(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) So a lot of times we go out soul-learning and we have You know, we're not seeing anything happen. We're not seeing anybody get say we're not being able to preach the gospel to anybody You know, we kind of find ourselves doing the same things over and over and there's no results that we're seeing right When we get to that point we need to do something. We need to start questioning what we're doing our patterns we're creating in how we're preaching the gospel and We need to see if we need to change anything that we're doing I Like to quote this quote here. It's by this guy named DeWitt Jones. He was a photographer for National Geographic But he quotes he's quoted as saying this he says Perspective can take you from ordinary to great So your your perspective on what you're seeing when you're out soul and the person you're talking to when you're out soul Where you're coming from when you're talking to them is What can take you from getting that person say from not getting that person saved to getting that person saved? So the title of this soul-winning tip really is it's called break the pattern break the pattern that you're going out there and repeatedly doing That's not giving you any results You see what we see and how we react Depends on our perspective when we're talking to a person when we knock on that door and they open that door We are already judging them. All right, we are saying look is this person receptive? Is this person gonna listen are they paying attention? You know, what kind of neighborhood are we in? You know, we already got an idea of how the people are gonna act So sometimes when you're out there and nothing's actually happening You need to come up with different a different perspective in order to create something great out of a situation That is probably not going to be good for you And you're not going to be seeing that person say because your perspective is not the right one so Sometimes all it takes when we're out there soul-winning is for the right soul winner to come along Alright, so how do we become that right soul winner in order to change our perspective to get that person saved? Alright, so I got five points that I want to go over real quick and point Number one is this, you know, we ought to train our technique, right? You're there in 2nd Timothy chapter 3 look at verse 16 It says all scripture right all means all the entire Bible all scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine or reproof for correction for instructions and righteousness You see there's more than one way to skin a cat, right? There's more than one way to go about giving the gospel But you know, you might need to go out there Knowing and having learned other verses and soul-winning. I mean if you're going out there and your gospel presentation Only consists of four verses out of Romans, you know, you're not really doing what you're supposed to be doing You're not learning other ways to give the person the gospel You're not showing this person other ways that they are actually sinners and they are deserving of a devil's hell, right? Hebrews 5 13 says for everyone that uses milk is Unskillful in the words of righteousness or he is a babe, right? So we need to learn other verses other soul-winning verses to give people to show people different ways How they can be saved not different ways as in there's there's only one way to be saved You're saved by grace through faith All right, so Hebrews 5 14 says but strong meat belong it to them that are of full age even those by reason of use Have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil, you know You're only gonna go out there and be able to preach the gospel to people using other soul-winning Verses if you actually go out there and try to use them Second we need to put ourselves in the place of the most potential right? Look we need to stand in the gap Ezekiel 22 30 says and I sought for a man among them that should make up the hedge and Stand in the gap before me for the land that I should not destroy it All right You see the only thing that's keeping us from the end of the world is the fact that we actually have saved people That are going out and preaching the gospel, right? That are preaching the Word of God You know, we have people here that are taking their times out of their lives to go stand in that gap And the thing is is you're not in the place of most potential if you're not out soul-winning Right, if you're not out actively trying to give the gospel to somebody if you're not taking those opportunities Thirdly there's that decisive moment when you knock on that door and somebody answers and you start talking to them You know, you need to instantly make a decision in your mind, you know Is this person a person that's gonna listen is this person a person that's going to pay attention to what you're saying Is there a bunch of distractions going on around you? Are they holding a hundred-pound pit bull barking at you at the door? You know, you might not take the time to talk to that person. You're going to be wasting your time at that point but Jeremiah 4 3 says for thus saith the Lord to the men of Judah and Jerusalem Break up your fallow ground and so not among thorns You're going to sow the seeds of the gospel You want to sow those seeds on? Good ground you want to sow those seeds when the person is going to be receptive, you know Don't waste your time trying to plant corn and a bunch of rocks. It's not gonna work So once we determine that this person is ready to listen we need to do what we need to open our mouths boldly Right Ephesians 6 19 says and for me that utterance may be given unto me that I may open my mouth boldly To make known the mystery of the gospel, you know If we can't initiate the gospel presentation with a sense of authority All right, the person at the door is not going to take you seriously You need to open your mouth boldly You need to act like you know what you're talking about and you should know what you're talking about when you're talking to somebody at the door Or we need to be patient James 1 19 says wherefore my beloved brethren let every man be swift to hear slow to speak Slow to wrath look you need to take the time to understand where that person at the door is coming from, you know You need to understand the meaning of what they're saying when they respond to your questions You know a lot of times you go out and say look Are you a sinner that deserves to die and go to hell and they're like no But you've already explained that they're a sinner and the penalty of that sin is hell and they've agreed with that Look, they're not understanding your question. So you need to rephrase it All right. I've done that several times this last weekend I'd I went I don't know how many minutes I spent on that one question When the girl that I was talking to that got saved had already understood what I said before, you know, I rephrased it I rephrased it. I rephrased it and eventually it clicked for her and eventually she got saved Ecclesiastes 7 8 says better is the end of a thing than the beginning thereof and the patient in spirit Better than the proud in spirit. Look when that person is not getting what you're saying Be patient don't get prideful and decide to cut it off if they're listening to you Actively listening to what you're saying Don't just cut them up. Take the time. I was out with brother David last weekend and he took the time I mean it was like the longest gospel presentation I remembered in a while right not only that that person got saved But then the guy went and got somebody else out from the house to hear the gospel and I'm like man my feet are hurting You know Brother David was patient who people got saved. Amen. All right Number five take advantage of the windows of opportunity Second Corinthians 9 6 says but this I say he which so it sparingly Shall reap also sparingly and he which so it bountifully shall reap also bountifully Look if you take those opportunities you are going to so bountifully if you take those opportunities You are going to see many people saved if you don't you're not Okay, we want to see people say that's our primary objective, you know, we need to be taking every opportunity We have to preach the gospel Let's close in a word of prayer there only father Lord as we go out today I pray that you fill us with your spirit And you help us to preach the gospel and actively listen to people as we're talking to them Lord Pray that you fill us all with your spirit. Keep us safe. Keep us strong in Jesus name. I pray amen