. No, it's hell, not heck, right? That's what people will say, right? They'll try to like, because again, like I mentioned earlier, people will think hell is a bad word, so they will refrain from using the word hell but we as Christians should use the words of the Bible, we should speak as the oracles of God. Another thing is people will refrain from using the word Christian, even though Christian is again a Bible word it appears three times in the Bible, once in Acts chapter 11, Acts chapter 26, and then also in 1 Peter chapter 4, okay? So Christian is a biblical term, but people will refrain from using Christian, another word the Bible uses to refer to believers is the word saint, but because people think for some reason that that's associated with the Catholic church, but even though the Bible uses the word saint all the time, they will call themselves things like Jesus follower, Jesus people, you know, that's kind of a more modern thing. But again, these are not terms in the Bible, we should call ourselves Christians, we should call ourselves believers, we should call ourselves brethren, we should call ourselves what was the other one, saints, those are the biblical words for believers in Jesus Christ, right? Another thing is to refer to church leadership by biblical terminology, like pastor, bishop, elder, and then also there's the office of the deacon, right? But nowadays people will use other titles like reverend, right, which is you know, trying to exalt the pastor above his authority or just other unbiblical titles, I can't think of any off the top of my head, but I'm sure there's others that are out there, right, where the people don't refer to church leadership as pastor, elder, bishop, which are biblical terms, right? Another thing that people don't like is they'll say, well, we don't have a religion, we have a relationship. Well, again, let every man speak as the oracles of God, and the oracles of God, the word of God, doesn't use the word relationship one time from Genesis chapter 1 to Revelation chapter 22, but it does use the word religion and it actually uses it in a good context as well. It says in James chapter 1 verse 27, religion undefiled before God and the Father is this, to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction and to keep himself unspotted from the world. So if somebody says they don't have religion, they have a relationship, basically what they're saying is that they don't visit the fatherless, the widows, that they don't keep themselves unspotted from the world, that they don't unbridle their tongue, that they're not pure, that's basically what somebody's saying when they say that they don't have religion, right? But you shouldn't brag about that because again, religion is a Bible word and we should speak the words of the Bible. Now another aspect of this is just quoting Bible verses. In our everyday life, now again, not the hyper-spiritual, over-the-top kind of thing where you're just quoting Bible verses just to show off how much Bible you know, but of course when you're speaking about biblical subjects, or there's maybe you're talking about just anything in everyday life and you think of a verse that will help somebody, you can counsel them or whatever, you should have the word of God come out of your mouth. And that's something that the Bible tells us to do, it says in Ephesians 4 verse 29, let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but thou which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers. So one of the reasons why we speak the word of God is to edify others, right? When we speak what the word of God says, we should use that to edify others that it may minister grace unto the hearers, right? As opposed to speaking corrupt communication, proceeding those things which, letting those things proceed out of your mouth which are wicked, right? Talking like the world, talking about filthy things, which the Bible says not even to name, you know, it talks about Ephesians chapter 5, not to talk about filthy things, right? Malachi chapter 3 verse 16 the Bible says, Then they that feared the Lord spake often one to another, and the Lord hearkened and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the Lord and that thought upon his name. So the Bible tells us that when those that fear the Lord talk about God and talk about his name and thought upon his name, that it says God writes it down in the book of his remembrance. So God, the Lord, enjoys it when believers are talking about him and speaking his words, etc. So when we speak, we should speak based on you know, what the Bible says. We shouldn't let things come out of our mouth that are you know, the world's terminology. We shouldn't use unbiblical euphemisms for biblical words. We should not be afraid to say biblical words. We should not be afraid to quote Bible verses. We should not be over the top and try to pretend like we're spiritual by saying bless God, amen, glory in every sentence for no reason, like some people do. But we should speak as the Bible speaks. You know, if any man speak let him speak as the oracles of God. We should let those things that are in the word of God biblical words and phrases come out of our mouth instead of phrases of this world or an over top, you know, fake spirituality kind of thing. So I hope this all makes sense. I hope this video has been a help. Thank you everybody for watching. God bless you and goodbye.