(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Hello everybody, it's me it's 12.3 back in the video. Excuse me if my voice sounds a little bit off. I have been losing my voice over the last few days so this is another video on commonly misunderstood, twisted, misused, and misinterpreted verses of the Bible. Today I'm going to be talking about John chapter 14 verse 13 which says, and whatsoever you shall ask in my name that will I do or yeah that will I do that the Father may be glorified in the Son. Now this verse is misunderstood by some to mean that you can pray for anything and expect God to give it to you. And you can see that a lot in this modern culture in this modern day and age where people are praying for something as minor and simple and just not important as winning a football game or passing a test at school. But is this really what the verse is saying? Is it just saying just ask anything God will automatically give it to you no matter what? Will God just answer every single prayer for every person regardless of their intentions or what they're asking for or who they are? Well let's compare this verse with other scripture. First of all we got to read this in context. The previous verse which is verse 12 says, verily verily I say unto you he that believeth on me the works that I do shall he do also and greater works than these shall he do because I go into my Father. And then notice the verse next verse verse 13 begins with the conjunction and. So this means that it's related to the previous statement. So when you put into context when you read both verse 12 and verse 13 Jesus is saying that only those who believeth on him will be answered. So those conditional Christians out there who only ask for help from God when they need it but ignore him when everything's going fine in their life, sorry for you. I mean salvation is a requirement for this. You need to be saved. You need to be an actual Christian in order for this to apply to you. And that also means that Catholics and other so-called Christians who put their trust in their works instead of trusting in Jesus Christ alone for salvation, their vain repetitions that they call prayers are not answered either. Here are some other important verses from the Bible on prayer. First John chapter 9 verse 31 Jesus says, now we know that God hereth not sinners but if any man be a worshiper of God and doeth his will him he heareth. And then Psalm chapter 66 verse 18 if I regard iniquity in my heart the Lord will not hear me. So in these verses we see that a man with a wicked heart will not have his prayers answered either. You need to be right with God. You need to be an actual saved Christian who worships and fears God. In addition something which coincides with believing on our Lord is actually believing what he's gonna do and what that he's gonna do what you ask okay because it says in Mark chapter 11 verse 24 therefore I say unto you what things so ever you desire when you pray believe that you receive them and you shall have them. So the attitude of agnostics or lukewarm Christians praying in the manner that they're doing it just in case doesn't do anything. If you're not willing to worship and obey God God doesn't have to give you anything okay when we get saved we actually become the child of God we become the children of God as it says in John 1 12 and as many as received them to them gave you powers to become the sons of God so God gives us these gifts as a father does to a child okay so stop praying for your own selfish gain gain or for sinful things okay because an example I brought up earlier is winning a football game so okay just something you see some football players will will pray for their success in their game but does God care no because a majority of these people are not safe Christians anyway and they're praying only so they can receive the hundreds of thousands of dollars they get for for winning or for for doing that job because we're the Bible does say the love of money is the root of all evil and 1st Timothy 6 10 hey they only want to win because they love money okay they're not doing it for the glory of God so I hope that clears things up and what prayer is really all about and what John 14 13 is all about so thank you everybody for watching and goodbye