(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Hey guys, it's brother Peter. I'm gonna make one more soul-winning tip video, but before I do that and catch some of this We got the Christmas music going in November it's about that time right before Thanksgiving it's appropriate but I want to make one more soul-winning tip video and This should be quick. It's pretty simple easy to understand The soul-winning tip is this have an organized structure to your soul-winning Presentation have an organized and coherent Structure of your presentation and what I mean is this here's my structure out soul-winning Here's the points in an exact order and each point flows Into the next and it's not jumbled. It's coherent. It flows perfectly. It's a very fixed presentation that moves station to station Coherently and sensibly, this is my presentations order it goes One we're all sinners. That's the first point Romans 3 23. We're all sinners to The wages of sin is death. So the second point is that sin brings death and hell So you show them your points about death and hell the problem that sin brings death which is Condemnation which is hell the next point is this So that those are the first two points the bad news the next point is this That salvation is a gift The good news so salvation is a gift 623 that God wants to give you a gift. That's my point God doesn't want us to go to hell. God gave us heaven is going to give us heaven as a gift The next point is this How did God pay for that gift? So you go from explaining heaven is a gift have going to heaven as a gift God wants to give it to you as a gift. Okay. How did he pay for that gift? Well, then you show them first Corinthians you show them your your gospel verse Romans 5 8 first Corinthians 15, whatever How God did God pay for that gift with this death burial and resurrection So after you show them they're a sinner that the wages in his death. Those are the first two points next My point the next point is that salvation is a gift The next point after that is how God paid for the gift with his blood sending his only begotten Son in the world to be manifest in the flesh and Shed his blood and die for our sins the next point is After you know how God paid for the gift, how do you receive the gift? So, how do you receive the gift? Well, you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ acts 16 30 and 31 John 3 16 John 6 47 Ephesians 2 8 9 John 1 12, whatever your salvation verses are so You could see how it flows coherently from after you show them they're a sinner and what the wages of sin is is death It goes it's a gift The next point after that How did God pay for the gift the next point after that? How do you receive the gift you show them how to receive the gift? After that, my my next point is Eternal security so I preach that it's any that it's eternal life and that the that the gift is eternal so they all tie together, but after that the last point is eternal security and You preach them eternal security and I believe that you should preach eternal security that's another tip preach eternal security Don't leave that out. Make sure they understand eternal security eternal security is the gospel That's why all these lose your salvation Pentecostals. They're not saved. They're going to hell because eternal security is the gospel John 6 47 eternal security. That's the gospel John 3 16 teaches eternal security Eternal security is the gospel the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord It's the gospel if you don't believe eternal security You don't believe the gospel and you might as well shut that you better might as well Get saved before you keep watching these videos if you don't believe in eternal security so that's the last point eternal security and Then one more point after that whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved Romans 10 9 and then you seal the deal and Of course, you know, that's just a rough structure, of course you also explained to them that Jesus is God in there. I Showed them my deity I preached them the deity of Christ before I closed the presentation and in the beginning when I'm explaining The gospel that how he paid for the gift That's all added in there, too But you could see how it's a coherent structure a lot of people go out soul winning. There's no structure of their presentation It's like a jumbled mess. It's all over the place People aren't following you they're like, where are you going with this? I don't understand. This is a bunch of just Jumbled jargon. I don't even know what you're saying. This is just a mess And it's like oh, I'm not following you. They're not following you. You have to make it simple You have to break it down and make it simple. I believe in making it simple for people to get saved That means not complicating your presentation That means making it easy to follow Make your gospel presentation easy to follow or you're gonna lose people make sure you have these steps and that they flow smoothly and coherently without any bumps in the road make the transition from each point easy and sensible and Don't just have this this Nonsensical presentation where you're jumping back from eternal security to faith alone to the deity of Christ Oh, yeah, did I talk about sin and let me go back and talk about sin again and remind you that we're all sinners It has to flow smoothly. That's the gospel presentation. So one more time. I'm actually signing off this time for real I'm actually signing off. I'm gonna go into church 330 service You know, it's a good day when you have a lot of church to go to I have a morning service to go to I have a 330 service to go to I have a night service to go to and A couple Sunday schools in between so hey look if there's if the Sunday school is there and it's good I'm gonna use it, you know, I'm gonna Try to use it for good and thankfully it is it's all it's all blessing. It's all great Sundays are a good day So I hope you're having a good day at church, too And I hope these soul-winning tips are helped you subscribe to this channel, please and also like this video Especially if you love soul-winning and you love people You know, it's like those Facebook comments, you know like this video if you want a blessing So I'm gonna adopt that model right now, all right guys have a good a good rest of your day a good rest rest of your Sunday and just comment on this video, let me know what you think and Yeah, that's about it peace