(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Matthew Stuckey here with a basic soul winning tip and the soul winning tip we have in this video is to have a plan with what you're doing. You know when I first started giving the gospel to people I didn't really have an idea of what verses I wanted to use or where to go after I finish each verse or what explanation. It was kind of just a random of this and that and the other and I could have gotten a lot more people saved if I actually had a plan and I had never really been properly trained and I think the best way to be trained is to use a demonstration. Now in the description in this video we have a couple demonstrations one from our own channel and also the one that I used when I first started to really understand how to give the gospel successfully from Pastor Steven Anderson and you can use that as your template to use when you're preaching the gospel. Now once you become more advanced to giving the gospel you know you can kind of make your soul winning your own kind of make it unique to you what feels comfortable to you but I would recommend when you first start out to just pick one demonstration and use that as your template. So we have a couple here in the description below and that's your soul winning tip today just to use a basic demonstration and have a plan of action of what you want to do.