(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Now on an end note before I end this video Because I know people are going to completely misrepresent what I just said and what I've been saying throughout this entire video Because it's happened before people have said this I do not believe in the concept of convert or die Okay, people make up this straw man that somehow in me teaching that the laws of God should be applied to the To the ordinance of a god-fearing government that I somehow believe in the concept of convert or die And that therefore I'm no better than a Muslim or a Muslim nation like Saudi Arabia or whatever Okay, but that's wrong. I do not believe that and I've never said that okay. It's not about conversion It's not about personal belief Nobody can force somebody to change their beliefs the government can't point a gun at somebody's head and say you believe this or I'm gonna Shoot you or bring execute you or whatever okay? You can't force somebody to believe that's their own conscious decision They can tell you that they believe and they don't really believe you can't force somebody convert to Christianity, okay? They can't force its citizens to accept Christ okay, or not accept Christ or whatever What they can do is enforce the rule of law the rule of law that's given by God for example the law opposing Homosexuality okay, God decreed that if a man lies with another man They shall be put to death their blood shall be upon them now if a homosexual a faggot Okay lives in a nation whose God is Yehovah who? With the government fearing God the government's duty is to enforce the rule of law and execute them if they commit the sin of homosexuality It's not because they're not a Christian. It's not because they're not of a certain religion That's because they're acting wickedly it's because they're disobeying the law Okay And it's the same thing with a Muslim a Muslim would be put to death Because of the rape or the murder that they command it has nothing to do with the fact that they're a Muslim It doesn't matter what religion. They are you can't force them to believe you can't force them to Change their beliefs you you can't force them though by the enforcement of the law to not do certain actions Okay Christians other people in the nation would still be held accountable for the same crimes, okay? We're not going to treat them any better based on the excuse We're not gonna treat the Muslims or the other people any better because that of the excuse that oh well it's just their culture, and they don't know any better and it's just This is how they were raised or from another nation well if you want to commit your wickedness if you want to do something That's against the law of a god-fearing nation. Go live somewhere else get out you can be exiled okay. You can be banished That's one of the punishments that's given in the book of Ezra for somebody who does not obey the law