(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Hi everybody, this is Karen Rodriguez and this is my daughter Alicia, we call her Ellie and she's going to help me today because my husband is really busy getting the car ready, our van ready for the Red Hot Preaching Conference coming up next week so that's exciting. Hopefully you can make it, if not make sure you watch on the live stream. So and I've got some really great feedback on these videos. So this week we're just going to take a pause and do something a little bit different then we'll come back to it next video. We're going to make a video for those of you that just really don't speak any Spanish, the step by step tutorial is just too hard, it's just too much, you're just not there quite yet. You just want a video on what to say at the door, like just one phrase before you have to move on, it's just too much. So that's what this video is going to be. So we have these cards here, so these are YouTube cards, I think you can buy these at FramingTheWorld.com in their store, your church might already have these. So in the front it says after the tribulation you will order Marching to Zion, now in the back it has Spanish videos and it does have the Bible Way to Heaven by Pastor Jimenez. So this video is just going to be telling someone, hi my name is, I'm from this church, please watch this video, it's very important. That's all this video is going to be. Anybody can do that, even my child Ellie's going to do it, she's going to say it, and I'll have it all up here on the description. So that's all this video is going to be just for anybody who wants to be able to just say that much at the door while you're working on your Spanish. So Hola, me llamo Karen y soy de la Iglesia Bautista, insert your church name, soy de la Iglesia Bautista, and then you're just going to tell them please watch this video, it's very important. Alright, so I'm going to say hola, me llamo Karen, soy de la Iglesia Bautista, te invito mi Iglesia, I'm inviting you to my church, super easy, te invito mi Iglesia, I can give them a track, y por favor, dia este video, es muy importante. Or you could say, if this is easier, por favor, mire este video es muy importante. Whichever one is easier, you just want to, they will understand either way, whatever is easiest for you to say, por favor, dia este video es muy importante, or por favor, mire este video es muy importante, and then you just say bye, adiós, adiós, you're going to say por favor, por favor, dia, dia, or por favor, mire, por favor, mire, es muy importante, importante, importante, okay, por favor, mire, mire, este video, es muy importante, importante, it's hard to say, I know, okay, so, importante, importante, that's going to be the hardest word, so, and then you just give it to them, and you say, okay, adiós, adiós, and that's it, okay, good job, Ellie, my helper here, all right, you can go play now, okay, so, that's all this video is covering, so just if you don't know any Spanish, you're not comfortable with any of it yet, you could just say, hola, me llamo, your name, soy de la iglesia, say your church name, and just say te invito a mi iglesia, okay, just that, and then you could say por favor, mire, este video es muy importante, por favor, mire, este video es muy importante, those that just don't speak any Spanish, and just want a couple of easy phrases that you could say at the door, and point them to the direction, at least, where they can hear a good, clear, gospel presentation, okay, so, I will put the script in the comments below, please let us know if you have any questions or other suggestions, I appreciate it, okay, bye! you