(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Hello everybody it's me Alexander Larson with Bible truth 23 back with another video. This is another soul winning tip and today I want to talk about recapping at the end of your gospel presentation. So if you've gone through all of the individual points and it seems like they're understanding it you know they're not arguing about it you've showed them it's clear to them right the fact that everybody's a sinner the fact that we all deserve hell the fact that Jesus is the Son of God and God in the flesh that he died for our sins and rose again that all you have to do is believe in him and once you believe you can never lose your salvation if you've gone through all these things from the Word of God then usually what I do at the end of a gospel presentation is to recap by asking questions and again I try to keep most of them to be open-ended questions like I mentioned in a previous soul winning tip now why do I do this why do I think this is important because sometimes new soul owners will go out and they'll just show them what the Bible says and say okay you believe that and they'll say yeah you know and then they just call upon the name of the Lord with them now in some cases you know that person might actually get saved I'm not saying that that will never work of course it will sometime because some people are being honest but as you probably learn throughout this series and you will learn on your own experiences going out soul winning as well there are a lot of people who just lie or who don't really understand it and they're just saying they understand it there's a lot of people would just agree with you because they just want you to go away you know there's all kinds of scenarios where people will just say that they believe something or understand something when they really don't the best way to show what's actually in their heart is to get them to say what's in their heart as Jesus said out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speak it so you know when you do a recap you know you don't have to say the exact same thing that I do I'm just going to give an example but it's just helpful to ask them these questions and especially ask the questions at the end of what you have to do to be saved after you show them what the Bible says ask them what do you have to do to be saved because again that will really show them or really show you if they're paying attention if they actually believe it because there's been times where I show them that the person I'm preaching to many verses it's only just by faith you don't have to do any works just believe in Jesus it's everlasting life it's very clear right I show them verse after verse and I say okay now I show you what the Bible says what do you have to do to go to heaven and they say I'll be a good person it's like I just showed you like ten verses that say it's only by believing in Jesus and sometimes people will literally say that okay that shows that they didn't get it right so you got to make sure to ask these questions at the end to see if they really got it you see what I mean so usually I ask them are we all perfect or all we all sinners right and again you know sinners right we're all sinners and I asked them and where do we all deserve to go as a punishment for our sins or where would we go without Jesus right if they don't understand the question the first time I asked them well who did God send to save us from our sins right Jesus and I asked them what did Jesus or no I'm before I asked I asked do you believe that Jesus is God and do you believe in the Trinity I say yes right and I ask what did Jesus do to save us or to pay for our sins again if they're paying attention they understand he died for our sins and I asked what happened after three days well Jesus rose from the dead right do you believe that Jesus is the Son of God that he died for your sins and rose again they say yes I'm say okay so now that he did that for you what do you have to do to be saved to go to heaven and again if they're paying attention just believe in Jesus and usually after that I ask is there anything else you have to do or is it just faith alone do you have to be a good person go to church maybe sometimes give examples it's good to give a lot of examples like ask them do you have to do this do you have to do that if at the beginning they were having struggle struggling with understanding the concept of faith alone right some people that eternal security might be the part that they're not understanding but maybe believing alone is is pretty clear so usually I ask them what do you have to do but then another follow-up question of is there anything else because some people will say oh believing but then they don't understand that it's faith alone they think it's believing plus something else there's a lot of people who say even when you knock on their door for the very first time who will just say oh yeah believe in Jesus but then when you ask them well do you have to repent of your sins also they'll say yeah of course you do right because people just say believe just automatically because they know I mean every Christian knows that that's at least what you have to do right but they don't understand that it's only trusting in Jesus you see what I mean so you have to ask them you know what do you have to do to go to heaven and make sure they understand that that is the only thing they have to do to go to heaven don't just leave it at that make sure you ask something like well is there anything else do you have to also repent of your sins do you have to also keep the commandments now that I've shown you what the Bible says again if they understand what you've shown them from the scriptures they'll say no it's just believing in Jesus it's just faith alone right and then use the question I asked after that is will it so if you trust it in Jesus today and you asked him to save you would he save you answer is yes right then I say and once he saves you could you ever lose your salvation or go to hell now I like to add that or go to hell part in there because some people don't really understand what it means to lose salvation so sometimes you should ask something like you know can you ever go to hell once you believe in Jesus is there anything you could ever do to go to hell again you know you should have made that clear when you were going over eternal security as I talked about in the last video but then it's good to ask that question at the end just to make it all kind of like see if they understood everything like I said so once they say no we you know we cannot lose our salvation I don't think there's anything we can do to go to hell once you get to that last question usually I'll ask something like do you see the difference and that's usually if they said that they were sure they were going to heaven before there's some people you come across they'll say when you ask them do you know for sure you're going to heaven when you first come to the door they'll say no I don't know and then you say well can I show you right but some people will say I think I know I'm going to heaven right but then they have the wrong answer for what you have to do to go to heaven right so usually after showing them what the Bible says and doing this recap I'll ask well do you see the difference from what you said before and what you said now right does the button you said originally you have to be a good person right you said originally have to get baptized you said originally you have to turn from your sins or go to church or do something like that do you see that that's not what the Bible says they say yes right that's not what the Bible says so I asked them do you want to believe what you previously thought would your church taught you what you grew up believing or what the Bible says right and in that point they will have to make a choice of whether they're going to go with the Word of God because now that they understand it it's very clear that they understand it you've asked all these questions right you've recapped with them now you want to make sure that they actually believe it okay so if they say well I want to choose to believe the Bible right I say so do you want to trust Jesus today to save you right and if they say yes that's when I lead them in calling in on the name of the Lord and I'll talk about that in a separate soul winning tip so recap at the end is very important to get out of them whether they actually understand it and whether they actually believe it so thank you buddy for watching God bless you and goodbye