(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Hello everybody, I'm back with another video in the soul winning series and today I want to talk about the introduction So now I'm going to be going into the actual different parts of the conversation a couple videos ago I talked about the the structure of how to present the gospel and Now in in the next few videos, I want to go through each different point and explain Give some tips give some verses etc for these different things. So today I want to talk about the introduction So when you actually approach somebody you knock on their door, maybe somebody's outside Just walk up to them. The first step to going soul-winning is just basically simply to go, right? And so here are some steps for knocking on the door approaching the person you seek to preach to number one Knock loud enough for them to hear you don't try to hide. Okay now I understand You know somebody who's never gone soul-winning before might be kind of nervous But remember back to the video like a few You know days ago or whatever about Spiritual preparation you have to be filled with the spirit to have boldness, right? So that's why you know You gotta ask God to give you boldness before you go soul-winning and he will give you boldness if you're walking in the spirit Right, so we shouldn't you know try to hide from the person that we're preaching to because we're going to them with the intention of sharing the gospel so that they Might get saved so you shouldn't like, you know Knock on the door like as softly as possible in the hopes that they don't answer the door, right? But you also shouldn't be like, you know pounding on their door as loud as possible Like, you know, you're the police or something because that could make people mad. It could make people kind of aggressive you know You just want to knock friendly and knock loud enough for them to hear it if they have a doorbell Ring the doorbell right and also wait long enough for them to answer the door, too That's another thing some people just like knock on the door and then they leave after 10 seconds Sometimes people are gonna take longer to get to the door, right? You have to wait like 20 30 40 50 seconds sometimes and also listen to sounds on the inside right if you knock on the door and There's no noise. You don't hear anything. You don't hear anybody talking You don't hear everybody moving then you probably don't have to wait as long, right? But if you do hear people on the inside, you might want to wait a little bit longer, you know what I mean? so just like knock just like or You know just regular knock but don't be like You know like that or refuse to ring the doorbell for whatever reason You want to make sure that they know that you're there because you're you're there for the reason you want to actually talk to people You're not just going to the door Just to cross off the door just to put a flyer on their door. At least I hope not you know, that's how some people do it and Their intention is just to give out invites their intentions not to preach the gospel for those of you who actually want to preach the gospel And get people saved which is what Jesus commanded not to invite people to church Then you should actually make sure that they know that you're there right and wait long enough for them to get to the door Right. Another thing is be respectful of the person's property, right? What do I mean by that? It means don't you know Just if don't walk on their grass, you know and things like that if they have like a nice lawn or something just Walk on their driveway. Just walk on their sidewalk You know, you don't have to again you're trying to love people, right? You're not supposed to just you know, defile their property or something. You want to be respectful of Signs that they have or or you know, don't walk on their grass, you know Don't if you open a gate that's closed then close the gate after you leave those sort of things, right? Also another thing when you're knocking on the door is to expect the best Don't just expect that the people you're going to talk to just don't want to hear it You want to expect that they are going to hear it, right? and another thing is you know, you might see something on the wall that might Put doubt in your mind of like oh, I don't think this person's gonna be receptive, right? And a perfect example of this is this thing that Jews put on their door called a mezuzah which is basically like a little scroll that they put on the side and Because of the corrupting influence of this false Hebrew roots movement that exists today A lot of people who are not even Jewish people who are supposedly Christians have started doing this as well Right, so I I've knocked on doors with you know A little scroll little mezuzah on the doorpost and the person who answers the door says that they're a Christian, right? They don't even claim to be Jewish at all. They're just putting this Jewish stuff on their door Obviously, I'm against that but the point I'm trying to make is don't assume that they're going to be some, you know Christ hating Person just because they have this Jewish thing on their door It's just maybe there's somebody in the family who does who's like that But then there's other Christians in the family or maybe there's they're just being corrupted by this Hebrew roots sort of stuff You know, you want to expect the best, right? You don't want to just assume that they're gonna be some hostile like, you know, extremely false devout religion person You know most of the time people are gonna be friendly It's honestly not really that common that people are going to be, you know rude and argumentative Obviously you run into those people but you want to expect the best out of people, right? And not just expect that they're not going to get safe obviously your goal is to get people safe So you want to have a good attitude about it, right? And another thing is if nobody answers be prepared to put something on the door if that's available Right now again, if you you're in a like a some kind of foreign country where they don't have a good Baptist Church So you don't have like an invite or a card that has like a video on it or something Then you might not be able to put something on somebody's door and that's understandable but if you go to a Like a Baptist Church or you have some kind of resource to leave with them So that way you're not just leaving them with nothing that it's good to put something on the door Just in case you know They don't answer right because obviously our goal is to try to reach them where they're at But a lot of people aren't going to be home A lot of people aren't going to answer a lot of people are busy, right? So you don't want to just leave and you know just assume, you know Not leave anything with them if you have that ability But another thing is you don't want to waste your time just you know digging through your backpack if you put it all in your backpack and then you like you're trying to You know get it out and you're standing at the door for two minutes when you could have moved on already Put your materials in your pocket or something or have them in your hand Don't bury them away someplace deep Where it's going to be hard for you to get out be prepared to put it on the door or if it is in your backpack Take it out before you walk up to the door, right? So these are just some good tips for the introduction of knocking on the door You want to make sure that the person there will hear you and that they you know are That you're actually making known that you're there, right? And you want to expect the best and you want to respect their property and you want to put something on their door if they're Not there if that's available, right? so Second when they actually answer the door, right if the person opens the door or if you're doing person-to-person So any and you walk up to a person who's just outside or whatever Then it's best to be clear about who you are and why you're there, right? Introduce yourself say hey, we're from a Baptist Church or hey, I'm a Christian and we're preaching the gospel, right? Don't beat around the bush and be unclear about The purpose of why you're coming up to them or why you're knocking on their door, right? Some people kind of will just knock on the door. I've seen this again before where they're just like hey, how's it going? You know, how's the weather and they just like make small talk and they're like not getting to the point Like if somebody if you come up to somebody's door They want to know why you're there, you know, you shouldn't just waste their time because they might have some other stuff going on. So Be clear about who you are why you're there right on what your intention is Also be friendly smile make eye contact, right? You shouldn't you know, kind of look around be shifty You know kind of that just gives off Kind of a bad like feel to it because if you're going to somebody's door and you're just not making eye contact with them You kind of have like a mad look on your face then They're probably not going to trust you as much right? So again be friendly Make eye contact smile, right again introduce who you are be clear about why you're there Again, if you have a card and invite something like that hand it to them so that way they can see like, okay So this guy is from this Baptist Church or whatever, right? So that these are all again good tips of greeting the person and introducing yourself Now After you've introduced in yourself after you've knocked the door right and you say hey, we're from a Baptist Church We're preaching the gospel. Could I leave with the card? They're like, yes. Okay, they take the car then make After you made it clear why you're there ask them Do you know for sure if you die today that you go to heaven? Right, or are you 100% sure that you're going to heaven when you die something like that, right? And then if they say yes, I'm sure ask them What do you have to do to go to heaven if they say the right answer believe in Jesus then say could you ever lose? Your salvation or go to hell right? And of course if they say no, it's eternal then they're safe, right? So you don't have to preach to them, right? But you want to keep your questions short and simple These are perfect examples that I put on the screen here. You don't want to badger them with as many questions as possible Okay, these are very good questions to determine whether they're saved or not Right, and if their answer is not clear ask for clarification So for example, if you say what do you have to do go to heaven and they say repent, right? Obviously, that's not necessarily an unbiblical answer because if they mean like change your mind or you know Stop believing something false then they're correct, right? But if they mean turn from your sins, then they're wrong and they're not saved, right? So that's why you want to ask for clarification if they give you an unclear answer like that Another common answer that people will say is something like have a relationship with Jesus right now again That's an unclear answer because some people what they mean by that is like well if I believe I'm God's son So I have a relationship with them automatically right now It's kind of a weird answer, but it's not really wrong in that sense But a lot of people what they mean when they say that they'll say like oh well You have to like pray to God read the Bible every day It's like a daily relationship thing that you have to work on right? And so if somebody says something like that I say so is that a daily thing and if they say yeah Then I'm like, okay Well, they're not safe because they think that salvation is a process that they have to do this relationship Keep it up every single day in order to go to heaven, right? So You want to make sure that the initial questions that you ask are clear and if they give it unclear answer then Ask for clarification, right, but don't give unclear questions. Just keep it simple. Just do Just ask questions like this. This is the method that works. This is the method that's been tested and As soon as they get any one of those questions wrong or they aren't sure then offer to share the gospel with them there's no point in continuing these questions if Like for example, they say they don't know they're going to heaven right like you go up to them and you say hey We're from a Baptist Church. We're preaching the gospel. Do you go to church anywhere? No, I don't here. Here's this invite now Do you know for sure if you die today that you go to heaven they say I have no idea There's no point in asking them What do you think you have to do to go to heaven because they just told you they don't know that they're gonna go to Heaven so why would you ask that question? That's just pointless, right? So as soon as they aren't sure about one of the questions that you ask or they give a wrong answer Say hey, the Bible says like if they say they don't know say hey The Bible says you can know could I share with you what you have to do to go to heaven, right? Or if they give something wrong Like for example you ask them what do you have to do to be saved? What do you have to do to go to heaven and they say? You know be a good person right then you could say the Bible says something different if you have a few minutes I'd love to share with you what it says about how to go to heaven Right or if they you know say some complicated answer like oh you have to you know Repent of your sins be a good person go to church. Keep the commandments get baptized all this stuff You can say something like Jesus says it's much easier to get to heaven Would you like to see what the Bible says about how to go to heaven, right? These are all ways that you could offer to share the gospel But again, there's no point in just continuing questioning them if it's already been determined that they're not safe, right? So if they say like Something wrong about you say what do you have to do to go to heaven? They say repent of your sins be a good person go to church something like that You don't have to ask them about eternal security because you already know they're not safe So there's no point in asking these further questions as soon as they get something wrong as soon as they aren't sure Hit them with one of these offer to share them a gospel right now lastly some other good tips for introduction Don't take a rejection of a church invite as a rejection of the gospel I've seen people do this as well sometimes and again This is foolish because again the purpose of going soul winning is not to invite people to church Obviously, it's a good icebreaker. Obviously, it's good to invite people to church but churches for save people. Okay, it's not for unsaved people So if the person you talk to is not saved then and they don't want to go to your church then What difference does it make right? the purpose of you going to their doors to share with them the gospel so that they could get saved because that's what Jesus commanded Us to do and again, this is something I've seen and this is something I myself used to do when I was a new soul Winner, I didn't know how to react to this When I would go up to somebody's door and knock on the door and say hey, I'm inviting people to church Would you like a church invite? No, thank you. I already go to church. Okay. Have a nice day, right? But the thing is the rejection of a church invite is not rejection of the gospel because they might say oh I already go to church somewhere. It's like, okay Well, if they already go to church somewhere then that makes sense that they don't want to go to your church, right? So that doesn't mean that they don't want to hear what the Bible says about how to go to heaven So even if they don't take an invite or even if they say I already go to church. No, thanks You still want to ask them the question about whether they're sure they're going to heaven or not, right? Also If they don't want to hear the scriptures Right if you ask them these questions and you determine that they're not saved and you say hey Can I share with you what the gospel says and they don't want to hear it. They don't have time They're busy or they're just not interested. Whatever be kind to them and offer to leave them with a verse This is a good way to still plant a seed If even if they don't want to hear it, right so just say like alright no problem Could I leave you with one verse before I go right if they say yes some good verses to leave would be like John 3 16 acts 16 31 just a really simple verse about how to be saved, right? But if they still say no if you say hey, can I share with you one verse before I leave and they say no Thanks. I'm good. Just say have a nice day and leave walk away go down the next person right because Again our goal is to preach the gospel to people who want to hear it as Jesus said many times in the Bible he that Happened here to hear let him hear right now the introduction. It shouldn't take very long It should take no more than 30 30 seconds to a minute, right? You want to get to the point quickly again not waste their time, right? So here's how I do it. This is what I'm gonna you know what I say I said just imagine I'm walking up to the door right I knock on the door, right? They Answer like hi. I'm from a Baptist Church. We're out here preaching the gospel. Can I leave with the car? They take the car, right? I say we also want to make sure people know for sure that they're gonna go to heaven some days That's something you're 100% sure about they say Yeah, I'm sure about that. I say so what do you have to do to go to heaven or have eternal life? and they say uh Be a good person I say, you know, the Bible actually says something different. Thankfully. It's much easier You just have to believe in Jesus if you just have a few minutes Could I share with you what the Bible says about how to go to heaven? They say yes, I want to hear Okay, and then I open it and start showing it to them, right? Very simple. You don't want to waste your time with people Because they again want to know why you're there and you want to redeem the time because the days are evil as the Bible says right Now if they do want to hear the gospel Another good practice just to show, you know friendliness, but also To kind of interact with them more would be to shake their hand and ask for their name, right? So oftentimes You know say they say yes. I want to hear the gospel, right? I open up to Romans 3 right which usually if I'm going soul-winning I have like the little bookmarker, right? Already in Romans chapter 3 just put there, right? So this is my soul-winning Bible I put it in Romans chapter 3 so that way I can just turn to it immediately and I'll shake their hand I say what's your name? Oh, John. My name is Alex. Nice to meet you So John the Bible says Romans 3 23, right? Now another good tip is do not ask if they're busy Assume that they want to hear and if they're actually too busy, they'll tell you that they're busy, right? I've seen people do this also where they say hey Could I share with you what the Bible says or are you busy right now? Right, even if there's nothing clear that there's something going on because the way that that question is phrase It almost makes it sound like preaching the gospel is not urgent It makes it sound like it's something that you could put off right? So don't give that as an option, right? Just say hey, I'd love to share with you some verses Could I share with you some verses if they're really that busy or they really don't want to hear they're gonna tell you right? But saying it as like could I show it to you or are you busy that makes it sound like? It's not really that urgent. It doesn't really matter that much, right? So don't ask them that question because I've seen people who do this and almost every time they ask that question Even when it like it seems that they don't really have anything going on They'll deny the gospel. I'm you know I'm sure they probably would have heard it if you didn't, you know, say it like that, right? So Again, that's just kind of my personal opinion But I've seen people who do that and who offered like that and it seems like they don't really get many Opportunities to preach the gospel right? It's not really a good way to do it you want to Assume that they want to hear right? So these are just all good tips for the introduction in the next video I will talk about when you're actually preaching the gospel right what to do when they say they want to hear it you go to Romans 3 and We'll go from there. So thank you for watching