(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Hey guys, it's Brother Peter. Happy Thanksgiving. I'm here with another soul winning tip today and the soul winning tip is this. Allow the sinner to save face. Allow the sinner to save face when preaching about hell and what I mean is this. We shouldn't just be berating soul winner. We shouldn't be berating sinners rather out soul winning. We shouldn't be berating the lost and we should allow them to save face a little bit so they don't feel like we are standing atop a pedestal and thumbing our noses at them and looking down at them. When preaching about hell we should use a little tact. We should use a little dexterity and be wise about how we approach this so we don't turn people off because the goal isn't to berate sinners and to just disparage them and make them feel like they're the scum of the earth and you can be bold out soul winning and still allow the potential convert to save face a little bit and there's a couple ways that I do this out soul winning. First of all when you're preaching Revelation 21 8 and you're preaching that all liars shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone which is the second death. Here's what I like to say. I like to say the Bible says right here that all liars shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone which is the second death. It says all liars are going to hell and I say now that wouldn't be good news for me because I know I've told lies before. So right away I'm claiming the verse for myself first and I am not just separating myself completely from the sinner as if I am on a different level than them or that I am you know as if I'm some some righteous religious person who believes that I'm better than them. I don't want to give them that impression so what I do is I claim the verse first I say I know I've told lies that wouldn't be good news for me if I didn't know what the Bible said about how to go to heaven because I know I've told lies and then I say have you ever told lies? So I'm kind of using it as an opportunity also to build rapport a little bit with the sinner in that we're finding something in common like hey I know I've told lies I know I've done these sins have you ever told lies and they say yeah of course of course I've I've told lies before. Another way you can help the sinner to save face a little bit and not just you know kind of really make it feel like you're coming down hard on them and and look of course you have to preach hell you have to preach hell it's not something that is able to be avoided it's not a you can't circumvent the topic of hell out soul winning sometimes people try but look there's no soul winning if you don't preach about hell I mean what what are they getting saved from that's why the Jehovah's Witnesses you know they don't I mean what do they think the Bible is talking about when it says the word saved over and over what is it what do they think you're getting saved from you're getting saved from hell and so you can't get around this this issue of hell but you can preach it with some tact you can preach it tactfully and so they don't they don't tense up and they don't they don't want to distance themselves from you and they don't feel uncomfortable because some people they just you know we live in a it's been called the snowflake generation where people just really they just can't handle someone telling them that they're wrong or telling them the truth about some things that makes them feel uncomfortable so so the first tip would be the first way to go about this would would be to you know first you adopt the verse for yourself you adopt Revelation 21 21 8 and you say I know I've told lies have you ever told lies and they say yeah of course we both so we've both told lies another way I do this and I think this works look it works I win many people to Christ with my presentation so I don't think that it that this method you know prevents them from showing them that they're lost I think it helps but it just helps to show them that look we all need a Savior and it helps to not make them feel like I'm just pointing them out like I'm not knocking their door and just saying you're the only one that needs a Savior you're the only one that that sinned I haven't sinned some other people you know they don't they're okay but you know you man you need a Savior it helps them feel like it's common to all men so another thing I do you know is when I'm preaching Romans 3 23 or you know just Romans 3 in general Romans 3 10 there's none righteous no not one for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God I will say to them you know say for example the guy's name is Mike I'll say you know what Mike you seem like a nice guy and you know I bet if somebody asked me like hey do you know Mike I would say yeah I know Mike he's a good guy in my opinion he's a good guy but you know the Bible says there is none that do with good no not one so the Bible says there's not a just man upon earth that do with good and sin it's not so I kind of show him like hey look I'm sure I'm sure your fellow man thinks you're a good guy you seem like a nice guy but in God's eyes none of us are good there's none good but one that's God so again you're not making it feel like there you're thumbing you know you're thumbing your nose down at them or looking down at them or just being condescending and knocking on their door just to berate them and people do do this outsole wing the ray comforts of this world don't just go down the Ten Commandments and say oh you know you've lied and you know how do you hate your brother in your heart yeah I bet you do you've your murderer according to Bible and you know have you ever lusted after a woman in your heart you're an adulterer and you're probably you know you probably even committed real adultery you know you have a statue of Mary you're an idolater look bad idea allow the sinner to to save face a little bit build some rapport with them and find some common ground with them and say look I was in your position and in fact I am a sinner as well I'm not here telling you that I'm any better than you I'm just telling you how what the good news is how you can escape the penalty of that sin what else do I do in preaching hell I think I know there's something else that I do that's slipping my mind when I'm when I'm preaching hell but um you know just just don't just don't disparage them don't make it seem like you're looking down at them and like yeah buddy you're really bad you deserve hell you deserve to burn in hell you're such a wicked sinner it's not it's not a good idea it's just not it's not the way to go about things and it's the way some people think you're supposed to do soul winning some street preachers are like this they think that you're supposed to just really just just disparage people and and rip on them in order to show them that they're a sinner but then they never even really tell them how to get saved it's like they're just looking they're just looking to offend people and that's it and the goal isn't to offend people if the gospel offends and that's their problem but the goal isn't to offend the goal is to preach the gospel and to help them understand that look the reason Jesus died for everyone here's what here's the last thing I do I say to them hey have you ever heard that Jesus died for everyone because you say yeah everyone's lied when you go through the whole thing about lying in Revelation 21 8 and then I say let me answer this have you ever heard that Jesus died for everyone and they say yeah I've heard that and then I say to them well that's because everyone deserves to go to hell so it's not just me it's not just you it's it's not just the really bad people but it's actually everyone that deserves to go to hell it's me it's you it's everyone condemnation came upon all men because of sin so that's a way that you could help the sinner to save face and make a smooth transition into the gospel before you before you go any further and and make them to not be on the defensive and try to bring them over to your side a little bit before you're about to preach them faith alone salvation and to try to win them to Christ all right so that's a soul winning tip I hope you guys are having a great Thanksgiving and it's beautiful here in New York it's just a beautiful autumn day God's been very good over here in this part of the country on the East Coast New York and New Jersey so I hope you're enjoying the time with your family and with your friends and I hope you've been enjoying these videos subscribe to this channel like this video and let me know what you think all comments are welcome positive and negative let me know what you think all right guys have a good night