(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Matthew Stuckey here and I wanted to answer this question in the soul winning tip of what percentage of the people that you preach the gospel to should end up getting saved. You say brother Stuckey you know I'm preaching the gospel and only half of people that I'm preaching to end up getting saved. Am I doing something wrong? Or you say brother Stuckey you know I'm preaching and you know 95% of people I'm talking to are getting saved. How can I up that or how do I know if I'm doing it right? You know well you know what let me try my best to answer this question and this is not necessarily the easiest two plus three equals five answer but you know one point to realize is that if you have a too low of a percentage of people getting saved you're doing something wrong. If five percent of people that you're talking to are getting saved you know what you're doing something wrong because if people are willing to listen and they're receptive to the gospel and they're seeing what you explain in the Bible you're gonna end up getting a higher percentage than five percent saved. And so obviously I'm using a very low percentage as my example but I want you to realize if your percentage is way too low or extremely low then that means you're probably not doing a great job explaining it. You could probably be more precise maybe they're getting confused maybe your examples aren't the best maybe you're not that clear but there's probably something you're doing wrong if your percentage is is very low. Unless you're talking to a very bizarre group of people you know that are way off on in terms of their religious beliefs you talk to the average person you know what you're gonna get them saved more than five percent of time if you you know add up all the times you preach the gospel to people. But you know another thing to keep in mind not not only is too low of a percentage a bad thing something people don't realize is that too high of a percentage is actually a bad thing. It's not a good thing. You say brother Stuckey you know how can I change my soul winning to get a hundred percent of the people that I talk to and preach the gospel to to get every single one of them saved. Well Jesus preached the gospel to people that didn't get saved. Paul the Apostle preached to people that didn't get saved. We have those examples in the Bible and so if Jesus Christ if Paul the Apostle the greatest evangelist who ever lived if they preach the gospel to people that didn't get saved then you must realize you're gonna preach the gospel to people that don't get saved. Because they have free will at the end of the day and you can explain it perfectly the best you've ever explained it but they still have free will to accept or reject the message. And so too low of a percentage is a bad thing but also too high of a percentage is a bad thing as well. And I noticed you know sometimes I see this sort of extreme where people are getting like you know very high percentage of the people they talk to saved. And you know I've been soul winning for basically around 18 years and I can just say I've gotten a lot of people saved and I've preached to a lot of people that did not get saved. And so you know what I would say that if you're getting too high of a percentage of people saved what it actually means is they're not really getting saved. You know some of the people at least are not really getting saved but you're struggling with perceiving whether or not they're getting it or not. Or maybe you're not going in depth enough because when you explain the gospel if you ask people questions to see whether or not they're getting it and you double check with them on things like what if you committed murder? What if you committed suicide? Right you know what if you didn't repent of your sins? You know what you know you're gonna have people that disagree with you. And you know what I often get to the end with people and I will always ask something like this I'll say you know what I explained to you is very different than you know what the Catholic Church says. It's obviously here in the Philippines most people are Catholic and then you know what they'll be like yeah you know it's very different. And I'll ask them well which do you believe? Do you believe what I'm showing you that it's a free gift or do you still think you need to keep the sacraments and the commandments? Or are you just not sure? Many times people are just not sure and so it's not that they're saying I'm wrong but they're just not really sure which they believe. Now oftentimes people do get it and they do get saved but many times people hear it and they're just not sure if they believe it or not. And when we preach the gospel we're gonna run into people that don't get it. The parable of the sower the first group mentioned are people that hear the Word of God and they don't get saved. So we're gonna have people that we preach to that do not get saved. The other thing to keep in mind is this very much depends on what kind of people you're talking to. I've preached to a lot of Hindus before and I've gotten some Hindus saved but the percentage of Hindus that I've talked to that got saved is a lot lower than the percentage of Catholics that I've preached to that have gotten saved. You know in Guyana there's a lot of people that are of Indian descent so a lot of Hindus and you know oftentimes I would just be kind of disappointed if I found out somebody said that they were Hindu because I knew that they were less likely to get saved because you know generally Guyana is extremely receptive but if people come from a Hindu background they are far less than 50% chance of getting saved. And so I don't have an exact percentage here it really depends on what type of people you're talking to and look if you're forcing conversations door-to-door where they don't want to listen they're very unlikely to get saved. Now if you are very zealous and you're preaching to lots of family members and relatives and people you know they might listen to you because they know you and you know they you're friends with them or whatever but you know many times they're not going to get saved and your percentage might be lower because you're preaching to people that aren't actually that interested but it's just that you're really zealous and so obviously that's understandable. I would say that my percentage is lower here in the Philippines than it was in the U.S. and kind of the main reason why is because oftentimes people listen to me because they're curious why is a white guy speaking Tagalog and you know they're curious you know but it doesn't necessarily mean they're actually interested in the gospel itself. So oftentimes I find myself in the middle of conversations and you know I find that the person is not really paying that much attention or not interested it's definitely a bigger thing that I dealt with in the U.S. so it really depends on you know who you are what group of people you're talking to but I would say in general my opinion in conclusion is that over half of people that are actually interested in hearing the gospel will end up getting saved if you're doing a good job explaining it not 90% not 80% definitely less than that but I do believe it would be above 50% you know from my experience that most people that are actually interested in hearing the gospel actually end up getting saved as long as nothing comes up or some major distraction to end it but I would definitely say that every week I run into people that I talk to and I get to the end and they're just like I'm not sure you know they're not denying what I'm saying they're just not sure so bottom line is too low of a percentage is a bad thing but also keep in mind too high of a percentage is a bad thing as well anyways thank you and God bless