(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Acts 8 verse 26 reads and the angel of the Lord spake unto Philip saying arise and go toward the south under the way that goeth down from Jerusalem unto Gaza which is desert and he arose and went and behold a man of Ethiopia and eunuch of great authority under Candace queen of the Ethiopians who had the charge of all her treasure and had come to Jerusalem for to worship was returning and sitting in his chariot and read as they asked the prophet then the spirit said unto Philip go near and join thyself to this chariot and Philip ran thither to him and heard him read the prophet as they asked and said understandest thou what thou readest now what I want to bring out about this story is that Philip was given the opportunity to give the gospel to someone that was just outside of his like a soul winning time or mission trip you can say right and just as Philip was ready and able to give the gospel to this man when presented the opportunity we should be ready and willing to give the give the gospel to someone throughout our day to day life or even like when we're so winning if we see someone on the street we shouldn't just let them pass by if we can help it we should go to them and stop them and give them you know an invite and try to give them the gospel but point number one is we should be ready to preach the gospel to someone in our everyday life and on the street and that was point number one point number two is people on the streets or in our everyday life could be specifically sent to us to preach the gospel and that's so true I mean I've heard stories from a lot of a lot of you guys where you've given the gospel to people over the phone or you've given to the gospel to people on your lunch break or you've given the gospel to people at the park or whatever and that's the way we should be as soul winners is ready and willing to give the gospel whenever we can give the opportunity now obviously I'm not telling you to just stop you know neglect your work don't work just take off of work during the day to give the gospel that's not what I'm saying I'm just saying when you make the opportunity for instance co-workers that's a good example co-workers you can almost always make an opportunity to bring up the gospel to them why because you can take a lunch break with them or you could talk to them right after work you could make it happen but sadly a lot of times people don't even want to take the time to do that and that's that you're not right with God to just never bring up the gospel with someone because you could bring oh you could make the opportunity happen thirdly people on the streets are often more receptive and you know people we see from day to day and that's very true too I mean I literally given the gospel to my co-works before and I'm just after I'm done I'm just thinking to myself like oh my goodness like that guy was more receptive than half the people I've spoken to at the door last week or whatever right so you never know never judge someone like oh well he's my my co-worker or something he's not gonna win here listen to me right don't think that way bring up the gospel to him give them an invite and say well how do I bring it up to him ask you know ask him to come to family friend day right and be like hey you know more important than that are you sure you're going to heaven it's not really that hard or you can just ask them be like hey so-and-so are you Christian just curious and then let them speak and say hey more important bring up the question boom it's really not that hard you just have to set your mind to it that you're not just gonna turn on so winning mode Saturday from 10 to 12 that should not be your mindset you should turn on so winning mode throughout your day-to-day life right but lastly I want to give a story I'll give some credit to my wife for this but this is definitely a story that I think shows that people can be brought to us you know by God to give the gospel to them so there was a man I forgot his name I have to talk to her you have to ask her out of the service but there was a young kid that used to come here years and years ago he was he's young at the time so he wasn't saved but he they stopped coming to the church for in the Northgate area they stopped coming and years later which was just a few months ago my wife just so happened my my mother-in-law just so happened to ask her to go pick up some ice cream at the grocery store so she goes and she picks up some ice cream for her mom and she's pressed to give the gospel to these people that are selling chocolates in the front and obviously you know in our flesh well I know I could I could give the gospel to him I know that the opportunities there that that was her mindset but she did it she actually she overcame that and she did it and she and she went to them and she offered to give the gospel to him and this guy was very receptive and he got saved but just think about it he lost contact of all of us for four years and my wife just happened to be there happened you know saw the opportunity felt pressed to do it you know walked to the opportunity and took care of it and and God used that situation for and used her to reach that man and who knows if any of us would have ever met him in any other situation right so think about that I mean somebody let's think about this like on an airplane right I've heard stories of some of you giving the gospel to somebody beside you in an airplane right that may be the only opportunity that they have ever to hear the gospel and it could be up to you to give them the gospel and don't get saved so yes the main emphasis in this tip is be ready and willing to give the gospel on in your everyday life don't just just well so winning is on Saturday I shouldn't have to give the gospel today I don't feel like it no that's that's pretty lame of you to do that but that's it for the tip let's pray the Lord I do thank you for this opportunity we have to go out and so when from door to door Lord do thank you for the opportunity of that Lord I do pray though that you would help us to be filled with the spirit every day that we may be willing and able to give the gospel to people when presented the opportunity and I pray that you would bring people to us so that we could win them to you Lord and I pray all these things in Christ's name amen