(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Matthew Stuckey here and I'm giving you another soul winning tip on the topic of silent partners and I'm focusing on silent partner do's and in the last video I focused on the don'ts of being a silent partner and I talked about how we need to make sure we stay silent and don't try to interrupt or distract the the lead soul winner at that door from preaching the gospel and these are introductory tips and so if you're watching this and you're a silent partner still trying to learn how to go soul winning of course you're trying as a silent partner to learn how to do this but I do want you to realize that even as a silent partner you still serve a valuable role and a valuable function even if you are not leading conversations you can actually help people get saved and you say how can I help people get saved if I'm not leading any conversations well point number one and this is the big one stop distractions stop distractions it is your job as a silent partner to stop any distractions that might come up and prevent the person from getting saved that's listening to the gospel no great example of this is when you talk to people in groups if you talk to a group of four people you're likely to have at least one person who does not want to listen and unfortunately if there's three people that want to listen and one person that does not want to listen oftentimes that one person prevents all three of them from actually getting to hear the gospel and pay attention and end up getting saved we have a great example of this in the Bible with Acts chapter 26 where Paul is giving a defense for himself and he's using the opportunity to preach the gospel to King Agrippa and it says in Acts 26 verse 24 and as he thus spake for himself Festus said with a loud voice Paul thou art beside thyself much learning doth make thee mad now what is Festus saying to Paul or about Paul well he's telling Paul you know what Paul you are crazy and so look imagine if you're preaching the gospel and one of the people that's listening is like you're insane that's a big distraction from preaching the gospel now of course Paul does not want to get into an argument with Festus because he realizes well Festus is not getting saved but my main mission is to preach to King Agrippa so in verse 25 he shuts down Festus and he says but he said I am not mad most noble Festus but speak forth the words of truth and soberness for the king knoweth of these things before whom also I speak freely for I'm persuaded that none of these things are hidden from him for this thing was not done in a corner King Agrippa believeth thou the prophets I know that thou believeth then Agrippa said unto Paul almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian King Agrippa says you you almost persuaded me I almost changed what I believed and so Paul comes very close to getting King Agrippa saved but I do want you to realize something that when Festus interrupts Paul shuts down Festus but he also ends this soul winning conversation and I believe that Paul had the idea that he no longer had the opportunity to just have a conversation with Agrippa and find out what is in his heart I think he realizes I don't have five more minutes I need to you know in this thing now and see if King Agrippa believes it see if he's gotten it and you know what I wonder if Festus was not there or I wonder if there was a silent partner that could have taken Festus aside you know who's serving who's a distraction in this conversation I wonder if Paul the Apostle could have gotten King Agrippa saved I wonder if he would have spent just five or ten more minutes to find out what was in King Agrippa's heart find out the parts that he wasn't sure on find out the parts that he was not quite persuaded on I wonder if Paul would have ended up getting King Agrippa saved because we oftentimes focus on the fact that King Agrippa almost gets saved but you also need to realize that Paul does in this conversation after Festus serves as a distraction and I think the reason why is he no longer had an opportunity to really go into it and he really needed to close and try to seal the deal and unfortunately you know King Agrippa was not yet ready and he did not get saved this sort of situation happens all the time in real life as well if you're talking to a group of people there's oftentimes one person who does not want to listen if you're talking to two people one person might be distracting and might be asking questions or maybe one person has you know a lot of right beliefs and they just need to hear a clear presentation of the gospel and somebody else you know just does not agree with you on the fact that Jesus is God or they just are of a different religion or a different Christian Church or whatever and then they're just basically arguing with you whereas the other person is willing to listen if you are a silent partner what you should do in those conversations is just take that person aside and say hey can I talk to you about this and you know you want to stop them from distracting the conversation this is something that experienced soul owners do when they're silent partners at doors I did this this past Sunday my soul winning partner was preaching the gospel and he had his young son with him and this guy randomly comes up that we had not talked to we didn't know who he was and he walks over to us and says is this kid baptized and I talked to this guy for about a minute and you know he he he was a strange guy I don't know what his deal was but um you know he ends up leaving after I talked to him for a minute my soul winning partner gets this lady saved at the door but my soul winning partner told me in the afternoon that he almost stopped talking to find out what was going on because obviously he wants to keep his son safe and I want you to realize that if I was not there I doubt that woman would have gotten saved because he would have had to deal with that guy and make sure his son was safe and it would have led to a distraction and then the woman probably would not have ended up getting saved and so look if you're a silent partner you know be ready to stop distractions if they come if somebody's part of a Christian cult and they want to argue about whether or not Jesus is God or things such as that you know what you should try to take that person aside to let the other people hear the gospel so number one and this is the big thing stop distractions number two is a silent partner you can pray for the conversation as you're there you should be praying for the conversation praying that there are not distractions praying that you know this person will be attentive and can end up getting saved you should be praying for that conversation and point number three you should pay attention to the conversation you should be paying attention to what's going on and what's being said and this is especially true if you're trying to learn how to preach the gospel here's your opportunity to get some on-the-job training where it's live and in action somebody's soul is in the balance and you're hearing you're you're the speaker you know preach the gospel and see how things go but even as someone who knows how to preach the gospel you know what when you're the silent partner you should still be paying attention because you never know if you might get called upon you never know if if you have to come in and step in and say something you never know what might come up so you want to know what the person believes what their hang-up is what verses are being used you just always want to pay pay attention to the conversation in case you need to be a help in any way so stop distractions pray for the conversation and pay attention to the conversation and you know if you do that you'll be a valuable silent partner even if you're not going out and preaching the gospel and getting people save you can still help people get saved anyways thank you and God bless