(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Hello everybody, it's me it's Charles23 back in the video. In this video, I'm going to be talking about the evidence of salvation. So besides someone flat-out denying the gospel, how can we tell if somebody is really not saved or if they are saved? How can we discern the liars from those who actually trust in Christ? Well, luckily the Bible actually gives us several simple tests so we can see whether or not somebody is truly born again. Now I want to clear something up at the beginning of this video so nobody gets confused. These are not things, the things I'm about to talk about, these are not things which you need to do in order to get saved. They are results of being saved. The Bible teaches that the Holy Spirit indwells us once we are saved. It says in John chapter 14 verse 16 to 17, And I will pray the Father and he shall give thee another comforter that he may abide with you forever even the Spirit of truth whom the world cannot receive because it seeth him not neither knoweth him but ye know him for he dwelleth with you and shall be in you. And then Romans chapter 8 verse 14 to 15 says, For as many as are led by the Spirit of God they are the sons of God. For you have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear but ye have received the spirit of adoption whereby we cry Abba Father. And once the Holy Ghost indwells us, it causes certain necessary changes in our mind and in our life which always come with salvation. And I'll go into this a little bit later with some specific examples but just know that I'm not saying that these things are things that you need to do in order to get saved rather than the results which happen after being born again, after being saved. Now the main and the most important thing is that the saved believer needs to trust the Word of God, trust the Bible. Rather than denying it in their heart and rejecting it is unmeaningful, those who trust in Christ also trust in the Bible. After all the Bible is God's Word and so is Christ, the Bible says in John 1.1. In the beginning was a word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. And then a couple verses later in verse 14 it says, And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us. It's talking about Jesus Christ. The Bible has the same authority of Jesus Christ himself. It is literally the words of Jesus Christ. Those who truly trust in Christ will listen to his words. The Bible says in John chapter 10 verse 25 to 27, Jesus answered them, I told you and ye believe not the works that I do in my Father's name they bear witness of me. But ye believe not because ye are not of my sheep as I said unto you. My sheep hear my voice and I know them and they follow me. John chapter 8 verse 47 says, He that is of God heareth God's words, ye therefore hear them not because ye are not of God. So if you mean anybody who claims to be saved and yet they don't listen at all to God's Word, then they're not of God. It's simple. That is the reason why, that is the reason given here in John chapter 8 by Jesus of why the Pharisees refused to believe because they're not of God. John chapter 8 verse 37 says, To this end was I born and for this cause came I into the world that I should bear witness unto the truth. Everyone that is of the truth heareth my voice. 1st John chapter 4 verse 6, We are of God. He that knoweth God heareth us. He that is not of God heareth not us. Hereby know we the Spirit of truth and the Spirit of error. So those with the Spirit of truth will listen to the preaching of God's Word. Now, hypothetically if a man says I trust in Christ, and yet you show him a doctrine in the Bible and he refuses to believe it, even when it's crystal clear then he's not saved. Now there are some things which some things which people believe which might not be as clear in the Bible, which might not be as clearly taught. For example, interpretation of prophecy. To say someone isn't saved because they have a, they believe in a different timeline for the end times than you do is ridiculous because those timelines are usually pieced together through careful examination of hundreds of passages and verses all throughout the Bible. There's no one passage in the Bible that just lists everything out in order of when it's going to happen clearly. So that's not something which you should really argue about, but when it's clear doctrines which are taught over and over again in every single book of the Bible that's different. And now that I read from 1st John 4-6, which is the last verse I read, I want to turn my attention to the book of 1st John in general because that entire book was written for the purpose of actually providing evidences for salvation. Towards the end of the book John wrote in 1st John 5-13, So the purpose of writing this epistle was to give people the assurance that they were saved by both preaching the gospel and laying out several effects of salvation. This book touches on the indwelling of the Holy Spirit as well. It says in 1st John chapter 2 verse 27, So when we receive the anointing of the Holy Ghost, the Holy Ghost teaches us. This is the same thing that Jesus promised in John chapter 14 verse 26 where he said, So another evidence of salvation is that they learn and grow in their faith through the reading of God's Word. The Bible teaches in 1st Corinthians chapter 2 verse 14, It does say in 1st John 2-27, And give an example from my personal life in the matter of the Trinity. When I got saved I had already denied the doctrine of the Trinity for over two years. I don't know exactly when I started denying it. I don't think I ever actually believed in my life before I got saved and I thought it was foolishness and I used as many verses as I could to try to prove it wrong. However, since then I've seen where the Bible clearly teaches the doctrine. I've changed my mind on it. It's like there's been a veil that's lifted over my face and I can clearly see the doctrine in the Bible now. It's just everywhere to me. But before I was saved, it's just I've read some of the verses and I just didn't understand what I was saying. It just didn't make any sense to me. It should be the same for anyone who reads the Bible for any doctrine. If someone says that they're saved, for example, if someone says that they're saved then you show them the book of Genesis and Exodus 20 in the commandment regarding the Sabbath where it says that God created the earth in six days and other verses which talk about creation and they decide to accept evolution and believe that the earth is billions of years old instead of believing what the Bible says, what the Word of God says, then they're not saved. This once again ties in with Jesus' statement of he that is of God heareth God's words. He that is saved will actually believe what God has taught and what he says in the Bible. You'll listen to him. Now another evidence that ye or another evidence is that the saved person has love, especially a love for the brethren. Those with the Spirit of God in them will love other Christians who are our brethren as it says in Galatians 3 26, for we are all children of God or for ye are all children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. Now it says in 1st John chapter 4 verse 12 to 13, No man hath seen God at any time. If we love another, if we love one another, God dwelleth in us and his love is perfected in us. Hereby know we that we dwell in him and he in us because he hath given us of his Spirit. So it says that we know that God dwells in us by his Spirit if we love one another. Again, this is the result of the Spirit dwelling in us. This is a thing of the heart, a characteristic of those who have been born of God. The Bible also says in 1st John chapter 2 verse 9 to 11, He that saith he is in the light, and hateth his brother, is in darkness even until now. He that loveth his brother abideth in the light, and there is none occasion of stumbling in him, but he that hateth his brother is in darkness, and walketh in darkness, and knoweth not whether he goeth, because that darkness, darkness hath blinded his eyes. 1st John chapter 4 verse 7 to 8 says, Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God, and everyone that loveth is born of God and knoweth God. He that loveth not knoweth not God, for God is love. And then 1st John chapter 4 verse 20, If a man say I love God and hateth his brother, he is a liar, for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen? So you out there, people out there, if you hate your brethren and you claim to love God and to be of God, you're a liar. And you can try and deny that all you want. You can say that's what the Bible calls you. You can try to claim anything you want. Well, I do trust in Christ. I do believe. Well, the Bible says you don't, and I'm going to trust what God says and what the Bible says, rather than what you claim. Okay, about how you're saved or whatever, because the Bible says that people who hate their brethren are in the darkness and that they're not of God. The Bible warns about false prophets and false brethrens crept in unawares. I'm not going to trust everybody who claims that they're saved. Some people are liars. Some people are deceiving people. Now one last evidence of salvation is guilt. So ask yourself, when you sin, do you feel remorse for the things which you have done? Does your mind resist and hate the things which you have done? Or do you delight in disobeying God and feel indifferent about the sins which you have committed? Well, the Bible teaches that those who were born of God do not sin after the end were man. It says in 1st John chapter 3 verse 6 to 9, However, do not, and I repeat, do not, I guess, misinterpret what I'm saying. Do not think that this means that a person who is saved will never sin. Once they get saved, they'll just automatically stop sinning, and they'll never do anything wrong again. That's not what this passage is teaching. This is teaching that our spirit, the new creature, will not spin, or not sin. It teaches in 1st, 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 verse 17, 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 verse 17, So the new creature is become new. The old things of our spirit is passed away. But even then, the Bible teaches that the flesh is not born again, and because we still have the flesh, the outward man, we can still fall into sin. Paul admits this in Romans 7. It says in verse 14 to 25, But what I hate, that do I. If then I do that which I would not, I consent unto the law that it is good. Now then it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me. For I know that in me that is in my flesh dwelleth no good thing. For to will is present with me, but how to perform that which is good I find not. For the good that I would I do not, but the evil which I would not, that I do. Now if I do that I would not, it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me. I find then a law that when I would do good, evil is present with me. For I delight in the law of God after the inward man. But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members. O wretched man that I am, who shall deliver me from the body of this death? I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord, so then with the mind I myself serve the law of God, but with the flesh the law of sin. So we still have the flesh, and that is what causes us as Christians to sin. We still are carnal. We still have the flesh which is corruptible, and we will have it until the resurrection, or at least until we die I guess. But as an individual, as a soul, we do not sin, and that is the cause of the indwelling of the spirit. So as Paul puts it, a safe person should with the mind serve the law of God, even if they might slip up and serve the law of sin with their flesh. If you delight in the law of God after the inward man, then you are saved. If you don't, then you're probably not saved. Now for those of you who who may think that you're saved, but you deny God's Word, you never learn anything from reading the Bible, you know, you don't feel any guilt in you never, or you don't feel any delight in obeying God, you don't feel any guilt in disobeying God in your mind, and you hate your brethren, I advise you instead of just being stubborn about it and bitter and arguing about it, and saying well I'm saved because of this, this, this, and this, or whatever, well the Bible says that you're not, and it's probably likely that someone told you that you're saved because of maybe you just said a simple prayer, or maybe because you think you're a good person or something like that, but you're not actually putting your full trust in Christ, and I suggest yourself, I suggest that you get yourself saved, that you figure out what you need to do, what you need to believe in order to get to heaven. And if you want to know how to be saved, there are several videos that I have laying out the gospel on this channel, and I'll put one or two of them in the description of this video, so please be sure to check them out. So these are evidence of salvation which are given in the Bible. I thank you everybody for watching, and goodbye.