(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Dear Heavenly Father thank you for this opportunity to preach and I pray you fill me with the Holy Spirit and preach what people need to hear and and that they can use this to help win souls amen in Jesus name I pray. So the title of my sermon is preach the gospel with all confidence and in Acts 28 31 God's Word says preaching the kingdom of God and teaching those things which concern the Lord Jesus Christ with all confidence and and so the word confidence one definition is is trusting in the veracity of another person and and veracity is like truthfulness and and in the dictionary it says it's actually a person that has a habitual observance of truth so somebody that's constantly telling the truth that's their nature right there they're they're believable they're trustworthy it's veracity and and so that my my first point is is preaching with confidence makes you trustworthy believable and and then you're a more effective soul winner you know there was there was four people that had to preach the gospel to me over three years to get me to the point where I believed and they were very patient kind loving and humble and I was you know I wasn't having any of it that first person that preached the gospel I was arguing with him and if and if one of you guys were standing there you would have said this guy's probably not ever gonna get saved I mean I was just like I wasn't having any of it I was it was not polite but you know he was he was humble and and and the thing is he was very confident about what he was saying and completely confident in his beliefs and so that made me think you know there's there's maybe some truth to this gospel in the Bible and and I should consider what these people are saying right they're all giving me the same message and they're all absolutely sure about it and and I should you know I should consider this with an open mind and and then that's when I got saved so so their confidence in their faith softened my preconceived ideas about the God in the Bible now of course you know confidence can be taken too far and so watch out for that because sometimes it can be misread by people as arrogance I know we're at the door and we say are you 100% sure you're going to heaven and a lot of times people will say well nobody can be a hundred percent sure and I've seen it at least a couple times where the soul winner will say well I'm I'm sure and then one time I was standing behind him and I raised my hand I said I'm sure too and and the look on that person's face was sort of like like a smirk or a disbelief and and when you think about it put yourself in their shoes they're probably believing in works based salvation and so through that lens of their idea of what it takes to be saved they're thinking that you and that other person think they're so great that they're holier than thou and that that's how they know they're going to heaven so you know you got to be careful and maybe say something like well I know I'm 100% sure I deserve hell but God made an easy way for us and we can know how to get to heaven and and so we need to be humble and meek but still bold right we've got to tell people that they're going to hell otherwise they're not going to get saved and so turn to acts 11 verse 24 and my second point is you need to build up your confidence and just like anything else first things first pray about it pray for more confidence you know we pray for God to fill us with the Holy Spirit we should also have him fill us with faith and the confidence that comes with that and and if you in in acts 11 24 it says for he was talking about Barnabas was a good man and full of the Holy Ghost and of faith and much people were added unto the Lord and so Barnabas you know full of faith and and the Bible says that much people were saved and and my point third point is is build your confidence by being prepared to preach the gospel and in Ephesians 6 15 and your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace so you can't preach confidently if you're not prepared and and then also in in Romans 1 15 so as much as in me is I'm ready to preach the gospel to you that are at Rome also and and so as much as in me is that's like a hundred percent of you you're ready you're happy you've got that confidence you know and sometimes that I like to do is go through my gospel presentation like if I'm driving over to the site I can I can walk through the different points and what illustrations I'm going to use and and just to have it all you know ready and and I'm confident and and sometimes you know I look over at people in in the car next to me and I'll see their face I'll go I can preach the gospel to that person and and it's the same thing I think when we're when we're at the door you know we've got to have that faith and confidence in ourselves that yeah I could I could preach the gospel to this person I can get this person saved and and that it comes off you know people can sense that and and in my last point is you know please come out solely even as a silent partner you know here's some simple math three plus one equals two times two and so what that means is if there's if there's three people out soul winning that's one team but then you add another person now you've got two teams and so more doors get knocked and and so every person counts and and also you know and and being the silent partner you know prayer is really important we were at a door and I was preaching and I was having a rough time it was dark I couldn't see and I was losing my place and I was my nerves were starting to get to me but but the person was was hung in there and and they they prayed to be saved and then later on Pat came by and said boy you know I was really praying hard for you and I was really praying hard for her and I didn't think about it until until the next day it's like you know that probably made the difference and and so you know prayer is powerful right it moves God's hand and so we're commanded to preach the gospel Jesus said if you love me keep my commandments and and also in in Matthew 9 37 then sayeth he unto his disciples the harvest truly is plenteous but the laborers are few and that's certainly where we're at today and that's you know nothing has changed 2,000 years ago it's the same as it is today and so to recap you know spend get get be prepared be confident but be bold humble and meek and and settle it in your heart that you're gonna pick a time and you're gonna go soul winning every week let's play please pray now dear Heavenly Father thank you for a church that does soul winning and and please fill us with the Holy Spirit and faith and confidence to preach your word today in love as we go out in Jesus name amen