(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Matthew Stuckey here giving you another soul winning tip and in this video I'm explaining to you that Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven. Now this is something you probably already believe but the question is how do we show that to other people? In the previous video I talked about how I explained that only Jesus Christ could die for us and that's something that does not take very long at all but I think it's an important step because it will prevent problems later on of people having trouble understanding that Jesus is the only way to heaven and in this video I want to talk about okay well how do we show people that Jesus is the only way to heaven? And so after I've explained that Jesus Christ died, was buried, and rose again, I go to Acts 16 in my Gospel presentation where it says, Sirs, what must I do to be saved? Which is a very similar question to what do I have to do to get to heaven? Basically what do I have to do to be saved from hell? And they said believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. So it says very clearly there believe and when you're asking people hey what does it say you have to do to be saved, you know what you want them to say the right answer. You want them to say believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. Now if people give you the wrong answer on that step then it probably means they aren't paying attention but another answer I see them give sometimes which is not the right answer but it could sometimes fool soul winners is if they say well believe in God. Well obviously Jesus Christ is God, we'll cover that in a future video, but when you're showing people Acts 16 and they say well you got to believe in God to be saved that's not really the right answer and so 99% of the time that means that they're confused and they're not getting it or they're not believing it because it says not just believe in God but believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. So I'll mention to people if they give me that response that it says you know that yes Jesus Christ is God but you've got to put your trust on Jesus Christ and so I'll give an example later on in a future video about you know how it's just by believing but the point of this video is to show that it's only Jesus Christ so when you're showing them Acts 16 you should key in on the fact that it's believe on the Lord Jesus Christ not just believe in God not just believe in some religion or something that's out there but believe on the Lord Jesus Christ so you should key in on the fact not just that it's believe but also that it's on Jesus Christ make sure that they understand Jesus is the only way Jesus obviously said I am the way the truth and the life no man cometh unto the Father but by me so Jesus said he was the only way to heaven and this is something people need to understand in order to be saved they need to understand it's not just a belief in God but it's that they're putting their trust on Jesus Christ because as we talked about earlier only Jesus Christ could die and pay for our sins and so point number one we must believe on Jesus to be saved point number two and why this is important is the Christian cults have clouded the minds of people about the nature and who Jesus Christ is and nowadays you have these cults that are running around and it's causing a lot of people to question whether Jesus Christ is God question whether he's the only way to heaven and there's a lot of people that just are not sure about things that they used to believe because they're being deceived by false religions and false Christian cults that are out there and we need to understand that this number is increasing I've seen it during my lifetime where more and more people are struggling with the idea of Jesus being the only way to heaven because they're hearing all the time that he can't be the only way to heaven he's he's the only way to heaven for the Christians but not for the Hindus and Buddhists and Muslims we need to make sure people understand that Jesus is the only way to heaven we need to realize that there are a lot of false religions in this world even amongst the you know Christians in this world or so-called Christians which is one-third of the world many of them believe that there's multiple ways to heaven because they don't believe what the Bible says or they've been deceived or they're confused and you know what oftentimes you're even preaching to people of another religion and how much more do you need to present the idea that Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven and we must believe on him to be saved and so this video is about just explaining that Jesus is the only way to heaven you probably already believe that the question is how do we explain that to people and in Acts 16 and John 3 16 John 3 36 whatever verses you use during your gospel presentation don't just key in on the fact that it's by faith alone also key in on the fact and make sure that they're understanding that it is only through Jesus Christ anyways thank you and God bless