(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Hello, good evening. I'm Peter. I want to make a soul winning tip video tonight. It's 1245 a.m. February 15th here in West Orange, New Jersey. So, the soul winning tip that I want to give tonight is defer to Christ. And what I mean by deferring to Christ is simply appealing to the authority of Christ or appealing to the authority of the Bible and letting it be known when we're out soul winning and helping the person that we're talking to come to the conclusion that, okay, you know what? The doctrine of the message that this soul winner is presenting me with, it's objectively biblical and it's something that I have to make a decision to believe or reject and not leave them with the impression as much as possible that we are somehow preaching our own message, our own doctrine, our own philosophy because soul winning isn't a, it's not a display of the wits. It's not a, it's not a self aggrandizing activity where you are supposed to, you know, just use all of your intellect and knowledge and wisdom to bring somebody to a conclusion. That's not what it is. It's simply giving a message that we were given. You know, our boss, our captain, our leader, so to speak, and literally Jesus Christ has given us a message and it's our job to deliver that message. And the bottom line is we're not delivering this message of our own authority. The authority of the message that we're delivering comes from God the Father and from Jesus Christ and ultimately God the Father. And when I say again, defer to the authority of, defer to Christ, we're appealing to his authority. So we want them to understand, look, this isn't just something that I'm telling you for my help or something that I wish was true or, you know, like, because this is the case with other people who proselytize. By and large, Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, many street preachers, Black Hebrew Israelites, they're preaching a false religion and they're preaching of their self, so to speak. They're preaching of a spirit that's not Christ. It's not a message that Christ gave them. It's from their own perverted gospels, from the Book of Mormon. It's from the Watchtower. It's from the New Living Translation. That's not the case with a biblical soul winner. That wasn't the case with Jesus Christ. That's not the case with the apostles. The case in, the case of presenting the gospel, being a soul winner, it's not something that we do. It's not a message that we came up with. And this is something that Christ taught. You know, Christ taught, you know, that the reason people wouldn't receive him is because they don't receive the Father. Jesus said, he that receiveth you receiveth me, and he that receiveth me receiveth him that sent me. So those who received Jesus Christ, you know, naturally also received the Father. And the same way that if those people, if they received Christ in the New Testament, in the gospels, the people who received Christ, they were receiving the Father. Well, we are involved in that chain of messengership as well. You know, those who receive us out soul winning are receiving Christ. And I want to talk a little bit about deferring to Christ. So number one, you know, it's important to understand that, look, to help them to understand, I'm not preaching this of my authority. You know, that's why you have to show them clear scripture, for example, that leaves them with the conclusion that the Bible teaches that he that believeth not shall be damned. He that believeth not the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abideth on him. So some people out soul winning, they might, and look, people are going to delude themselves. They're not going to come to the truth. Some people don't have ears to hear. But it should, them not understanding shouldn't be because of an unclear presentation. And I believe we should just defer to Christ, you know, just give them scripture, give them the words of Jesus Christ, and let them decide what they're going to do with it. Don't even leave it in your hands as if, you know, it's even a question of, is this guy just making this up? No, you're clearly teaching it from the Bible. So but when you leave that door, they're not saved. They should have the impression that, wow, the Bible teaches that those that don't believe in Christ will be damned to hell. And that is something that the Bible teaches. It's not just something that guy was teaching. When I say, you know, defer to Christ, you know, that's one thing that should help us to, to calm our nerves out soul winning or to have and to have faith and to not even be all that worried about anything. The fact that look, if they don't like what I'm saying, as long as I'm being wise as a serpent and harmless as a dove, as Christ commanded, if they don't like the message I'm giving, they must take it up with Christ. I'm deferring to Christ and showing them like, look, I've presented you what the Bible says about salvation, and you must take it up with Christ because he's the one that said, he that believeth not shall be damned. Christ is the one that said that the unsaved will be cast into a furnace of fire. There shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth. He's the one who taught that hellfire is eternal where their worm dieth not, where it's eternal fire, the smoke of their torment ascendeth up forever and ever. And he's the one that taught that Christ is the way, the truth and the life. No man cometh unto the father, but by him, I'm not teaching that. I am teaching that, but I didn't come up with it. Christ is the one who taught it. And Christ wasn't even speaking of himself. Christ was speaking of the father. Christ was speaking the doctrine that the father gave to him. And we can, you know, this idea of deferring to Christ, appealing to the authority of Christ, you know, giving Christ the floor, seeing what Christ had to say so that when you leave that door, there's no doubt in their mind, wow, that is what the Bible teaches. If they'll allow you to show it to them, don't, you know, don't preach the gospel against people's will out solely, but also don't speak with an uncertain sound. Make the sound of the trumpet clear and the sound of the trumpet, the warning simply he that believeth on the sun hath everlasting life. He that believeth not the sun shall not see life, but the wrath of God abideth on him. By the time you leave that door, they should understand who Jesus Christ is and the consequences of rejecting Jesus Christ. And they should understand that it comes from the Bible. It's not something, oh, that's just what these Baptists who knocked our door teach. No, that's what the Bible teaches. The Mormons don't teach that. They're wrong. The Jehovah's don't, the Jehovah's witnesses don't teach that they're wrong, but this is what the Bible teaches. You know, another thing you could present to somebody out soul-winning, and this is the truth, you know, kind of challenge them in a respectful, proper context, you know, when the situation calls for it. Say to them, like, look, I tell them, here's what I believe. Jesus Christ said, I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man cometh unto the father, but by me. Jesus Christ said, I am the door. By me, if any man enter in, he shall be saved and shall go in and out and find pasture. Jesus Christ said that all the, all the, all others who came before him were thieves and robbers. When people bring up, oh, what about Muhammad? What about Buddha? I said, well, Jesus said they're thieves and robbers. A guy the other day said, well, do you believe Jesus Christ is a name? And I'm like, well, yeah, it's a name, but Christ means Messiah. Christ means the anointed one. It means, uh, the chosen of God. It's the Christ. And he said, um, well, you know, you know, there were many, many people before Jesus who were called Christ. They were called the Christ. And I said, well, Jesus said, they're all thieves and robbers. And he's the, he's the Christ. And he said, those are false Christs. And I can show you from John 10. That's what I'm talking about here. Showing them like, look, is it a doctrinal disagreement we're having? Yes. But the doctrinal disagreement that we're having comes from the fact that I'm taking Jesus Christ as word. So getting back to what I was talking about, if you know, I like to say to people, I believe that Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life. That's what he said. No man cometh under the fatherhood by me. He said, he's the only way. He said, I'm the door. So I personally take Jesus Christ at his word. Jesus said, I am the son of God. He said, I said, I'm the son of God. The Bible is clear that he's the son of God. I believe that because either that's true, which that's what makes the most logical sense based on how consistent and just how consistent the New Testament is, how powerful the words of Jesus Christ are. No man ever speak like this, man. And the fact that it's the word of God and there's, you know, the Old Testament, the New Testament, I mean, it's just, I essentially tell them because it's how powerful the Bible is. That's why I take Jesus Christ at his word and I don't believe he's a liar. So either you take Jesus Christ at his word and you believe he is who he says he is and the words that he said, or you believe he was just some rambling, crazy person, false prophet, lying deceiver. Cause there's really no in between because if there's a guy walking around teaching that he's the Messiah, which is who Jesus Christ is, the son of God, the only way to heaven, the only way, separate of works, separate of any other savior or God or a person or deeds that he is salvation, that Christ himself, the person is salvation. Salvation is a person, it's Christ. So if you believe him when he says that, then you can't believe also that, well, he's also, I think he's just a good prophet. He was a preacher. He was a good teacher. He was just a man. He was just this and that. He probably liked, you know, he probably studied Buddhism and stuff. No, the two cannot exist simultaneously in agreement. Those two ideas are contrary one to another. So it doesn't make logical sense to hold onto this middle ground of, yeah, Jesus Christ is great, but like, you know, he's on the same plane as Muhammad and Buddha and Krishna and Confucius and all these other teachers that can't possibly be true because Christ is the one of them that said he was the way Christ said, I am the light of the world. I am the light of the world. He that follow with me shall not walk in darkness, but you'll have the light of life. So what do I mean about deferring to Christ? I basically mean confronting people with the definitive black and white statements that the Bible makes about salvation and showing them that that is what the Bible evidently teaches. And there's also having this understanding that this is the goal, you know, what is soul winning? Well, it's preaching the gospel. It's leading people to Christ, but it's also entails showing people who Jesus Christ is. Who is Jesus Christ? Jesus Christ is the son of God. He's a second person of the Godhead. Jesus Christ is God with us. He's God in the flesh. Jesus Christ is the savior of the world. Jesus Christ died and rose again. Jesus Christ is from everlasting. He's God in the flesh and Jesus Christ is salvation. He putting your faith in him alone. God is salvation. He came to seek and save that which was lost. He came to die for your sins personally, and also make them to understand the consequences, the eternal consequence of rejecting that, which is he that believeth not shall be damned. He that believeth not the son shall not see life. He that believeth not is condemned already because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten son of God. So if someone's telling you like, hey, man, like, uh, Jesus is loving. God is loving. He's not going to send all these people to hell. Well, you can say, well, Jesus said he that believeth not is condemned already. Jesus said he that believeth not shall be damned. And they, the Bible teaches they will perish. Jesus teaches of telling multitudes to depart from him into a furnace of fire there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth. He gave all these parables about all this weeping and gnashing of teeth and about people being sent to hell by his own hand and deferring to Christ, appealing to his judgment, just showing people out solely. This isn't my message. This isn't a gospel that was given to me. Like Paul said, by man, it didn't come from my own heart. It's like God gave me this gospel. The Holy Bible gave me this gospel. That's what I'm confronting you with. And when we leave, we should at least they should have the opportunity to have seen, wow, that really is what the Bible teaches. Christ really did say that I really do have to make a decision what I'm going to do with Christ and show them and tell them the most important decision you'll ever make is what you decide to do with the person of Jesus Christ. What you believe about Jesus Christ. Do you believe on him or not? Do you put your faith in him completely for salvation or not? Are you trusting in your works or not? And there's a couple scriptures that like Jesus said, he said, he that rejecteth me and heareth not my words hath one that judgeth him. Or he said, he said, he that rejecteth me and receiveth not my words hath one that judgeth him. The word that I've spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day. Or he might've said, he might've said, he that rejecteth me and heareth not my words. The same hath one that judgeth him. The word that I've spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day. So I might've grappled that a little bit. However, you know, Jesus said, look, you will be judged by the word that I spoke. That's what's going to judge you. You're going to stand before God one day. And if your beliefs, you know, they're going to stand before God. The books are going to be open and it's going to say, well, right here, it says, he that believeth on the sun hath everlasting life. He that believeth not the sun shall not see life. And it also says, it also says, you know, not by works of righteousness, which we have done, but according to his mercy, he saved us by washing and regeneration of the Holy Ghost. But you said when a soul winner was at your door, that your Catholic church was going to get you to heaven. You said that being a good person, you said you don't need Jesus Christ. When he asked you why you're going to heaven, you didn't even mention Jesus Christ. And that word is going to judge them. They are going to be face to face with the word of God, see its authority, finally, that it was authoritative. And if their beliefs don't measure up to that, they're going to be cast into hell. If they don't believe the gospel, they're going to be cast into hell. If they don't believe the word that Jesus Christ spoke, they're going to be cast into hell. We have to, so we have to defer to his judgment meaning, and we have to defer to Christ and appeal to him, meaning that the goal out soloing is to get their eyes on Christ. It's to get their eyes on his word and to help them understand the consequences of rejecting that word and understanding it's not our authority that this is based on. It's based on the authority of Jesus Christ. Let's look at a couple of scriptures. I mean, Jesus said, and this should help you when you've got someone just to know, like, look, I'm just a messenger. Christ, just walk on me. Like when someone slams your door, slams the door in your face, curses you, calls you an idiot, calls you fat and ugly and a loser and a fanatic and stop bothering people. You know, I was just grilling and you woke my dog up and you know, my baby's barking. Well, some babies bark, but you know, I should just be able to look up, look up to God, you know, look to the Holy Spirit who's laboring with me, look to Jesus Christ. God, I mean, they're not receiving you. They didn't receive me. It's because they're not receiving us. They're not receiving you. You know, I'm just walking with you, Christ. I'm just walking with the Holy Spirit here and being led by this, but I'm just trying to obey the command. And that's why you don't take it personally out so many ones because it's Christ they're not receiving. And ultimately it's God, the father they're not receiving. And it's the Holy Spirit that they're quenching. So it's, it's not up to us to force it, force the issue, or to even feel bad about it, or to even shed a tear or even have a furrowed brow or to even frown, just move on and have a, have a great time out soul winning. But that's because it's not our message. It's his. Jesus said, the world cannot hate you, but me, it hateth because I testify of it, that the works thereof are evil. So if somebody really is angry with us for preaching that Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven. And look, that can be an offensive message, even though it doesn't sound like it on its face. I mean, it is almost the most offensive message, even though it's such great news, those who don't receive it, it's not sweet to them. It's not sweet in their mouth. It's not, it's not music to their ears because they don't receive it. And we're, it's condemnatory. It's, it's, it's disapproval of their worldview, of their outlook and the fact that they haven't received Christ and you're confronting them with the concept of an eternal hell that will await them for rejecting it. But if they really despise it that much, they don't despise you, they despise God. He also said, Jesus answered them and said, my doctrine is not mine, but his that sent me, he said in John 7. So Jesus said to, he said to the Jews, he said, my doctrine is not mine, but it's his that sent me. I love verses like this because you know what? I can say the same thing out slowly. Hey, this doctrine is not mine. It's Christ's doctrine. It's the father's doctrine. It's the Bible's doctrine. It's not my doctrine. That's why it's just like, it's so funny when people always try to make it about you and the personality. It's not about the personality. Forget me. Forget any Bible preacher. Did the Bible say it or not? And that's what people are being confronted with and need to understand that that's what they're being confronted without sowing. That what you're seeing right now, it's not my doctrine. You need to decide if you believe this or not. Oh yeah, well I see. But you know, you, you Baptist and the Pentecostals and yeah, everyone's got their own religious. Like, no, no, forget that. We're looking at what the Bible says. So the Bible says, he that believeth not shall be damned. The Bible says that you must believe that Christ died and rose again for your sins according to scriptures. The Bible says that Jesus Christ says you must believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God. The Bible, this is the commandment. It's a commandment of God to believe on his son. Why is it a commandment? It's a commandment to believe and be saved by grace through faith because he's, it's a warning. He's not, he's not asking. He's telling you, look, believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. But he that believeth not shall be damned. All liars shall have their part in the lake, have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death. And if your name's not written in the book of life, cast in a lake of fire. So a couple of things you can take from this video. One, we're deferring to Christ and his, and we're appealing to his authority outsolening. Number two, we're helping people to understand the person of Jesus Christ. Who is Jesus Christ? The son of God, the Christ, the risen savior. Number three, that we're just the messengers, that this is what, this is what the Bible says, and we don't need to be discouraged however people receive it. We just need to preach it clearly. And number four, the consequences of rejecting the clear words that Christ spoke. He said, let's quote it correctly. Just make sure, because I don't want to butcher that. And then we'll, and then we can end the video. Where'd he say it in John chapter 12? I believe he did say it in John chapter 12. Just bear with me for one second. We've all got time. Jesus said in John 12 48, he that rejecteth me and receiveth not my words, hath one that judgeth him. The word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day. For I have not spoken of myself, but the father which sent me, he gave me a commandment, what I should say and what I should speak. And I know that his commandment is life everlasting. Whatsoever I speak therefore, even as the father said unto me, so I speak and praise God, Jesus Christ, our savior and our brother, we can say the same thing out so winning. Hey, I'm only preaching what was given to me to preach. I'm just preaching the message. I'm just preaching the words. His commandment is life everlasting. And he said, I have not spoken of myself, but the father, which sent me, gave me a commandment, what I should say. Sounds pretty familiar, right? Go you into the old world and preach the gospel to every creature. That's the commandment. The word that I should say, the gospel, you know, open your mouth boldly to make known the mystery of the gospel. That's the commandment. That's the word that, and I'm not preaching it of myself. I didn't come up with this. I didn't invent Jesus Christ. I didn't invent the gospel. I didn't create a fiery hell for the unsaved. I wouldn't have dreamed of that. No, the God of the universe created that. The God of the universe is the one who said, you must be saved. There's none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved, but Jesus Christ. And that's what we're preaching out soul-winning. So what do we want to do? Make, give people an opportunity to, you know, do something with the person of Jesus Christ and give them a clear presentation of who Jesus Christ is, a clear idea of who the Bible says Jesus Christ is, and a clear understanding of the consequences of rejecting Jesus Christ. I hope this video was, was cool for you guys. I hope you had a great night. I hope you had a great Valentine's Day. And regardless of where you were, you are Christ beloved. You're loved by someone. And most importantly, you're loved by God. So that is, that's thankful and worthy of rejoicing over. So I hope you all have a great Saturday. I hope you have a great Sunday coming up and a great next week. And I hope you enjoyed this video. God bless you guys and have a great night.