(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Alexander Larsen with Bible Truth 23 back with another soul winning tip. Today I want to talk about not wandering off onto other topics okay and this is again something that's important and sometimes I even make this mistake a lot of soul winners make this mistake and it's something we all have to work on not getting one or not getting carried away with talking about other things besides the gospel. Now sometimes there is a place for talking about other things than the main points of that the we are sinners we deserve how Jesus is the Son of God and God in the flesh he died for us he rose again all you have to do is just believe in him and once you're saved you're always saved you know those are the main points sometimes there's other things you might have to spend a little bit more time on because maybe it's a hindrance to them getting saved maybe it's a maybe it's some really specific topic like maybe you mentioned the virgin birth you know you say well Jesus was sent by God the Father into this world he was born of the Virgin Mary maybe they don't believe that you could spend a little bit more time explaining that from the Bible but there's sometimes when you come across people who just want to talk about whatever or just want to talk about other subjects in the Bible who might even have questions that are decent questions are good questions but it's just not relevant to the situation and you'll want to you know I mentioned the last one that time is important and it is gonna take some time for some people to understand the gospel but you don't want to waste that time just talking about other doctrines you have to remember that the Bible says the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God for it is foolishness unto him neither can he know them for they are spiritually discerned so the things of God that are in the Bible cannot be understood by the natural man who has not been regenerated so there's a lot of doctrines a lot of more meteor doctrines that are taught in the Bible that some people just aren't going to understand unless they are saved first and have the Spirit of God which Jesus said would guide us into all truth so we have to understand that and not try to preach to them all these other doctrines which would be taught after they actually get saved so let me just give an example you know there is a time when I went out soul wanting and there was a guy I came across and he was a flat earther and all he wanted to talk about was the shape of the earth now you know that's something that might be interesting to talk about in just another setting but I'm out there preaching the gospel I don't have time to argue with him about this subject so if he doesn't want to talk about the gospel he just wants to talk to me about how he thinks the earth is flat I'm not going to listen because we're there to preach the gospel so that's why you don't want to get off on another tangent you don't want to talk about another subject okay now if they ask a question don't you know just shut it down or you know sometimes there are stupid questions people will ask sometimes I don't even know how to respond I'll just could just keep talking just keep going through the gospel and just ignore them but sometimes people like I said do ask legitimate questions about something in the Bible and but sometimes it's just better to say that's a great question we'll save that to the end let me just show you this first and I'll answer your question later okay or any other questions you might have that is a good tactic to use when you go soul winning because people are gonna ask other questions a lot of people are just curious about maybe they're curious about what you have to say about salvation because they're just curious about the Bible in general I've had people just ask me about the devil and who the devil is and his story and his you know what his fate is people ask about the rapture about the end times things like that it's like these are good subjects to talk about maybe people have interesting questions but you want to make it clear to them you know I want to show you how to be safe first and then we'll answer any other questions later so don't spend your time talking about other things and even sometimes you know you might get the whole gospel and they might even forget about that question they'd ask or that other subject you'd brought up sometimes they might still ask about it and then you know they're saved now and it's not just our job to get people saved it's also our job to disciple people because Jesus said to teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father the Son the Holy Ghost and to teach them all things whatsoever I have commanded you right in Matthew chapter 28 so the Great Commission is not just about going and preaching the gospel but it's also about teaching them to observe all things that Christ has commanded so we want new converts to learn the Bible so if somebody does get saved okay and they want to talk about something and they want to ask about something in the Bible then it is entirely appropriate to show them what the Bible says about another subject but you want to say that till after the gospel presentation until after they get saved because they can't understand in the first place and you know the time is precious you want this person to be saved you don't want them to be distracted from you know what you've already told them because you know in the parable of the sower Jesus talks about how the sower that's so with the word you know there are some people who the seed is planted in their heart but then the devil comes and he takes it away so there are some people who have that seed in their heart but the devil takes it away they forget what the scripture says right so you don't want that to happen you don't want to waste your time talking about other things you want to make sure the message of Jesus Christ and what he did for us is fresh in their mind and just it'll flow naturally if you just continue preaching about that so if they try to break it with another subject just say just say I'll save that to later we'll talk about that later but right now I want you to make sure you know for sure you're going to heaven so now that's it for today thank you everybody for watching God bless you and goodbye