(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Hello everybody it's minister tall23 back with another video. In this video I want to wrap up and finish the videos that I've been doing in the last few days and kind of just tie it all together and just do a quick last message about what I've been talking about the last couple of videos about free grace theology and about the fact that we are saved by Greeks through faith alone and that we're not saved by our works or by going to church or getting baptized or doing these rituals or repenting of your sins or whatever but all of our our salvation and our justification and eternal life and all of that all comes from believing on the Lord Jesus Christ. So based on what we've seen in the last couple videos from the scriptures going through all those verses that say that if you believe you're justified you are born again you are quickened we can conclude that we are saved by grace through faith alone. This is salvation. Now remember at the introduction of this discussion in the first video I said that the Bible says that we are saved from three things from our sin from the wrath of God and from death and two of those the wrath of God and death are the result of sin. The reason why Jesus came into this world according to 1st Timothy 1 15 and 1st John 4 14 was to save us from our sins to save sinners and by extent that saves us from the consequences of our sins as well which would be the wrath of God according to Romans chapter 2 verses 8 to 9 and that is expressed by the damnation of hell in the lake of fire. So the angel Gabriel said to Joseph in Matthew chapter 1 verse 21 and he and she shall bring forth the son and thou shall call his name Jesus for he shall save his people from their sins. So remember Jesus is the salvation of God he has come to be our Savior and I mean that he means that he has come to save us from our sins and how this took place we have already abundantly shown from the scriptures that Jesus died for our sins he rose again for our justification he made his offering of his body and blood in the holy place in heaven once for all and justifies all those that believe then regenerates all those that believe then quickens all those that believe with everlasting life and therefore our salvation from our sins and from the wrath of God and from hell is attained not by our own works of righteousness but by our faith if we ask ourselves what do we need to do to be saved from our sins the answer is plain in the Bible in Acts chapter 16 verse 31 it says and they said believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved and thy house this was in response to the question made by the jailer at Philippi who says sirs what must I do to be saved and their answer is believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved why because through trusting in Jesus Christ through putting your faith in him our sins are forgiven as we've seen in the scriptures we are made the righteousness of God our spirit is regenerated into a new creature we are born of God and without sin and our dead soul is made alive with everlasting life and we are predestinating according to the foreknowledge of God to be raised up and glorified on the last day all of these things take place and therefore we are saved from our sin and its consequences all of these things take place through faith now the Roman Catholic Church says that faith isn't enough they say you also need to be baptized and you need to participate in the sacrament of penance and you need to participate in communion and you need to obey the Ten Commandments and join the Catholic Church and do all these rituals and prayers and obey the Ten Commandments to get yourself out of hell and their mister and their mythical purgatory okay the Lutherans say that faith in Christ isn't enough they say you also have to be baptized in order to wash away your sins the Methodists say faith in Christ isn't enough after you believe you must then grow in your faith and be sanctified and if you fall away you can perish everlastingly even though Jesus said in John 10 28 that those that have eternal life shall never perish or in John 3 16 he says that those that believe will not perish the churches of Christ say that faith isn't enough they say you must believe and then repent of your sins and then be baptized and they continue to serve God and endure to the end and then you'll be saved the Mormons say faith isn't enough they say you have to believe and be baptized and repent of your sins and obey all the ordinances of the Mormon Church to obtain full salvation but the Bible says believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved it does not say you might be saved it does not say probably you shall be saved it doesn't say believe and that to be baptized and repent of your sins and do this and do that in order to be saved it says believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved that's it there's nothing else okay it doesn't say you have to do anything else except believe and we've seen so many other scriptures that say it is by faith and that is not of our works is not by the deeds of the law it is not by this it's not by that it's all by faith is what the Bible says over and over again Jesus and his apostles taught as we've seen in dozens and dozens of verses in these last couple videos that it is through faith without works that we are justified regenerated and quick it so if you believe God's grace is upon you and you have been saved that's what the Bible teaches it says in Ephesians chapter 2 verse 5 even when we were dead in sins hath quickened us together with Christ by grace you're saved and a few verses later verses 8 to 9 it says for by grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of God not of works lest any man should boast so God's a gift of salvation and eternal life is only given when we receive the gift by faith and we don't earn it through our works because then it wouldn't be a gift and then it wouldn't be by grace remember Romans 11 chapter or Romans chapter 11 verse 6 it shows that there's no mixing between grace and works so it clearly states in verse 9 that it's not by our works but in verse 8 it says we receive it by grace that is that's entirely part from words okay if it were of grace and it's no more works according to Romans 11 verse 6 the Bible says it is the grace of God that bringeth salvation so we are saved by grace meaning we don't have to work for it the only way that we receive that gift is through trusting in God by having faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and we are saved by grace not of works not by our own works of righteousness which we have done okay but by grace and through faith alone those who believe those who trust in God and not in themselves are those that shall inherit eternal life okay so those who are trusting in their works and their own righteousness and their own goodness and their own deeds and obedience and repentance of sins and every other thing that is of themselves if they are not trusting in Jesus Christ if they're trusting in anything else whether it be the good things that they do whether it be their baptism or going to church or their obedience they will not enter into the kingdom of heaven as Jesus said in Matthew chapter 7 verse 21 to 23 not everyone that saith unto me Lord Lord shall enter into the kingdom of heaven but he that doeth the will of my father which is in heaven many will say to me in that day Lord Lord have not we prophesied in thy name in thy name have cast out devils and in thy name done many wonderful works and then will I profess unto them I never knew you depart from me ye that work iniquity now this is ironically a scripture that's twisted by the self-righteous false gospel religions to teach the opposite of what it actually says ignore verses 22 and 23 and focus on verse 21 where Jesus said that only those that do the will of the Father shall enter into the kingdom however what they fail to realize is that nobody completes the perfect will of God in the sense that they interpret that you have to understand the context of this passage okay this is part of the Sermon on the Mount within which Jesus is emphasizing the necessity of perfection for those who think that they will get to heaven by their own deeds he said at the beginning that accept your righteousness exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees that you shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven then he said as I read in the first video in Matthew 5 48 be he therefore perfect as my father which is in heaven is perfect because God looks for perfection any sin anything that goes against his will is enough to damn you that is why we need justification by faith in Christ because none of us are perfect so we can't get through we can't get to heaven through our own works in our own obedience okay but these people talked about in verse 22 they come to Jesus boasting of the things that they've done and boasting of their good works Jesus says I never knew you depart from me ye that work iniquity these are not people who once were justified but had lost their salvation as some people try to twist this passage into saying because Jesus says I never knew you so why were these people cast out okay because Jesus said I never knew you meaning they've never been as people it's not that they were saved and they lost their salvation why are they cast out of the kingdom of heaven why are they not allowed to enter because their trust is not in Christ but in their own works and that's what we see in verse 22 and so therefore they remain unjustified Christ calls them workers of iniquity because they have not had their sins forgiven they come to Jesus thinking that they're righteous thinking that they will get to heaven because they call him Lord and has submitted unto him and are doing things in his name hey they've called him Lord and they're serving him they're doing works in his name right but because they're boasting in that and that is what they're trusting in in order to enter the kingdom of heaven because they are lifting themselves up instead of seeking mercy and turning the God by faith that's why they're cast out they're still under condemnation because they seek to be justified by the law it says in Romans chapter 9 that the reason why the Jews did not attain to righteousness is because they saw it by the works of the law it says in Galatians 5 4 that Christ has become of no effect to those who are justified by the law so every religion no matter if they claim to be Christians who thinks that they will enter into heaven because of their own works and deeds every religion that teaches that is deceived and Christ does not know them okay and they will be cast out according to this scripture Matthew chapter 7 shows us the Roman Catholics the churches of Christ there were pen of your sins teachers like Ray Comfort and Wayne Levi Price and all those people the Orthodox Christians the Jehovah's Witnesses the lordship salvationists you know these people are saying well he's Lord right they're calling him Lord Lord and they submitted themselves unto him and they're doing the works in his name and yet they like everybody else have come short okay the fact that they're trusting in that to get them to heaven is what causes them to be cast out the only difference between them and the Saints is the latter is justified by placing their faith in the Lord Jesus the Bible says in 1st Corinthians chapter 1 verse 21 for after that in the wisdom of God the world by wisdom knew not God it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe so this world sees the preaching of the cross as foolishness but as we know as it states a few verses earlier in verse 18 of 1st Corinthians chapter 1 the preaching of the cross is the power of God to us which are saved and we are saved by our belief over and over again the Bible says it's by faith okay if you want to be saved from your sins don't look to religious rituals and doing good works and doing good deeds but rather put your faith in the Son of God that's what the Bible says it's by faith he saved them that belief by grace you save through faith not by works of righteousness which we have done but by mercy he saved us okay it's not by our own works and yet so many religions teach that it is they will be cast out from the kingdom of heaven on that day because they have not been justified so when God looks at them he still sees sinners he doesn't have he doesn't see their their sins being washed away by faith because they're not trusting in God they're trusting in themselves so what becomes of those who are saved by faith we've seen that there's more to it than just a first-time justification that we can lose based on the way we live as many people present it God promises eternal life to the saved and I've already gone through the scriptures that say that but the Bible also says in first Thessalonians chapter 1 verse 10 and to wait for his son from heaven whom he raised from the dead even Jesus which delivered us from the wrath to come so because our sins have been taken away by Jesus through his death burial and resurrection and because God has justified us we have been delivered which is another word for saved from the wrath to come God's anger which is upon the wicked is no longer upon us because we have been reconciled to God okay before we were enemies I think it teaches that closes chapter 1 before we were enemies in our mind by wicked works but now we are reconciled to God by the cross and therefore our punishment has been taken away from us as well as it teaches in 2nd Corinthians chapter 1 verses 9 to 10 but we had the sentence of death in ourselves that we should not trust in ourselves but in God which raised the dead who delivered us from so great a death and doth deliver in whom we trust that he will yet deliver us so here we see laid out plainly the matter of salvation that we were dead we were under the sentence of death but it says that we should not trust in ourselves but in God which raised of the dead when we do trust him according to the multitude of verses that we've already seen and many more we are delivered from this so great a death as it calls it we know from revelation and Jesus's warnings in the gospel that this death is hell on the lake of fire because we have been delivered from our sins we have also been delivered from the wrath of God and therefore also from God's punishment God sends of death therefore the Bible says in 1st Thessalonians chapter 5 verses 9 to 10 for God has not appointed us to wrath but to obtain salvation by the Lord Jesus Christ who died for us that whether we wake or sleep we should live together with him so we are no longer under God's wrath but God has appointed for us to obtain salvation now the opposite of God's wrath according to this verse is salvation to say that those who are saved can be under God's wrath is a contradiction of what the Bible clearly says if we are saved that means that God has saved us from wrath as stated also in Romans 5 9 it says much more than being justified by his blood we shall be saved from wrath through him and therefore now that we are saved going back to first Thessalonians 5 10 whether we wake or sleep that is whether our bodies are alive or dead we should live together with him now where is Christ in heaven the Bible says that when he had by himself perch our sins he sat down on the right hand of the majesty on high the Bible says no man hath ascended up into heaven save he which came down from heaven even the son of man which is in heaven it says in 1st Peter 3 22 of Christ it says who has gone into heaven and isn't on the right hand of God okay so where is Christ he's in heaven on the right hand of God the Father and according to the scriptures if we have been saved even when our body returns to the dust of the earth which is called sleeping in the Bible such as in act 7 60 which says that when Stephen was stoned he fell asleep so when our bodies died it says that we should live together with him why because we have eternal life so Jesus said in John 10 28 and I give unto them eternal life and they shall never perish neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand so those who have been saved meaning saved from their sins and saved from God's wrath and saved from death they have eternal life so that when we die we will not go to hell but we will go to heaven okay as it says in 2nd Corinthians 5 8 that being absent from the body is to be present with the Lord so when our spirit and our soul leaves us earthly tabernacle for the person who is saved because we have everlasting life okay that part of us which continues to live goes to heaven so let's recap why does that happen because if we believe on Christ our sins are effectively remitted and we are justified by the blood of Christ so we are no longer sinners and therefore do no longer deserve the condemnation of hell God then imputes righteousness to us by that same faith without our works and we are then born again or regenerated and renewed by the Holy Ghost our dead soul is quickened with everlasting life all of this means together that we are saved and therefore will not go to hell because we have been saved from death but rather we will go to heaven that is what the Bible teaches so to say that we need to do anything else besides have faith in Jesus Christ or to say that those who are justified can lose their salvation or to say that faith cannot save you or to rely on your own righteousness is a heresy and denial of what the scriptures clearly teach over and over again justification is by faith regeneration is by faith quickening is by faith salvation is by faith it says it over and over again grace through faith that's it nothing else so any church or teacher who teaches contrary to this is not teaching what the Bible says because you won't find a single verse in the Bible that says that we have to live a good life in order to go to heaven because as I've just shown you with multitudes dozens and dozens and dozens of scriptures it's by faith it's by believing on the Lord Jesus Christ so I hope that people out there who are confused on this can have a better understanding of the doctrine of salvation of what takes place when we get saved of why it is only by faith because of the fact that we can't hope to be justified by our works because that doesn't make any sense that doesn't outweigh our sins so the fact that we are sinners means that we need somebody to step in our place and that was Jesus when he died on the cross and he took our sins he paid for them he died for them already so that every sin which we have already committed and every sin which we will commit has already been died for the punishment has already been paid all we have to do is trust in him and God gives us righteousness and he makes us alive once again so that we will be with him when we die when we go to heaven and not go to hell pretty clear in the scriptures okay so thank you buddy for watching that's it for today God bless you and goodbye