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Matthew Stuckey here and I'm giving you another so any tip in this video and I want to talk to you about the importance of learning when to throw in the towel as you're preaching the gospel and this is an expression that comes from fighting sports where maybe two guys are boxing and you know a boxer's getting beat up in the ring and his corner man throws in the towel saying we throw the fight and so this has happened in some famous fight before in the past and as we're preaching the gospel what I'm talking about is as you're in there preaching the gospel to them you need to be aware of when to just basically give up on that conversation and realize they're not going to get saved I'm wasting my time we need to learn when to throw in the towel so I want to give you three quick points about this and I've talked about this a little bit in an earlier video but you know there is some crossover material but it's not the exact same and number one you need to end the conversation if they're just unwilling to believe the Bible and so the Bible says in Matthew 10 as it's talking about preaching the gospel it talks about if the house is worthy then let your peace come upon it and what it means is let the gospel of peace come upon it if they are worthy and in the context it's when they're willing to receive your words so if somebody's willing to receive your words you preach the gospel but if they're denying the Bible and denying what the Word of God says and denying you know the the the soul winning presentation and saying they don't believe it you need to throw in the towel the Bible says a man that is in heretic after the first and second admonition reject so for example if you show somebody a couple verses on hell and they say I don't believe in hell you're basically wasting your time they are declaring themselves unworthy as the Bible says to hear the gospel or if they just deny Jesus being God you know what yours you you basically just move on you've given them a couple verses move on you show them it's by faith alone and they still think it's by works and they just deny what you're saying it's time to move on in your gospel presentation now one mistake people make is they sometimes use this mentality of not wasting time at the door however if they talk to a Mormon or Jehovah's Witness or someone from a strange religion they'll spend an hour and a half arguing with them and saying well I've got to do this because you know what they don't believe Jesus is God they're a cult so I'm gonna give them a hundred at admonitions but see the Bible does not say that the Bible does not say give them extra chances if they're from some strange religion the truth is that people that are from different religions apart from Christianity there are some people in those religions that when they hear the gospel they are gonna be willing to listen to the gospel of course you're gonna have to spend more time and give more verses but you're gonna be able to tell whether or not they're willing to receive your words or not receive your words and so don't make the mistake of spending an hour at the door if they're Jehovah's Witness that's denying the Bible you know if they're denying the Bible after the first and second admonition the Bible says reject that person just move on so number one if they refuse if they if they won't believe the Bible and won't receive the words you just move on number two if they refuse to stay on topic and you sometimes you run into people that are willing to listen to you but they just want to talk about all of these strange things they'll bring up aliens they'll bring up stories from their childhood and if you've been soul winning for a long time you've experienced this sometimes where you talk to someone and they're telling you about when they were five years old and their mom took them to school and you're just thinking what does this have to do with the gospel and you know what of course you can try to get them to stay on topic but if you cannot control that conversation and they refuse to stay on topic you need to move on to the next door and when I run into those situations and they're people that are not denying the Bible but they just refuse to stay on topic I end the conversation nicely I invite him to church but I'll say something like you know hey I'd love to stay here and talk with you but you know I really don't have a lot of free time and we're just trying to talk to everyone who might be interested in this but please visit church sometime but you know you might think that sounds rude but you know what our time is very precious out soul winning and you have to be willing to throw in the towel if they're just not gonna stay on topic and not willing to listen to you and point number three you end the conversation if you're finished with your gospel presentation and they don't believe it and this is something that happens a lot where you you're explaining the gospel and they're answering correctly but then you get to the end and you ask them do you still believe that you have to live a good life to get to heaven or do you believe what I'm saying you believe it's by faith alone or are you not sure and there are going to be plenty of people that say they're not sure plenty of people that answer the questions correctly but you can sense by the way they're answering you can sense that they're not a hundred percent for sure and when you get to those situations you can ask them would you like me to show you a few more verses or just think about this I just had this happened two days ago as I was preaching the gospel to these two girls and I went through the gospel presentation and I could tell that they weren't denying the Bible but they just weren't sure and see the Bible speaks about people with a parable of the sower that hear the word of God and they do not understand it they're a bit confused they're not denying the Bible but they're actually confused and they're not quite sure so I asked them when I was basically done I said would you want me to show you a few more verses or do you just want to think about it now usually when I ask that people say they just want to think about it because you know they've heard what I've said and they're just not sure but these two girls you know they didn't really give an answer to that and so I said let me just show you a few more verses and I spent an extra 10 maybe even 15 minutes than I normally do it was a long conversation probably 30 minutes you know usually I spend less than 20 minutes but it's 30 minutes and they ended up getting saved you know both of them and so it took them a while to comprehend this because you know people believe something false their entire life it's hard for them to change their entire belief just instantaneously and it's amazing that the the gospel and the word of God is so powerful that people can do that but they needed some more time and so they weren't denying the Bible they just weren't sure but if you get to the end of your conversation and they just won't believe it well just you know let them know I can show you a few more verses or if you just want to think about it but you cannot spend just all day talking to someone because there's other people that want to hear the gospel there's other people that are ready to hear the gospel there's other people that are ready to get saved and if you waste your time on someone who's not interested someone else is not going to get saved that could have gotten saved and I've experienced this before where someone wants to waste my time and argue with me and sometimes you end the conversation and they might even make fun of you and say hey you're not willing to talk about this you're not willing to debate you know I'm right I proved you wrong and it kind of irritates you in your flesh but then just a couple doors down you knock on it and someone's very nice and respectful and they listen and they get saved and you realize you know what it was worth it to throw in the towel with this conversation because they were never gonna get saved we need to find the people the Bible says that are ready to hear the gospel if not we just shake off the dust off our feet just move on to the next door it's okay to lose the battle in order to win the war because you can spend all day on one battle and disprove them and make them look like a fool but you know what you lose the war when you do that because the ultimate goal is to win souls of the Lord and winning a debate does not win people to the Lord anyways thank you and God bless