(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Hello everyone, this is Joe and Karen Rodriguez from Phoenix, Arizona and today we're going to go over our fifth part of our basic Spanish tutorial soul winning video. Now in this portion of the soul winning video, we're going to cover how to call upon the name of the Lord. So we've already gone through most of the presentation, now we're going to explain Romans 10-9 and how to actually get saved. Okay, so what I'm going to ask the person is, now how do you receive the gift of eternal life? How are you saved? And then I say the Bible tells us and this is how I say it in Spanish. Ahora, como recibes esse regalo de vida el tena. Como es esa salvo. Pues la bibliadise, and I go into Romans 10, Romano's diez nueve, Romano's diez nueve, Que si confeseras con tu boca el señor Jesus y creieres en tu corazón que dios le levantado de los muertos será salvo, porque con el corazón se crey para juticia, más con la boca se hace confesión para salo asión. And then we're going to skip down to verse 13 and read, porque toda que el que invocar el nombre del señor será salvo. Okay so we just finished reading Romans 10-9 to them and we've read 10-13 as well, so now we're going to say, now it's not just the words that save you. If you pray and ask God to save you, but you don't believe in any of this, then you're still on your way to hell. You have to put all the faith that you have on Jesus to save you. I'm not saying you have to have this huge amount of faith, but all the faith that you do have, you have to put it on Jesus. So this is how we would say that in Spanish. Ahora no solos son las palabras que te salvan, si tu pides que dios te salve, pero no crees en nada de lo que hablamos toda bía vas aíra el infierno. Tienes que tener toda la fe que tienes en que sus para salvarte. Okay, so now we're going to go into the questions at the end to see if they really got it. So I asked a person, let me ask you a few questions, ahora dejame preguntarte unas preguntas, do you believe you are a sinner, crees que eres un pecador? It should be an easy no brainer. Do you believe we deserve to go to hell? You could also rephrase it as, do you believe that all of us deserve to go to hell? They have to agree or else they can't move forward. So then I'm going to ask them, do you believe Jesus died on the cross and rose again? Okay, so if they've answered all these questions correctly, then we're going to start wrapping it up with this. I would say, you know, do you believe if you asked Jesus to save you, he would do it? Hopefully they say yes. And then how long? And hopefully they say forever. So how you would say that in Spanish is, tu crees si le pideeras a Jesus que te salve Okay, so if they've answered all these questions correctly and they really understand the gift of eternal life, they really understand salvation, then you can go ahead and lead them in prayer if they want to, how to call upon the name of the Lord. So what I would say in English, what we would say in English is what I would like to do with you now is just pray with you and help you ask for that gift of eternal life for Jesus to save you. Would you like to do that? You can just repeat after me if you want. A lot of people are nervous to pray in front of you, you kind of think they think you're putting them on the spot. Maybe they've never even prayed before, they don't know what to say. So you could just tell them, you know, you could just repeat after me. Okay, so now I'm going to say it in Spanish, the formal way to say it if it's somebody older or, you know, somebody you want to use the formal version with, this is how you would say it. Lo que me gustaría sera hora con usted es si quiere ayudarle, resar y pedir ese regalo para ser salgo. Si quiere puede repetir después de mi. Now the informal way to say it is lo que me gustaría sera hora contigo ese quieres ayudarte resar y pedir ese regalo para ser salgo, si quieres puedes repetir después de mi. So that's the informal way to say it. Okay, so at this point we're going to lead them in prayer. We're going to use the Reign of Valera Gomez Bible, 2010 edition, that's also, you can also purchase this off of Framing the World Productions. Just go to their website and at the very end of it, it actually has a prayer that you can read off to that person and lead them in prayer to get saved. So it says, Jesús, yo sé que soy un pecador, condenado al infierno, pero creo que muristas en la cruz, fuiste se pultado y resucitastes de la tumba para pagar por mi especados. Por favor, salvame y dame vida aeterna, amen. So that is the end of our fifth soul winning video. I mean, again, this is a very basic soul winning in Spanish video. We hope that we were able to assist and help people get a little bit more familiar with the Spanish language. It's going to take a lot of practice. You just got to do it over and over and over again, read it over and over again to get better at it. I will, as always, put the script to this video in the description below on the Google Drive where you can find all of the Spanish soul winning tutorial video scripts and you can practice along with the videos. Again, this was very basic. Again, in the back of this Bible, there's also a condensed plan of salvation that has all the same points, sinners, Christ died for us, eternal life, you know, asking Jesus to save you. Everything is here as well. And so after you get someone saved, you know, some things we like to do is talk about baptism, invite them to church. Pastor Jimenez has a great soul winning seminar that you can listen to and it has a lot of great ideas for follow up for someone that wants to come to church. And so, yeah, if you have any questions, comments, concerns, leave them in the comments below and we'll get back to you as soon as we can. Joe, anything else? No, that's it. Thank you so much for just watching. We appreciate it. Take care, everyone. And God bless. Goodbye. Bye.