(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Turns out if you can Acts chapter 17 if you have your Bible turn to Acts chapter 17 pray real real quick Heavenly Father, thank you Lord for this soul-winding Church Lord. I pray you fill us with your Holy Spirit and help us as we go out in Jesus name. Amen Acts chapter 17 there in verse 22 says then Paul stood in the midst of Mars Hill and said ye men of Athens I perceive that in all things ye are too superstitious for as I pass by and Beheld your devotions. I found an altar with this inscription to the unknown unknown God whom therefore ye ignorantly worship Him declare I unto you and the title of this little sermon tip is watch just simply watch So you see as Paul was like heading over to preach the gospel? He's paying close attention right to the people that he's trying to reach as he walked by he's he's perceiving things He's he's looking at things to perceive just means that you become aware of something by the use of one's senses Especially that of sight and he perceived they were superstitious as he passed by he beheld the inscription and to beheld something means you Look at see observe view take note of watch so that's where I got the title name, but you know sometimes like especially when we're new we can Kind of get regimented in our soul winning and where we just doing the same thing. And of course, I'm not talking about like Straying from Romans Road or using the right verses you should always do that I'm talking about a lot of times we use analogies we use examples that we might Find that fit that individual that's right in front of us like Paul like he walked by and he saw this is gonna resonate With these people so we should take note of who the greatest soul winner that was ever on the face of the earth What he's doing and pay attention and see that there's things that maybe we should be looking at as well When we're going out soul winning the Bible often tells us to watch it tells us to observe it tells us to pay attention Tells us to discern and we want to make sure we're not getting too much on autopilot where we forget that human being That's like right in front of us That is a specific person that God brought you to their door to reach and you know, I believe in that I believe that God just has divine appointments. Sometimes he puts the right person in front of the right people So maybe you do notice that a bumper sticker as you walk up or something that might tell you a little bit more about them That's why we ask questions. We say what kind of church you go to right? That's why maybe you see like a You know some little Hindu idols on a shelf and you know that you're gonna have to tell them Hey, you're gonna have to put that away if you believe on Christ if they get saved you got to tell them Hey, you can't just add that to the shelf right you have to God is a jealous God and Jesus said I am the way Right, you're not gonna be able to continue to worship false gods while you're saying that you believe on Jesus So there's a lot of things that we could do just by paying attention and being in the moment, right? and you know like maybe you might Perceive that you're in front of a young person right a teenager or somebody that you know is taking tests and I like to use This test analogy. I think it does a good job of showing people how to believe you may have already heard it I didn't come up with it, but I think it is a good way to show somebody what it means to believe So you might say so to somebody So, you know you take tests, right? Let's say you have to take a really your final exam and you're worried about it, right? And I tell you hey, don't worry about that test. I believe in you What am I saying and you ask them? What am I saying? Right and get them involved. That's another tip ask questions Because a lot of times if you don't ask questions you might not perceive that that person is completely zoned out Right and then you're gonna end up preaching the gospel to them all over again at the end So get them involved ask questions make them answer get them involved because you know I could probably answer my wife by nod my head about half the time if I didn't hear the question But you know that one time when you see your eyes light up I probably know I screwed up, you know, just faking it till I make it so ask those questions Make sure you understand that they're paying attention because sometimes you might even have to what say Hey, do you want me to continue? You know, we've had to ask that to people before right where they just their countenance is showing that they're just this is the last Thing they really want to be doing so give them that Opportunity because you don't want to just be preaching to somebody for nothing, right? So you make them answer and what are they usually gonna say, you know? Are you saying when I tell you I believe in you in that test that you can pass that test. What am I saying? They're usually gonna say well you trust that I'm gonna pass and you're just like that's right now What if I give you all the answers did I believe in you then and then I say no You know, what if I even give you just one answer did I believe in you and they say no I'm just like well That's the same way with Jesus a lot of people think they need to help Jesus out By being a good person by repenting of their sins by going to church and Jesus doesn't need our help But they said because what that is, that's you believing in yourself. That's not believing in Jesus, right? So I think it can relate to somebody who's you know, they take a test that's gonna trigger with them You're not necessarily gonna give someone like that an example of marriage Maybe that they might not understand or something like that But it's just a matter of being in the moment being with that person perceiving watching paying close attention and just doing the best you can to reach that person that God's put in front of you because we do have an important job and Not a lot of people are doing it And so we should really take it seriously and you know Look for ways perceive different ways that you can get better with your gospel presentation and don't just keep it the same every single time Because you're always dealing with it a very unique person that's right in front of you. So with that, let's just pray Heavenly Father Thank you Lord for a soul-winning church I pray that you bless us as we go out bring us to somebody who might want to hear the gospel Lord and just help us to have boldness to preach What you would want us to say in Jesus name Amen And