(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Hello everybody, it's me Alexander Larson with Bible truth 23 back with another soul winning tip Today, I want to talk about making eternal security clear and this is important And of course eternal security is the last thing you should cover in a gospel presentation Usually so after you explain to them that we're all sinners. We all deserve hell Jesus Christ is the Son of God and God the flesh he died for your sins rose again All you have to do to be saved is believe in him after you explain those things Explain to them that once they believe in Jesus There's nothing they could ever do to lose their salvation But once they're saved they're always saved and the reason why this is important is because the Bible makes it very clear that if somebody Does not believe in this doctrine then they are not saved now We call it eternal security, but the Bible simply calls it eternal life. Okay. It's a shame that people don't know what that means eternal life or the fact the matter is we just live in a society where most people will not understand the concept of eternal or everlasting And the Bible says in 1st John chapter 5 verse 10 he that believeth on the Son of God hath the witness in himself he that believeth not God hath made him a liar because he believeth not the record that God gave of his son and This is the record that God had given to us eternal life and this life is in his son So the Bible tells us very clearly That the record that God has given of his son is that he has given to us eternal life Okay, not will give not we have to work for it not anything else, but he has given to us eternal life Okay, and the Bible says that if somebody does not believe that record Sorry, if you can hear fireworks in the background, it's 4th of July here in America So anyway, what was I saying so anyway So somebody does not believe that record they are making God a liar and they do not believe God according to 1st John chapter 5 verse 10, so This is important to believe. Okay, that's the promise that God has given us the Bible says in 1st, John 2 25 This is the promise that he had promised us even eternal life So if somebody denies that if somebody rejects The the message of eternal life if they think that they could lose their salvation or go to hell then they're not safe So you have to make sure that they understand this and some people will kind of just add like one or two verses maybe at the end not really explained it very well and Leave that person who they've talked to thinking that if they commit a really bad sin They'll go to hell because you don't want to just assume that they're going to understand when you say everlasting life the first time 99% of people won't okay, and I know this because there are some people who have done bad jobs in Explaining eternal security and maybe like a few months later or a few weeks later Maybe even on the spot maybe another person checks that person's salvation Whether they actually understood it and it turns out they didn't actually understand it. Okay, like there's been times where Maybe like one partner will be preaching the gospel and they Close in prayer, you know, they call upon the name of the Lord Announce that person saved and the other partner will step in and say well, what if you were to Go out and kill somebody or even kill yourself then what would happen and the person says well I'd go to hell So that person did not actually get saved because they still think that the way that they live has something to do with them going To heaven so they're not trusting in Jesus alone. So that's why you have to make eternal security very clear Okay, and you have to show them several verses and ask those questions, okay I mentioned this in a few videos earlier of the importance of asking open-ended questions. Don't just say Oh, do you believe you can't lose your salvation though? I mean if you just told them you can't lose your salvation They'll say yeah sure, but when you actually get specific Then that actually shows what they really believe if you say well if somebody believes in Jesus But they go out and they commit a bad sin like killing people or killing themselves or robbing a bank or doing something wrong Like that, you know a big sin that that we shouldn't do, you know, you make that clear to them Then will that person go to heaven, you know, if they're understanding it then they'll say yes because they believed in Jesus, right? so you have to make sure that they actually Understand it and even sometimes use extreme examples like that. You don't have to go over the top With the examples But just as long as they understand that no sin whatsoever can cause them to lose their salvation or go to hell Then they're good But I would recommend definitely Including the question about suicide in there The reason why is because a lot of people out there are Roman Catholics Well, you know Roman Catholicism is the biggest denomination of so-called Christianity in the world They think there's like 1.3 billion Catholics in the world like 25 or something percent population of the US are Catholics So there's a lot of Catholics out there, right and I talked to a lot of Catholics out soul winning But their church teaches them that if you commit suicide You will automatically go to hell because they think that if you commit a sin you have to repent of that sin afterwards So if you don't do a good job of explaining eternal security They might still think that they have to repent after they commit a sin and then they'll keep their salvation They might think that suicide is an unforgivable sin or something like that because there are churches out there that teach that suicide is an Unforgivable sin so you got to make it very clear to them It's not there is nothing you can do once you believe in Jesus to lose your salvation There's nothing you can do to go to hell make it clear that it is a gift and it cannot be taken away Usually what I show them is I show them several verses and then I'll go back to the gift illustration I'll reference back to Romans 6 23 or Ephesians chapter 2 verse 8 the fact that it's a gift and I'll say well You know if I gave this to you as a gift and I said I promised it's eternal I will give it to you forever How many times do I have to give it to you for it to be yours and you know? everybody says well one time just once right because That makes sense, you know, that's obvious right? It's not a process You don't have to keep giving it to them and then I ask well if I come back to you And I take it back for any reason. Let's say you did something really bad Let's say you did something against me and I tried taking the gift back from you Did I keep my promise to give it to you forever? And again if the person is paying attention, they'll say no So I'll say well, what does that make me then if I try to do that? It makes you a liar, right? I'll say well the Bible says in Titus 1 2 in hope of eternal life Which God that cannot lie promised before the world began. So according the Bible can God lie. No, God can't lie So will he ever take your life away? No, how long does your life last for eternity, right? So can you ever lose your salvation and then you can give them example like like I said, you know What if you were to kill somebody what if you were to kill yourself then? Would you go to heaven and again if they believe what the Bible actually says they'll say yes No matter what if somebody believes in Jesus, they're going to heaven. So thank you everybody for watching That's it for today. God bless you and goodbye