(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) So then in 1 Corinthians 14, 40, the Bible says, let all things be done decently and in order. So as Christians, everything we do in life should be done what? It should be done decently and in order. You know, what does that mean? Well, the word decently means it is acceptable or to a comfortable standard or properly. See, the things we do in life should be done properly. It should be done decently. And then it says, and in order. You know, that means it should be done in an orderly fashion. And so when it comes to soul, you know, our church does a good job. You know, our pastor works hard to make sure that everything is done decently and in order. You know, when you show up, things are organized, things are ready to go. There's organization, and what does that lead to? It leads to efficiency. It leads to productivity. And when you show up, we have the invitations counted out for you. The maps are ready to go. You get the addresses. You get the resources that you need. Everything is done decently and in order. And this morning, I wanna talk about being an organized soul winner. You and I, we gotta be an organized soul winner. Why? Because everything we do in life, it should be done decently and in order. Go to 2 Timothy 2, if you would, 2 Timothy chapter number two. So there's two areas that I wanna focus on where you and I oughta focus on being organized as soul winners. 2 Timothy chapter number two. In verse 21, the Bible says, in verse 21, it says, if a man therefore purge himself from these, it says he shall be a vessel unto honor, sanctified and meet for the master's use. And then it says this, it says, and prepared unto every good work. See, when it comes to the work of God, when it comes to even soul winning, you oughta be prepared, we oughta be ready, we oughta be organized when it comes to soul winning. You know, a verse that we've heard often recently is 1 Peter 3.15 where it says, but sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, it says, and be ready always to give an answer. So as soul winners, we oughta be, do all things decently and in order. We should be prepared, we should be ready. We oughta be organized when it comes to our personal soul winning. And the first point I wanna talk about is being organized in the materials that you have. You oughta just be organized in the tools that you use while you're out there soul winning. You oughta go out there with Bible in hand. You oughta go out there ready with your, Bible in hand, ready to go out there and preach the gospel to people. And you know, if you need the verses mapped out in your Bible, you oughta have those organized. Just organized and clear so that you can understand that would help you in your productivity, in your efficiency. When people have questions, you'll be organized because you'll have your Bible mapped out to where you need to be. You know, you should have your invitations ready to go. Just organize with the invites that you'll need for the day. You should have the materials that you need, the booklets, the DVDs, the CDs, because look, when you do things and you're unorganized, you're gonna feel unprepared. You know, I don't know about you, but I've been soul winning in times where I was unorganized. And a time when I needed a DVD, I needed a booklet, I needed a tool, a resources, when I didn't have it, when I wasn't organized, guess what? It was a failure on my part. You know, when you're unorganized, when you're disorderly, things don't work out the way they should. So when it comes to soul winning, you oughta be focused on being organized with the materials that you need. You oughta be organized with having a pen or something ready to write their name down. You know, if somebody gets saved, you oughta make it a goal to send them a new believers packet. But if you're unorganized, if you don't have that pen, you don't have that paper, you don't have your phone ready, something to write down their information, you know, how is that gonna happen? See, we oughta be prepared unto every good work. We oughta be ready always, meaning when you show up to soul winning, you're organized, you're ready to go, you have everything you need to just physically go out there with the tools in hand, ready to go for whatever comes at you out there when it comes to soul winning. Why, because all things, this is, let all things be done decently and in order. So the moment we should be organized with our materials. But not only that, but we should do our best to be organized in our appearance. We should do our best to be organized in our appearance. Go back to 2 Corinthians, go to 2 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians chapter five, 2 Corinthians five. So we should be, do our best to be organized, not just with the tools that we have, but with the appearance that we put forth. 2 Corinthians five, verse number 20, the Bible says, it says, now then we are known as ambassadors for Christ. The Bible says that you and I, we are ambassadors. What is an ambassador? An ambassador is an accredited diplomat sent by a country as its official representative to a foreign country. So an ambassador is one that represents a country in a foreign country. And that's what you and I are. You and I are ambassadors, meaning that we're pilgrims. We're foreigners, we're strangers. This world is not our home. We're just passing through. But we represent, we are ambassadors for Christ. And so when it comes to being an organized soul, you and I ought to be focused on the organization of just our physical appearance. You know, we should do our best when we go out there is to present ourselves in a godly manner. Why? Because we represent, the Bible says here that we're ambassadors for Christ. We represent Jesus Christ. It says here, as though God did beseech you by us, it says we pray you notice in Christ's stead. You see, Jesus Christ will not physically go out there and knock on those doors. No, he left you, he left me. And when it comes to Christianity, when it comes to the gospel, when it comes to Jesus, what they're gonna physically see is you and me. So when we go out there, we should do our best to be organized in our appearance when it comes to soul winning. It says now that we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us, we pray in Christ's stead. It says be ye reconciled to God. So when we go out there, realize that we represent the Lord Jesus Christ, but not just that, we also represent Verity Baptist Church. You know, when we go out there, you are not only a representation of Jesus Christ, but you are a representation of this church. And one thing about our church is that our church, things are done here decently and in order. Everything is organized, everything is planned out, everything has a purpose, it's efficient, it's proficient, but in the same way, you oughta show that in your appearance when you go out there just soul winning. You oughta present yourself, do the best you can to be organized in the appearance. Why, because you represent our church, you know? And so realize that you are an ambassador for Jesus Christ, you're also an ambassador for this church. When they meet you, they're meeting a representative of this church. The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 14, 33, it says, for God is not the author of confusion, but of peace as in all churches of the saints. See, God is not the author of confusion, meaning God is not a disorderly God. You know, God is orderly, he's very orderly, and he does things decently, he wants everything to be done decently and in order. So you oughta go out there with this mentality that when I go soul winning, I'm gonna be an organized soul winner, meaning my tools will be ready, my Bible will be in hand, my verses will be mapped out if I need it, I'll have the invitations I need, I'll have the resources I need, I'll have the pen I need to write down the name if they get saved, I'll be organized in my appearance. Why, because this is how things should be done. Things in life should be done decently and in order, and you oughta strive to be an organized soul winner. Let's close in prayer. Heavenly Father, thank you for this morning. God, I thank you for your word. I ask you please fill us all with your spirit, Lord, and I just pray that you give us boldness, give us clarity, and help us have a very fruitful morning to stay out there. God, we love you, and Jesus may you pray, amen.