(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen, so the message the main message this morning is focusing on that statement that Jesus made he said That he must be about his father's business You know we are here to do a job and that job is basically to build God's kingdom And we do it by winning souls to Christ right and that's basically the main job That's the job and the Bible has multiple ways to describe it sometimes. It's called fishing. It's called soul winning we are called teachers preachers and ministers sometimes we called ambassadors and What we do for God is a job So if it's a job, then it's a soul winning tip this morning. If it's a job, then we should treat it like our livelihood is depending on it because We may not realize it But our life both this life and the next life depend on how we treat this business, right? So there are two things to remember about it You know the stakes are high the things that we're doing have Consequences and we're not playing around here because why because people's souls are at stake So number two, we're also here to get paid right Jesus said behold I come quickly and my reward is with me to give every man according to his work shall be So it's a job because we're here to get paid right, but we're not gonna get paid physically The Bible says that we look not the things which are seen But the but are the things which are not seen or the things which are seen are temporal But the things which are not seen are eternal So I have a few statements to remember on How we should act when it comes to a job because like I said soul winning is a job And so we must take it seriously We have to act like professionals because this isn't a fad, right? It's not something that we do because we happen to have time on a Saturday morning No, we set aside for this time to knock on people's doors and try to get them safe So I have five rules or five statements this morning about being a professional I'm going to go through them quickly because I don't have a lot of time Most of them are basic, but we still need to hear them from time to time Right, so rule number one. We have to know display rule. What is the what is a display rule? It's a rule in which we develop to modify what we show to people what emotions can show to which person and when So when at work there are things that we can and cannot do and there are things that are there are emotions that we can and cannot show to people and It's not about being fake or inauthentic. It's about being a professional Also, we're Christians, right? We have to act differently than the rest of the world Actually, we have to act better than the rest of the world It's about being adaptable, you know The Bible says in 1st Corinthians chapter 9 in verse 20 and unto that and unto the Jews I became as Jews I became as a Jew that I might gain the Jews To them that are under the law and as under the law and I might gain Them that are under the law in verse 22 Paul said that I made all things all men That I might by all means save some I know sometimes we have to be a certain way to win people to Christ Not to a point where we have to sin but we have to know the boundaries We have to be adaptable Also the Bible says to put on a new man right to display rule because the old man is corrupt every day We have to decide to walk a certain way to talk a certain way to look a certain way and to be a Certain way we have to decide who the person we're going to show everybody today, right? So point number one is it's a display rule point number two. We come here to work not play Play is good And there are times to play but when we're at work we work right the stakes are high Like I said earlier the stakes are high everything that we do here affects people Or for better or worse our actions and everyone else around us affects souls how we will be in this life and the life after depend on our action and it matters and Also work is not funny. I've heard that a lot right or it's not funny So stop treating it like as if it's a joke point number two work not play point number three some emotions are okay Some are not I'm a list a bunch of good emotions out here Satisfaction excitement joy when someone gets saved these emotions are good right determinations. We ought to be determined to get someone saved sadness when someone wants to get saved at a door, but something happened and That person didn't get saved emotions such as sadness is okay. Actually, it's good We ought to be sad right bad emotions. These are emotions that are not okay irritation discouragement Overexaggerated sadness anger, you know, don't be irritated around others Again display rules, right? Don't be a discouragement to others as well The Bible says in Proverbs 22 24 make no friendship with an angry man Why because with a furious man thou shalt not go lest thou learn his way and get a snail to thy soul Remember that how you how you act or how you are around your co-workers or your friends can rub off on them And this will affect how they are So watch your actions around your friends Number four reliability is good. These are requirement of being a good employee right every boss Wants someone they who they can rely on No, God is our boss. So be a reliable person and We when we are at work we understand commitments and we meet them You know show up at the right time right so winning it starts at 10 a.m So if you if it has to be you have to be here at 10 a.m Right, and if you're going to be late, let us know we have the numbers for you And you know, it's very hard for solely and captain to partner people up and they show up five or ten minutes late So and also show up to work consistently Because why because attendance matters we need you here, right? And also show or show up at the right time at the right place with the right stuff Don't be soul winning without your Bible or don't be soul winning without invitations or a map or a plan basically show up ready Point number five is the last point time is a scarce resource a question was asked in the Bible Question was asked it says what is your life then immediately it was answered It says it is even a vapor that appeared for a little time and then vanishes away, you know time is a scarce resource Meaning that we don't really have a lot of time We have very little limited time when it comes to soul winning, especially the ones with a lot of responsibility So let let's use our time wisely right the hymn says give every flying minute something to keep in store Work for the night is coming when man works no more Work to the last beam faded faded to shine no more work while the night is darkening when man's work is or You know, there'll be a day when we can't work anymore. So we have to realize that Don't waste your time on things that are net or that are not necessary. So I'm gonna go through that list again Display rule we have to know To modify what we show to people what emotions we we show to other people and when that is Also work we're here to work and not play and some emotions are okay some are not Reliability is good and time is a scarce resource. So the Bible says Jesus said I must be about my father's business So be a professional act like a professional in all aspects of life be a professional It's closing the word of prayer your Heavenly Father Lord. Thank you again for the opportunity to preach your word Lord Pray that it's helpful to others Lord and pray bless the rest of the day We love you when Jesus say my pray. Amen