(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Hello everybody, I'm back with another video in the soul winning series and today I want to talk about the importance of using the scriptures or using an actual Bible carrying an actual Bible with you Okay, so when preaching you must not explain it entirely in your own words You must use the Bible or the person you preach to will not get saved Okay I've seen this before where people will kind of just try to explain it in their own words and that's something you should avoid Obviously you will have to use your explanation and other illustrations But the key thing to use when you're preaching the gospel is the Word of God Romans 10 verse 17 says so then faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God, right? They will not believe the truth if you don't preach the truth to them. Okay, it's not just preaching Your own ideas or your own explanation of it You have to use the Bible and here are some other verses as well which talk about this first Peter 1 25 It says this is the word which by the gospel was preached unto you Ephesians 1 13 the Bible says In whom also you trusted after that you heard the word of truth the gospel of your salvation In whom also after that you believed you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise Which is the earnest of your inheritance until the redemption of the purchase possession, right? So the Bible tells us that it's the word of truth that you heard That you know you trusted right James 1 21 It says receive with meekness the engrafted word, which is able to save your souls And there's a lot of other scriptures which talk about this This is repeated many times in the New Testament that it is the Word of God by which we were saved It is the Word of God by which the gospel is preached So if you're not preaching from the Bible, then you're not actually preaching The way that the Bible says you should be preaching now that doesn't necessarily mean that you have to have a physical Bible again You could get somebody say by just you know Preaching the words and just them hearing the scriptures, right if you have the scriptures memorized you could preach it to them, right? and sometimes this will happen like sometimes I'll knock on a door and They'll have like a screen door right and they don't want to open the door for whatever reason they have a dog They don't want to run out or they're just not comfortable opening the door or whatever and I'll show it to them Through the door right now obviously sometimes with these screen doors I don't know if in other states or other countries they have this as much but in Arizona like Almost every door has a screen door where they have like just these little holes where light can come through and so you can't really See through it So there's not really a point in me like showing them the verses right showing it up to the door because they can't see it so I'll just have to preach it to them and they'll have to hear and sometimes they end up getting saved right or Online, you know, obviously I can't really Like on YouTube or on Omegle or something. I can't really just like show them the verse like that That's not really that easy to do. So again, I'll just have to preach in They'll have to hear it and believe it, right? But you still want to quote the Bible whether you're showing it to them and reading it off the page or you're quoting it To them they need to hear the Word of God in order to be safe Now a good practice though when you're going soul winning door-to-door is to still have a physical Bible with you, right? Because you could just quoted them They could just get saved but it's better to have a physical Bible and to show and tell them The actual you know words on the page, right? So for example And again, I'll go through more of these examples later in the series as I get to all the particular points But we should ask questions based on what we show So for example, like when I get to Acts chapter 16 and I read the verse that says sir What must I do to be saved? I show it to them, right? I show them on the page and my finger follows the words as I'm reading it I say sir's what must I do to be saved and they said believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved and I'm physically showing it to them and then I ask them Hey, what does that say that you have to do to be saved from hell? Oh, it just says belief And then I point again to the verse and I say does it say you have to do anything else, right now again I could just quote it to them and if they're really paying attention They'll still be able to answer it but it has more of an impact when they're actually Looking at it and they're hearing it at the same time. You know what I mean? So it's good to have people Read the scriptures with you and Also quote other scriptures as you're turning from page to page, right? So it's good to have a combination of physically showing them Write the verses on the page and also other verses you might have memorized to quote that as well If you have something off the top of your head, right? So that's why it's good to have a physical Bible Another thing is in your gospel presentation. It is good to use illustrations and examples and Parables that are based on things that the Bible says, right? So The thing is like I said, you should be using the Bible and you should explain verses right with your own words It's just that you shouldn't only use your own words, right? Obviously we will have to use illustrations that will make it simple for them and there's a lot of Illustrations which are biblical based like for example the gift analogy the Bible says about salvation It says it is the gift of God You know The gift of God which is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord The Bible says is the gift of gift of God less any man should boast right in Ephesians chapter 2, right? So the Bible tells us salvation eternal life is a gift, right? So it's good to use a gift analogy of like hey if I give this Bible to you as a gift and I say it's A gift but you have to go wash my car and mow my lawn. Is that really a gift right? And then they'll say no it's not a gift because they're working for it and they'll say so if you have to work for Salvation is that really a gift? No, it's not. So then do you have to do anything else besides believe? No, you just have to believe and then receive that gift, right? So it's a good illustration or example you could use another thing Bread of life for water of life example the Bible in the book of John Jesus compares salvation to eating bread or drinking water You could use as an example of how easy it is to get saved that Jesus just says, you know You just have to eat the bread and he that he says he that cometh to me shall never hunger He that believeth on me shall never thirst. I think that's John 635. And so again, it's very clear example For how easy it is to be saved But it also shows that it's eternal right because if he says he's the bread of life you eat that bread of life You'll live forever that it explains that well if you like had a piece of bread, right? And you eat that piece of bread and then you're never hungry again You don't have to keep eating that piece of bread over and over You just had to eat it once in the same way. You won't have to be saved once right? So it's another good example to use Another thing that I use is the wicked believer scenario to kind of make the point of eternal security So basically I'll say something like hey if somebody believes in Jesus Where are they gonna go and they die and the person says oh they're gonna go to heaven and I say well What if this person believes in Jesus, but then 20 years later, they do some really bad things Like for example, they were to kill somebody even to kill themselves commit suicide But he already believed in Jesus ten years before where is he gonna go when he dies and If they're paying attention and they believe the Bible they'll say well that person's gonna go to heaven, right? So these are all examples illustration scenarios you can give in order to make the point, right? But you should not only use illustrations. You should not only use your own words. You should use the Bible So these are some things some good tips that you should definitely apply when you go soloing again. Have a physical Bible Learn the Bible, you know be able to quote some scriptures and use illustrations in your gospel presentation I'll give in I'll get go into more details about different things. You can say in different illustrations You can use when we go through each of the points in the gospel presentation in later videos. So thank you buddy for watching