(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) The best way to learn how to go soul winning is of course to go soul winning. You know sitting and listening to a sermon about soul winning isn't going to teach you how to do it. What you need to do is show up to a soul winning time and go out there and try it. And honestly the way that you start is just by being a silent partner. And all you do is just show up and you're paired up with an experienced soul winner and you go with that person and you learn the ropes from them. That's how I learned soul winning. I mean I remember the first time I ever went soul winning I was 17 years old. And I'd been saved since I was six years old but I'd never been soul winning before. But going out soul winning for the first time involved me just being paired up with a guy who was actually the pastor's brother-in-law. And we spent a couple hours out there knocking doors. And I just watched and I observed him knocking on doors and giving people the gospel. And he was doing a great job and I learned a lot of things from him. And a couple hours into it I said hey let me get the next door. He didn't realize I'd never been soul winning before. This was my very first time. And I was about two hours into this thing with him I said let me get the next door I want to try this. And I was really nervous of course. I knocked on the door and a little child came to the door like a girl that was maybe I don't know I don't remember how old she was maybe like 11, 12 years old or something. And I talked to this girl gave her an invitation to church her parent was there. And I basically didn't have an opportunity to give them the gospel but I was able to invite them to church and actually they actually came to church the next day the little girl got saved at church someone else wanted the Lord. So I was pretty excited about that. I wasn't really ready probably to go through the whole gospel with somebody after being out soul winning for only two hours. But I knew how to do the first part. And I was actually going to just knock the door and if they said yes to hearing the gospel I would have just turned it over to my soul winning partner. And that's how some people get started too. First they just kind of go out as a soul winning partner just silent partner for weeks or even months then they might get to the point where they start you know the conversation and then might pass it off to their soul winning partner to finish it and then they eventually get to the point where they can do the whole thing themselves. So you don't have to feel any pressure that oh if I show up at the soul winning time I'm going to be forced to just go out and just know what I'm doing. No no no you just show up and how hard is it to just follow somebody around and just watch what they do. And obviously as the silent partner you should be praying in your heart for the people that are hearing the gospel. The silent partner also has the function of just providing fellowship just providing camaraderie just providing you know just conversation between doors. Also any distractions that come up you're there and might you know pet the dog or run interference on this distraction or that. It's really not that hard. And you know Pastor David Burzins who's pastoring up in Prescott Valley right now and of course now he's a very confident soul winner he's the pastor of a church he spent hundreds of hours out soul winning he's very effective at it. But I remember when he first started so when he was a silent partner for I believe two or three months just coming week after week as my silent partner. And then he said you know for a New Year's resolution he said I'm going to start doing the talking right. And then he finally stepped out and started doing the talking and the rest is history. So it's that's how you learn soul winning you know you learn by getting out there and doing it.