(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) There's a word to describe the difference between a soul winner who keeps on going and the soul winner who quits it is the word Attitude, right the title of the short message this morning is it's all about the attitude You know the Bible commands for us to do all things without murmuring and disputing So we ought to always have a good attitude including soul winning go to numbers chapter number 11 This morning I want to speak on why and how to have a good attitude and things that you may want to consider or Think about whenever you have a bad time and or are on the verge of showing a bad attitude the point number one have three reasons why you have or Three reasons why to have a good attitude point number one when you have a bad attitude you irritate God numbers 11 look at verse 1 Bible reads and when the people complained it is pleased the Lord and the Lord heard it and his anger was Kindled and the fire of the Lord burnt among them and consumed them that were in the uttermost parts of the camp You know, there's a lot of verses that shows in the Bible where you know, people are murmuring and it angers God, right? I like this verse because it's easy to remember, you know numbers 11 1 Maybe you can remember this verse as your you know rule for each of the Godhead right numbers 1 1 1 right? There are three there are three ones, right? The Bible calls the children of Israel the church in the wilderness right in acts 738 so we can learn a lot from them And one thing that we can learn is that God is not pleased when you're complaining and murmuring Jesus said he that is not with me is against me and he that gathered not with me scattered abroad But so when when you're not going on board with a plan you become a burden to what we're trying to accomplish The Bible says it actually angers God and has killed people because of it the next time you ever want to complain remember the numbers 1 1 1 rule numbers 11 1 rule and Why or point number one? Why have a good attitude because when you have a bad attitude it angers God point number two when you have a bad attitude you make it hard for everyone Galatians. I'll go to Galatians chapter number six When you have a bad attitude you make it hard for everyone your attitude controls the the vibe or the feel of the group You know those that have good attitudes are easy to be around and easy to work with and those that don't make it hard For everyone else and usually it only takes one person to kill the mood, right? It only takes one person to kill the excitement of the group You see out there, you know as an example It only takes one person To cause a massive traffic on the freeway, right? It only takes it takes one person to ruin it for everyone else Remember the easiest people to work with are those who are flexible those who don't complain and most of the time the people are complainers You know, they have pride issues why because they make it about themselves, right and worse They make it known that it's about themselves, right? But here hey the we're here number one to serve God right and number two to get people saved, right? So it's not really about you. I know you're tired I know you've had a long hard week, but guess what? It's so everyone else right when you're being a jerk you're making it hard on others to work with you and be around you Well, you're in Galatians 6 look at verse 1 The Bible says brethren if a man be overtaken in a fall ye Which our spiritual restore such as such and one in the spirit of meekness considering thyself lest thou also be tempted bear ye one another's burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ for if a man think of himself to Be something when he is nothing he deceiveth himself Bible says, you know for us to bear each other's burden So we'll be gracious and good to you and we'll be patient But it's better if there wasn't any burden right to bear way out to be to bear to begin with So don't be the burden especially when you know, you're doing your burden because you're complaining and murmuring too much So don't be this kind of burdens point number two Why to have a good attitude because when you have a bad attitude and you make it hard for everyone point number three When you have a bad attitude, it makes you look like a loser right go to Proverbs 24 16 Proverbs 24 16 Here's the thing. It's okay to lose and it's okay to fail but don't be a loser or don't be a failure to What's the difference? It's your attitude, right? The person with a good attitude will look at a loss as a learning curve a Person with a bad attitude will look at a loss as a reason to quit right? I read somewhere Online it says a bad attitude is like a flat tire. You don't change it You won't go anywhere Right Proverbs 24 6 Bible says or a just man fall at seven times and rice it up again But the wicked shall fall into mischief So so what if you didn't do a good job at soul-winning last week do better today Learn something from last week and apply what you learn today, right? Don't quit why because quitting will make you a loser So point number three when you have a bad attitude, it makes you look like a loser We've talked we talked about three things that you may want to consider whenever you have a bad day and you want to Show it that you were having a bad day So let's talk about how to have a good attitude or how to avoid having a bad attitude go to Matthew chapter number five But to have a Or to avoid having a bad day or bad attitude. I Only have one point make room for disappointment make room for disappointment Expected, you know, you're familiar with the verse right Romans 3 10 You're probably I'm pretty sure you're familiar with that right the Bible says as it is written. There's none righteous No, not one or human beings and we make mistakes You know We may accidentally partner you up and say it was the same person three weeks in a row Or someone at the door may be having a bad day and you knock at a bad time and they take it out on you or you may give someone the most solid gospel presentation and They still end up not getting saved and that's the reality of things, you know, so you make room for disappointments expect the good But realize that from time to time Disappointments happen there would be days like like fishermen, you know, they won't catch anything But that's not a reason to quit right because why because they expect it they understand that that's part of the job Some of you will compete to play at the Red Hot Preaching Conference ping-pong tournament right Later today, you know try as hard as you can play as hard as you can give everything that you've got But be ready to accept the fact that you may not make it to the top four right work hard at it But realize that you're not perfect. So make room for disappointments. You're there in Matthew 45 5 45 Matthew 5 45 The Bible says that ye may be the children of your father which is in heaven Is what I want to see this the Bible says for he maketh his son to rise on the evil and on the good And send it rain on the just and on the unjust The Bible says the rain falls on the just and the unjust when you understand that concept You can actually bake your life a little bit better Why because the Bible says the thing about life is rain is inevitable, right? People who keep on going and people who have good attitude understand this truth, you know Disappointments are inevitable and the loss is inevitable To make room for disappointments and make room for losses Disappointments like just like the rain, you know, they're it's not a respected person, right? Just like a rain isn't working against you. We're not working against you Right, just like just as the rain falls and everyone disappointments happen to everybody and that's reality It doesn't matter what kind of person you are. It doesn't matter how good of a Christian you are rain will fall on you So key to having a good attitude accept reality be ready for the rain bring an umbrella, right? so even when you so even when your Expectations aren't met or your goals aren't achieved. You'll be fine when you understand this concept You'll be more gracious to people you'll be more patient to people and you'll be more mature So this what's the sole winning tip this morning so it so winning tip this morning is always have a good attitude even if you have to act or even if you have to force your force yourself always have a good attitude because it Reflects on people and people can see that and it affects them, right? So decide to have a good attitude or deciding to have a good attitude is one of the best ways To be success to be a successful soul winner It will help you be successful not just in soul winning but in life as well Because why because people want to help others who display gratitude positivity and optimism Having a consistently good attitude makes you much more likable and trustworthy and it helps those people Around you feel easy even when they make mistakes. So this morning Let's just enjoy our time out soul winning and have a good time. Amen. Let's close in word of prayer your heavenly father Lord Thank you for the opportunity to preach this morning Pray that you would help us Lord to have a great time today Lord, and especially in everything that's going on All winning and the ping-pong tournament later today Lord. Lord. We love you. Pray that you bless us and help us in Jesus name I pray