(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Hey guys, so soul winning tip for Wednesday, November 22nd is this. Know the goal. Know the end goal of going out soul winning. And the end goal of soul winning is this. The purpose of soul winning is this. To get somebody to change what they believe. That's the goal. We are trying to compel people out soul winning and persuade people toward the kingdom of God which means that they have to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. Which means that they need to change what they believe. Now either one of two things happens out soul winning when you talk to somebody. Either you talk to them and they're already saved in which case you know you meet them and they're already saved. So they didn't change what they believe or they do change what they believe and get saved. Unless they change what they believe from the point when you knocked on that door they did not get saved. And changing what you believe from what you used to believe in to then being converted by choice by believing on the Lord Jesus Christ according to Acts 16 31. That is called repentance in the Bible. Mark in Mark chapter 1. This is one of the first things Jesus taught. The Bible says now after that John was put into prison in Mark 1 14 Jesus came into Galilee preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God and saying the time is fulfilled and the kingdom of God is at hand repent ye and believe the gospel. So right away Jesus was preaching that they need to repent and believe the gospel. Meaning what? That they need to change what they believe and believe the gospel. They need to believe that Jesus Christ came into the world was manifest in the flesh died for their sins was buried and rose again and look to Christ to save them. And I'm not gonna expound repentance and go into a whole dissertation or preach a whole sermon about repentance. If you're watching these videos you probably understand the meaning of repentance. It simply means to take your faith off of what it used to be on whether it was works or a false religion or your own self or your own baptism or you're a false god a false church like the Catholic Church and put it on to Christ and trust Christ alone. That's repentance. You your goal is to get somebody to change what they believe. One time a woman said to me out soul winning she said I don't appreciate you coming out here and knocking doors like this. You're trying to get people to change what they believe. And I said that's exactly what I'm trying to do. I said you're right that's exactly what I'm doing because that is what I'm doing and I'm not ashamed of it. I'm not because that's the only way anyone can be saved by changing what they believe. Don't pray with people unless you're certain that they change what they believe. This is a big problem in independent fundamental Baptist circles nowadays is this really shallow one two three repeat after me soul winning which I don't believe in at all and people even accuse me of that just because I believe in calling upon the name of the Lord doesn't mean I believe in forcing someone to pray and just call upon the name of the Lord without even having faith you know how shall they call on him in whom they have not believed so once they believe you call upon the name of the Lord but look unless you are are convinced that they have changed what they believed from when you first got there and have chosen to believe on Christ unless you're convinced that they no longer believe in works and have been convinced that according to the Bible it's faith alone unless you are convinced that they have changed what they believe and stopped believing that Jesus is just a good man and started to believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and God in the flesh unless you are convinced that they do not believe that they can lose their salvation anymore unless you're convinced of these things unless you're convinced that they've repented of their false religion of Catholicism and trust in baptism from the Catholic Church and praying to Mary and they're there unless you're convinced that they have turned from those things turned from those false beliefs and have chosen to believe the gospel don't pray with them the goal of soul winning is to get people to change what they believe that's the goal and to choose to believe on Christ that's what soul winning is so that's what we're doing out soul winning and that's the tip tonight no the goal and the goal is this to compel the person to change what they believe stop believing in their false religion and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ they can't hold on to Hinduism and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ they can't hold on to Catholicism and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ you have to make sure that they understand they have changed what they believe that that's what they have to do to be saved all right guys God bless you and have a fantastic night and a fantastic Thanksgiving with your family all right guys signing off now