(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) All right, if I get everyone's attention, please. Feel free to keep eating and, you know, if you need to get more food or whatever, get up. It's fine. I'm going to start the the solding workshop, though. So if you want to just keep the conversation down to a minimum so we can hear. This one's not going to be nearly as long as it was last time. The second one went a lot longer than I thought I should have added more points to this third one. We're going to get done relatively quickly. And then once we're done with this, we'll be able to finish up, obviously. And then maybe we'll talk to the ladies and see how they want to have tables set up for their event. If you don't mind just helping clean up a little bit before we head out solding, we still got a little bit of time. So this won't take very long to get done. We can help the ladies get everything cleaned up and maybe a little bit more organized for their event. And then we could head out and do our solding this afternoon. This is the solding workshop number three. This is going to be the final one in this series. And there's just a few points I want to bring up. One, I don't recall if I have specifically mentioned this or not in previous ones, but it just has to do with talking. It has to do with the one where I was talking about respecting people, respecting the house you go to, remember I mentioned not cutting across your yard and stuff like that. And one thing I just want to make sure that I emphasize, because I can't recall if I brought this up or not, is normally you'll have conversations with your solding partner. That's great. I mean, we do it all the time, right? You get a chance to fellowship while you're going door to door. But make sure when you come, especially when you knock on that door, I recommend not talking at all, stopping the conversation. And if you do talk, keep it very, very, very quiet, like whisper level. The whole point of being there, first of all, it's very easy to be distracted, to be engaged in your conversation with your friend, but that's not the main purpose of going out solding. It's not just to talk to your solding partner. The point is to give the gospel to the person. So the reasoning behind this one is you need to be focused as soon as that person opens up the door, that they don't have to wait for you to finish your conversation, that you are ready to speak with them because you're at their door. And two, it's rude to just be carrying on some conversation loudly outside of someone else's front door. They don't know you at all, and you're just yapping away. I've seen sometimes people, they could hear you from inside whatever it is that you're saying. Obviously, you shouldn't be saying anything that would be shameful or whatever, but my point is, if someone came to my door and I could just hear them just having this full on conversation, I'd be like, who are these guys? It's just kind of rude to be doing that. Right off the bat, that's a bad first impression. You want them to understand you're there to speak to them. You're not there having these other conversations. So when you come up, if you go up to a door, you're going to knock on that door. Whether you're the one talking or whatever, keep it down a lot lower than you normally would. As long as you're walking down by the street or whatever, great. When you get up to that door, it's business time and I want you also just focused on, you're going to give them your full attention in giving the gospel and not continue to be thinking about the conversation that you were just talking about previously. I just wanted to make sure that was real clear about that, because that is kind of important. Now when it comes to foreign languages, I've had a lot of people ask questions about this. This is really good. So there's a lot of different things that you can do. So there's different types of situations that people are in. Some people have varying degrees of knowledge when it comes to foreign languages. Some people have no knowledge whatsoever. So here's my recommendation. If you have zero knowledge of a foreign language, one thing you can do, and what we're mostly going to be talking about here is Spanish, mostly, because that's mostly what we run into out preaching the gospel, although there are people who speak other languages in some communities that we go to. There is the Faithful Word app that has the Bible way to heaven in multiple different languages. If you could at least learn how to say, can I show you a video in that language, then I would recommend it be a good idea if they're willing to listen to a video. If you have the ability, you have the data on your phone, and you can play a video for them, great. They can hear the gospel given on a video. Now if you don't know anything about that language, obviously you're not going to be able to just pray with them and what we would consider get them saved, like the way we normally do. You talk to someone, you give them the gospel, you ask questions, you make sure they understand it, but at least you get to allow them to hear the gospel. So that's great. That's a good opportunity to do that. I'm all for doing that. If you don't do that and you don't know the language at all, you can either make note of the door if you know someone else that can speak that language and be like, hey, do you mind talking to these people, or just move on. In some areas, it doesn't even make sense. If there's only two people who can speak Spanish and we're in an entire Hispanic apartment complex, we can't just be like, hey, brother Soto, can you just go to every door and talk to these people? That's not going to matter. But if it kind of works out and people are there, obviously you could be like, oh, hey, I know this person knows Spanish. Do you mind talking to this person real quick? Second, let's say you know, so that's if you just don't know the language at all. You're kind of limited in your options. If you're able to find language and play it for them, whether it be on YouTube or on that Faithful Word app, you know, the Faithful Word app just has tons of languages on it in one place. It's really easy to find. But if you, you know, if you know our, well, not ours, but if you know, like I don't have one for Spanish, but you know, Pastor Mendez is one I really like in Spanish. If you know where those videos are, you can keep them bookmarked on your phone, easily bring them up and show it to them that way. If you can kind of do some Spanish, I would recommend this. If you understand a little bit, but maybe not enough to have a fluent conversation, I recommend coming prepared with notes. Do the homework of how to say certain things. Now, it's still going to benefit if they're willing to listen and you can go through the gospel, maybe you still can't really do good discernment on whether or not they're fully understanding what you're saying. But my point is, the more that you can do and be prepared to do, the better, right? So if you, there's certain questions that we already know we're going to ask. And even follow-up questions. Even if you don't fully understand the response, okay, but at least just get through it and you've planted seeds, you know, there's still that opportunity. But when it comes to praying with people, I usually try to make sure that I'm pretty comfortable knowing that they understand what I'm talking about before I'll lead them in a prayer. Because what we don't want, we don't want to have people have a false sense of salvation. Now obviously that's possible in general, but we want to minimize that. And if you don't feel comfortable understanding what someone else is saying, then one, we're not going to count those as salvations. And two, like I said, do as much as you can, but you kind of give them the Gospels as best you can and then move on to the next door. But my overall point is, do as much as you can. Give as many Bible verses as you're willing to listen and you think you can articulate and do the homework to be able to do that. Now there's also some times where you have people who are, for me, this works out the best when someone can speak some English, but maybe not completely. So you kind of give a Gospel presentation in Spanglish. With my skill level, Spanish, I love this the most because I can still communicate the best and most effectively. But here's the thing to understand, if English is not their native language, the way that you give the Gospel to people like that, let's say they understand enough English for you to communicate with, but they really still don't know a lot of English, right? You have to assume that they don't understand the words that you're going to say to them from the Bible. Now many people, especially foreigners that are in this country and they don't speak English very well, they have developed the ability just to say, oh yeah, yeah, shake their head, nod their head a lot to get through the various situations even when they don't understand exactly what they're saying. But obviously for what we're doing, it's extremely important that they understand what you're saying. So when you're giving the Gospel to someone, English is not their native language, ask a lot of questions on if they understand what you're saying. And even ask them to say, do you know what this means, and have them explain it to you to the best of their ability in their broken English or whatever. Do that for them, and it's going to take longer. But you need to do that because it's too easy for people to just go, oh yeah, yeah, okay, and then nod their head along with it. And they might get enough to be able to say something back, oh yeah, I just got to believe in Jesus, okay, yeah, you know, but still not really get it. So we want to be real careful. These are situations you want to make sure you're doing, you're kind of going the extra distance to make sure that you're being very thorough in making sure that they understand. Now a similar situation to this is when you're dealing with children or people who may be mentally handicapped, it's all the same thing because there's different reasons. A child, they may not have all the vocabulary. A non-native speaker, same thing. They don't have all the vocabulary, and a mentally handicapped person, same thing. They don't have all the vocabulary, and in any one of those situations, they also may not have all the comprehension of what exactly, the point you're trying to make or trying to get across. So in all three of those situations, it's really important that you can break things down as simply as possible and do not assume, don't assume people know what a sin is, especially in these categories. Don't assume people know what hell is. Don't assume people know some of the most basic things that to you, you might not even normally ask about that, ask about that and make sure they understand that each step, that they know what you're talking about. And that goes for children, mentally handicapped, or non-native speakers, all alike. So those are some tips for that. The foreign language thing, like I said, the videos are great if you can do that, if you can show them the video, if you don't know anything at all. It's worth your time to do that. I've had people allow me to play it, and even when their English is broken, sometimes that helps too. If they could do some English, and they'll let you, well, can I play this video for you? Great. And they understand you saying that in English? Then they can watch it in their native language and ask them, did you understand what's being said there? And try to do your best to communicate with them in that way. Another tip here, now when it comes to giving a child, mentally handicapped, now another situation you might run into is giving a gospel to a group of people. These are great opportunities. I love these opportunities. Different things you might run across. Obviously there's a difference between adults and children, but you'll run into both. Sometimes there's adults kind of all hanging around, standing around, talking. We'll deal with adults first. Normally when I approach a group of adults, I try to speak to everyone, make contact with everybody. But what you're going to be doing is you're going to be trying to figure out who's interested and who's not. Because you want to spend as much time focusing on people who are interested, not in people who are not interested. In a group, many times you'll run across someone who's real flippant, they don't care, they might try to make a joke of everything. Ignore that person. Try not to include them in everything you're doing, because if people do seem interested, they could hear. Great, you could hear everything that's going on, but you want to focus on the people who you think are actually paying attention. If everyone else gets to hear the gospel, great. But when you're giving the gospel to people, you should be engaging with them and asking questions. So when I am speaking to a group of people, if I think only one person is interested, then I'm pretty much doing a one-on-one soul winning with that person, even though everyone else can hear. If I think there's a couple people interested, here's what I do, is I'll start asking, I'll go through the gospel and I'll ask one question to this person, and then I'll ask a different question to someone else, or even ask, well hey, this person said this, what do you think? Right, you get to the point, especially if you get to the point where you say, well hey, we know Jesus died for everyone, and I don't know what your presentation is, but typically for me, I'll go through sin, the penalty of sin, you know, hell, and Jesus Christ dying for our sins on the cross, and then I like to ask the question, well we know that Jesus died for everyone, right, we know that God wants everyone to be saved, but just because Jesus died for everyone, does that mean everyone goes to heaven? I get to a point in my presentation where I ask that, and it's usually at that point where I'll ask people, well then what do you think we have to do, right? If everyone isn't going to heaven, then what do we have to do? So in a group, I'll ask each person what they think we have to do, because that is a very important point. You know, some points I might ask one person here, or one person there, but if people are generally getting it, you kind of get that feel, like people understand what sin is, people understand what hell is, you know, there's not any problems there, I might ask a question here and there to make sure people are paying attention, but then that one I'll try to ask everybody, well hey, what do you think, what do you think, he said this, what do you think, do you agree with him, do you think that's right, or do you think it's different? Just to see where everyone is individually before moving on, right? And then as you go, like I said, some people may not want to have anything to do with it, and they'll listen, but then by the end, you know, it's important you ask the questions to everyone that you think is listening on whether or not you feel now that they've got it and they're ready to get saved, they're ready to call on the name of the Lord, right? And take the time and ask everybody individually, like hey, so what do you think about this? And then I'll say, well if you believe these things, right, let's pray and call on God, and you can pray after me, and then you go through the prayer as a group, and everyone individually can just pray out loud while you pray, and that's great, and when that works out, and you get a feel for who you think got it and who didn't, you deal with the group. Now there's other group dynamics that come up when you're dealing with people. Sometimes people try to be jokers and everything else, and this is going to lead into also when you give the gospel to kids. We need to have boldness when we preach the gospel, okay? Boldness is something that the Holy Spirit will come and get you. The more you're in the Spirit and the more you're doing this, you should have that boldness, but pray for that boldness, be thinking about that, and don't be intimidated by a group, and if someone's kind of talking trash and making a big joke out of it, what I'll do is be like, okay sir, I understand that you may not believe this, but can you just let me talk to your friends here? They want to hear this, right? And I don't like trying to put the friends on the spot to stand up against their friend, because a lot of times people will do that, you stand up for them, and then if they really don't want to talk to you, then they'll make it obvious and say, no, no, no, why don't you just, okay fine, but you stand up for the person that might be too shy or timid to stand up to their friend who's just a loud-mouthed jerk, right? And we do so tactfully, because we're not trying to antagonize a situation, but what you're trying to do is control the situation. Say I'm sorry sir, I understand if you have different beliefs, you don't believe this, I would like to talk to you later, and we can go over this, but can you just let me explain this to these people, because they don't seem to understand, there's a lot of ways to verbally put someone aside to deal with everybody else, and you got to be kind of conscious of that, because if someone's just always interjecting, it's going to make it way harder for anyone just to get through the gospel, right? Now when it comes to kids, you should be able to have that boldness as an adult to even further not allow the nonsense that some kids, because some kids will just clown around, and I've seen it, but if you sternly rebuke a kid that's clowning around, I know that today's society, it's getting a little bit harder, but most kids will still understand that you are an adult in a position of authority that's saying, okay, we're not going to, you know, just tell them, look, you need to be quiet, you know, these kids are learning, you're being very rude, you know? It's okay to say that to a group, when a group of kids is listening to you, and one is not, is just kind of being a clown, right? And just take charge as you would, like as a parent, as whatever, just, they're kids, you know? They need to listen. And I went over this in the past, you know, when we're talking about kids, we're not talking about, like, the little, little, little kids, okay? I'm talking about older kids that you would probably run into out, they're playing basketball, they're playing football, whatever, right, where they're old enough to kind of be out on their own. Now, that being said, let's talk about giving the gospel to younger kids, because you may do this maybe not necessarily very much out, soul-winding, door-to-door, but even just in your personal life, okay? Giving the gospel to children, you've got to break things down very simply. And thank God the gospel is simple. But when it comes to children, I like using analogies that they're going to understand. And when I give analogies on eternal security, because that's what I use the most analogies for, when I talk to a parent, someone that Noah has children, I love using analogy and talking about being born again, and being a child of God, and being a parent to a child, and that love that never is going to go away, that you have that bond, once you're a child, you have a child, you're always going to love that child, right? That resonates really, really, really strongly with parents, and just the whole concept of punishing and disciplining your child, all of that stuff, parents get that really well, so I use that a lot. But with children, they don't really get that as much, it doesn't resonate, but a gift does. So I will make it a point when I'm dealing with children, of pretty much all ages, when I talk about eternal security, I really go deep into the gift concept. And you know what, make it fun for them, very, very simple things. I'm not saying you've got to turn into a circus and get in the gospel, I'm just saying, say things that you know kids are going to be interested in, to keep them interested in the conversation. So like presents, what kid doesn't like presents? You say, hey, you know, you like getting gifts, don't you? I mean, isn't it cool? Christmas is coming up, what do you, I mean, do you guys give gifts to each other? Yeah, it's great, right? Well, what's cool about that gift, like, you get all this stuff, and you didn't pay for any of it, right? You kind of go into that stuff, but talk to them more on their level, in a way that they're going to be like getting into it so that you can keep the attention, but then also be able to explain things simply in a way that there should be no confusion. It's easily understood. The gospel is easy to understand, so don't, you know, we don't, and we never do this really, but get into all the theology and theological terms or anything like that. Look, the gospel is easy, let's keep it that way and not confound it. And with children, too, I like to ask a lot of questions and keep them engaged, because their attention span isn't always that great, so I ask a lot of questions, well, hey, do you know what a sin is? Well, give me an example of a sin, what do you think is a sin, right? Well, if someone tells a lie, is that a sin? And, you know, you go through this to make sure they get it all throughout the whole process. And they understand disciplining, too, right, so when you're explaining internal security, they can understand, well, hey, look, I mean, your mom loves you, right, your dad loves you, they're always going to love you, but if you go get in trouble, aren't you going to get punished? Yeah, of course, right, well, that's how God is, you know, he explained things. Get on their level, right, and that's going to be the best way to get through. And then my last point is with preparation, be prepared to give the gospel. Do a little bit of work in advance before you give the gospel, and I'm speaking especially for people who may be a little bit newer, right? Take the time to make sure you know where you're going. Even a real simple suggestion is, you know, keep a bookmark, whether you use a ribbon, a piece of paper, anything, if you always give the gospel starting off with, say, Romans 3.23, I mean, if that is your starting verse that you like to use, have that ready to go just at every door that you're going to, that you've got a ribbon or a bookmark or something there, so that you don't have to take extra time going, well, wait, hold on a second, let me find that, wait, I think it's here somewhere, hold on a second, you know, we want as little of that as possible, that opens up the door just as a distraction for people not to be focused. Be prepared, it's going to help you in effectiveness, now you can use tabs, some people like having tabs on their pages to be able to flip to each passage, some people will write down in the Bible what verse to go to next, useful tools, I encourage doing that, if that's something that's going to help you, you say, I always start off here and you've got a bookmark ready to open to it. Well, when you're done with that verse, you can write down in the side, somewhere in the Bible there, where are you going to turn to next, if you're having a hard time remembering all that and making sure you don't forget some scriptures that you like to make sure that you hit, and you can kind of follow that train that way of writing down all the references. That's another way of being prepared, knowing where you're going to turn to, right, so you can get there quickly, and then also, I brought this up last time, is just having some scriptures memorized, also, now, I don't know if I brought this up last time, but if you're doing memorization, memorize it word perfect, memorize the scripture word perfect, okay, the word of God is what is ultimately what's going to save, that's where the power is, we don't want to corrupt that accidentally, and I've been going with a lot of people over my whole life that have not been very diligent at making sure that they're quoting the scripture correctly, it kind of drives me nuts, because, look, I mean, I'm not saying that if you left out a word as you're giving all these verses and stuff, that that person's not going to get saved, I don't think that, but we don't want to be messing with the word of God, I mean, let's just quote it, get it down right, and if you can't get it down right, if you don't have it down, and you keep on trying to quote it, and you keep misquoting it, just turn to it, turn to it and read it, okay, faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God, we really don't want to get slack in that point, because then it's like, oh, well, I kind of quoted it, I have quoted it, it's like, no, no, we take the word of God seriously, so preparation, yes, be prepared, be as well as you can, continue to grow in that area, make sure you've got a plan, and you know what you want to hit, and you know what verses you want to go to, and start committing verses to memory, but make sure when you commit a memory, that you actually have them committed to memory. Word perfect, and if you can't just sit here and say, you know, John 3 16, for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life, if you can't just say that, and you're kind of fumbling around, okay, or you're getting some words wrong, then don't do it at the door. Turn to it. Some people, you know, I like turning, I have all of the verses memorized that I give, when I give the gospel, I have all of them memorized, and I know I'm not making mistakes when I'm quoting the scriptures, when I'm giving someone the gospel, but I still like to turn to them anyways. There is something about showing people, and look, I don't do that all the time, and people go out and tell me, no, I don't always open up my Bible and show people, but I think it does have an impact with some people to see it for themselves, be like, here, look, here's what the word of God says, and you can quote it to them while they're looking at it, so you can turn the Bible to face them, and you don't have to, like, you know, do that. Now, look, if you do, fine, then do it, but it's a little bit better if you can be even more prepared to where you can show it and point it out to them, and you can be quoting it while they're reading it. So those are all the tips I have. Does anyone have any questions, and the floor is open for everybody, does anyone have any questions or final, you know, when it comes to soul-winning tips, something I didn't bring up that you'd like mentioned or clarification on right now, because this is going to be the last one. Very good question. Thank you for bringing that up. Thank you, yeah, ending times. So when it comes to our soul-winning times, and this is extremely important, because we have soul-winning time, like today, in between church services, right? Attending church is extremely important. If you haven't gotten that by now from me preaching, then I don't know what else to say. If you don't believe that it's extremely important to come to church, it's also extremely important that people get saved, right? I mean, of course it is, but we have to be able to schedule everything accordingly. We don't just say, well, soul-winning is just most important, so I'm just going to go soul-winning all the time, and I'm never going to go to church, I'm just going to go soul-winning, every waking hour I have, I'm going to go soul-winning, right? I mean, because you can take that extreme and say, well, hey, I mean, people are going to die and go to hell. Yes, but church is also very important, okay? So when we have a time in between church service, I know that that person's soul is important, whoever you're going to be talking to at soul-winning time, but you need to make a break point to where you can make sure you're still going to be punctual and on time to church, because both are important, so we need to schedule out all of these things. And what I've done, and I've done this in the past, you know, you're giving a gospel to someone, now look, I'll cut it as close as I can. If I think someone's listening and being receptive and they're kind of hearing it, you don't necessarily want to stop, but you have to make a judgment call at some point, especially as the time gets later. I mean, if someone's just taking a really long time to get it, they might, they probably, I mean, I don't want to say they probably won't, but odds are, if it's taking them, you know, if you've already been talking to them for an hour and a half, for example, and it's getting time to go to church, you just cut the conversation short and go to church. If you've been talking to them for 10 or 15 minutes, and you think they're getting it and it's only going to take a little bit longer, that's different, right? But you need to know when to call it quits, and I know sometimes it's like, man, there's six doors in this building and there's one left, but if I leave now, I'll make it to church on time, and if I get in a conversation, there's no way I'm going to make it to church. Then don't do that last door, right? And with people, if you're giving them the gospel, but it's going to take you an hour late or something, why don't you just try to get their contact information, like, look, I really want to keep talking to you about this, but I have somewhere to be right now. I have to go. Can I get your contact information so we can continue talking about this? Can I get your phone number? Can I do this? I think that's the appropriate thing to do. Now if you're on another soul winning time, a Monday night group, a Saturday afternoon group or whatever, and you don't have some other, like, you don't have church to go to, take as much time as you want to, right? Keep going. And I do think there's a value at striking while the iron's hot, and if you've got someone's attention or listening to you, that is the time to give them the gospel. But when it comes to just having a stopping point, a breaking point, I believe that you should have a hard stop to where if you don't get the job done, that you say, okay, well, I need to go. Because it's also very important that you make it to church. That's where I stand on that. That's a good question, and everybody is, of course, capable of making your own choices on that. If you decide to skip church or be late or whatever because you're giving someone the gospel, hey, that's your choice, right? But it's my firm belief that it is better to make sure you just have those hard stops. Because you could always make the case of, well, if you take that too far, you could just end up going, like I said at the beginning, well, if I just always go soul winning, right, that's more important. And you can make the argument that, well, since this is so important to get people saved, then I just, I'm going to do that all the time and just kind of not, you know, it comes out of time management, right? Doing everything that's important. Church is important, so is soul winning. So let's just do all of it without conflict, to the best of our ability. I don't know if that completely answers or satisfies your question, but... So we're about to... Yeah, I mean, that was part of the outcome. Part of it? Was there... What you said really early. Okay, so if you finish really early, like in your area, like we go to apartment complex, apartment complex is done. Well, I think, one thing I'll try to do is if it's nice weather and there's a lot of people out, just try to get in conversations then with whoever you can, or go anywhere nearby. And again, even in, you got to be able to say, well, how much time do I actually have? Because you don't want to spend a bunch more time driving, and then you get started somewhere where you can't do much anyways. But normally, just go, I would, even if we've already done it before and you're in an area, but it's already done, and you're at that middle point where you're kind of like, well, we do have some more time to knock some doors, but not to just drive to a whole new location, get started somewhere else. Just go somewhere in that vicinity and just give the gospel as long as you can, and then until your stopping point. That's what I recommend. And we did that once, not that long ago. We went to an apartment complex, we kind of knocked it out real fast. And then there were some houses like right around the corner, and we just started knocking on those. That's what I recommend to do. Yeah, well, depends on how much you get accomplished, right? If multiple people are going out and you actually cover significant ground, I would like to know about it just to be able to mark it. But if you hit like a couple doors or something, we'll just go back and redo that. So again, that's kind of a judgment call on how to manage that. If you end up having a lot of time, you get like a whole street done or half a street done or something, yeah, just put it in there and be like, hey, I knocked these doors or whatever and then I can mark it up on a map here. Did you have something, Brother Doty? Was that covering it? The early part, yeah, yeah, if you get done real early. And again, it's still your choice, right? You finish what you set out to do, but I always like to keep going for as long as you can until church starts. So yeah, if you could, and especially if no one else is around, there's no other team leader to help out because sometimes the team leader will have more places. And like Brother Vernon, normally we'll put, hey, if we get done with this, we're going to go to this one. So he prepares in advance for some of that. But obviously there's some situations where that just kind of hits you like, wow, we just knocked this out real fast. It wasn't what we expected or whatever. And normally he'll be the one to be able to tell people, okay, we're going to go here next. But if that's not happening and you don't know where the leader is, then just go ahead and feel free to just kind of go anywhere nearby. Because something is better than nothing, right? Excellent. Anything else? Does anyone have any other, any comments or questions? Well, here, let me put it this way. Let me answer it this way, okay. On a little bit simpler scale, because we asked the question, you know, what do you think you have to do to be saved usually at the beginning, right? If someone just says believe, you still usually will ask another question, right? Like do you think there's anything we can do to lose that? Part of this is going to be discernment on where you think, if you really think this person believes it or not for whatever reason. Because if they say, well, I go to so and such, reform church or Presbyterian church or whatever, you might already think, well, they might be a Calvinist anyways, right? So you already have that information, then of course it's very prudent to continue asking questions, just to make sure. I mean, there's nothing wrong with trying, if you have any reason to doubt what someone's telling you, by all means ask a few more questions. Just get as much clarification as you feel you need to understand what that person believes, right? And then of course there's always a point where we have to just take what someone is saying as true. So if you have a reason to think that they may be saying something right, but they don't, you know, you don't really think that they believe that, then yeah, start asking some more questions. That's, I mean, that's the best way to deal with that. Anybody else? All right, very good, appreciate everybody being here and going through this. We, like I said, this is recorded, this is livestream right now. All of these videos are going to be online. As the church grows and people start coming to church, especially when people start getting interested in soul winning, I recommend that you please will point people to the videos that are up, wherever our church site happens to be, if our main YouTube channel is gone or whatever, whatever videos we happen to have online, whatever place it's at, point people to that as they become getting interested in coming out soul winning with us. It's still incumbent on all of us individually to do discipleship and to do training of people as they come out and to just help guide and explain things, but this is an extra resource. Just let them know, hey, pastor already went over a lot of things that, you know, different questions and things that will come up, and I think you'll value from this greatly, send them an email with the link or just tell them about it or whatever and kind of point people to these things because it will help us all be on the same page for all the little details that maybe you forget or don't remember when you're trying to instruct people that are new to soul winning. All right, very good. We're going to close in prayer, and then we'll clean up and get ready to hit the road, hit the road, hit the streets, so let's go on soul winning. All right. Dear Heavenly Father, Lord, we thank you so much for this church. God, you've really built a great church here, and I pray that you would please help us to continue to grow and learn and be able to improve in the area of evangelism, preaching the gospel. Dear Lord, I pray that you would help us to just be very mindful to things that we may not be doing right or could be improved upon and help us to improve in those areas. Lord, we really want to do the most that we can for you and do things right, do things biblically, and I pray that you would just bless our church, help us as we go out soul winning this afternoon. Lead us to people who are going to be willing to listen and help us to put into practice the things that we've learned already. We love you, it's in Jesus' name we pray, amen.