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Matthew 28 we'll look at verse 19 it says go ye therefore and teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you and lo I am with you always even to the end of the world amen So the Bible is very clear here that the Great Convention is not just to win them to the Lord But it also adds on there teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you and if if you are not attempting to try to reach out to people after you win them to the Lord if you just forget their name and You know you you don't even talk to them about baptism You just walk away And you just want them to the Lord then you can't say that you're actually attempting to teach them to observe all things So that's why it's important to follow up because if you don't follow up Then there's no way you could say you're actually trying to fulfill fulfill this latter part of the Great Commission But if you would turn over to first Timothy 1 first Timothy 1 Kind of want you to think about this illustration to help us understand the importance of follow-up but the Bible says that That when we win some with someone to the Lord we could say that they were our child in the faith That's it's a biblical phrase that you could use Obviously if we love our children we're gonna we want to teach them right we don't want them to learn the hard way right I don't want my daughter to learn the hard way about alcohol I want to teach her so she doesn't have to learn the hard way right and if we love our converts We don't want them to learn the hard way either The Bible says in first Timothy 1 2 it says unto Timothy my son my own son in the faith So think about that if we if we treat our converts like our own children. We're gonna care for them We're gonna try to reach out to them and get them to come to church and and and hope that they can learn and and grow But just by conclusion I want to kind of give some steps Of follow-up the first thing I want to cover is when you win them to the Lord You need to immediately talk to them briefly about baptism get just so they already learn what it is They get a basic understanding of it that way when when if they do start coming to church Then they already kind of have a basic idea of it And then you can follow up with them about it later, and maybe they can get baptized but secondly The second decade the next step that you need to do as far as follow-up is To ask them for their address and you say well, how do I get their address? Well, we have new believer packets So it's a good reason to tell them like hey, I want to see you a special package in the mail Is it okay if I had your ad have your address and I'll tell you 99% of the time I've never had anyone say no you can't have my address There was one scenario where a mom said like no, I don't want to hear from you guys ever again I won her son to the Lord on the street, and she was just like Yeah, don't even touch us Type of thing so that was the only scenario. I've ever had it there. I couldn't keep their address But I'll tell you though if you just ask with that reason You'll have success and you'll be able to send back send out a packet But there's another reason why you want to sound out send out a packet and here's why Because you can tell them this be like hey, can I get your number so I can call to make sure you got the package? That's how you get the number right? It's a good reason to get the number, right? I don't think I've ever had a scenario where I couldn't get their number Unless it was like a small child But yeah, that's how you get their number just say hey, I want to send the packet out You should receive it in the next few days, and then you say hey can I have your number so I can call you to make sure you got your your package and And you make sure you write it down write down their name. You know don't forget their name Don't be the soul winner that you just went on to the Lord and you walk down the street. You're like oh crap Come on now if you really love them you need to get their name and write it down But so you guys you got their number you got their address and You talk to them about baptism and if you want them to the Lord on Thursday or even Saturday You know try to get them to come Sunday if they don't come Sunday Then if you have already mailed out the package then a lot of times what I'll do is I'll call them the following Saturday Call them up the following Saturday say hey, you know, did you got the package? Did you receive it? And if they did receive it you'd be like great awesome Glad that you received it and then invite them again to church be like church is coming up tomorrow You know do you want to come tomorrow? Maybe we can have lunch together Sunday afternoon between services something along those lines now if they don't answer then what you could do is just call them the next Saturday and Obviously there does come a point and that's up to opinion I guess when you just got to be like they're not they're not answering on purpose, right? But At that point usually that's after a couple of weeks you could do it Here's another thing that I do if there's special days coming up, even if I haven't called them in a long time I'll call them to invite them to family friend day I actually had somebody come that I want to the Lord like I think it was a year before family the family friend day that I they actually came and I just had them on my phone and I just Called him up they showed up So, yeah That's another reason you want to get their number and get their phone Their address is so that when special days come up just use that and just call every number I did that and and and has success with it So keep a track of all your converts on your phone or on a piece of paper or something and call them for special days Very good reason a good good way to get up in church But yeah, that's that's pretty much the basic outline of it But again, you know if we love them like we'd love our children We will want them to come to church and to learn that way they can be taught all things That the Bible teaches us, but let's pray real quick. Dear Lord. Thank you for this opportunity. We have to go out so many pray that you would fill us with your spirit Lord and help us to do our very best as we go out there and represent you Lord and Give us the words to say and the verses to use Lord and keep us safe in Jesus name. We pray. Amen