(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Hello everybody, I'm back with another video in the Solaning instruction series. Today I want to talk about physical and mental preparation. In the previous video I discussed spiritual preparation, like abiding in the Word of God, being filled with the Spirit, praying before you go solaning, etc. Today I just want to talk about the physical aspect of it. It is important to be physically prepared when you go solaning, in the sense of you should bring things with you that you need, and I have a list of things here on the screen that you should take with you that are important. Number one obviously is your Bible, right? You should get a Bible to take with you. Obviously somebody could still get saved if you just quote them the verses, but I'll explain in a later video why it's good to have an actual physical Bible where you can show them the verses, right? And so any Bible, obviously that's a King James Bible, is good to use when you go solaning. However there are some that are easier to use, I guess. Some people like this particular type, this is my solaning Bible, it's called the classic soul winner's New Testament. I've seen a lot of people with this recently. It's something you could buy on like anchoredbiblepublishers.com, I think. They might sell it on Amazon too, but the reason why it's good is because it's small, you can just fit in your pocket. It's just the New Testament, and it also has a part in the back where you can write down names of people that you've gotten saved, and that would be a motivational thing. So I like it personally, obviously you don't have to get this exact, you know, format or just the New Testament, you could have the whole Bible. Obviously that might even be better because sometimes it might be helpful to show verses even in the Old Testament. So just have a good Bible that's, you know, easy to carry around, big enough print for the person to see, those sort of things. Also you want to make sure to bring plenty of water, and this is especially the case in if you live in a very hot place like I live in Arizona. During the summer it gets up to 110, 115 degrees, sometimes up to 120, and without water you'd pretty much die in that kind of heat, right? And so you want to stay hydrated, so bring water, bring a jug of water, bring multiple water bottles. If you need a backpack to carry some more water bottles in then do that. Obviously you want to stand in the shade, you know, as much as you can if it's very hot, but it's just a good idea to bring water. Also it helps you if you're speaking a lot, if you're preaching a lot, to be able to, you know, hydrate or whatever your throat so you don't lose your voice, right? Because I know after a while, after I start talking, because I have kind of a deep voice, I lose my voice pretty easily. Warm or room temperature water helps with that. Obviously, you know, if you like cold water better than do that, but just take water, right? Don't be unprepared. Also comfortable clothes and shoes, especially if you're going door-to-door, especially if the doors are like further apart. You might do a lot of walking when going souling, so you don't want to wear like really uncomfortable tight shoes or whatever. You want to wear something that's comfortable to go in just to make it easier. You don't want to just purposefully make it hard on yourself, right? Also it's helpful to have materials to hand out like tracts or Bibles to the people who get saved. The church that I go to, Faithful War Baptist Church, we have these little YouTube cards right here, and if you go to a new IFB church, they might have something like this with a QR code with a video of how to go to heaven, so you can hand that to somebody. That way they can show other people if they're already saved or if they get saved or if they don't have time, you can leave that with them so that they can still watch the video later and get saved. It's also good to hand a church invite to put it in the hand just as kind of like an icebreaker. So typically when I go soloing, I hand out a church invite and one of these little cards, but of course if you don't go to a good, you know, Baptist Church, maybe you're in some foreign country somewhere where there's no Baptist churches in your area, then it might be good to make your own or you can even purchase some tracts for pretty cheap online that have some verses on it just to be able to give something to the person at the door. Obviously they don't need it. You could theoretically just knock on the door without handing them something and show them the gospel. That's always possible, but it's just a useful tool to kind of interact with the person to put something in their hand, right? Also it's important to have a list of extra verses to use. You might have a plan of how to go through the gospel and I'll get into the way that you should be preaching the gospel and the most effective way to do it later in this series, but sometimes people will have objections to certain points or maybe certain things that they won't understand and you might have to show them more verses in order to help them. So it's a good idea at the back of your Bible if there's like a blank page or if you just have like a piece of paper you can stick in there to have a list of verses that you could use as extras just in case, right? So that way if there's some harder cases you don't just have to leave every single time, you can actually spend some more time with them and get them saved. Now I also want to talk about mental and social preparation. We have to understand that soloing is hard work and oftentimes can be very strenuous on the mind, okay? Things that you'll have to face when you go soloing includes ridicule, insults, and arguments. Understand that not everybody is going to be nice to you, okay? And this is not something you should be surprised about because the Bible says, Marvel, not my brethren at the world hate you, okay? When you go out soloing there's going to be people who hate you and there's going to be people who yell at you, there's going to be people who call you names, there's going to be people who call the cops on you sometimes. It's happened to me, it's happened to others, it'll happen to you especially depending on where you live. You'll have people who sometimes will even try to physically attack you. Now that's never happened to me but it's happened other people as well. God will protect you, don't worry about it, pray about it, you'll be fine, don't, you know, just be nice to them. But you also face the sorrow of seeing somebody not get saved, right? You'll go to somebody's door, you'll preach the gospel to them, they won't make that decision to believe on Christ or maybe they just won't get it. And that can be heavy on the mind especially if it's like an older person, right, who's on the brink of death, you know, that's very sad to see, right? That like, you know, knowing that that might be their last time or the last chance to hear the gospel, right? And that that might be literally their last hope, right? You just sharing in the gospel with them. So that's sad to see and again that can be heavy on the mind. But then also it's important to have mental endurance because soul learning requires a lot of thinking and focus. You shouldn't get in the habit of just doing it robotically. Some people do this where they kind of just go through the gospel and don't even think about what the person is saying or what they're saying, what's coming out of their mouth. And that's a bad habit to get into because we have to understand that this is a real person that we're talking to and not everybody's gonna be the same. Everybody's gonna have their own hang up, everybody's gonna have their own objection, a lot of people are going to have certain things that they need addressed which you might not commonly think of or address in other gospel presentations. So you have to focus on what they're saying, you have to focus on what you're saying, you have to pay attention to what's going on, you have to think about, you know, think fast also because there's limited time that they're giving you. It's not like, I mean sometimes people will let you like literally come inside their house and be there for like two hours on their couch talking about the Bible, but that's not always gonna happen, right? Some people literally only have 10-15 minutes, so you want to be able, you need to be able to think fast, right? You need to be prepared for that, like I said. The Bible says in Hebrews chapter 12 verse 3, for consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, lest he be wearied and faint in your minds, right? We should not be wearied or tiresome in our mind, and one of the ways that we can not faint in our minds, as the Bible says, is to consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners. That's of course talking about Jesus, right? To look at Jesus as our example, that he went through more ridicule and mocking and obviously he went through more than we ever will face, right? He went through all kinds of scourging and pain and suffering for us, right? And we should not be surprised when this kind of stuff happens to us as well, right? And we should understand that there's hope at the end, right? No matter what people say to us, no matter what people try to do to us, we're on the winning side, you know? We're the children of Jesus Christ. We have, you know, the work that God commanded us to do. We're doing the right thing, so don't faint in your mind and don't be discouraged when things don't go how you want them to go. It's not always gonna go how you want it to go, right? There are times when I've been out soloing where I'm expecting that a lot of people will get saved and it's super unreceptive and you'll go for four hours and nobody will want to hear the gospel and you feel like you're wasting your time but you're not because you're doing what Jesus told you to do. Your job is to preach. Obviously we want people to get saved but you cannot force people to get saved. Ultimately that is their decision if they want to hear it or not. Sometimes it has nothing to do with you, sometimes it's just them, they don't want to hear it, they don't want to hear the truth, right? So don't let these things weigh down on you, just understand that, you know, it'll be strenuous on the mind, it'll sometimes cause heartache, sorrow, but don't be wary, don't faint in your mind, just trust in God and He'll help you. So yeah, thank you very much for watching.